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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Cedar Rapids Gazette; December 22, 1926
Former Vinton Woman Dead In California
Eliza Edmonds

Special to the Gazette. Vinton-December 22-Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Eliza B. Edmonds, which occurred at her home in Long Beach, California, Monday of last week. Funeral services were held on Thursday and in the spring the body will be brought to Vinton for burial in the Pratt Creek Cemetery northwest of town.

Mrs. Edmonds was 86 years old, and was the widow of S.M. Edmonds, one of the pioneer residents of this vicinity. About 13 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds moved to California, where Mr. Edmonds death occurred several years ago.

Mrs. Edmonds death was due to the ailments of age, but was hastened by a fall suffered about six weeks ago.

Mrs. Edmonds is survived by one step-son in California and a grandson Glenn Edmonds, lives in Vinton.

Submitted on 29-Jun-2010 by
Martha Long,

Cedar Valley Times; May 12, 1927
Burial Mrs. Edmon Country Cemetery
Eliza Edmond

The body of Mrs. Eliza B. Edmond, widow of Samuel Edmond, which arrived last month from Long Beach, California will be interred in the Pratt Creek Cemetery Friday Afternoon. The Rev. E.S. Hudson will conduct short services at the grave at 2:00 P.M. Mrs. Edmond died during the winter. Burial has been delayed on account of road conditions. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond formerly farmed near Vinton and lived in town many years before going to California.

{Submitter comment: name spelled Edmonds in 1926 obituary and Edmond in 1927}

Submitted on 29-Jun-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Vinton Eagle; April 20, 1915
Samuel Mason Edmond

Samuel Mason Edmond was born in New York City, February 3, 1826, and passed to his reward January 24, 1915, at his late home 233 West 7th Street, Long Beach, California, at the age of 78 years, 11 months, and 10 days.

Mr. Edmond has been a soldier of the cross from his youth, being a member of the Presbyterian church. He was also a veteran of the Civil War from '62 to '65. He enlisted at Tittusville, Pa., in Co. D, 18th Cavalry and saw long and arduous service in the army of the Potomac.

On January 3rd, 1864, he was captured by six of Mosby's guerillas and was sent to Richmond where he was placed in Libby prison and after two days was sent to Belle Island remaining there until May 2, 1864, when he was paroled, then serving with his regiment until the end of the war.

In 1876 he came to Benton County, buying a farm in Jackson towhship, where he lived until 25 years ago when he moved to Vinton, Iowa going from there to Long Beach, California, four years ago.

Mr. Edmond was twice married, First to Miss Rebecca St. Clair, who died in Benton County, August 30, 1879, leaving three children, John, Essabelle and Albert. The daughter died October 1, 1886.

For his second wife he married Miss Eliza B. Curry. Besides his wife he leaves to mourn, his two sons John A. of Vinton and Albert H. of Long Beach, California, five grandchildren and one great grandchild, three sisters, Mrs. Nancy Reynolds of Vinton, Mrs. Anna Simmons of LaPorte City, Mrs. Mary Bittels of Waterford, Pa., and one brother Robert, of Kansas City.

Funeral services will be held Thursday April 22nd at 1 o'clock at the Presbyterian church conducted by Rev. P. Marion Simms. Interment at Pratt Creek Cemetery.

Submitted on 29-Jun-2010 by
Martha Long,

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