ISBAND NOBLE, an extensive farmer and stock-raiser, owns and occupies a valuable homestead in Taylor Township on section 4. Mr. Noble was born in Elgin County, Canada, a part of the section of country now known as Ontario, April 16, 1827. He is the son of Isband and Sarah (Brooks) Noble, natives of Massachusetts. His parents emigrated to Canada at an early day, where they remained until they departed from the scenes of their earthly labors. The mother died in 1831, when Isband was about four years of age; his father survived until Oct. 2, 1864. Isband Noble, Sr., served in the War of 1812 on the British side eighteen months, being a subject of the draft.The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm, remaining at home until twenty-three years of age. In November, 1850, he turned his steps westward, crossed the Father of Waters, and came into Benton County, where he arranged to purchase the quarter-section of land where he now lives. He came to this county in company with his brother John, and having no capital they persuaded a man to enter a half-section of land for them, and allow them time to pay for the same.
In the spring of 1851 Isband went to Minnesota, about eighty miles from St. Paul, where he worked on a farm about eighteen months, then returned to Canada, and the 27th day of October, 1852, was united in marriage to Miss Hannah P., daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth (Carless) Geddes, of Scotch ancestry and parentage. Mrs. Noble was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Oct. 13, 1829, and by her union with our subject has become the mother of five children — James A., married to Emma E. Couch, residing in Taylor Township, on section 33; William I., Sarah E., Andrew and Charles G., still at home. William I. owns 206 acres adjoining his father's homestead on the north, on section 33.
Immediately after his marriage, Mr. Noble, with his young wife, came to Benton County and settled on his farm which he had entered in 1850. Success has crowned his efforts as a farmer. By degrees he added to his first purchase and he now owns over 600 acres of valuable land in one body. He is one among the many successful men of this county, and by his industrious habits and sterling honesty has made many friends. He has held the office of Township Trustee, and been prominent in all matters tending to the advancement of the interests of his adopted State.
The family occupies a beautiful farm residence, giving evidence, within and without, of cultivated taste and ample means. Corresponding with this is a fine barn with every convenience for the storing of grain and the shelter of stock. Mr. Noble has a fine herd of seventy-five to eighty head of thoroughbred Short-horn cattle, and exhibits some of the finest animals to be found in the Hawkeye State. He has aided materially in the agricultural and industrial interests of this section, and is held in high esteem as a man and a citizen.
Source Citation: "1887 Benton County, Iowa Biographies" [database online] Benton County IAGenWeb Project. <http://iagenweb.org/benton/>
Original data: "Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa." Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887, p. 292-293.
Transcribed by: Sue Soden. Submitted to the Benton County IAGenWeb Project on February 10th, 2009. Copyright © 2009 The IAGenWeb Project.
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