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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Name Index to the Iowa Press Association’s Who’s Who in Iowa, 1940
Benton County Residents

Alcorn, Charles David
Ayres, Dwight A.
Barron, Charles Bernard
Beatty, Everett B.
Beatty, H. Frank
Beatty, William J.
Beck, Milton H.
Bickel, William E.
Boddicker, Don
Boddicker, John
Bradley, C. L.
Bratton, Edward Morton
Brown, M. B.
Bryant, Charles E.
Buchanan, C. W.
Burnham, C. W.
Burns, Henry Alvin
Burrows, John Richard
Burrows, Orville Cooper
Burrows, Robert Orville
Buxton, E. A.
Byers, Earl George
Cameron, Roy Albert
Carlson, William Robert
Carrier, Garth E.
Clear, Ewart Keller
Collins, F. B.
Cook, Eugene Glynn
Coons, Charles C., Sr.
Dahlmeier, C. W.
Doebel, George A.
Donels, Clare O.
Dowden, Ernest H.
Drake, William A.
Driscoll, Jesse Laurence
Dunn, Iva
Eige, Verne Harold
Ellis, Ard Hoyt
Erusha, Milver Claude
Falck, Lewis Lorenz
Fischer, Karl W.
Fisher, Ira Martin
Flynn, Edward S.
Folvag, Prentiss Glenn
Franklin, J. B. “Jack”
Franzenburg, Herman
Franzenburg, John
Frese, Harold
Fry, Murl D.
Geiger, Hugo
Geyer, John George
Goss, G. W.
Greaser, Lewis L.
Groves, Donald B.
Grunewald Henry Julius
Haerther, H. A.
Hall, Merle Anthony
Happel, Alfred A.
Harbert, Roy Elburtus
Hartz, Harvey William
Hays, Leslie McKinley
Hegewald, Robert
Hertle, August
Hilliard, Robert J.
Hoskins, F. J.
Hughes, Charles Emmet
Hutchinson, Eleanor M.
Ilten, Oscar William
Iverson, Clarence Tony
Jennings, Jack Conrid
Johnson, Alfred Bernard
Jones, Millard Woodford
Kelly, Leo
Kinsel, Chris
Kirkland, Louis J.
Kline, Allan B.
Knapp, Crawford Edward
Knapp, George R.
Knupp, Carlton Donels
Koenig, Mrs. Myra M.
Koontz, Lyle W.
Kouba, Carl W.
Kruse, Franklin Barnes
Kruse, Marion Paul
Lally, P. A.
Larson, Sjur
Lieb, George
Little, Luther Wolffe
Little, William Dixon
Lovett, Earl Dean
Lynch, Frank James
McCandless, Samuel Abram
McElroy, George Dexter
McLennan, Horace Lachlan
McLeod, Eugene
Mackie, Robert Leland
Manning, Maud Law
Manship, Raymond G.
Mattox, Walter Warren
Mehlhaus, Ella M.
Merchant, Harry R.
Miller, Howard T.
Miller, Richard William
Milroy, James Hartzell
Moelk, August
Mossman, Hugh
Muhl, Theodore
Nebel, Clifford Jacob
Newland, Don H.
Newton, George A.
Nichols, Clarence
Nichols, Edward
O’Brien, Osborne
Paul, Benjamin Franklin
Peck, Joseph C. B.
Pemberton, Ada Alice
Peterman, George
Pirie, Glen T.
Plagmann, G. H.
Port, Glenn A.
Raabe, George W.
Reynolds, George William
Ridenour, Cyrus C.
Ridenour, J. A.
Riley, Chester E.
Riderknecht, John H.
Roths, Karl George
Ryan, John Lincoln
St. Clair, Fred John
St. Clair, Glenn Merle
Sauer, Charles Walton
Schliepsiek, Theodore
Schloeman, Henry O.
Schlotfelt, Clint
Schroeder, Oscar
Shaw, John Curtis
Shultz, George John
Snitkay, Carl John
Snow, C. R.
Snyder, Wallace F.
Spike, James Kent
Strandberg, John Jacob
Strippel, Werner
Struve, Raymond
Stuart, Albert Harry
Tatge, John Christopher
Thompson, A. Vern
Thompson, Horace
Tiedemann, Fred William
Tobin, Michael James
Tobin, Thomas Francis
Tow, Samuel
Traer, James Ferguson
Trojovsky, Henry William
Trottnow, Ivan Emery
Tuttle, Henry
Tuttle, Otis Harrison
Urice, George N.
Van Wechel, Raymond Allen
Vaughn, Walter A.
Vifquain, John Sterling
Vifquain, Victor D.
Vincent, William Alonzo
Waldorf, Horace S.
Wallace, S. Earl
Weichman, Harry Edward
Weil, Theodore Henry
Weland, Nelis E.
Werning, Martin Fred
Wertheim, Solly
Whitcomb, Louis Ervin
White, Harry C.
Williams, E. M.
Williams, Nathan Bangs
Wilson, James N.
Witt, Peter
Woodhouse,  George Raymond
Woods, Lyle George
Wratislaw, F. J.
Young, Philip George

Source:The Iowa Press Association’s Who’s Who in Iowa, 
a Biographical Record of Iowa’s Leaders in Business, Professional and Public Life; 
published by Iowa Press Association, Des Moines, Iowa; copyright 1940.

Submitted by Mona Knight.
Copyright © 2011 by Mona Knight.

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