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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

November 29,1971
Mrs Anna Schlotterbeck dies at age 100
Anna Schlotterbeck

ATKINS- Mrs. Anna Schlotterbeck, 100, Atkins'oldest citizen, died Sunday morning at the Lutheran Home for the Aged in Vinton.. She was born August 15, 1871 on a farm southwest of Atkins, a daughter of Fred and Sophia Wilhelm, and was married May 23, 1888 to Charles C. Schlotterbeck. They farmed near Atkins until moving to town in 1916.

Surviving are nine grandchildren, 35 great-grandchildren and 16 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband and two sons, George and Fred.

Funeral services are pending at Turners in Cedar Rapids.

{Submitter comment: This was sent to me as a copy of a clipping when I started researching the Schlotterbeck family. I believe Charles C Schlotterbeck is the nephew of my great great grandfather Charles F Schlotterbeck.}
Submitted on Sun Jul 20 17:50:50 2003 by
Suzanne Judd,

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Special to Daily Times; December 21, 1940
Ex-Atkins Woman Is Dead at Manly
Cora Wendel Schlotterback

Mrs. Cora Schlotterback, a former resident of Atkins, died Dec 20 at her home at Manly after a long illness. Funeral Services will be held Monday at the Presbyterian church here at 2 pm with burial in the Raetz cemetery.

Deceased was born Dec 25, 1868 and lived here until 30 years ago . She was married to Jacob Schlotterback who died in 1918. Surviving are five children: Mrs Mae Kelly and Homer of Manly; Raymond of Grinnell; Louie of Cedar Rapids and Fred of Silves, Ill : eight grandchildren, a brother, Henry Wendel, and two sisters, Mrs Alice Raetz and Martha Wendel all of Atkins.

{Submitter comment: She was my great grandmother.}
Submitted on Aug 21, 2004 by
Suzanne Judd,

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