MICHAEL KELLY was born in county Kilkenny,
Ireland, in February, 1846, but nearly his entire life has been spent
in the United States, for he was but eight years of age when he crossed
the ocean with his parents, Patrick and Mary (Ryan) Kelly, also from
county Kilkenny, to become American citizens. The father was born on
the 27th of December, 1818, and died on the 17th of May, 1906, while
the mother was born in 1822 and died February 25, 1904. They became the
parents of thirteen children, but only the following are now living:
Michael; Thomas, also a Union township agriculturist; James, of Van
Horne; Patrick, Charles and John, also in Union township; Bridget, the
wife of James Hickey, of the same place; Mary, wife of James Lawler, of
Cedar Rapids; and Nellie, wife of Lawson Brain, state treasurer at
Lincoln, Nebraska. In 1853 Mr. and Mrs. Kelly with their family set
sail for the United States, landing on American shores after a voyage
of seven weeks, and their first home was in Kane county; Illinois, near
Geneva. But in the following year they again packed their goods, and
with ox teams drove to Benton county, spending two weeks on the road
and locating in section 26, Union township, Mr. Kelly entered one
hundred acres of land in sections 26 and 35. He had no time at first to
build a dwelling, for he was obliged at once to put in sod corn and
potatoes; so they cooked for a time in a tent made by piling up their
trunks and covering with a canvas, and they slept in the wagon. Mrs.
Kelly was bitten by a rattlesnake while living in this primitive
manner. Soon a log cabin, twenty by twenty-eight feet, was erected,
which served as their home until a frame residence was erected in 1865.
In 1894 they retired from farm work and moved to Van Horne, there to
enjoy rest and peace after many years of toil and hardships. They were
among the earliest of the pioneers of Union township, and they were
loved and honored for their true worth of character. Mr. Kelly served
his township as a treasurer for several years, and he became a wealthy
man, owning at one time eleven hundred acres of land.
Michael Kelly, the first born son of these brave and hardy Benton
county pioneers, received what schooling he was permitted to enjoy in
the district schools of Union township, and leaving home at the time of
his marriage he secured one hundred and sixty acres of unimproved
prairie land in section 15, where he has erected a comfortable
residence, and has since added to the boundaries of his first purchase
until his farm now contains four hundred acres of splendidly improved
land. He is quite extensively engaged in stock raising, breeding
Short-horn cattle and Poland China hogs, and he was one of the
organizers of the Farmers Bank of Van Horne, of which he is a
stockholder and since 1907 its vice president. He has served Union
township as a trustee, one term as assessor, and since 1875 has served
continuously as secretary of its school board.
Mr. Kelly married on February 8, 1868, Bridget Ryan, who was born in
county Clare, Ireland, in 1846, and she came to the United States in
1864. Ten children have been born of their marriage union, but only the
following five are now living: Mary, wife of Patrick Crelly, of
Larchwood, Iowa; Patrick, of the same place; Annie, wife of Thomas
Burke, of Egan, South Dakota; John, at home with his parents; and
George, living in Union township. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly are members of the
Van Horne Catholic church. grocer of Vinton already mentioned, and they
have one daughter, Rachel, aged two years. Henry, who was born October
30, 1874, is a druggist at Clarion, Iowa.