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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Waterloo Daily Courier; Friday, October 6, 1950
Luzerne Boy Killed in Korea
Marlyn D. Kuester

Vinton, la. — Pfc. Marlyn D. Kuester, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Kuester of Luzerne, is the second Benton county youth to die of wounds received in the Korean war. A wire from the acting marine corps commandant brought the word to his parents this week.

Maj. Gen. M. H. Silverthorn reported to Mr. and Mrs. Kuester by telegram that their son died Sept. 15, and that word would be sent later regarding his burial.

Young Kuester enlisted last February in the marines and received his boot training at San Diego, Cal. During part of March he was home on leave.

Private Kuester was a machine gunner in a rifle company, and was with the Fifth division at the time he was wounded. He left this country with the First division.

He is survived by his parents, four brothers and four sisters: Willis, Gerald and Dale, Luzerne; Eldo, Clearwater. Cal.; Lois and Ardith at home; Mrs. Lyle Hoyt, Belle Plaine, and Mrs. Francis Kimm, Coralville. la.

{Submitter comment: Not related}
Submitted on Feb 5, 2006 by
John Shuck,

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