WILLIAM H. HUXTABLE, a resident of Vinton, Iowa, was born in Devonshire, England, April 26, 1817. He is one of a family of six children of John and Mary Ann (Tucker) Huxtable, natives of the same country, both now deceased. William left home at the age of ten years to battle with the world alone. When twenty-eight he decided to come to America, and crossed the ocean, landing at Quebec, Canada, from which place he went to Albany and other points, working at various occupations until 1840, when he came West. At Chicago, in company with another person, he purchased a plug team of horses and started out with a view of finding a suitable place in which to locate. They visited Ottawa, Peru, Springfield, Peoria and other points in Illinois, camping out while on the way, living principally on the wild game which then abounded, finally arriving at Platteville, Wis., where Mr. Huxtable concluded to tarry at least for awhile. He first engaged to work in a livery stable, after which he purchased a team and engaged in teaming.Realizing that it was not good for a man to be alone, in the fall of 1847 Mr. Huxtable was united in marriage with Lydia Foust, of Jackson County, Iowa. She was the daughter of Michael and Maria (Hipple) Foust, and was born in Center County, Pa., June 20, 1829. Her parents were of German descent, but natives of Pennsylvania. In 1842, in company with her parents, she came West to Clinton County, Iowa, locating at De Witt. The family crossed the Alleghany Mountains in an old-fashioned Pennsylvania wagon, and on arriving at Erie took boat for Chicago, from which place they came on with team to Clinton County. While on the way Mr. Foust had his team stolen from him, but recovered it on the payment of $5 to a person who claimed to have found it. The family remained in Clinton County three years, and then moved to Joe Daviess County, Ill., locating at Dunleith, where Mr. Foust died in 1846, leaving a widow with nine children. In 1847 the widow moved with her family to Jackson County, Iowa, where Mr. Foust, just previous to his death, had purchased a tract of land. In the spring of 1850 she married Daniel Livingston, and moved to Scotch Grove, Jones Co., Iowa, where she died in 1880. Mr. and Mrs. Foust were both members of the Presbyterian Church.
After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Huxtable located in Platteville, Wis., but soon afterward moved to Iowa County, Wis., where they remained until May, 1870, Mr. Huxtable being engaged in the livery and hotel business. From Highland they moved to Avoca, and there Mr. Huxtable engaged in the purchase of grain and stock for the general market, in the meantime running a stage between Avoca and Mineral Point, carrying the mail. In 1870 they came to Benton County, where Mr. Huxtable purchased 240 acres of land in Taylor Township, onto which he moved. He had previously purchased a half-section of land in Big Grove Township, which he improved and then sold. In the fall of 1882 they went to California for the benefit of their health, remaining there until the following May, when they returned to this county. They now reside in the city of Vinton. Success has crowned their efforts since they first located in this country. When Mr. Huxtable arrived in America, he had only about $800, but by hard work he has accumulated enough of this world's goods to lead a less active but happy life.
Mr. Huxtable was reared an Episcopalian, but now affiliates with the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which his wife is an active member. He is also a member of Vinton Lodge, No. 83, I. O. O. F., and of Benton Encampment. Mr. and Mrs. Unstable were the parents of one child — Mary Ann, born Jan. 26, 1849, who died of consumption, Feb. 28, 1871. They have now an adopted daughter — Janey, born Jan. 20, 1876.
Source Citation: "1887 Benton County, Iowa Biographies" [database online] Benton County IAGenWeb Project. <http://iagenweb.org/benton/>
Original data: "Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa." Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887, p. 239-240.
Transcribed by: Sue Soden. Submitted to the Benton County IAGenWeb Project on January 28th, 2009. Copyright © 2009 The IAGenWeb Project.
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