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Benton County, Iowa
County Officer Nominations 1924
The Vinton Eagle, June 27, 1924
The board of supervisors spent the day in canvassing the election returns of the primary election held on June 2nd, 1924 as required by law and the following named persons were declared nominated by their respective parties for the offices herein named to wit.

(as well as could be determined, the names of winners in the November election are marked)
Republican Nominations

County Officers
J. H. Bordewick, county treasurer - WINNER
Karl W. Fisher, cleark of district court - WINNER
Geo. W. Reynolds, county sheriff
C. E. Gerberich, county recorder - WINNER
J. D. Nichols, county attorney - WINNER
C. L. Modlin, county coroner - WINNER
C. H. Wyckoff, county supervisor, (term beginning Jan. 2, 1925) - WINNER
John Holland, county supervisor, (term beginning Jan. 2nd, 1926) - WINNER
Henry F. Lessen, county supervisor, (term Jan. 2nd, 1926) - WINNER

Justice Of The Peace
F. W. Schenken, Kane township
B. f. Heck, Leroy township
G. W. Burnham, Vinton

D. L. Coquillette, Vinton

Township Trustees
H. F. Alberts, 1925, Big Grove township
Ezra Reiss, 1926, Big Grove township
J. C. Shsaw, Vacancy, Big Grove township
John Boyd, 1925, Bruce township
Geo. Nichols, 1926, Bruce township
John Leppert, 1925, Canton township
S. M. Carr, 1926, Canton township
E. R. Smalley, 1925 Cedar township
Arden Schulze, 1926 Eldorado township
Elmer Melberg, 1925, Florence township
Henry Wendel, 1925 Frement township
A. S. Weyer, 1926 Frement township
Elmer Burnett, 1925, Harrison township
J. F. Naylor, 1926, Harrison township
Richard P. Anderson, 1926 Homer township
H. J. Herger, 1925, Jackson township
Wm. Burkey, 1926, Jackson township
August Miller, 1925, Kane township
Wm. Theissen, 1926, Kane township
Nathan Burhem, 1925, Monroe township
A. A. Julick, 1926, Monroe townhip
Geo. Newton, 1926, St. Clair township
John W. Wolf, 1925 St. Clair township
J. L Jack, 1925, Taylor township
J. B. Brooks, 1926, Taylor township

Township Clerks
H. B. Cantonwine, Benton township
D. B. Cooper, Bruce township
W. H. Pangborn, Canton township
J. A. Healy, Cedar township
Linc Tow, Florence township
H. C. Ralston, Harrison township
H. A. Albers, Homer township
J. A. Ridenour, Jackson township
Carl G. COburn, Kane township
Chas. Turner, Leroy township
W. J. Brannan, St. Clair township
A. C. Smith, Taylor township

Township Assessors
Russell Elson, Benton township
Dodd Smalley, Cedar township
Wm. Fiebelkorn, Eden township
H. J. Meyer, Eldorado township
Art M. Johnson, Fremont township
Forrest M. King, Harrison township
John H. Anders, Homer township
S. H. Catlin, Jackson township
A. A. Misel, Leroy tonwhsip
C. C. Sawyer, Monroe township
A. V. Thompson, Polk, township
E. R. Mayhew, St. Clair township
C. G. Primmer, Taylor township

Democratic Nominations

County Officers
J. B. Vilquain, County auditor - WINNER
Whitfield Ruhl, County sheriff - WINNER
J. L. Driscol, County coroner
Adam M. Happel, County supervisor, (term beginnig Jan. 2, 1926)
Ferdinand Seminty, County supervisor, (term beginnig Jan. 2, 1926)

Justice Of The Peace
H. R. Fagan, Cedar township
C. J. Downes, St. Clair township
J. J. Scollon, Union township

G. W. Williams, Fremont township
John Lohrer, St. Clair township
A. H. Brandt, Union township
Fred Wittenberg, St. Clair township

Township Trustees
P. H. Kaiser, 1925, Bruce township
Fred Rahn, 1926, Bruce township
Lewis Schlotfelt, 1926 Cedar township
Geo. W. Rinderknecht, 1925, Fremont township
Jno. ? Gardeman, 1926, Fremont township
Marcus Scheel, 1925, Homer township
Emil Selkin, 1926, Homer township
Herman Franzenburg, 1925, Kane township
Ferdinand Welhen, 1926, Kane township
Cliff Roll, 1926, Polk township
Frank Zeizer, 1927, Polk township
Chas. Schmidt, 1926, St. Clair township
Wm. Niebuhr, 1926, St. Clair township
John A. Meyer, 1925, Union township
Wm. Werner, 1926, Union township

Township Clerks
Sheldon Kaiser - Bruce township
Wm. G. Hearther - Fremont township
Charles W. Shireman, Kane township
W. S. Burrell, Polk township
O. F. Pickart, St. Clair township
L. P. Scollon, Union township

Township Assessors
Frank Frost, Bruce township
O. W. Schirm, Fremont township
Carl Culver, Polk township
M. L. Waychoff, St. Clair township
S. J. Maguire, Union townshiop

Article transcribed by John Shuck
March 2024

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