Waterloo Daily Courier; Mardh 12, 1946
George Thomas Stauffer
Garrison - George Thomas Stauffer, 70, Sunday night at his home in Garrison of old age complications; had been a depot agent at Garrison and was also a former postmaster; born Oct. 24, 1875, near Blairstown, to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Stauffer; on Jan. 1, 1903, he was married at Garrison to Anna Mealhouse; member of Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges of Garrison and Masonic lodge of Vinton; leaves widow, son, Roy, Des Moines; a sister, Mrs. Winfield Sink, Robinsdale, Minn., and a brother, Oran Stauffer, of Minneapolis, Minn.; one daughter and a brother preceded him in death; funeral, at the Alcorn-Miller funeral home in Vinton Wednesday at 2 p. m.; burial in Garrison cemetery.
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Blairstown Press; July 28, 1927
Mrs. James Sauffer Called By Death
Mary Ann Stauffer
Resident of Benton County for More Than Fifty Years
Mrs. James Stauffer, 87 years of age, and a resident of Blairstown for more than 50 years, and one of the dearly beloved women passed away at her home here, Tuesday morning at 4:50 o'clock.
Mary Ann McCoy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCoy, was born December 7, 1840, at Westchester County, Penn., and died at her home in Blairstown, Ia., July 26, 1927, at the age of 87 years, seven months and 19 days.
Mr. and Mrs. Stauffer lived for some time in Delaware , coming to Iowa in 1877. They moved to the present home 50 years ago. Mrs. Stauffer was a member of the Blairstown Presbyterian church for many years, and also a member of the Rebecca lodge for 50 years, her membership being transferred to the Belle Plaine chapter many years ago.
Mrs. Stauffer had been in poor health for many years, yet she never complained. Six months ago she suffered a broken hip but had recovered sufficient to be about in a wheel chair, and seemed to be getting along so well considering her age, when on Saturday she suffered with strangulation of the bowel and peritonitis, which caused her death, Tuesday. She was very patient in affliction, always cheerful and happy. She had a kind and loving disposition and made may friends, who will mourn her loss. She will be greatly missed by her husband, with whom she has lived for 57 years. In her home was always a welcome to her friends and they were always greeted with a smile.
Her life was measured in deeds of worth, in golden thoughts of tolerance and kindness, in words of charity for forbearance. Her last illness was an example of patience, fortitude and Christian resignation to the Creator at whose will she came and whose Devine bidding she left to receive as the reward of such a life, the crown of imperishable light.
Funeral services were held at the home, Thrusday, July 28, at 2 o'clock and were conducted by Rev. J. C. B. Peek, pastor of the local Presbyterian church. Mrs. Alta Edwards sang: "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." Pallbearers were: Theodore Wiel, Guss Thorman, William and Henry Frantzman, Leo Nieland and John Shinn. Burial was made in the family lot in Pleasant Hill cemetery. The Rebecca lodge of Belle Plaine had charge of the services at the grave.
Those who attended the funeral from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Aelrean Trout and daughter, Lillian, of Cedar Rapids; J. C. Trout, of Muscatine; Mrs. H. A. Stevens, of Cedar Rapids, sister of Mrs. Stauffer, John Stauffer, of Marengo, and Geo. Stauffer and family, of Garrison.
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