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Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa
Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887

F[rank] S. ROWEN, a prominent resident of Van Horne, and proprietor of the Railroad Hotel at that place, is one of the enterprising and energetic members of the community who has materially assisted in the development of the business interests of this town. He is the son of Stephen G. and Emeline (Baker) Rowen, and was born in Franklin Township, De Kalb Co., Ill., April 14, 1850. His father was a native of the Empire State, born Sept. 24, 1820; he is still living and engaged in conducting his farm in Franklin Township. The mother was born in the same State, Jan. 31, 1821; she departed this life in Franklin Township, June 11, 1883. They were the parents of six children, five of whom are yet living: Nathan died in infancy; F. S., the subject of our sketch, is the second child; Fred B. is a farmer in Franklin Township; Fremont N. is a veterinary surgeon at Kirkland, Ill.; Harley B. is a grocer and druggist in the same place; Emma, the youngest child, remains at home.

F. S. Rowen remained with his parents until 1877. He received a fair education in the common schools, which was completed at the High School of Sycamore and the Beloit (Wisconsin) College. Mr. Rowen was Clerk of Franklin Township for a period of ten years, and Notary Public eight years. Soon after his education was completed he was married, Feb. 26, 1877, to Miss Carrie Benson, daughter of Henry and Hannah Benson, and born in Rockford, Ill., Oct. 26, 1857. After his marriage he built the Rowen House at Kirkland, which contained twenty-five rooms and a railroad lunch counter. He conducted this until 1883, and then came to Van Horne and took charge of the Railroad Hotel at this place. It is a very large house for this section, consisting of three stories and basement, containing forty bedrooms, a fine, large dining-room, and a lunch-counter, and is heated by steam. He subsequently sold his Kirkland hotel.

Upon the incorporation of the village of Van Horne Mr. Rowen was elected the first Recorder. He enjoys the confidence and respect of his fellow-citizens, and has held various positions of importance in the village. He is a Republican in politics, and uniformly casts his vote with that party.

The portraits of Mr. Rowen and wife will be found in connection with this sketch.

Source Citation: "1887 Benton County, Iowa Biographies"  [database online]  Benton County IAGenWeb Project. <>
Original data: "Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa." Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887, p. 319-320.
Transcribed by: Sue Soden. Submitted to the Benton County IAGenWeb Project on February 13th, 2009.  Copyright © 2009 The IAGenWeb Project.

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