The USGenWeb Project
Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project




R.L. POLK & CO., and A.C. DANSER.

Population, 250. On the C., M. & St. P. Ry., in Fremont township, Benton County, 20 miles southeast of Vinton, the judicial seat, and 11 from Cedar Rapids. Has Lutheran and Presbyterian churches and 2 banks. Tel., W. U. Exp., W., F. & Co. Telephone connection. W. R. Mitchell, postmaster.

Alden Henry, auto repairer
Andrews & Townsend, restaurant
Atkins Cement Tile Co
Atkins Cornet Band
Atkins Grain Co, grain elevator
ATKINS SAVINGS BANK (Capital $40,000), Geo Rinderknecht Pres, W A Koster Cashr
Farmers Savings Bank (capital $15,000), W J Beatty pres, R MacNiel cashr
Fritz A L, dray
Fritz J J, hotel
Home Lumber Co, J K Meeks mngr
Hoppel George C, general store
Johnson Floyd, garage
Johnson F Mrs, drugs
Johnson J J, live stock
Johnston W B, blacksmith
Koehn J H, hardware
Koehn W G, farm implements
Koster W A, cashr Atkins Savings Bank
Krahling H C, automobiles
MacNeil R, cashr Farmers Savings Bank
Mitchell W R, general store and postmaster
Mueller P, harness
Park P A, physician
Rinderknecht George, coal and lumber and county supervisor
Stemple Wm, meats
Stewart A L grocer
Swartz E E, r r, exp and tel agt
Wagner Wm, cigars and billiards

Population, 3,800. Dating its settlement from 1862, is an incorporated city located on the C. & N. W. Ry., in Iowa township, Benton county, 35 miles sw. of Vinton, the judicial seat, 34 w. of Cedar Rapids, and 93 ne. of Des Moines. It is lighted by electricity, has a gas plant, water works, fire department, Catholic, Congregational, Evangelical and Methodist churches, excellent schools, 3 banks, opera house and 2 newspapers, the Belle Plaine Herald and the Union. The round house and repair shops of the C. & N. W. Ry. are located here. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Harvey Slack, postmaster.

Ahrens Samuel, cattle breeder
Ahrens & Sweet (G R Ahrens, C A Sweet), insurance
American Theatre, C M Frederick propr 
Andrew Bros, well borers
Armstrong Benj, restaurant
Bailey Real Estate Agency (Robert M and Ross R Bailey)
Barnard W D, real estate and ins
Beem A B & Son farm implts and harness
Belle Plaine Canning Co, J C Milner pres, W A Mall sec
Belle Plaine Gas Co (capital $40,000), John Meyers pres
Belle Plaine Herald (weekly), Roy E Howard publr
Belle Plaine Opera House
Belle Plaine Telephone Co, S Wertheim pres and mngr
Belle Plaine Union (weekly), O C Burrows, publr
Bender A F, drugs
Berry Charles, exp agt
Blanche & McMillan, vet surgs
Blue J D, insurance
Boyson Hollie H, jeweler
Brand W O, cashr Citizens' Natl Bank
  Bryan A L, physician and county coroner
Buchwald E D, laundry
Buckeye Clay Products Co, J A Williams pres, G R Ahrens sec
Burley House, Frank Kilmer propr
Burns A H, billiards and soft drinks
Burrows John, tinner
Burrows O C, publr Belle Plaine Union
Butzloff Wm A, hardware
Carlson Abraham A, tailor
CEDAR RAPIDS BUSINESS COLLEGE (Cedar Rapids), A N Palmer Pres, W C Henning Principal
Citizens' National Bank (capital $50,000), Charles A Blossom pres, W O Brand cashr
Collins D L & Son, paints
Collins Francis B, dentist
Conklin Henry D, contractor
Corn Belt Savings Bank (capital $35,000), W J Guinn pres, W A Irwin cashr
Craig W R, autos and garage
Deerr Byron, genl store
Deese James L, confectioner
Dixon Thomas, live stock breeder
Dodd Thomas, vulcanizer
Doughty John F, dry gds and shoes
Driscoll J L, furn and undertkr
Duda Thomas F, grocer
Ealy E M, dray
Eclipse Lumber Co
Elliott A, drugs
Ewen M, furn implts
Farmers Creamery Co, C W Burnham pres, Charles A Sweet sec
Feddersen August E, jeweler
First National Bank (capital $60,000), G R Ahrens pres, C A Sweet cashr
Goodwin Adah, milliner
Grauel Charles W, dentist
Greenlee T F, insurance
Grossman & Dixon, meats
Guinn & Irwin (W J Guinn, J H Irwin), insurance and real estate
Gumbiner Robert L, clothing
Hall Mary Mrs, laundry
Hancock R L, dentist
Hanson John F, confectioner
Hartman Lewis W, grocer
Hawkeye Oil Co (Waterloo)
Henry Fred H, lumber
Herring Hotel, Will P Herring propr
Hickey Edwin D, real estate
Hidy Henry R & Son (Henry R and Archie B), live stock
Hosmer Charles P, tinner
Hughes C E, lawyer
Hunt M E, auto repairer
IOWA RAILWAY & LIGHT CO, (General Offices Cedar Rapids, Iowa), M W B Sealy Mngr
Irwin J E, variety store
Irwin W A, cashr Corn Belt Savings Bank
Irwin & Moderwell, insurance
Johnson Walter, live stock
Kalina A E, dry goods
Kavenda & Axler, shoes
Kollman Wm, plumber
LaDage Fred, plumber
Lager Charles W, grocer
Lawrence Thomas, general store
McBride L, blksmith
McMorris James, physician
Malcolm L E Auto Co
Manatt C W, furniture
Martin Frank, baker
Martin H R, chiropractor
Miller J Franklin, clothing
Milner John C, real estate
Milner Robert S (USA), lawyer
Modlin Richard C, undertaker
Moore & Stead, restaurant
Muench Paul R, grocer
Murch Albert J, physician
Nemo Theatre, C M Frederick propr
  Nichols & Herejk (Edward and John G Nichols, W J Herejk jr), drugs
Norton Arthur, grocer
Palmer Bros (E A and T J), foundry
Palmer E A jr, auto repair
Park Ed G, harness
Park & Co (James Park, W D Wheeler), contrs
Pecenka Frank, cigars
Severs C F, cigars and billiards
Shelby H A, produce
Snyder Charles W E, lawyer
Soiney Oscar, real estate
Thorpe U B, automobile repairer
Peterman George W, shoes
Plumb Luther, auto tires
Prusha F W jr, garage and machinist
  Quigley Lee, confectioner
Rude Auto Co
Sankot Frank, live stock
Scheetz Louis, stock breeder
Schneider G, photogr
Scrimgeour Wm C, lawyer
Severin Henry, autos
Siepmann F W, meats
SLACK HARVEY, Postmaster
Stone F V, plumber
Sweet C A, cashr First Natl Bank
Tahash G E, blacksmith
Tappin Edward A, grain and coal
Thiesen Wm, meats
Tidball W B Mrs, milliner
Van Deest Samuel, hardware
Vincent Wm A, physician
Walton James O, cattle and poultry breeder
Wandling Fred, blacksmith
Ward James, house mover
Ward Samuel P, cement blocks
Welch J H, real estate
Wertheim Solly, clothing
Whelan Ralph L, chiropractor
White J A, county supervisor
Wilcox C B, grocer
Williams James A, physician
Wopat C, variety store
Workingmen's Building and Assn, G R Ahrens sec
Wright Charles F, contractor
Yavorsky G W, physician

Population, 650. An incorporated town on the C. & N. W. Ry., in Leroy township, Benton county, 21 miles s. of Vinton, the judicial seat, and 17 n. e. of Des Moines. Has Evangelical, Lutheran, Methodist and Presbyterian churches, electric light and power plant, bank, an opera house and a weekly newspaper, the Press. Large shipments of grain and live stock are made here. Exp., Am. Tel., W. U. Wm. J Hoebel, postmaster.

Benton County State Bank (capital $25,000), Robert Ferman pres, R D Kimm cashr
Blairstown Grain Co
Blairstown Opera House, Wm H Wood
Blairstown Press (weekly), C W Canfield publr
Burch J H, billiards
Canfield C W, publr
Blairstown Press and printer
Cline J R Co (Joseph R and Ethel A Cline), general store
Coder Thomas, carpet weaver
Cornelius Ed C, meats
Cramer A T, coal
Denniston & Partridge Co, lumber
Driscoll J L, furn and undertaker
Bekert H O, restaurant
Edwards George L, r r, tel and exp agt
  Elsner R A, general store
Fairmont Creamery Co (Omaha, Neb), L J Marlow mngr
Goss George W, real estate
Gruenenwald Dairy
Hamilton Clarence, dray
Henry Frank, chiropractor
Hoebel Philip, hardware and implts
  HOEBEL WM J, Postmaster
Iowa Telephone Co, Ed Watkinson mngr
Kelly G T, blacksmith
Kimm B, general store
Kimm G H jr, general store
Kimm Ira, live stock
Kimm R D, cashr, Benton County State Bank
King House, Mae Byfield mngr
Line Hiram, surveyor
Lynch Patrick H, lawyer
Martin C W, plumber
Miller L B, farm implements
Nelson Hans, harness
Paul's Pharmacy (Benjamin J and Della B Paul)
Ransom Dora Mrs, insurance
Schoen Joseph F, dentist
Schultz Walter O, garage
Thode & Schallou (Peter Thode, Charles Schallou), auto garage
Tomson T L, physician
Wood Wm H, restaurant

In Benton county. Mail to Mt. Auburn.

Schmitz Bros, lumber and coal

Population, 450. An incorporated town on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Jackson township, Benton county, 7 miles w. of Vinton, the judicial seat. Has 3 churches, 2 banks. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Chas. F. Irons, postmaster. 

Baum E H, cashr Farmers' Savings Bank
Bryant Auto Co, automobiles
Carle Frank C, physician
City Hotel, Charles Blocker propr
Culp E R, farm implements
Donald A J, cashr Peoples Savings Bank
Farmers Lumber & Grain Co, P M Mettlin mngr
Farmers Mercantile Co. W H Naylor mngr
Farmers Mutual Telephone Co Farmers Savings Bank (capital $20,000), J W Hanna pres, E H Baum cashr
Garrison Brick and Tile Works
Garrison Lumber, Grain and Coal Co, Hayes Henkle pres, C W Forbes mngr
Garrison Supply Co, D A Tisdale mngr
  Harwood Bros, live stock
Heiden Louis F, drugs
Iido Canning Co
Iowa Railway & Light Co, electric plant
  IRONS CHARLES F, Postmaster
Lahue Alexander Mrs, carpet weaver
Liddy Hanna, milliner
Nabholz & Mack, garage
Pastime Theatre, B G Tyler, propr
Lynch F J, restaurant
Merchant Roy, drayage
Naugle S E, grocer
Peoples Savings Bank (capital $15,000), A J Donald cashr
Roe G A, billiards
Searle L R, r r, exp and tel agt
Tyler Charles N, meats
Urice Wm J & Sons, live stock
Wenner Oscar, hardware

Population, 500. Settled in 1880. An incorporated town on the C., M. & St. P. Ry, in Kane township, Benton county, 21 miles s. w. of Vinton, the seat of justice, and 30 from Cedar Rapids. Has Catholic and German Evangelical Lutheran churches, a newspaper and two banks. Exp., W., F. & Co. Tel., W. U. Magnus A. Merkel, postmaster.

Bechtold Charles, contr
Bennett Joseph E, drugs
Blakey Thomas, restr and meats
Buch George, county supervisor
City Water Works (municipal), John A Koeppen supt
Donnan Walter A, dentist
Farmers Savings Bank (capital $15,000), Henry J Meyer pres, W C Hamann cashr
Feuerbach John F, grocer
Hamann W C, cashr Farmers' Savings Bank
Tamann & Harder, insurance
Harder Henry, harness
Harding Printing Co, publrs Keystone Bulletin
Heckt Ernest, furn and hdwe
Hellwig Gustaf F, poultry breeder
Iowa Railway & Light Co, light plant
Jacobson H F, mayor
Johnson Hardware Co (C A Johnson, Louis Nigg), hardware and furn
Keystone Bulletin, Harding Printing Co publrs
Keystone Cement Works, cement mnfrs
Keystone Hotel, Mrs Wm Schuett prop
Keystone Mercantile Co, R Wm Bernstorff mngr, grain and coal
Keystone Opera House
Keystone Turner Hall, John F Feuerbach sec
King Wilder Grain Co (Cedar Rapids), Geo H Thiessen mngr, grain and coal
Krum F G, physician
MERKEL MAGNUS A, Poultry Breeder and Postmaster
Little German Theatre
Nunn Earl, r r, exp and tel agt
Prueter & Miller, agrl implts and pumps
Roenkendorf Wm, general store
Schenken F W, insurance
Severin H C, livery
Smith Llewellyn, sheep and cattle breeder
Snow Bros (Payson and Russell), cattle breeders
Stookey D W, general store
Thiessen Henry, meats
Thomas C E, physician

Population, 200. An incorporated village on the C. & N. W. Ry., in Leroy township, Benton county, 25 miles south of Vinton, the judicial seat. Has Congregational and Lutheran churches and a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Wm. Kouba, postmaster. 

Deppe Bros, confectioners
Hughes F H, live stock
Kluss F H, live stock
KOUBA BROS, General Store
KOURA WM, Postmaster
Luzerne Mercantile Co, grain and implements
Pelham Auto Co
Radake H, live stock
Schulze Fred, creamery
Stok Frank, blacksmith and implts
  Thedee Nicholas, cream station

Population, 280. On the C., R. I. & P. Ry, in Cedar township, Benton county, 8 miles north-west of Vinton, the judicial seat. Has Church of Christ and Methodist Episcopal churches and a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Grover Wiese, postmaster.

Bell W E, poultry
Burd W E, hardware and harness
Call W E, contractor
Christopher W F, vet surgeon
Cole Lloyd, live stock
Farmers Telephone Co, Guy See mngr
  Haines Samuel, restaurant
Havirland J A, r r, exp and tel agt
Healy J A, meats
Hind W H, drayage
Jenks James, billiards
Kitchen C H & Co general store
Mount Auburn Savings Bank (capital $15,000), D E Mackie pres, P L Lupton cashier
Oliver J N Mrs, restaurant
Rogers L R, stock food
St Clair R H, lumber and coal
St Clair & Son, grain
Schnoor George, county supervisor
Smalley J A, agrl implts and grain
Usher W W, garage
WIESE GROVER, Drugs, Wall Paper, Cigars and Postmaster

Population, 300. On the C., M. & St. P. Ry, in Eldorado township, Benton county, 14 miles s.e. of Vinton, the judicial seat. Has Catholic, Lutheran and Presbyterian churches, a newspaper and a bank. Tel., W. U. W., F. & Co., Exp. C. S. Moller, postmaster.

Baumgartner George, live stock
Bradley Carl, physician
Brecht Edgar, billiards
Dalby Thomas H, lumber and coal
  DeKlotz Louis, ins and cashr Newhall Savings Bank
Gardemann & Jungclaus (Wm Gardemann, Adolph Jungclaus), live stock
Groff Bruner L, live stock
Grovert Charles & Son, automobiles
Heinrich A W, automobiles
Huyck Osborne H, r r, exp and tel agt
Kaeberle Otto, grain
Kennedy J J, meats and poultry
Kolsto Martin L, hardware
Millett J R, publr Newhall News
  Moller C S & Son, lunch room and confectionery
Newhall Cornet Band, Porter Olson leader
Newhall Hotel, J W Fowler propr
Newhall News (weekly), J R Millett pubr
Newhall Opera House, Chas E Erland prop
Newhall Savings Bank (capital $30,000), John A Miller pres, Louis DeKlotz cashr
Olson John, cattle breeder
Seilhamer & Fuller, agrl implts
Shurfeld Wm, drugs
Steadman Elbert E, poultry breeder
Strawn Alvah E, cigars and billiards
  Swanson Andrew, veterinary
Vitt Joseph, general store
Wagner & Rosburg, general store
  Werning Fred, livery

Population, 500. An incorporated town on C. & NW. Ry., in Florence township. Benton county, 24 miles south of Vinton, the judicial seat, and 16 from Cedar Rapids. It has Catholic, Friends, Lutheran and Methodist churches, a weekly newspaper, the Benton County Star, and 2 banks. Exp., Am. Tel., W. U.

Benton County Savings Bank (capital $15,000), Henry L Uthoff pres, John H Pickart cashr
Benton County Star, Ray Burch publr
  Beresford John L, creamery
Beyer John, real estate
Blakely Ward H, lumber, coal and cement
Burch Ray, publr Challed C W, drugs
Derfinger J W, creamery
Doebek George A, cashr First Natl Bank
Eckey Ernest, restaurant
Ellingson Elling, cattle breeder
Emanuel Nick, blacksmith
Farmers Elevator Co
First National Bank (capital $25,000), Charles E Simpson pres, George A Doebek cashr
Flamming Henry, billiards
Glenn J C, vet surgeon
Heynen Al C & Co (Al C and Nina Heynen, general store
Hofferd H W & Co, general store
Hofferd J & Son (Jacob and Frank), general store
Holland Bros, harness
Horwedel W F, billiards
Jennings C, dairy
Johnson A M, lumber
Kimm Jacob, contractor
Kuen Rhinehart V, automobiles
Muir Wm W, dentist
Norland Lars J, live stock
Norland W L, auto garage
Norway Opera House
Norway Water Works (city owners)
Pickart John H, cashr Benton County Savings Bank
Pickart J H Mrs, milliner
Pirie Glen, automobiles
Pirie Hans L, farm implements
Pirie James, farm implements
Schinker Neil J, automobiles
Schloeman Aug, cattle breeder
Sevening W R, restaurant
Siepman Henry W, garage
Siepman Wm, meats
Simpson Charles E, physician
Tow Cyrus A, cattle breeder
Turner Z B, drayage
Union Hotel
Watts Charles, carriage trimmer and trapper
Werning & McGregor (August Werning, Allen McGregor), hardware and furn
Williams Edward M, physician

Population, 650. An incorporated city on the main line of the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Shellsburg township, Benton county, 12 miles s. e. of Vinton, the judicial seat, and 15 miles n. w. of Cedar Rapids. It contains Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian churches, 2 banks, an opera house and a weekly newspaper, the Shellsburg Advance. Ships grain and live stock. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Edward M. Bratton, postmaster.

Albertson J E, publr Shellsburg Advance
Barnes R, drugs
Beatty John M, farm lands
Black B H, contractor
Combs George, tinsmith
Boles Irving S, physician
DeFoe Wm M, furniture and undertaker
Dorsey R P, restaurant
Farmers Mutual Telephone Co, I S Boles mngr
Hanover F, meats
Hanover Henry J, meats and grocer
  Harbert Roy E, insurance
Hayes J M, live stock
Holmes George W, produce and grocer
Iehl & Trego, blacksmiths and wagonmakers
Iowa Canning Co (Vinton), Harry Bender mngr
Iowa Telephone Co, N E Barlow mngr
Johnson O M, tailor
Kibble A A, automobiles and garage
King Frank L, groceries, hardware and implements
Lashbrook E E, physician
McBroom F M Mrs, milliner
Moeller Julius A, creamery
O'Brien J W, moving pictures
Park Hotel, Mrs Anna Files prop
Penrose Wm O, cash
Shellsburg Savings Bank Peoples' Savings Bank (capital $25,000), J M Beatty pres, A K Rife cash
Quinn Jacob C, photographer
Rambo D L, baker and restr
Rife A K, cash Peoples' Savings Bank
  Robbins Jacob F, general store
  Shellsburg Advance, J E Albertson publr
Shellsburg Brick & Tile Co, A J Budd mngr
Shellsburg Grain & Lumber Co (capital $15,000), A J Budd pres, H Dickinson sec, A K Rife treas
Shellsburg Machinery & Supply Co (W G Gintert, J C Quinn)
Shellsburg Opera House, A J Budd mngr
Shellsburg Savings Bank (capital $15,000), D K Johnson pres, Wm O Penrose cashr
Shomler Florence, clothing and harness
Spurgeon Clarence, garage
Stookey Charles F, lawyer
Worley S S, r r, exp and tel agt
Wyant, Dickinson, Heath Co (J E Wyant, Herbert and L A Dickinson, H W Heath), general store and farm implts

Population, 600. An incorporated town on the W., C. F. & N. Interurban Ry, in Polk township, Benton county, 12 miles northeast of Vinton, the judicial seat, and 6 northwest of Center Point, the nearest railroad station. Has Adventist, Christian and Methodist churches and a bank. J. Dean Burrell, postmaster.

Abbe & Son, restaurant
Aossey & Allbones, general store
Bell Telephone Co
Burrell Bros, live stock
BURRELL J DEAN, Postmaster, Real Estate and General Insurance
Casner Wm E, apiarist
Cook W E & Son, grocers
Farmers' Telephone Co
Cross Lee, hotel
Dietz W W, exp agt
Dingman M E, physician
Eighmy E, jeweler
Ferguson C D sr, agrl implements
  Gilchrist L K, cashr
Peoples Savings Bank
Hatch & Brookman Lumber Co Heath
Frank, grocer and harness
Hoon Wm E, cement block mnfr
Hunt E T, undertaker and furniture dealer
Johnson G J, livery and garage
  Ketterman Canning Co, E L Ketterman mngr
McCammon E, meats
Peoples' Savings Bank (capital $15,000), A Gephart pres, L K Gilchrist cashr
Penard P F W, drugs
Remer T H, cashr Urbana Savings Bank 
Revel P, vet surgeon
Titus Samuel, drayage and garage
  Urbana Creamery Co, Ted Rouse propr
Urbana Hardware Co, S J Hacker propr
Urbana Opera House, D W Lane mngr
Urbana Savings Bank (capital $20,000), John T Hamilton pres, T H Remer cashr
Westcott Wm J, restaurant
Wheeler G W, picture theatre

Population, 500. An incorporated town on the C. M. & St. P. Ry., in Union township, Benton county, 14 miles southwest of Vinton, the judicial seat, and 23 from Cedar Rapids. Settled in 1881. It contains Catholic, Evangelical Lutheran and Methodist churches, 2 banks, a newspaper, the Record, etc. Tel., W. U. Exp., W., F. & Co. Mae K. Honzelka, postmaster.

Barron Charles, cashr VanHorn Savings Bank
Boisen Wm, furn and undertaker
Bowen Dana, r r, exp and tel agt
Bowker George W, vet surgeon
Boisen Nina S, milliner
Burns Alwin H, grocer
Coon Clifford G, drugs
Cornelius Edward C, meats
Dircks A W, contractor
Donnelly John F, live stock
Dauchy H O, electr supplies
Davis George E, general store
Farmers' Co-operative Co (capital $32,000), Charles VanDeusen pres, lumber and coal
Farmers' Mutual Telephone Co, E Sherman Thompson mngr
Farmers Savings Bank (capital $25,000), Wm Jewett pres, P R Holler cashr
Gallman Auto Co, garage
Grady Clem W, dentist
Grewe & Witte, billiards
Griese Christian, tailor
Griese Martin, livery
Hammer George, florist
Hartung & Holler (Charles H Hartung, Peter R Holler), real estate and ins
Henderson J E, furn and undertakers
  Holler P R, cashr Farmers Savings Bank
HONZELKA MAE K, Postmaster
Hoover Walter, contractor
Hotel Coughlin, Mrs M J Coughlin propr
Hunt L Mrs, restaurant
Kaeberle Otto, grain and coal
Kelly & Woltersdorf (James Kelly, Wm Woltersdorf), general store
Kerkman Jesse, billiards
Kerkman & Young, hardware and farm implements
McPike G F, restaurant
Moore F W, publr Van Horn Record
  O'Brien John R, live stock
Paulsen & Sons (Peter N and Herman E), hardware and implements
Princess Theatre (C Griese)
Schallau C, blacksmith
Schmidt & Barron (O B Schmidt, Charles B Barron), insurance
Streliner John, contractor
Thompson Frank L, automobile garage
Thompson Thomas L, physician and hospital
Van Horn Auto Co (E J Woltersdorf, J G Gallman)
Van Horn Concert Band, Richard Honzelka leader
Van Horn Electric Light and Power Plant (city owner)
Van Horn Record, F W Moore publr
Van Horn Savings Bank (capital $12,000), Henry Kerkman pres, Charles B Barron cashr
Wagner George A, physician
Weiditz Herman, harnessmaker
Yeisley W C, grain and coal

Population, 4,000. Dating its settlement from 1846 and incorporated as a city in 1869, is located on the Cedar river and on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Benton county, of which it is the judicial seat, 24 miles northwest of Cedar Rapids, 121 northwest of Burlington, and 167 northeast of Des Moines. The city is well laid out, has broad streets and avenues, handsome and substantial business blocks and residences, is lighted by electricity, has a good system of water works and excellent sewerage. It has churches of the Baptist, Catholic, Christian, Evangelical, German Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian and United Brethren denominations, good public schools, an academy, free public library, 4 banks, an opera house, etc. The Iowa College for the Blind is located here. The press is represented by the Eagle (semi-weekly) Review (weekly), and Cedar Valley Times (tri-weekly). Ships grain, produce, canned goods and live stock. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. H. G. Kruse, postmaster.   

Adams Ulysses G, dry goods
Aikley Brick and Tile Works, V W Aikley propr
Albert C F, real estate
Allen A B, cashr Peoples Savings Bank
Allen & Wallace (E K Allen, W C Wallace), publrs Vinton Review
Austin Joe P, photographer
Baker Francis W, general store
Bassett & Westover, live stock
Benfer Fred, cigars
Bills J A & Son (John A and Bert M), jewelers
Borland R L, dentist
Boyd Sisters (Viola and Lucena), miliners
Brown-Fry Motor Co (C P Brown, George W Fry), automobiles
Brown John, poultry breeder and wall paner
Bruner & Bickel (Geo H Bruner, Geo H Brickel), agrl implements
Bryan Daniel L, grocer and harness
Bryant Edward T, real estate
Butterfield A R, dentist
Buxton Edwin A, vet surgeon
Cameron Roy, clothing
Campbell J P, restaurant
Carter James R, tailor
Cato Sells Hotel, J M Gibney propr
CEDAR RAPIDS BUSINESS COLLEGE (Cedar Rapids), A N Palmer Pres, W C Henning Principal
Cedar Rapids Oil Co
Cedar Valley Land and Investment Co John Lorenz sec
Cedar Valley Times, H G Kruse publr
Consamus N J, tinsmith
Conter Peter J, clothing
Cook Albert, repair shop
Cook Charles B, dray
Cushing & Welsh (J H Cushing, H S Welch), 2d hand goods
Douglas Lawrence, grocer
Eden Fire Ins Co, W E Fry sec
Ellis Lumber Co (capital $20,000), Wm C Ellis pres, Lawrence W Ellis sec
Engledow Clarence A, photographer
  Evans Elmer P, clothes cleaner
Farmers' Mercantile Co, Bert J Turner mngr, grocers
   FARMERS' NATIONAL BANK (Capital $65,000, Surplus $35,000), George Horridge Pres, W C Ellis Vice-Pres, Geo D McElroy Cashier, F L Gerbich Asst Cashier
Farwell Bert L, poultry
Fischer & Fischer (H M and Clara E)
  Florida-Indian River Land Co, P O Christianson pres, George N Urice sec
Fowler Clarence E, poultry and produce
  Fry Furniture Co (W Clark Fry), furniture and undertakers
Gale George F, hardware
Geyer J G, baker
Gilbert G W, dentist
Gilchrist W E, county auditor
  GOODHUE W S, Cashier State Bank of Vinton
Griffin Clark C, physician
Griffin Clark C jr, physician
Hall Clyde A, baker
Hall Wm S, feed and coal
Hanover Geo, meats
Harper Charles S, county supervisor
Hays Bert, feed mill
Hayward-Glock Shoe Co (capital $10,000), J W Hayward pres, J Glock sec, S S Hayward treas
Hite E F, electrician
Hotel Downs, Mrs James C Downs propr
Houlihan A C, insurance
Hulse Wm C, laundry.
Iowa Canning Co (capital $500,000), C C Griffin pres, F G Ray sec
Iowa College for the Blind, J W Jones acting supt
Iowa College for the Blind Library
Iowa Hardware Co (Samuel F Parzybok) 
Iowa Telephone Co, Charles E Parcell mngr
Jackson P M, cigar mnfr
Jameson Bros (Freeman S and George N), grocers
Jervis Wm, dry goods
Kaldenberg M T, shoes
Keller B F, harness and shoes
Kirk Dry Goods Co, George Horridge pres, J G Haish sec
Kirkland & White (Louis J Kirkland, Arthur White), lawyers
Knapp George E, lawyer and county attorney
Knapp George R, abstracts and real estate
Knupp Daniel C, abstracts, real est and insurance
Knutz Amalie C, milliner
Knutz Henry, livery
Koster W A, county treasurer
Krukenberg Roy, drugs and jeweler
Kruse H G, publr Cedar Valley Times
Lauretson Lars, blacksmith
Lent Ralph R, drugs
Luckey George M, physician
Luckey John E, physician
Lyons James, house mover
MCELROY GEORGE D, Cashier Farmers' National Bank
McIntyre Shoe Co (Bert H and Roy H McIntyre)
McWhartor & Son (Edward and Milton), live stock
Marietta & Bickel (John E Marietta, Wm E Bickel), real estate and loans
Marsh H J, wall paper and paints
Melberg Amos, county engineer
Miller Henry, shoes and apiarist
Moelk August, dry goods and crockery 
Moon & Secor, hardware
Mossman Hugh, lawyer
Mossman & Moon (A H Mossman, C H Moon), grocers
Muhl Lumber Co, Theodore Muhl propr 
Murphy Edward A, publr The Vinton Eagle
Murray C J, livery
Naylor & Middlekauff (Clarence E Naylor, Seymore B Middlekauff), grocers
Noble Isbend, live stock
Northern Minnesota Land and Invesment Co, J M Beatty pres, J G Carrier mngr
Norwood Clifford W, insurance
Palace Theatre, Palace Theatre Co proprs
Peoples' Savings Bank (capital $50,000), John Young pres, A B Allen cashr
Port Glenn A, jeweler
Rasley Ella Mrs, milliner
Rasley James A, notions
Reed C H, agt C R I & P Ry
Reeve I Milton, auto livery
Ridge Walter, tailor
Robinson Stinson, agrl implt mnfr
Rosenberg Daniel S, harness
Ruhl J A, sheriff
St Clair A E & Son (Archibald E and Glen M), automobiles
St Clair F J, clerk of court
St Clair Harry A, county recorder
Sauer Wm C, vet surg and livery
Schloeman Linnie E, county supt of schools
Sebeck Wm, tailor
Smith Benjamin, contr and builder
Smock Millard D, contr and builder
Spencer Wm M, livery
Standard Oil Co, Louis Reeves agt
  STATE BANK OF VINTON (Capital $65,000, Surplus $20,000), F G Ray Pres, C C Griffin Vice-Pres, W S Goodhue Cashier
Stickney David H, county supervisor
Stookey C Owen, osteopath
Strippel & Young (Werner Strippel, Ethel Young), furn and undertakers
Strong Harry L, drugs and stationery
Thompson Willis H, feeds, seeds, plaster and cement
Tilford Collegiate Academy, Thomas F Tobin prin
Tilford Library (Library Tilford Collegiate Academy)
Tobin, Tobin & Tobin (M J Hamilton and John), lawyers
   TRAER J F, Cashier Vinton Savings Bank 
Ulom Samuel A, drugs
URICE BROS (Logan B Urice), Florists, Growers of Fine Pot Plants
Urice George N, insurance
Urice John T, real estate and ins
Vinton Canning Co (capital $25,000), J W Hayward pres, C W Miller sec, George R Kelley supt
Vinton Commercial Club, W Strippel pres, George N Urice sec
Vinton Creamery Co (Charles Daniels)
VINTON EAGLE THE (Semi-Weekly), Edward A Murphy Publr
Vinton Free Public Library, Elizabeth Williams librarian
Vinton Gas Co, E T Bryant pres, Martin Kennedy sec and mngr
Vinton Granite Works (Charles Lynk, Harry Allen)
Vinton Harness Co, Fred E Butterfield propr
Vinton Heat & Artificial Ice Co, J M Beatty pres, George D McElroy sec, W S Goodhue treas
Vinton Ice Co (W H and E C Thompson, C E Cram)
Vinton Mutual Fire Ins Co, C C Griffin pres, J F Traer sec
Vinton Review (weekly), Allen & Wallace publrs
VINTON SAVINGS BANK (Capital $20,000, Surplus $10,000), W C Ellis Pres, J F Traer Cashier
Vinton Savings Building and Loan Assn, W C Ellis pres
Vinton Water and Electric Light Works (city owner), Walter Klingman supt
Waterstradt F C, grocer
Webb Sisters (Clara Webb, Mrs Nana Cross), milliners
White & Potter, grocers and meats
Whitney & Chadbourne (Jay P Whitney, J T Chadbourne), physicians
Wilson Frank, garage
Wood Thomas, artificial stone mnfr
Woodhouse G R, physician
Wratislaw F J, insurance
Zimring & Sigel, junk

Population, 130. On the C., M. & St. P. Ry, in Florence township, Benton county, 29 miles southeast of Vinton, the judicial seat. Has Catholic and Methodist churches and a bank. Exp., Adams. Tel., W. U. Wesley H. Serbousek, postmaster.

Deniston Partridge Lumber Co
Erger Lewis, garage
Chamberlain S S, blacksmith
Farmers' Savings Bank (capital $10,000), B W Humphrey cashr
Donahue A J, exp agent
Farmers' Elevator Co
Humphrey B W, cashr Farmers' Savings Bank
Kodera Charles, harness
Olson I, carpet weaver
Ross T D, real estate
Sampson Thomas, horse buyer
  SERBOUSEK WESLEY H, Postmaster and General Store
Shunka J W, billiards and confectioner 
Svoboda John, general store
Vanous John, carpet weaver
Weland N E, poultry
Weston M O, poultry

Population, 150. On the C. & N. W. Ry., in St. Clair township, Benton county, 22 miles south of Vinton, the judicial seat, and 19 from Cedar Rapids. Has Catholic and Presbyterian churches and a bank. Average price of improved farm lands $225 to $235 per acre. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Burt L. Waychoff, postmaster.

Brannan Wm J, soft drinks and billiards
Buhrmann James J, hardware
Henni Marie Mrs, confectionery
Kettler Edward H, cashr
Watkins Savings Bank, real estate and insurance
Kimm August S, poultry breder
McClure Arthur D, r r and exp agt
Newton George A, live stock
Quaker Oats Co, D D O'Neill mngr
  Schmidt Bros, threshers
Watkins Auto & Implement Co, Theodore Nolte mngr
Watkins Grain Co, L O Eaton mngr
  Watkins Repair Co, S H Rank propr
  Watkins Savings Bank (capital $20,000), George Frese pres, Edward H Kettler cashr
WAYCHOFF BURT L, General Store and Postmaster
Wolf Thomas, general store

Transcribed by Volunteer, March, 2023

Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 08-Mar-2023 06:24:10 CST

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