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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Benton County Times; July 26, 1912
MRS. JAMES McVAY IS CALLED HOME. Old Resident of County Passes Away-Was a Patient Sufferer for Seventeen Years.
Ella McVay

Mrs. James McVay of this city, passed away this morning at 10:30 O'clock. She has been failing for several weeks and her death had been looked for at any time. She would have been 62 years of years the 20 of next month.

Mrs.McVay had been an invalid for 17 years, suffering from a form of tuberculosis of the bone and flesh. Of a quiet, patient temperament, she had borne her sufferings without complaint. She was a noble Christian woman and but for her faith in a future where suffering and pain are unknown, could never have borne her afflictions with such fortitude and patience.

The funeral will be held from Mt. Pleasant at 11 o'clock Sunday morning.


Mrs. McVay was born in New York state, August 20, 1850. When but a small child her parents came to Iowa. Following her marriage, she lived on a farm in Linn County for 20 years. Then she and her husband bought a farm in Benton Township, this county. Here another 20 of her life was spent. About eight years ago they moved on a fruit farm just outside the city limits of Vinton and made their home there until the last years, when they moved into town.

Surviving Relatives.

Besides the husband, Mrs. McVay is survived by an adopted daughter, Mrs. Goldie Rambo, who lives near Center Point. An Adopted son, Chas. McVay, was drowned about three years at Muscatine, Ia. Of her immediate family there are one brother and three sisters. The brother Stacy H. Freeman, lives at Harris, Kansas. The three sisters, Mrs. M. B. King, Mrs. Ida F. Wilt, and Mrs. A.E. Daugherty, are resident of Benton County, living near Shellsburg.

Submitted on 30-Aug-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Canton Township Man Breathes Last
George Mc Vay

Geo. McVay Passed Away Saturday Morning at Home in shellsburg was Early Settler

Geo. McVay, a well known man of Shellsburg and a pioneer settler of Benton county, died Saturday morning following an illness of a number of months from cancer of the stomach. His condition had been very low the two weeks prior to his death and the family knew that the end was near.

Funeral services were held from the Shellsburg Baptist church at 11 O'clock yesterday morning Many relatives and friends gathered at the service to extend a last tribute of respect to the deceased.

Mr. McVay was seventy years of age at the time of his death. He came to Benton county many years ago and settled on a farm north of the place. Upon retiring from the farm Mr. and Mrs. McVay took up their residence in Shellsburg. About a year ago Mr. McVay's health began to fail and although every effort was made to stop the disease, there was no help for the sufferer. During the later part of the summer he became so much worse that the children were sent for and it did not seem possible that he could survive. But he took a change for the better and got up and around again.

Mr. Mc Vay was a good citizen of Benton county and his influence was always for the betterment of the community in which he resided. He was a cousin of James McVay of this city, who with Mrs. McVay attended the funeral yesterday.

The survivng members of his family are the wife and three children one son and two daughters. The son, William, resides in Kentucky and the daughters, Mrs. Wilcox lives in Minnesota and Mrs. Ina Donels is a resident of near Shellsburg.

Another article on George Mc Vay

G.W. McVay passed away at his home Saturday afternoon after a lingering illness of nearly a year, during which he did not suffer greatly until the last three months. He was sixty-nine years, one month and twelve days old at the time of his death. He leaves a wife,two daughters and one son, three brothers and two sisters to mouron his departure, besides other relatives and friends. He had been a faithful member of the Oak Grove church for years, a good neighbor and was always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need of help.Funeral services were held at the Baptich church Monday at eleven o'clock. Services were conducted by Rev. O.M. Johnson of Central City, who is now pastor of Oak Grove church. The I.O.O.F. attended in a body and also assisted in the services.

Submitted on 05-Oct-2011 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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Cedar Valley Daily Times; February 23, 1940
James A. M'Vay to Be Buried Sunday After Rites Here
James A. McVay

Funeral services for James A. McVay who died yesterday at the Iowa Odd Fellows home in Mason City will be held at the Church of Christ here Sunday at 2:45 p.m. with Rev. S. R. Wall. These services will follow a short prayer at the Alcorn & Holland funeral home. Burial will be in the Mt. Pleasant cemetery. The Odd Fellows will also assist in the services.

Mr.MrVay, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McVay was born in Ohio, 90 years ago last Janaury 17. He first married Ella Freeman and they adopted two children, both of whom are deceased. After the death of his first wife he married Mrs. Jane Beachler, who also preceded him in death. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Emily Wright,Palo and Mrs. Clara Elson, Daytona Beach, Florida; three grandchildren, Carl Rambo, Vinton; Mrs. John Zahn, Shellsburg, and Mrs. McCannon, Waterloo. There are also several great grandchildren. The deceased had lived here 35 years prior to entering the Odd Fellows home at Mason City. Beside his lodge he was a member of the Church of Christ.

Submitted on 31-Aug-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Vinton Review; November 28, 1918
Mrs. Geo McVay
Lucinda McVay

Lucinda Rife, daughter of John and Mary Rife, was born in Indiana December 20, 1851, and died at her home in Shellsburg Tuesday November 19, 1918. She was married to Geo. McVay March 23, 1869. Four children were born to this union as follows: Mrs. Myra Wilcox, Senjen, Minn., Charles Elmer, who died in infancy; Will, whose present address is unknown, and Mrs. Inez Donels of Shellsburg.

Mrs. McVay became a christian at Oak Grove and under the preaching of Brother McConnell, in 1885. She has four brothers and two sisters. John Rife of Utah, Jesse Rife of Crete, Neb., A.K. and James of Shellsburg, Mrs. Mary Strawn of Waterloo, and Mrs. Dora Sherwood of Medira, California. Two brothers Simon and Wiliam Rife, and one sister Mrs. Eliza Stookey, proceded her in death.

She is survived by 17 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildren.

Mr. McVay passed away a few years ago. Mrs. McVay had spent most of her life in and near Shellsburg and a host of friends will miss her, as she was a friend to all. Through having been ailing many years and a great sufferer, she was very patient. Her illness covered several weeks. Mrs. Strawn and her sister cared for her patiently and lovingly, knowing she would not be with them long, and the patient hoped and prayed to go. She said many times she was ready and waiting.

The funeral was held at the Baptist church Thursday, November 21, conducted by Rev. Lafe Hoff, assisted by Rev. Chas Bryden. Interment was in the Shellsburg Cemetery. The floral offerings were beautiful.

Five nephews acted as pall bearers, Lester McVay of Center Point, Everett McVay, Palo, Clifford McVay, Cedar Rapids, James Strawn, Waterloo, Ben Strawn, Toledo, and Sam Stookey, Shellsburg.

Submitted on 29-Aug-2010 by
Martha Long,

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