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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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The Belle Plaine Biographical Directory
A Complete Hand-book of the City of Belle Plaine, Benton Co., Iowa.
Compiled by J. F. Wilcox.
Published by G. W. Myers, Belle Plaine, Iowa, 1897

space Organization
Fraternal and Benevolent Societies
List of Photographs
Business Ads

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  Mc  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


           Governor                   F.M. Drake
           Secretary of State         W.M. McFarland
           Auditor                    C.G. McCarthy
           Treasurer                  John Herriot
           Supt. of Public Inst.      Henry Sabin
           State Senate:
               45th Dist.             E.G. Penrose, Tama
               House 49th Dist.       B. McQuinn, Norway
           U.S. Senators              Wm. Allison, Dubuque
                                      John Gear, Burlington
           House of Rep.
               1.                     Samuel Clark, Keokuk
               2.                     Geo. M. Curtis, Clinton
               3.                     David B. Henderson, Dubuque
               4.                     Thos. Updergraff, McGregor
               5.                     Robert Cousins, Tipton
               6.                     John F. Lacey, Oskaloosa
               7.                     John A. Hull, Des Moines
               8.                     Wm. Hepburn, Clarinda
               9.                     A.L. Hagar, Greenhill
               10.                    John P. Dolliver, Ft. Dodge
               11.                    George D. Perkins, Sioux City

           Auditor                    W.H. Bickle
           Clerk of the Courts        B.F. Mossman
           Treasurer                  J.G. Mallory
           Recorder                   J.Whipple
           Co. Attorney               M.J. Tobin
           Sheriff                    S.H. Metcalf
           Supt. of Schools           Arthur White
           Dept. Sheriff              J.A. Elliott
           Supervisors:               J.T. Sloan, Chairman, LaPorte
                                      R.F. Smith, Belle Plaine
                                      M.S. Pratt, Shellsburgh

           Mayor                      Solly Wertheim
           Clerk                      F.W. Browne
           Treasurer                  L.T. Sweet
           Attorney                   L.E. Cox
                   1st Ward           A.J. Hartman, President
                   1st Ward           Wm. Lester
                   2nd Ward           L.N. Hall
                   2nd Ward           Orrin Allen
                   3rd Ward           John Deere
                   3rd Ward           Thomas Murray
           Marshall                   W.H. Leavell
           Night Marshall             Charles Warnock
           Street Commissioner        D.F. Benner
           Assessor                   J.W. Thompson
           Overseer of the Poor       F.A. Leavens
           Justices of the Peace      Geo. Huston
                                      J.A. Wheeler
           Constables                 Wm. Livings
                                      G.L. Eddy


        After a long delay, far beyond all reasonable expectation, I am at
last able to place before the citizens of Belle Plain my biographical
directory, and trust they will be as glad to get it as I am to get rid of
it.  No encouragement worthy of the enterprise has been accorded the
undertaking, and only a bull-dog persistence inherent in my consitution
has enabled me to pull through.  The more enterprising class of citizens
appreciated the character of the work and did all they could to help it
along, but many - too many - were content to carry the stone in one end of
the bag and the corn in the other as their fathers did, and have hindered
rather than helped.  If however the work I have done and the obstacles I
have overcome deserves frank and meritorious recognition, I have no doubt
it will be forthcoming, and I thank them in advance for appreciation
hitherto witheld.

        The book speaks for itself.  For its errors and imperfections I
have no excuse and no apology; I have done the best I could.  No changes
in the names of streets have been made not suggested or endorsed by
prominent citizens or made necessary by duplicate names.  The city has
been numbered throughout with great care and expense of time and money,
yet I have no doubt many errors have crept in.  It has been my aim to give
the name of every person, male and female, old and young, residing in the
city, and when desired full families here and elsewhere, both living and
dead, future years will prove its value and interest as a book of
reference.  Great care has been necessary throughout this work from taking
the memoranda to the reading of the proof; and now that the herculean task
is done, if the ladies find errors in the figures I can only promise like
the naughty boy, "never to do it again."
                                                            J. F. Wilcox.


Mount Horeb Chapter No. 45.  Royal Arch Masons
Organized in 1868.  Charter members 18.  Present membership 50.
Meets Monday on or before full moon, in Masonic Temple.
M.E.H.P.                S.P. VanDike
E.K.                    E.P. Willey
E.S.                    J.B. Cox
Treasurer               C.A. Blossom
Secretary               W.C. Scrimgeour
C. of H.                S.H. Brown
Prin. S.J.              R. Rippin
R.A. Cap.               T.F. Murray
M. 3rd V.               John Speer
M. 2nd V.               Wm. Burrows
M. 1st V.               TomOgilvie
Sentinel                John Holland

Hope Lodge No. 175 A.F. & A.M.
Present membership 102.  Meets in Masonic Temple Friday on or before full
W.M.                    Wm. Lester
S.W.                    S.P. VanDike
J.W.                    Amos Rogers
S.D.                    W.H. Bardwell
J.D.                    J.M. Walker
Treasurer               C.A. Blossom
Secretary               W.C. Serimgeour
Tyler                   M. Hartwell
S.S.                    Thos. Jackson
J.S.                    Pearl Rucker

St. Bernard Commandry.  No. 14 Knights Templar
Organized Dec. 16, 1869.  Charter members unknown.  Present membership 72.
Meets in Masonic Temple 2nd Thursday every month.
Eminent Commander       J.J. Dayton
Generalissimo           O.F. Allen
Capt. General           S.H. Brown
Prelate                 Robt. Rippin
Treasurer               C.A. Blossom
Recorder                Thomas Lawrence
Sr. Warden              L.M. Johnson
Jr. Warden              W.H. Burrows
Standard bearer         Thos. Ogilvie
Sword bearer            W.W. Elliott
Warder                  E.P. Willey
Sentinel                Wm. Lester

Morning Star, No. 108
Organized December 1890.  Meets in Masonic Temple 3rd Saturday of each
W.M.                    Mrs. Dora Murray
W.P.                    S.P. VanDike
A.M.                    Mrs. Ada Delehanta
Secretary               Mrs. Mary Meild
Treasurer               Mrs. Clara Speer
Conductor               Miss Katharine Jackson
Assistant               Mrs. Mamie Ortschied
Adah                    Miss Ruth Hartwell
Ruth                    Mrs. Sophia Carne
Esther                  Mrs. Mary Hartwell
Martha                  Mrs. Mary VanDike
Elicta                  Mrs. Malinda Holland
Warder                  Mrs. Emma Prentiss
Chaplain                Mrs. Kiziah Cox
Marshall                Mrs. Lottie Bardwell
Organist                Mrs. Jennie Rippin

K. of P. No. 147
Organized December 9, 1884.  Charter members 21.  Present membership 139.
Meets every Tuesday evening in Pythian Castle.
Past Chancellor         J.D. Wilson, Jr.
Chan. Com.              T.H. Milner
Vice Com.               W.W. Livings
Prelate                 Geo. Bardwell
Master of Work          J.D. Wilson, Jr.
K.of R.& S., M.of F.    J.D. Wilson, Jr.
Master of Ex.           W.A. Parris
Master of Arms          Ed Winslow
Inner Guard             J. Dees
Outer Guard             J. Moore
Deputy G. Ch.           J.H. Ortscheid
Trustees                J.J. Smith, W.A. Parris, J. Wheeler

Mistletoe Temple No 19 Rathbone Sisters
Chartered March 31st, 1892.  Charter members 34.  Present membership 45.
Meets in Pythian Castle 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.
Most Ex. Chief          Mollie Greenlee
Past Chief              Winnie Smith
Excellent Sr.           Mrs. S. Westinghouse
Excellent Jr.           Mrs. Stella Conklin
M. of T.                Mrs. Mary Kubick
M. of R. & C.           Mrs. Orthschied
M. of F.                Mrs. Emma Smith
P. of T.                Mrs. Stepanek
G. of O.T.              Mrs. Gouldy
Trustees                Mrs. Gouldy, Mrs. Ella Greenlee,
                        Mrs. Artie Gorden, Miss Emma Steffa.

I.O.O.F. No. 151.
Organized October 17, 1867.  Charter members 5.  Present membership 190.
Meet at their hall every Thursday evening.
N.G.                    M.D. Dodd
V.G.                    P.H. Thiesen
Rec. Sec.               Geo. Swinney
Fin. Sec.               J.C. Miller
Treas.                  W.A. Parris
Trustees                B.A. Turnbull, G.R. Ahrens, Thos. Gavin.

Home Encampment No. 48
Meet 2nd and 4th Mondays of month.
C.P.                    W.E. Twogood
S.W.                    M.D. Dodd
J.W.                    P.H. Thiesen
H.P.                    Chris. Smith
Rec. Scribe             Geo. Swinney
Fin. Scribe             J.C. Miller
Treas.                  W.A. Parris

Sincere Rebekah Lodge No. 59 I.O.O.F.
Organized June 1889.  Charter members 48.  Present membership 157.
Meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of month at I.O.O.F. Hall.
P.N.G.                  Miss Jennie Platz
N.G.                    Mrs. Della Moran
Vice G.                 Mrs. Ella VanDike
Rec. Sec.               Mrs. L. Solomon
Fin. Sec.               Miss Maggie Ewen
Treasurer               Mrs. Parris
D.D.G.M.                Alice Benner

Iowa Legion of Honor No. 51
Organized Aug 6, 1894.  Charter members 19.  Present membership 101.
Meet in Redmen's Hall 2nd and 4th Friday evening of month.
President               R.M. Bailey
Vice Pres.              W.W. Livings
Rec. Sec.               F.R. Ferree
Fin. Sec.               W. Herijk
Treasurer               R. Nicholson
Chap.                   L. Wright
Usher                   H.R. Smith
D.K.                    John Dvorak
Sen.                    E.M. Ealy
Med. Ex.                J.A. Williams
Rep. to Grand Lodge     R.M. Bailey and W.W. Livings
         Alternates     Geo. Swinney and S.R. Ferree

The Home Forum Benefit Order of Life Insurance
Meets 4th Monday of each month in Redmen's hall.
Pres.                   J.W. Miller
Vice Pres.              J.E. Morgan
Treasurer               Wm. Folke
Secretary               R.F.M. Guinn
Orator                  W.W. Swalm
Historian               S.C. Leavell
Guard                   R. Hart
Trustees                J.W. Miller, W.W. Swalm, S.C. Leavell

Modern Woodmen of America Belle Plaine Camp No. 795.
Present membership 65.
Meet in Pythian Castle 1st and 3rd Monday of every month.
Ven. Consul             S.P.VanDike
Worthy Addressor        W.T. Greenlee
Banker                  G.A. Allee
Clerk                   J.F. Doughty
Escort                  J.W. Rucker
Watchman                J. Anderle
Sentinel                Chas. Brandwein
Ex. Physician           J.A. Williams
Managers                J.A. Tippie, H. Malcolm, S. Webster

Improved Order of Red Men Minnehaha Tribe No. 33
Organized 12 Sun of Cane Moon G.S.D. 400.  Charter members 51.
Meet in their hall SW cor N Beech and Main Street every Saturday night.
Sachem                  Leroy Wright
Sr. Sagamore            W.W. Craft
Jr. Sagamore            E.M. Ealy
Prophet                 J.W. Miller
K. of W.                Tom Palmer
C. of Records           S.R. Ferree
C. of W.                E.T. Milverstedt
Trustees                M. Lewis, E.M. Kolb, John Miller

A.O.U.W. No. 33
Organized 1875.  Charter members 18.  Present membership 17.  Meets on
Master Workman          J.J. Mosnat
Sec. & Financier        M.L. Prentiss
Ex. Phy.                Dr. McMorris

Daughers of Pocahantas Council No. 8 I.O.R.M.
Organized 11 Sun Traveling Moon G.S.D. 402.  Charter members 65.  Meet in
the Redmen's Hall 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Pocahantas              Mrs. John Gouldy
Wenonah                 Mrs. Leroy Solomon
Prophetess              Mrs. A.C. Ealy
Powhattan               Mrs. T. Palmer
K. of R.                Mollie Smith
K. of W.                Mrs. Lewis
Asst. K. of R.          E. Wright

C.S.P.S. Kruh Bratrstva No. 186.
Organized April 10 1890.  Charter members 26.  Present membership 34.
Meet every third Sunday of each month in Pythian Castle.
Pres.                   Frank Kratoska
Vice Pres.              John Adam
Secretary               W. Herijk
Fin. Sec.               M. Benda
Treasurer               Chas. Dohnolek
Usher                   Jos. Madl
Door Keeper             Jos. Peck
Sentinel                Ignac Cermac

Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, Belle Plaine Lodge No. 311
Master                  C.M.Bair
Vice Master             D.L. Hartsell
Secretary               G.H. Wills
Past Mas. Receiver      W.A. Knight
Chaplain                H.U. Dodd
Warden                  R. Condon
Con. and Col.           Wm. Elliott
Inside G.               John Henry
Outside G.              H.R. Richardson

Womans Relief Corps Auxiliary John B. Hancock No. 130
Organized Nov 11 1887.  Charter members 29.  Meets in Redmen's Hall last
Friday of each month.
President               Mrs. F.E. McCurdy
Sr. Vice Pres.          Mrs. A. Anderson
Jr. Vice Pres.          Mrs. C. Wentz
Chaplain                Mrs. S.E. Bradford
Treasurer               Mrs. B.A. Turnbull
Conductor               Mrs. Thos. Brand
Guard                   Mrs. Geo. Brand
Delegate                Mrs. S.C. Leavell, St. Enc. Marshalltown
Alternate               Mrs. J.P. Henry

Ctenarsky Spolek Reading Society
Pres.                   M. Benda
Vice Pres.              Jos. Tehan
Secretary               W. Herijk
Fin. Sec.               V. Moravac
Treasurer               C. Dohnalek
Librarian               V. Kratoska

Belle Plaine Concert Band
Organized in 1874 under the name of the Belle Plaine Silver Cornet Band.
Meets No. 15 Main St. Monday and Friday evenings.
G. H. Kelley, Musical Director, Solo E flat Cornet
Chas Houska, E flat Clarinet
Joe Kucera, Solo B flat Clarinet
Chas Hull, 1st B flat Clarinet
A. Fulmer, 2nd B flat Clarinet
J.H. Ortscheid, Piccolo
S.L. Minott, business director, 1st B flat Cornet
J.C. Sullivan, 2d B flat Cornet
W.E. Sparrogrove, 3d B flat Cornet
Joe Kubick, Solo Alto
Ed Ewen, 1st Alto
John Ruhl, 2d Alto
Geo. Shugart, 3d Alto
C.P. Hosmer, business manager, 1st B flat Tenor
L.H. Weathers, 2d B flat Tenor
Geo Voss, 3d B. flat Tenor
Frank Smith, Baritone
Geo. Zalesky, business director, Tuba
Arthur Miller, Bass Drum
William Nusbaum, Tenor Drum and Traps
Frank Ewen, Tenor Drum


First Congregational Church

        Organized in March 1866 at the home of J.P. Henry with four
members.  The first deacon elected was Amsa Briggs; Rev. Ladue of Irving
1st pastor.  Incorporated in December , 1866.  Rev. Daniel Lane served as
pastor for 7 years followed by Rev. Waddams, Rev. A.E. Everest, Rev. O.C.
Dickerson, Rev. M.H. Ambrose, Rev. C.H. Bissel, Rev. Robt. Stapleton.

        Rev. A.H. Sedgwick is now occupying the pulpit for the second
year, with the following as officers:  Deacons -- E.E. Hughs, S. Hart, D.
Rush and J.V. McCune.  Trustees -- A. Warren, E.E. Hughes, Geo. Swinney,
S. Hart, and S.H. Brown.  Treasurer -- Charles Blossom.  Clerk -- D.W.
Winterstein.  S.S. Supt. -- Geo. Swinney.

First Baptist Church

        Organized April 28th, 1877, by Rev. G.D. Simmons with a membership
of 8; increased to 25 at a meeting on May 19, 1877, when the church was
regularly recognized and a church building erected in 1878, located at No
30 S Beech St., SE corner of Jefferson at a cost of $2,500.  Present
membership 152.

        The first pastor was Rev. J.W. Daniels and his successors have
been as follows: D.C. Ellis, from May 2 1880 to Nov. 1 1882.  Arthur
Howell, from June 13, 1884 for about 6 months.  H.A. Brown, from 1891 to
June 1894.  C.H. Moore, from July 1 1894 to Nov. 1 1894.  J.E. Treloar,
from Nov. 1 1894 to the present time.

        Deacons -- Rev. H.A. Brown, W.S. Herring, W.S. Anderson, H.U.
Dodd.  Sunday School Supt., W.S. Herring; Assistant, W.M. Anderson;
Librarian, Jesse Anderson; Treasurer, J.W. Thompson; Secretary, Mrs.
Bertha Brinkley; Trustees -- J.E. Collister, J.W. Thompson, Stephen

Bethany United Evangelical Church

        This society was a part of the Church of the Evangelical
Association of this place and was organized independently therefrom on
account of the late trouble in that association.

        The organization took place in June 1893 with a membership of 70.
        On the 9th of December 1894 a new church costing $2,500 was
dedicated, Bishop Dubs DDLLD officiating.

        Present membership 115.  The first pastor was Rev. Virgil Urbino.
        Trustees -- F. Emerch, E. Boody, Geo. Steinke, A. Fenske, E.
Milverstedt.  Sunday School Supt. E. Boody; Librarian Ulysus Selden,
Treasurer Mrs. F.H. Emerick, Secretary Miss Bell Antrim.  J.E. Stauffecher
of Cedar Rapids presiding elder.

The First Methodist Episcopal Church

        The organization dates from the fall of 1864 when the first class
numbering eleven persons met in the house of Simon Rogers which stood on
what is now the NE corner of North Oak St and 3d Ave.

        Rev. Henry Pillbeam organized the class and remained with them one
year.  He died Nov. 7 1887 and his widow still survives residing at No. 27
N Oak St, NW corner of 3d Ae.  The first church building was erected in
the fall and winter of 1877 on the North corner of Beech St and 4th Ave.
East at a cost of $2,500 where the present structure stands.  It was
completed and dedicated in Jan. 1867; Rev. A.J. Kynett conducting the
services.  In the spring of 1888 this building burned but the society had
prospered, now numbering about 236 and they set to work before the ashes
cooled and in the following September the present firm brick structure was
completed and dedicated at a cost of about $8,500.  According to the
Official Record of the Upper Iowa Conference, Marshalltown District, to
which this Church belongs, the present value of this property is put at
$9,500 and the Parsonage at $2,500 more.  The present membership is 395
with 22 on probation, making it numerically the strongest church in the
city.  In the ability and zeal of both its pastors and members it is
confessedly second to none; and if it had the spirit of its great founder,
John Wesley, there is nothing it might not dare to do in the cause of
humanity and religion.

        The following is a list of its successive ministers from the
beginning of its history, of all of whom it may truthfully be said that
they were honest able, self sacrificing and successful men: Henry Pillbeam
1 year, T. Thompson 1 year, David Mallory 1 year, W.A. Chambers 2 years,
C.F. McLean 1 year, James Gilruth 1 year, J.G. Wilkinson 1 year, Asas
Critchfield 2years, J.G. Wilkinson again 1 year, C.M. Wheat 2 years, Joel
Taylor 3 years, S.A. Lee 3 years, R.W. Milner 3 years, F.C. Wolfe 3 years,
G.W. Ballou 2 years, F.P. Shafier 3 years, J.A. Davis 3 years & Nathaniel
Pye the present pastor.

        Board of Stewards:  A.J. Hartman, Pres., Louis Grossman, W.H.
Burrows, Robert Nicholson, W.J. Guinn, Fred W. Browne, Mrs. L.W. Hartman,
E.E. Dwyer, W.D. Barnard, Miss Anna Bangs, Mrs. Dr. Vincent, Walter
Robinson and W.Donovan.

        Trustees:  A.J. Hartman, J.D. Blue, D.C. McCormick, C.W.E. Snyder,
E.A. Palmer, John Robinson and M.V. Foote.

        Sec. of Official Board, J.D. Blue; Sunday School Supt., S.B.
Montgomery; Asst. W.H. Burrows; Secretary, Bert Coffin; Treasurer, C.H.
        The order of church services are as follows:  Class meeting 9:30
a.m. and 6:30 p.m.  Preaching 10:30.  Sunday School at 12 m. Junior League
3 p.m. Epworth League 6:30.  Preaching 7:30.  Prayer meeting Wednesday

First Evangelical Church

        Available statistics regarding this church are somewhat
disconnected and in parts uncertain.  Its existance dates probbly from
1862 with D.N. Lang in charge.  His successors hae been as follows:  C.
Escher, C.W. Anthony, A. Loehner, Jos Harlacher, Jacob Rauk, A. Bossert,
C.W. Anthony, E.F. Mell.

        Up to 1875 from its organization the Belle Plaine appointment had
been under the care of the Iowa Conference.  Later on the German portion
left that Conference.  The Iowa conference again took up the work.  From
1876 to 1895 the English appointment was under the care of the Des Moines
conference and the names of the ministers who served are not at present
available.  In 1881 the Iowa Conference took up the German work again, and
Rev. J.Abrams was in charge, followed by J.P. Pflanm, Carl Gerhardt, H.W.
Hartman, Julius Belan, L.W. Bock, E. Schroeder, W.C. Lang, F. Methfessel.

        The greater part of the English congregation having seceeded from
the Evangelical Association, in 1895 the German and what was left of the
English congregation were consolidated and placed under the care of the
Iowa Conference.  In the spring of 1896 B.R. Wiener was stationed on the
field and is serving it at the present time.

        Present membership is 54.

        Trustees:  Edward Nichols, J.F. Burkhardt, Henry Beyers.  Sunday
School Supt., A.K. Smith.  Steward, A.K. Smith.
        Sunday School 9:30; Preaching, (German) 10:30; Young people 6:30;
English Preaching 7:30; Prayer Meeting 7:30 Wednesday evening.

                              CITY SCHOOLS

        During the winter of 1862-63 two small schools were taught in
Belle Plaine, one by Mrs. Pillbeam the wife of the first pastor of the ME
church; the other by Mrs. Greene.

        The Independent School District of Belle Plaine was organized Sept
4 1865, by the election of the following School Board; Dr. John Stowe
pres., P. Hutton vice-pres., D.C. Farbes treas., D.C. Twogood sec., Peter
Hafen, E.G. Brown and A. Steinackle directors.  Dec 4 1865 a room was
rented of Mr. Daniels for school purposes and Mr. Kennedy took charge of
the school.  On Christmas day following Miss Cupid was employed as
assistant.  The first school building was erected in the fall of 1867 at a
cost of about $1,500.  In 1870 the school was graded.  In 1871 an addition
was made to the school house at a cost of $550.

        October 24, 1872, The School Board purchased an organ.

        In the fall of 1875 another frame school house was erected at a
cost of $653.

        In 1879 the present brick building was erected on the South-side
at a total cost of $10,500, L.Wallace & Son of Cedar Rapids, contractor.
In 1880 the North school building was put up at a cost of $16,000.  Wm.
Young of Marshalltown did the brick work and roofing and L.Wallace & Son
did the carpenter work.

        The present board of education is:  A.J. Hartman, pres., S.S.
Sweet, sec., Thos. Lawrence, treas., Orrin F. Allen, Dr. J. Worley, G.A.
Allee, G.W. Sheets and Thos. F. Murray, directors.

        S.B. Montgomery, Supt.

North Side School

        The North-side school has 8 rooms, a good weekly library, several
hundred dollars worth of Scientific apparatus, a fine Piano & two Organs,
all purchased by the school itself by means of entertainments, and there
is now $100 in the treasury.  The total attendance is 480 - 256 boys and
234 girls.  It is divided into 12 grades and a Primary and Kindergarten
Department managed by Miss Maud Collister assisted by Miss Mable Dillon.

1st grade               Nita M. McCune
2d                      Lottie McCormack
3d                      Clara B. Wilson
4th                     Cora B. Kenner
5th                     Emma Leavell
6th                     Alma Selden
7th and 8th             Estella Leavell
9th                     Catharine Jackson
10th                    Ruth Hartwell
11th                    Mae Wolfe
12th is under the instructing of the Supt. himself direct.

South Side School

        The South school house has 6 rooms and 9 grades.  Present
attendance 293 - 145 boys and 148 girls.  D.E. Barnes principal.  Primary
and Kindergarten, Harriet Brand in charge, Stella Zalesky assistant.

1st grade               Abbie A. Hardy
2d                      Kittie DeLong
3d and 4th              Leona Wilcoxen
5th and 6th             Catharine Goble
7th and 8th             Principal Barnes

                           LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS

    M.E. Church
    North School Building
    South School Building
    Samuel L. Bardwell
    Lon Brinkley, Photographer
    Masonic Temple
    The Burley House
    Mr. B. B. Burley
    Mrs. B. B. Burley
    LeRoy E. Cox, City Attorney
    Residence of Dr. J. B. Cox.  No 36 North Beech St.
    Citizen's National Bank
    Residence of Dr. J. Worley.  No 25 North Beech St.
    Miss Minnie Myers, Dramatic Reader and Monologist
    Orrin Allen, Alderman from second ward
    Solly Wertheim, Mayor of City
    John Deer, Alderman from third ward
    William Lester, Alderman from first ward
    A. J. Hartman, Alderman from first ward
    L. N. Hall, Alderman from second ward
    Thos. Murray, Alderman from third wardv
    A. J. Keyser, Photographer
    H. Malcolm.  High Grade Pianos, Organs and Sewing Mchs.
    Rev. Nathaniel Pye of the M.E. Church
    Dr. George Sanders

    Family Group of Five Living Generations:
                The half-tone on the opposite page is a family group
        of five living generations of the B. F. Shurtleff family.
                Mrs Jane Liggett whose maiden name was Stackhouse was
        born of German parentage in the state of New Jersey, Apr 17,
        1803.  She was married to Samuel Liggett in German Township,
        Harrison County, Ohio, Mar 24, 1826.
                Theodore Liggitt their son was born in Harrison County,
        Ohio September 11 1830.  He was married to Nancy Maholem in
        Hopedale, Harrison County, Ohio Oct 24, 1850.
                Miss Jennett Liggitt their daughter was born in
        Hopedale, Harrison County, Ohio December 21 1852.  She was
        married to B. F. Shurtleff in Belle Plaine, Benton County,
        Iowa Aug 21, 1872.
                F. A. Shurtleff their son was born in Belle Plaine,
        Benton County, Iowa Apr 27 1873.  He was married to Josephene
        Framer May 20, 1893.
                Bessie Shurtleff their daughter was born in Belle
        Plaine, Benton County, Iowa May 27 1895.  May she live to add
        a sixth generation to this fortunate family.

    Residence of B. F. Shurtleff.  No 17 North Oak

    Residence of Frank A. Shurtleff.  No 10 6th Ave W.

    Rev. J. E. Treloar

                         BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS

  1.   Grove Hotel, P.A. Steffa, Prop.  Pleasant, Clean and Tidy Rooms.
       Rates $1.00 per day.  Board by the week at Reasonable Rates.
       Call and See us.  Nos. 10, 12 and 14 North Maple Street.  North
       of Opera House.  Belle Plaine, Iowa.

  2.   J. E. Swanson, High Art Draper and Tailor.  We carry a full and
       complete line of the Latest Styles in Suitings which can be made
       in the Latest Style.  We guarantee a perfect fit in all respects.
       Wedding Suits a Specialty.  All Orders Promptly Filled.

  3.   Benda & Dohnolek, Butchers.  Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meat,
       Sausages, Lard, Etc., Fresh Fish and Oysters in season.  Our Meat
       is Not Tough.  Market on West Main Street.

  4.   I am a Butcher.  Butchers seldom advertise.  But when they have
       meats as I keep they wish to make it known to the people of the
       surrounding country.  Smoked Meat, Hams, Bacon and Home made Lard.
       Give us a Call... F. E. Zalesky.

  5.   Miss Minnie Meyers.  Dramatic Reader and Monologist.  Teacher of
       Oratory.  Entertainments given in the interest of Churches,
       Schools, Lecture Committees, etc., on sharing terms or a fixed
       sum.  Voice and Physical Culture a Specialty.  The young lady
       selected for the third Type of Midland Beauty, in the present
       number, is Miss Minnie Myers, of Belle Plaine, Iowa.  The
       excellent portrait from which it was engraved was taken by Mr.
       O. E. Pearson, the well-known Des Moines photographer.  Miss
       Myers is a graduate of the Drake University School of Oratory,
       of which department Professor Ott is the successful head.  Her
       picture represents her as "Lady Teazle" in Sheridan's "School
       for Scandal."  Midland Monthly, Des Moines.

  6.   C. P. Hosmer.  General Hardware.  Phoenix Wheels.  Quick Meal
       Gasoline and Blue Flame Oil Stoves.  Bicycle Repairing.  Tin
       Roofing and Spouting.  No 48 Main St.  Belle Plaine, Iowa.

  7.   City Steam Laundry.  C. F. Shaffer, Prop.  Location on Oak Street
       east of the Round House.  All work done with neatness and
       dispatch, satisfaction guaranteed.  Traveling men and transient
       customers will receive special attention.  Belle Plaine, Iowa.

  8.   Electric Bells, Electric Lights, Steam Heat.  Burley House.
       The only first-class House in the City.  Reasonable Rates.
       Mrs. B. B. Burley, Proprietress.  John B. Leicht, Clerk.

  9.   F. E. Snyder & Co.  Dealers in Furniture, Wood and Coal.  Our
       Stock is complete at all times.  We are never under sold by fair
       competition.  In the line of Undertaking we claim to have no
       competition in a business sense.  Our recommendation is 35 years
       of experience, 15 of them in Belle Plaine.

 10.   Jessie Traverse, Liveryman.  First-class Carriages, Safe Speedy
       Teams, Trusty Drivers furnished if desired and at living rates.
       Teams for Funerals a Specialty.  Stable Nos 11-13 North Maple St.
       opposite Grove Hotel, Belle Plaine, Iowa.

 11.   Keyser's Studio:

       Oh, say, have you heard of the photograph man,
       Who transfers your face on the popular plan?
       Who for two paltry dollars, from the thrifty and wise,
       Delivers twelve photos, the cabinet size?
       You can wager he is here, foul weather and fine
       And Keyser is the artist the best in his line.
       From the infant in arms to the old and infirm,
       The married, the single studying Cupid a term,
       To the cat or the dog, the house or the mill,
       Twelve cabinets go for a two dollar bill.
       Other artists may grumble and take on a sight,
       But all fail to prove Artist Keyser not right.
       So the folks come and go every week in the year,
       And for everyone served new faces appear.
       For the days of high prices have vanished like chaff
       Through the genius of Keyser and his fine photograph.
       Stop and look at his samples artistic and rare,
       And you will not depart till you've sat in his chair.

 12.   H. Malcolm.  Dealer in High Grade Pianos, Organs and Sewing
       Machs.  Best Goods, Never Undersold.  All kinds of Organs and
       Sewing Mchs.  Properly Cleaned and Repaired.  A full line of
       Musical Instruments in the small goods line.  Music books and
       Sheet Music.  All the latest and most popular sheet music at
       much less than the usual price.  Over 5,000 copies of sheet
       music for sale at 10 cents each.  Belle Plaine, Iowa.

 13.   The Cash Dry Goods House of S. L. Van Scoy.  Leads in the
       Assortment, the Quality and the Price of Dry Goods, Carpets,
       Millinery, Cloaks, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, Notions
       and House Furnishing Materials.

 14.   Solly Wertheim, Leading Clothier.  The merchant who sells
       clothing, or anything else, must make a profit if he expects
       to pay his rent and support his family, leaving his ambition
       to accumulate a fat bank account entirely out of the question.
       When you are offered a suit or an overcoat for $5.00 or $6.00,
       remember that a profit is included and you will get just what
       you pay for and nothing more.  We sell good clothing at
       popular prices.  Our profits are wholly reasonable.  Among
       other lines we handle the elegantly made garments of L. Adler,
       Bros. & Co., of Rochester.  These goods embody the custom-made
       style at the ready-made price, and are guaranteed "right from
       lining to button-hole."  You are well-dressed when dressed in
       "Adler's" clothing.  Give us a Call.

Transcribed by Sally Goehring.
Copyright © 1999 by Sally Goehring.

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