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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Waterloo Daily Courier; Deember 5, 1944
Vinton Soldier Is Killed in Germany
Harold Stahr

Vinton, Ia. — Mrs. Frank Stahr of Vinton Monday received a telegram from the war department announcing the death in action of her only son, Pfc Harold, in Germany Nov. 17.

Frank Stahr, father of Harold, is a machinist first class in the navy. A veteran of the first World war, he is believed to he stationed somewhere in the Pacific.

Private Harold Stahr had been in the army for about a year and a half. He was an infantryman. The last letter his mother received from him was dated Nov. 8. He entered the army Feb. 26, 1943, and was in ASTP school until April, 1944, when he was transferred to the infantry. He landed in France Sept. 9.

Private Stahr was born Aug. 28. 1923, and was graduated from Vinton high school in 1941. He finished scholasticaliy second in his large high school class.

Surviving besides his parents is a sister, Mrs. Ned Bloss of Vinton.

Private Stahl is the 11th Vinton service man killed since the United States entered the war.

{Submitter comment: not related - newspaper extract}
Submitted on Aug, 20 2005 by
John Shuck,

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