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Cedar Valley Times; September 24, 1926
Burial Mrs. C. Brody In Kisling Cemetery
Caroline Brody

The body of Mrs. Caroline Brody, former resident of Vinton, whose death occurred early in March at Long Beach, Cal., was interred today in the Kisling cemetery in the country near Urbana. Accompanying the body was the daughter, Mrs. Harry Cilley. Surviving are two daughters and three sons. Deceased was a sister of the late Mrs. Otis Stone of this city.

{Submitter comment: Daughter of John W. and Mary A. Haymaker; wife of Hugh Brody, Jr.}

Submitted on Jun 21, 2007 by

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Vinton Eagle; December 1, 1903
A Short Sketch of the Life of Everett Brody
Everett Brody

Everett Brody was born Oct. 23, 1856, and died Nov. 24, 1903. He was 47 years, 1 month, and 1 day old. He was married to Miss Dollie Deeds, May 17, 1881. He leaves a wife and two sons, Pearl, 20 years old, and Estus, 17 years, two sisters, Mrs. Louisa Elwood of Beatrice, Nebr., and Mrs. Rozetta Johnson of Cedar Rapids, Iowa to mourn his death.

The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. F. W. Mutchler of the Christian church of Urbana. Interment was in Coxes' cemetery.

Submitted on May 22, 2007 by
Anonymous Volunteer

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Vinton Eagle; 1921
Henry Brody

Henry Brody son of late Hugh and Joanna Brody was born on the old Homestead near Urbana on July 6th, 1864 and died at his home in Urbana at 12:20 p. m. July 30, 1921 at the age of 57 years and 24 days.

Mr. Brody had been in poor health for several years months and took to his bed about three weeks before he died.

Mr. Brody spent all of his life on a farm near Urbana until six years ago when he moved with his family to their present home.

On Jan. 1st, 1885, he was united in marriage to Mary Mader. To this union four children were born.

Hank as he was called was kind of heart, loyal and true to his friends and neighbors, but he found his greatest happiness in his home. He was of a quiet retiring disposition and one had to know him to appreciate his real worth.

Mr. Brody is survived by his widow, four children, Mrs. Laura Ferguson, Mrs. Alta Smith, Clarence Brody all of Urbana and Leila at home. His wife and all the children were with him at the end. Six grandchildren, his aged mother who is in her ninety-fifth year, two sisters, Mrs. D. G. Shepard of Ontario, Cal., and Mrs. Charles Kirkland of Atkinson, Nebr., four brothers, Sam, John and Alec of Urbana and William of Vinton besides a host of other relatives and friends who mourn deeply his departure from this earth. Two brothers, Steve and Hugh preceeded (sic) him in death.

The funeral services were held from the home Monday afternoon by John W. McKee, of Brandon. Those furnishing the music were Misses Genevieve Burrell and Juanita Ferguson, with Miss Lola Burrell at the piano. The pall bearers were George Moore, Otis Cumberland, Noah Boyles, Arthur Hammond, Sam Titus and Lester Lockhart. Interment was made at Wilmington cemetery.

Submitted on Jun 21, 2007 by

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Hugh Brody

Hugh Brody was born Jan. 22nd, 1817 in Richland Co, Ohio. Died in his home Friday Sept. 18 at 1:00 o'clock P.M. He was 86 years 7mos and 26 days old.

He was married to Joanna Osborn in Polk Township March 2nd, 1843. Eleven children were born to this union, three boys having died, there are six boys and two girls living. He came to Iowa in 1839 having lived near here for 64 years.

He professed the Christian religion, some 30 years ago of which he has been a faithful follower ever since. His faith in God was strong, he was always praisin God and was happy in the Lord.

He has been a hard working man, reared a large family, and filled his mission in life. He believed that the Bible was his hope in God, even to the lash end. He had great power of rememberances though his head was silvered over by the frosts of many winters, yet he had that great retentativeness of mind. He knew that the end was nearing and often spoke of his final happy home, the home over there, of which he loved to sing.

He lived to a good old age, we shall miss him, miss his council, his advise, his warnings, his blessings, his benedictions, his associations. His eyes are closed in death, the pulse has ceased, the heart that has beat on for 86 years in quiet, his chair will be vacant, the home will be lonely, this aged wife and children will be sad. Bro. Brody has passed from this life and we pray that on this future life has fallen the golden dawning of a grander day.

From God he came and unto God he has returned.

Hugh Brody has who survive him two sisters one of whom is his senior by about seven years. His wife and eight children, 35 grandchildren, 17 great grandchildren, and nieces and nephews of which there is a great number, he would tell with pride about the generation.

Nothing pleased him more than a new comer to earth of his relation a fat hearty child he would fondle and point out the noble qualities of his posterity. He was fond of home and relation and often had reunions to gather all the relation around him, among whom he was happy.

He was, since his union with the church a strong advocate of prohibition and was an element to defeat the mulch in the canvas last winter in Polk Township. We would be pleased to see more who were confessed enemies to the dread cursed drink, as was Brother Brody.

When we have been to his place we would get his book of John and have it read. When those decisive passages were read he would say they are close, close and plain, this religion.

The funeral was preached from the house of Rev. Muchler minister of the Christian church with whom he made arrangements some six months previous. There was a large audience, the largest funeral which was taken place in Benton County, there being 200 rings on the grounds.

Rev. Muchler delivered an excellent sermon, one that showed there had been some study and work on, as he quoted the great days that took place during Biblical times, his text was one of Brother Brody's favorite passages which he has quoted me many times.

The funeral was conducted by our undertaker, William Todd and all went off in harmony, as even all nature seemed to adapt the program.

The day was one of those fine lovely autumn days the most beautiful days of the whole year round of those days and the breeze from the south gave forth as it were the last breath of summer and his great gathering of people, to pay the last right the living owe to the dead. Oh! the rustling of the corn. But there is a time when all hearts are glad, when man has crossed the dark river and the harvest time is over, then there is a joyous time.

After the remains were viewed for the last time at the house, the procession preceded slowly to the Wilmington Cemetery, and while Rev. Muchler read some passages from his book, the casket was slowly and gently as you would lay a sleeping child to rest, was lowered by the new lowering device to its final resting place.

Submitted on Aug 4, 2003 by
Kathie Harrison,

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Unknown; September 1921

Johanna Osborn Brody

Eighty-one years a resident of Benton County, and seventy-eight of these lived on the same farm, is the record of Mrs. Joanna Brody, who died Saturday at 5:15 A.M., at the old Brody homestead in Polk Township, two miles South of Urbana. Had she lived until November 22, this year, she would have reached her 95th birthday. Her death was due to the ailments of old age, and she was confined to her bed about a week.

Joanna Osborne, daughter of Jonathan and Susanna Osborne, was born November 22, 1826, in Indiana. In 1840 the Osborne family came West to Iowa, making the trip by wagon, and they landed in Center Point on July 4, 1840. March 2, 1843, Miss Osborne was married to Hugh Brody, who was born in Ohio, in 1817, settled in Polk Township in 1840. They went to housekeeping on land, which Mr. Brody entered from the government and this land, with many acres added to it, remains in the family today.


Eleven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Brody, of whom six are living. Samuel, the eldest son, is 77 years of age and is credited with being the first white child born in Polk Township. The other children are John Brody, who lives on the old homestead, and with whom the mother had made her home for some time; Alex Brody of Urbana; William Brody, of Vinton; Mrs. Chas. Kirkland, of Atkinson, Neb., and Mrs. David Shepherd, of Ontario, Calif. There is also one brother, J. H. Osborne, of Marion.

In addition to holding the record as the oldest settler in Benton County, Mrs. Brody held a record in number of descendents. Her grandchildren number 50, her great-grandchildren number 90, and in the fifth generation, the great great grandchildren, there are 19 living. For several annual reunions of the Brody family have been held at the Samuel Brody farm near Urbana, the last one having been held during the past month, and which was attended by about 121 members of the family. The aged mother, who has always been the guest of honor on these occasions, was unable to be present this year.


Although having reached an advanced age, Mrs. Brody retained her mental faculties to a remarkable degree and kept well posted on the events of the day. It was her especial delight to tell of the early days in this county and she had an interesting way of telling them. This county was opened to settlers the year that she was married to Mr. Brody. While the Sac and Fox Indians ceded a portion of the county to the United States in 1832 and the balance in 1843, they continued to rove over the county as late as 1854, and Mrs. Brody can remember when Indians were frequent callers at their home. The first town established in the county was laid out within two miles of the Brody homestead in 1847. It was called Marysville, which name was later changed to Urbana.


Up to the time of the death of Mr. Brody eighteen years ago this month, Mrs. Brody had never gotten very far from home. The frugal habits which they acquired in the pioneer days and later when they were rearing their large family clung to them throughout life. Even after they had acquired a competence and their days of labor were over, they elected to stay by the old homestead. In the past eighteen years Ms. Brody has made three trips to California, and two or three to Minnesota. On one trip to California she remained almost a year.

Mrs. Brody had been a member of the Free Methodist Church for 45 years, and lived a consistent Christian life. She was held in highest esteem by her many descendents, as well as by all who knew her, and the closing days of her life were happy by having many members of her family around her.

Funeral services for Mrs. Brody were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the old home in Polk Township, with Rev. Mr. McKee, of Brandon, in charge, and interment will be in the Kisling Cemetery.

{Submitter comment: This obituary was sent to me some time ago by a descendant of Johanna Osborn Brody. I am not a descendant of Johanna's but my GGG-grandmother Emma Jane Osborn Harrison was very likely Johanna's cousin. Johanna's son William married Mahala Harrison, daughter of James Brice Harrison & Mahala Osborn. James B. Harrison was the older brother of Emma's husband William Brice Harrison (my GGG- grandfather). }
Submitted on Tue Mar 20 10:15:33 2001 by
Kathie Harrison,

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Cedar Valley Times; 1937
Brody Funeral Rites Set for Sunday P.M. At Polk Farm Home
John H. Brody

Urbana, Sept. 4 -- Funeral services for John H. Brody who died at his home Friday, will be held at the home at 2:00 o'clock tomorrow.

John H. Brody, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brody, was born May 14, 1854, in a log cabin on the same farm on which he died. On April 29, 1872, he was married to Jennie Ribble near Urbana, who preceded him in death by 10 years.

He is survived by five children, Alec Brody, Mrs. Ivan Hawley, who lived with her father; Cliff, Hugh and John Brody Jr., all of Urbana; and two brothers, William of Backus, Minn., and Alec of Wenatchee, Wash. One sister, Mrs. Charles Kirkland, Atkinson, Neb., six grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren also survive.

Submitted on Jun 21, 2007 by

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Cedar Rapids Gazette; 1936
Special to the Gazette.
Mary Ann Brody

URBANA - Mrs. Mary Ann Brody, age 91, one of Benton county's oldest pioneer women, died Wednesday night at the home of her son, Clark, on the family homestead 1 1/2 miles south of Urbana. As Mary Ann Lash, she was born Feb. 28, 1845, daughter of John A. and Harriet Lash, in Johnson county, Ind., and came with her parents to Iowa when 5 years of age, locating in Mahaska county. Five years later she came to Polk township in Benton county.

She was married to Samuel Brody June 12, 1864. To them were born seven children. Mr. Brody died May 30, 1934, at the age of 90 years. He was said to be the first white child born in Benton county. During their married life they lived on but three farms, all in the same locality. For many years the Brody maple sugar camp, was a well known institution in eastern Iowa. Mrs. Brody had been an invalid for several years as the result of injuries suffered in a fall.

She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Jane H. Culver of Traer, Mrs. Lucinda Culver and Mrs. Blanche Fox of Urbana and one son, Clark Brody, of Urbana. There are sixteen grandchildren, twenty-six great grandchildren and four great great grandchildren; also one brother, Henry F. Lash of Spokane, Wash.

Funeral services will be held in the Methodist church Saturday at 2 p. m., with the Rev. R. G. *enner in charge. Burial will be in Kisling cemetery.

Submitted on Jun 21, 2007 by

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Unknown; about Feb. 6, 1981
Lucille Brody
Mary Lucille Chapman Brody

Lucille Brody, 72, of 1314 Third Street, SW died Thursday at a local hospital following a brief illness. Born on June 23, 1908, at Vinton, she was married to Forest Brody on March 27, 1928 at Cedar Rapids. She was a member of Trinity Church of the Nazarene. Survivors include her husband; one daughter, Anna Mae Kelly of Cedar Falls; three sons, Forest Sherman of Prairie du Chien, Wis.; Ronald of Commerce City, Colo.; and Wesley of Cedar Rapids; one sister Bernice Anderson of Rolla, Mo.; 13 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Services: 10 a.m. Monday at Turner Chapel West by Rev. Paul D. Beaver of Trinity Church of the Nazarene. Burial: Kisling Cemetery, Urbana. Visitation at Turner's after noon today. The casket will be closed at 9:55 a.m. and will not be opened following the service.

{Submitter comment: Obit taken from news clipping in the Brody Family Reunion book}
Submitted on Fri Nov 28 14:12:01 2003 by
Kathie Harrison,

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Cedar Valley Times; 1934
Death Claims First White Born in Benton
Special to the Daily Times
Samuel Brody

URBANA. - Samuel Brody, 90, said to be the first white child born in Benton county, died Wednesday at 4:30 a. m. at his farm home, two miles south of Urbana. All of his life his home was in Polk township and he was never out of the state with the exception of a month in California and seven months in Jackson, Wyo., with a son.

Funeral rites will be held Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in the Urbana M. E. church. The services will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. Floyd Maynard. Burial will be in the local cemetery, with Masons in charge of services at the grave. Mr. Brody had been in ill health the past year with infirmities of old age.

Mr. Brody was born in a log cabin on the Brody homestead May 4, 1844. He was the oldest son of nine children born to Hugh and Joanna Brody, sturdy pioneers of Benton county. He was married June 12, 1864, to Mary Ann Lash, who survives him. Mr. and Mrs. Brody had hoped to observed their 70th wedding anniversary next month.

Four of the seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. Brody are living: Mrs. Jane Culver of Waterloo, Mrs. Lucinda Culver, Mrs. Blanche Fox, and Clark Brody, all of Urbana. The son recently came here from Jackson, Wyo., to care for his aged parents on their farm. The family includes sixteen grandchildren, twenty-four great grandchildren and four great great grandchildren.

Mr. Brody was a charter member of the Masonic lodge here and lifelong member of the Methodist church. Three brothers and a sister surviving are: John H. Brody of Urbana, Wm. Brody of Backus, Minn., Alec Brody of Washington state, and Mrs. Rebecca Kirkland of Atkinson, Neb.

Submitted on Jun 21, 2007 by

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Vinton Eagle; March 24, 1910
Scion of Benton County's First Family Dies on Homestead Near Urbana.
Stephen Brody

Steve Brody, 65 years old, and the son of Benton county's first family died near the scene of his birth, a mile south of Urbana Monday afternoon.

Mr. Brody's death was due to cancer of the throat. He was ill for months and suffered intense pain and distress for many weeks.

The funeral is to take place today.

Father First Settler
In the vicinity of Urbana Hugh Brody, father of the deceased was the first settler in Benton county. The elder Brody came to Polk township, Benton county, in 1839. His land patent was issued while James K. Polk was president and was signed by President Polk.

An older brother of the deceased, Sam Brody, is regarded as the first born white child in Benton county. He is still living on his farm not far from where his father homesteaded.

The Brothers
The Brody brothers who survive the deceased are: Sam, John H., William, Henry and Alex, all residents of Urbana with one exception live near the old homestead.

Steve Brody is survived by his widow and five children. The children are Ed, Frank, and Goldie, the two latter at home and the others living nearby, Mrs. Hattie Snell of Montana and Mrs. Sylvia Willford of Waterloo.

The history of the Brody family is closely identified with the history and development of Benton county.

Submitted on Jun 21, 2007 by

Vinton Eagle; March 31, 1910
Stephen Brody

Stephen Brody was born in Benton Co., Iowa, March 8, 1847. He was married to Miss Angie Todd, Dec. 6, 1868. To this union six children were born, five of whom are still living. They are: Franklin and Edward of Benton Co., Mrs. Hattie Snell of Boseman, Mont., Mrs. Sylvia Willford, of Waterloo, Ia., and Miss Goldie E., who resides with her mother.

Mr. Brody had been afflicted with a cancer for about a year and for the past four months had been confined to his home. He died March 21, aged 62 years and 13 days.

Submitted on Jun 21, 2007 by

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