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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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History of Benton County, Iowa
The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1910; Luther B. Hill, Ed.

Pages 767-769
WELLINGTON TOWN, a retired farmer living on his farm in Harrison township, was born in Niagara county, New York, in 1828, and came to Benton county in 1867, buying part of his present farm, to which he has since added. He is a son of Nathan and Judith (Pease) Town. Nathan Town was born in Keene, New Hampshire, in 1790, and when twenty-two years of age removed to New York; he served as captain in the war of 1812, and was wounded in the engagement at Sackett's Harbor. He was a mason, and worked in the city of Buffalo on many of the large buildings of the city. He married (first) Judith Pease, (second) Orea Brown, (third) Mary Douglas and (fourth) Elizabeth Roe; the last-named died in 1908. When Wellington was ten years old his father moved from New York to Illinois where he worked at his trade until his death; he also worked his farm, and died in 1876, having attained a fair degree of success. His first wife's parents were from New York and died in that state, where she was reared and married. They had two children, Herbert, who died in 1909 and Wellington.

Wellington Town left Illinois when twenty-six years of age. He was married in Illinois, and soon after located in Buchanan county; he taught school in Buchanan and Benton counties, and also rented a farm and carried it on. He lived in Buchanan county when bears abounded there, and helped kill one near his home. When he located in Benton county be bought eighty acres, all timber, which he cleared and improved, and they now own about two hundred acres in sections 3 and 4 of Harrison township. He retired some twenty years ago. Mr. Town is an earnest Republican and takes a strong interest in local public affairs. He has served as member of the school board.

Wellington Town married (first) Emily, daughter of Eli and Sally Knox, who came from New York among the early settlers. He married (second) Caroline Johnson, who died in 1907. His children are: Ida, wife of J. A. Stainbrook, of Brandon, Iowa; Dallas; Addie, wife of J. Stainbrook, of Harrison township; Frank N. and Bert.

Frank N. Town was born in Buchanan county in 1867, and remained at home until he was of age, after which he spent some time in Nebraska. He also worked some time for his father. After his marriage he rented land, and then bought sixty acres in Harrison township. He now owns one hundred acres of land, and has been a successful farmer. At present he lives in Cedar Falls in order to offer better educational advantages to his children. He is a member of the Methodist church and in politics is a Republican. In 1891 he married, in Colorado, Annie, daughter of Alonzo and Martha (Condell) Bagley, her father having been born in Pennsylvania and her mother in New York. They moved to New York, where Mrs. Town was born, and in 1868 came west to Benton county. Mr. Town and his wife have two children, Pearl, eleven years of age and Inez, ten. He works at the trade of carpenter.

Bert W. Town owns and; operates eighty acres of land in Harrison township, in section 4. He was born February 20, 1871, in Harrison township, and was reared on a farm. He went to California when nineteen years old and stayed one year, after which he returned home and stayed with his parents two or three years, before his marriage. Since then he has remained on the home farm, and always worked land for his father until one year ago, when he purchased his present farm. He is a Republican in politics, and takes an interest in local affairs. Mr. Town married Margaret, daughter of J. E. and Anna (Green) Haynes, who came from Ohio about twenty-seven years ago and settled in Linn; they lived at Urbana for a time, and now live at Brandon and are retired. Mr. Town and his wife have three children, Georgianna, Virgil and Ila.

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