WILLIAM M. HANNEN, a successful farmer of section 35, LeRoy
township, was born in Van Buren county, Iowa, August 18, 1861. He is
a son of James B. and Margaret (Smith) Hannen. James B. Hannen was
born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, October 8, 1816, and died
September 8, 1891, and his wife, a native of the same place, was born
March 13, 1826, and died January 3, 1906. James B. Hannen grew to
manhood in his native state, and was reared on a farm. He came to
Iowa, first locating in Lee county, and later removed to Van Buren
county, where he was married. He came to Benton county in October,
1863, spending the winter in Blairstown, and in the spring purchased
forty acres of land in section 35, LeRoy township; there was a log
house on this farm, and here he and his wife died. They were parents
of six children, namely: Anetta, living with her brother, William M.;
William M.; Isabella, wife of Albert Rice, of LeRoy township; Ella,
wife of E. J. Schult, of Palo Alto county; Prudence, deceased; and L.
H., of LeRoy township.
William M. Hannen was reared in Benton county, and received his
education in the common schools. He lived at home after reaching
manhood, and after the death of his father purchased the farm, then
comprising sixty acres, which he has since carried on. He is
enterprising and industrious, and highly respected by his fellow-
citizens. Mr. Hannen is a Republican in political views, and has
served the past fourteen years as township assessor; he
has also held the office of school director. Mr.
Hannen is unmarried.