The Belle Plaine Union and Herald; Thursday, September 9, 1920
GUSTAVE DIRR DIED MONDAY Death Came In Cedar Rapids Where He Had Laid Five Weeks Following Operation. Was Prominent Odd Fellow.
Gustave Dirr
Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock in St. Lukes hospital at Cedar Rapids, Gustave Dirr passed away, where he had been confined following an operation performed five weeks previously. His condition had been critical for several days and grave fears had been expressed by those close to him, as to his ultimate recovery. The body was brought to this city the evening of his death.
Mr. Dirr had been a resident of this community for thirty two years, having come here from Chicago in his young manhood. For a number of years he conducted successfully a meat market here. For two years he served as deputy sheriff of Benton county, was for two years day, and for three years, night marshal of Belle Plaine, serving in each capacity with fidelity to the public.
The funeral was held from the home Wednesday afternoon and was under the auspices of the Odd Fellows, of which order he had long been a prominent member in all its branches. The Rev. Robert Tipton, pastor of the First Congregational Church delivered the funeral address and the Odd Fellow services were conducted. Owing to the inability of a brother to arrive from Indiana the body was temporarily placed in the mausoleum. The brother arrived Thursday morning and the body was placed in its final resting place following his arrival.
Gustave Dirr was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Dirr and was born on January 11th, 1859 in Chicago, Illinois, and passed away at Cedar Rapids Iowa on September 6th at the age of 61 years, 7 months and 27 days. He grew to manhood in Chicago and on September 18th, 1884 was united in marriage to Bertha Matties of West Bend, Wisconsin. To them there were born two children, a son who died in infancy and a daughter, Mrs. Etta Unruh of Wecota, S.D. Thirty two years ago the family came here from Chicago and have since made their home here. Besides the daughter, Mr. Dirr is survived by his wife, his aged mother, one brother and two grandchildren.
Mr. Dirr was an excellent citizen and had the confidence and respect of those with whom he had dealings. He was well liked and held in the highest esteem, especially in Odd Fellow circles where he had long been active and a prominent member. He had for years held membership in the German Lutheran Church.
The daughter, Mrs. Unruh and children were here for the funeral.
{Submitter comment: submitted by volunteer - no family relation}
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