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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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History of Benton County, Iowa
The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1910; Luther B. Hill, Ed.

Pages 557-558

FREDERICK G. WALTHER, a dairy and stock farmer of Cedar township, Benton county, was born in Saxony, Germany, June 30, 1843, and came to Benton county in 1877. He is a son of Goddlot and Caroline Walther; his father, also a native of Saxony, died when he was seventy-four years old. He was a farmer, and owned land; his wife, also born and reared in Germany, lived there all her life, and died some years before her husband. Their children were: Frederick G.; Charles, who lives in Rock Island, Illinois; Earnest, of Henry county, Illinois; and Clara, who lives in Germany, the wife of Puno Amanda.

Frederick Walther came to the United States in April, 1865, and located first in Henry county, Illinois, where he remained nine years. Upon removing to Benton county, Iowa, he purchased land that was in its wild state, which he has diligently worked to clear and bring under cultivation, making all improvements in the way of buildings and orchards. Here he has lived ever since, and now makes a specialty of Norman horses and fine hogs and cattle. He owns one hundred acres in section 17, and is a prominent man in the community. Though he has but a common school education, he has kept himself well informed on the questions of the day, and he is an enterprising farmer. He is a Republican in politics and a member of the German Lutheran church. Mr. Walther married, in 1867, in the United States, Christina Kahler, who was born in Saxony, Germany, February 13, 1847, and came to the United States in 1866. Her parents both died in Germany. They have been blessed with children as follows: Adeline, wife of William Sims, of Newhall, Iowa; Lena, wife of Wesley Preston, of Mount Auburn, Iowa; and Frederick, who lives with his parents.

Frederick Walther, Jr., born in Henry county, Illinois, in 1873, came when a small boy with his parents to Benton county, and has spent most of his life on his father's farm. He left home for five years at one time, but returned and has remained there since. He received a common school education, and has made a careful study of farming methods, so that he is able to co-operate with his father intelligently in the management of the farm. He is a Republican, like his father, and a member of the German Lutheran church. He belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America, and to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Frederick Walther, Jr., married, in 1901, Ida, daughter of John Kahler, and their children are: Augusta, aged seven, and Harold, one year and eight months old.

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