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Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa
Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887

DAVID V. BREWER, farmer, residing on section 35, Taylor Township, was born in Mercer County, Ky., March 17, 1817, and is a son of Garrett and Mary (Verbrike) Brewer. His parents emigrated from Kentucky to Indiana in 1825, locating in Johnson County, where his mother died Jan. 15, 1857, and his father June 16, 1860. David was brought up on a farm and remained with his parents until twenty-six years of age, when he purchased a farm, to which he removed and on which he lived until he came West.

He was married, Sept. 19, 1843, to Clarinda, daughter of John and Jane (Brewer) Smock. They are the parents of six children, five of whom are living — Mary E., now the wife of John C. Sebern, living in Taylor Township; Martha J., the wife of Albert T. Edward; William W., married to Ida S. Cesner, residing in Vinton; James A., now in Indianapolis, Ind., engaged as clerk in the National Hotel; Margaret C., the wife of Alexander Sheely, residing in Taylor Township. John M., the second son was born May 29, 1850, and died Feb. 7, 1872, aged twenty-one years and eight months; he was of a kind and affectionate nature.

In the fall of 1865 Mr. Brewer, with his family, came to Benton County and located on the farm where he now resides. He is the owner of 180 acres of land, all under a good state of cultivation. Mr. Brewer is an enterprising citizen, a good farmer, and enjoys the respect and esteem of all who know him. Mr. and Mrs. Brewer are members of the Presbyterian Church of Vinton.

Source Citation: "1887 Benton County, Iowa Biographies"  [database online]  Benton County IAGenWeb Project. <>
Original data: "Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa." Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887, p. 233.
Transcribed by: Sue Soden. Submitted to the Benton County IAGenWeb Project on December 23rd, 2008. Copyright © 2007 The IAGenWeb Project.

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