Every Other Day Union; Feb. 20, 1900
Elijah J. Steward
Elijah J. Steward died at the home of his son, Frank Steward, west of Garrison, Saturday, Feb. 10. He came to Iowa in 1842 with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Urice. He was a veteran of the civil war, serving in company G, Fifth Iowa. He leaves nine children to mourn.
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Blairstown Press; July 8, 1921
Harley E. Steward
The following with regard to Harley E. Seward is clipped from an exchange. He was the eldest son of Mrs. Thos. E. Coover, his father having preceded him in death. He is survived by his mother and one brother, Ira V. Seward, of Chicago and a half-sister, Mrs. C. M. Carter.
“Harley E. Seward was born in Blairstown, Ia., Dec. 27, 1891 and died at Mason City, June 19, 1921, aged 30 years, 6 months and 15 days.
He was married on Dec. 24, 1912 to Iva S. Tucker and to this union five children were born, Beatrice, Edna, Kenneth, Harold and Raymond, all of whom survive him, except Harold who died two years ago. He leaves his wife and 4 children, a mother and brother, Ira, and three half-brothers and 4 half-sisters to mourn his loss. He was a loving husband and a most affectionate father. He was a man, who, in the words of the scripture “did unto others as he would want to be done by,” and this is the universal expression of all who came in contact with him. To know him was to like him.
The funeral was held at the M. E. church at Hansell, the Rev. Starr conducting the services. Burial was at the Harlan Cemetery.”
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Cedar Valley Daily Times; September 7, 1921
Irene Steward
Irene Roll Steward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Roll was born April 6, 1899, and died August 30, 1921, aged 22 years, 4 months and 24 days. She spent her entire life in the vicinity of Shellsburg.
She graduated from Shellsburg high school in 1916 and was a student at Iowa State Teacher's College at Cedar Falls. She taught three years near her home.
In November 1913, she united with the Oak Grove Christian Church and was ever a faithful member. Her favorite verses of scripture and motto through life were Jno 14:1-2; "Let not your heart be troubled; Ye believe in God belive also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would told you" Her love for these verses was proved by her patience and cheerfulness during her illness.
On December 31. 1919, she was united to Chas C. Steward. To this union one child was born, Clyde Roland. She leaves to mourn her death: her father, mother, husband, little son, one sister Letta of Shellsburg and one brother Clifford of Urbana. One sister and a little brother preceded her in death.
Funeral service were held at the Oak Grove Christian Church last Thursday afternoon conducted by the Rev. Lafe Hoff of Keosauqua, Iowa. Interment in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.
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