The Vinton Eagle; Apr 26 and Apr 29, 1921
A. T. Edwards Died Yesterday Afternoon
Albert Thornton Edwards
A. T. Edwards, a pioneer resident of this vicinity, passed away yesterday afternoon about 2:30 o'clock at the family home on East 8th street. His death followed an illness dating from the fall of 1917, when he suffered a stroke of paralysis. Since that time he had been helpless the greater part of the time, and required constant care and attention. For the past several weeks his death had been momentarily expected, and the children have been at home the greater part of the time.
Funeral services will be held at the family home Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. W. D. Crewdson, paster of the Christian church, and interment will be in Evergreen cemetery.
An obituary of Mr. Edwards will be published in our next issue.
Albert T. Edwards was born in Brown county, Ohio, Sept. 2, 1840. He was the eleventh child of a family of thirteen, all of whom lived to be married except the youngest, who died when ten years old. There is a sister living, the Rev. Margaret Wallace of Fullerton, Neb. Mrs. Wallace was with her brother during the last five weeks of his illness. Mr. Edwards was converted and joined the Church of Christ when seventeen years old. He was a member of this church the remaining years of his life.
During the war Mr. Edwards volunteered his services to his country, and enlisted as a private in Sept. 10, 1862 at Batavia, Ohio. He served in Company D, 7th regiment, Ohio Volunteer cavalry. He was mustered into the division on October 30, 1862 at Batavia, and received his honorable discharge on July 3, 1865.
Mr. Edwards was married to Martha J. Brewer, August 24, 1865, at Greenwood, Johnson county, Indiana. For over fifty-five years Mr. and Mrs. Edwards have lived happily together. To this union eleven children were born. Two children preceded the father in death. Everett, eight years old and Ernest at the age of seven months.
The surviving children are Mrs. S. T. Whipple, Mrs. O. C. Spaulding and W. A. Edwards of Vinton, Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Hazleton, Ia., Mrs. H. H. Scott and Mrs. John Tumulty, Shellsburg, Mrs T. G. McNamee of Waterloo, Mrs. Geo. Reichard of Marion, and Mrs. Earl Race of Cedar Rapids. There are also a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren.
All the children were at the bedside of the father during the last weeks of his illness, and with the wife, sister, son and daughter-in-law did all they could to make his last days as comfortable as it was possible for him to be. Mr. Edwards was stricken with paralysis nearly four years ago. He had not been able to walk since that time, and was a great sufferer for many weeks prior to his death. With christian fortitude he bore it all with patience and cheerfulness. He never complained. His mind was clear to the last and he bade all members of his family good bye. He longed to go and be at rest, but waited patiently until the Lord was ready to release him from his sufferings.
Mr. Edwards leaves a host of relatives to mourn, but their loss is his gain. We praise the Lord for the promise of a home in heaven where we can meet those whose robes have been washed in the blood of the Lamb.
Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. The sermon was delivered by his pastor, Rev. W. D. Crewdson, prayer by Rev. Margaret Wallace, of Fullerton, Nebr., a song service by the choir of the Church of Christ. The pall bearers were members of the G.A.R. The large attendence and the abundant supply of beautiful flowers sent by friends, children, grandchildren and the sister, showed the esteem in which the deceased was held. The body was laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery.
Submitter comment: Albert Thornton Edwards, long-time resident of Taylor Twp., came to Benton County from Brown County, OH following Civil War service.
Martha Jane Edwards
Martha Jane Brewer was born in Greenwood, Ind., Nov. 8, 1846. She was the second child of David & Clarinda Brewer.
August 24, 1885 [typo - actual year was 1865], she was married to Albert Thornton Edwards of Russelville, Ohio. To them were born eleven children, two of whom died in childhood. Those surviving are Mrs. Anna C. Whipple, Mrs. O.C. Spalding and Walter A.Edwards, of Vinton; Mrs. Kate Johnson of Winthrop, Mrs. Hiram Scott and Mrs. Ethel Tumilty of Shellsburg, Mrs. Theo McNamee of Waterloo, Mrs. George Reichard of Marion, and Mrs. Earle Race of Seattle, Wash.
Mrs. Edwards is also survived by two sisters and one brother, Mrs. J.C. Sebern, Mrs. Cornelia Sheeley and W.W. Brewer, all of Vinton. There are a number of grandchildren & great grandchildren.
Early in life Mrs. Edwards joined the Presbyterian church. Later she attended the Church of Christ. Mrs. Edwards was familiarly known in Vinton as Grandmother Edwards. She lived a long and useful life. After the death of her husband she lived alone. Until recently she was able to do her own work and care for herself. In her interests were centered in her home, family and church. She leaves to her children a life spent in service for others.
{Submitter comment: Martha Jane Brewer Edwards died on Jan. 8, 1929}
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