The Eagle; 18 July 1893
Harriett L. Storrs
Harriet Lemira Storrs
Harriett L. Storrs -Was born in West Randolph, Vermont Oct. 31st, 1818 and died in Wilson, Kansas, July 12th, 1893, her age therefore being 75 years. Her remains were brought to Vinton for burial in Evergreen cemetery. The funeral services were held at the residence of her son Egbert, and were conducted by Dr. Clinton, assisted by Revs. Cobb, Avery and Keagle.
The deceased was married to Isaac Osman George, Dec. 1st. 1836 at the age of 18 in West Randolph. To them were born 18 children, 13 of whom are living. The husband departed this life Aug 25, 1888.
After living in West Randolph one year after their marriage herself and husband moved to Jay, Essex county, N. Y. where they resided until 1870 when they and their family came to Benton County and settled in Eden township which has been their home principally since.
Mrs. George was converted when young and joined the Methodist church in Randolph, and remained a faithful and working member until her death.
The family will have the sympathy of their many friends in this county.
{Submitter comment: Her name spelled Harriet and Husband's middle name was Oswin}
The Vinton Eagle; Friday, 31 Aug 1888
Death of Isaac Osman George
Isaac Oswin George
Died at his home in Eden, Benton County, Iowa, August 25, 1888. Was born in Plattsburgh, N.Y. on the old military encampment, July 6, 1815. He was married to Harriet L. Storrs December 1, 1836 at Randolph, Vermont, removing the following year to Jay, Essex County, N.Y., where they lived until the year 1870 when they came to Benton County, Iowa, where they have since resided.
He was the father of eighteen children, thirteen of whom together with his widow, a brother and a sister and a large concourse of friends are left to mourn his loss.
Father George identified himself with the Methodist Episcopal church at the age of 16 years remaining in that relationship as an active member until the Lord called him to the church triumphant.
He was from the date of his conversion an earnest worker in the church, always ready to aid in all phases of church work. In Sunday-school he was ever present as a teacher and pupil and with his store of divine knowledge made himself a power in the class room. Father George attended prayer meeting with equal zeal, always having something new and strengthening to give the hungering souls who loved to hear his earnest exhortations. The last Sabbath he spent on earth was in the Lord's house taking unusual interest in the Sunday-school lesson and hearing the preached word, the close of the day being spent in visiting the sick. In his death the church has lost a strong pillar, the community a worthy citizen and the family a kind and affectionate husband and a loving father. His only surviving brother from Minneapolis and most of the children residing in the west arrived in time for the funeral services which were held August 28 in the M.E. church in Vinton, and conducted by Rev. N.A. Mershon, his pastor, assisted by Revs. Keagle, Avery and Smith.
His remains were laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery to await the resurrection of the just. N.A.M.
{Submitter comment: His real name was Isaac Oswin George}
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