HOMER NARBER owns and operates his well improved
farm of six hundred and eighty acres, in sections 17 and 18, Canton
township. He is a native of the township, born August 20, 1860, to
George and Nancy (Gordner) Narber, early residents of the county, now
deceased. The former came to Benton county in 1857 and died in 1893,
aged about seventy-three years; he was born in Pennsylvania, October
23, 1820, and was married in Williamsport, where his first two children
were born. His wife was also a native of Pennsylvania. They had a
good-sized family of children, as follows: Ellis, who died in February,
1910 at Vinton; Bartley, of Shellsburg; Luther, of Minnesota, a stock
buyer; Emanuel, a farmer of Benton county; Irving, a farmer living near
Vinton, and Homer. Amanda died in childhood.
Homer Narber was reared in Benton county; he received a common school
education and has always followed farming as an occupation. He started
on his own account when a young man, and by his energy, ambition and
industry has attained unusual success. Politically he is a Democrat,
and he has served as township trustee. He is a member of the Masonic
Order of Shellsburg, and of the United Brethren church.
Mr. Narber married Anna, sister of John M. Beatty, given further
mention elsewhere in this work. He and his wife have three children,
all at home, Elsie, Grace and Helen Louise.