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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Belle Plaine Union; April 27, 1922
Death Claims Andrew Boody
Andrew W. Boody

Well Known Farmer Victim of Acute Appendicitis. Operation Failed to Save Life.

Andrew W. Boody, one of the well known farmers of this community, and a life long resident, passed away at his home on east 13th street at 6:20 o’clock last Thursday evening, Mr. Boody was stricken four days earlier with appendicitis and on Tuesday evening submitted to an operation from which he failed to rally owing to the advanced stage of the disease.

The deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boody, pioneer residents of this community and was born at the old homestead three miles north of this city on September 16th, 1868.

He passed away in this city on April 20th, 1922 at the age of 53 years, 9 months and 4 days. He was reared on the farm and all his years were spent there except the last month and a half, he having retired on March 1st with the intention of taking up a position as traveling salesman. He never married but made his home with his aged mother to whom he was extremely devoted. At the time of his death the beloved mother was suffering with pneumonia.

Andrew Boody was a man who had the respect of his friends and associates. He was an industrious, upright man, and a member of the Bethany Evangelical church.

Besides the aged mother he is survived by one sister, Miss Esther Boody, two brothers, W. J. and Frank Boody; five nieces; Mrs Mildred Zindt, Mrs. Lucille Gervitt, Thelma Boody, Mrs. Hattie Rouse and Mrs. Minnie Bellau, and two nephews, John and Wesley Bellau.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and was in charge of the Rev. Lang, of Cedar Falls, an old friend of the family, who had charge of the funeral of his sister several years ago. Burial was in Oak Hill. Rev. Speaker assisted in the funeral services.

Those here from a distance for the service were Mr and Mrs. John Zindt and son, of Hammond, Indiana; Mrs. J. A. Rouse and daughter, Louilla, of Faulkton, S. D.; Mr. J. Bellau of Rockham, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Phies, Mr. Henry Phies and Mrs. Wm. Mazer of Waverly and Mr. A. J. Beaver, father of Mrs. W. J. Boodv, of Eureka Springs, Ark.; Mrs. W. J Boody, a sister-ln-law. who was ill at the home of her parents In Eureka Springs, Ark. did not arrive here until after the death of Mr. Boody.

Friends of the family will join in extending sympathy, especially to the aged mother, now ??, and will extend hope that she may recover.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 29-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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Belle Plaine Independent; Jan. 30, 1884

Louisa Boody

Died - At the residence of her son-in-law, John Schield, on Jan. 19, 1884, Mrs. Louisa Boody, wife of the late George Boody, aged 85 years and seven months.

Mrs. Boody emigrated with her family from Germany in 1847 to Freeport, Ill., where they remained on a small farm for six years, and from there they came to Benton County in 1855, and settled near Belle Paine, where she remained until her death. About fifteen years ago her husband died, which was a severe affliction to the old mother, yet she bore it with christian resignation and fortitude. Thirty-four years ago, she became the subject of saving grave and united with the Evangelical Association, and was a faithful and consistent member until her death. She was the mother of six children, and four them still survive her. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. E. F. Mell, assisted by Rev. Henry Letzing. A large number of friends and neighbors were in attendance, thus showing their respect and affection for the departed.

{Submitter comment: Not related}

Submitted on 09-May-2020 by
John Shuck,

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