Benton County Times; March 14, 1907
Edmond Cokely
Simple living resulting in the prolongation of life and its exemplification in case of Edmond Cokely who demise occurred at the advanced age of over ninety-one years Thursday, March 7th.
He was born in Virginia near the Potomac river November 3, 1815. He was married to Eliza Wagner in 1838 and very soon thereafter removed to the vicinity of Harrisville, West Virginia. He came to Benton County in 1860. By a life of thrift and industry and a course of honorable dealing he built up a large estate consisting mostly of land in this and other states.
The chidren surviving him are Jonathan Cokely who lives on the same place west of Vinton, and Mrs. Martha Eicke of Flandreau, South Dakota. Beside these there are a large numer of grandchildren and great grandchildren. He was a man of quiet disposition and strict integrity. The funeral services occurred at the Garrison Carlisle Grove church and the remains were laid in the cemetery near by.
Vinton Eagle; March 15, 1882
Eliza E. Cokely
COKELY-Eliza E. Cokely of diabetes melites, at her residence, in Jackson township, Benton County, Iowa, on the 7th day of March, 1882, aage 66 years.
The deceased was born in Alleghany County, Maryland, was the daughter of Christopher Wagner and was married to Edmund Cokely, Oct. 12, 1838 at the place of her nativity. And one week later they moved to Ritchey County, West Virginia, where all of their children (eleven in number) were born. The family removed to Benton County, Iowa in April A.D. 1860. The health of the deceased began to decline in the year 1865 and continued so to do till the close of life, when she passed away trusting in Jesus the Savior. The funeral services was held at the residence of the deceased at 11 a.m., on the 9th last, she was interred in the Carlisle Grove cemetery, leaving a husband and five children to mourn he departure, all of whom live in Benton County. Services conducted by Rev. S. Sutton.
Waterloo Evening Courier and Reporter; October 22, 1914
Jonathan Cokely
Vinton, Oct. 20 - The funeral services of the late Jonathan Cokely were held from the late residence yesterday afternoon in charge of Rev. L. A. Swisher of the Methodist church of this city. Mr. Cokely died at an early hour Saturday morning being 74 years of age. He was born in West Virginia and came to Benton county with his parents when a small boy and had resided on the same farm since. He was married in 1900 and is survived by the widow. Mr. Cokely's illness covered only a few weeks.
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Vinton Eagle; June 8, 1906
Marion Cokely
Marion Cokely was born in Harrisville, Richie County, West Virginia, July 3d, 1853 and died at his home near Vinton May 30, 1906. He came to Iowa with his parents in April, 1960. They settled on a farm that has been their residence ever since, where with the exception of some months spent in Canada the decedent lived until his death. Mr. Cokely was one of a family of eleven children. There survive him his father, Edmund Cokely, a brother Jonathan Cokely, with whom the deceased made his home; a sister, Mrs. Margaret Wenner of Garrison, Iowa and another sister Mrs. William Eick of Flandreau, South Dakota. Mr. Cokely had for many years been a member of the Vinton lodge of Odd Fellows. In 1879 he became associated wtih the Baptist Church. As a man he impressed all with his conscientiousness, sensitive to appeals of right and with his fidelity to duty.
Funeral services were conducted by the pastor of the Methodist church at the residence Saturday June 2d and burial was in the cemetery at Carlisle Grove.
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