The USGenWeb Project
Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project




R.L. POLK & CO., and A.C. DANSER.



Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul, Minn.
150 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill.

40 Larned Street West, Detroit, Mich.
22 North Fourth Street, St. Louise, Mo.

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1884,
by R.L. Polk & Co., and A.C. Danser,
in the Office of the Library of Congress, at Washington, D. C.

 page 46.
                               EIGHTH JUDICIAL COURT
                           Judge - James D. Griffen, Marion.
                    District Attorney - J. H. Preston, Cedar Rapids.

   Benton County, March 10th and October 6th, 1884; March 9th and October 5th, 1885.
   Cedar County, April 28th and November 24th, 1884; April 27th and November 23d, 1885.
   Iowa County, February 4th and September 1st, 1884; February 2d and September 31st, 1885.
   Johnson County, January 7th and May 26th, 1884; January 5th and May 25th, 1885.
   Jones County, May 12th and December 8th, 1884; May 11th and December 7th, 1885.
   Linn County, March 31st and October 27th, 1884; March 30th and October 26th, 1885.
   Tama County, February 18th and Sept. 15th, 1884; February 16th and Sept. 14th, 1885.

 page 48.
                              EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
                    Judge - Christian Hedges, Marengo, Iowa County.

   Benton County, April 28th and December 1st, 1884; April 27th and Nov. 30th, 1885.
   Cedar County, February 4th and August 25th, 1884; Feb. 2d and August 24th, 1885.
   Iowa County, March 31st and October 27th, 1884; March 30th and October 26th, 1885.

 page 49.

   Johnson County, March 3d and September 28th, 1884; March 2d and Sept. 28th, 1885.
   Jones County, February 18th and Sept. 8th, 1884; February 16th and Sept. 7th, 1885.
   Linn County, January 7th and May 12th, 1884; January 5th and May 11th, 1885.
   Tama County, April 14th and November 10th, 1884; April 13th and Nov. 9th, 1885.

 page 51.
                             IOWA COLLEGE FOR THE BLIND.
                                  Vinton, Benton County.

   Board of Trustees -- Clinton O. Harrison, Vinton; S.H. Watson, Treasurer, Vinton;
        Jacob Springer, Watkins; James F. White, Sidney; Milton H. Westbrook, Lyons;
        J.T. Barclay, Sibley.
   Principle -- J.J. McCune.
   Secretary of Board -- James A. Brown.

 page 54.
   Judic'l | Counties.| County |   Auditors.   |Clerks of the District|    Treasurers.
   District|          |  Seat. |               |  and Circuit Courts. |
      8.   |  Benton. | Vinton.| Geo. R. Knapp.|    Arad Thompson.    | Elihu D. Stedman.

 page 57.
   Judic'l | Counties.|   Sheriffs.    |   Recorders    |  Superintendents  |  County
   District|          |                |                | of Common Schools.| Surveyors.
      8.   |  Benton. |Irving Mitchell.| James W. Smock.| Salina Blackburn. | E. H. Lipe.

                               BANKS & BANKERS OF IOWA.
     Town.           Name of Bank.                  Cashier.          Capital.    Pg.
     Belle Plaine    Bank of Belle Plaine           C.C. Furnas       -           64
     Belle Plaine    First National Bank            L.T. Sweet        50,000      64
     Blairstown      Benton County Bank             -                 50,000      64
     Norway          Benton County Savings Bank     T. Atkinson       10,000      72
     Van Horne       Benton County Bank             -                 50,000      74
     Vinton          Farmers' Loan and Trust Co.    C.O. Harrington   65,000      75
     Vinton          Samuel H. Watson & Sons        -                 50,000      75
     Vinton          W.F. Williams                  -                 -           75

                                POSTOFFICES IN IOWA.
                                  up to April 1, 1884.
                         County seats are indicated by (c. h.)
                         Money Order offices are designated by
                         full face type.
                         Those marked (I) are International.
                           Postoffice.       County.     Pg.
                           Atkins            Benton      76
                           BELLE PLAINE      Benton      76
                           BLAIRSTOWN (I)    Benton      77
                           Burk              Benton      77
                           GARRISON          Benton      79
                           Keystone          Benton      80
                           Likens            Benton      80
                           LUZERNE           Benton      81
                           Mount Auburn      Benton      81
                           Newhall           Benton      82
                           NORWAY            Benton      82
                           SHELLSBURG        Benton      83
                           Urbanna           Benton      84
                           VAN HORN          Benton      84
                           VINTON (I)(c h)   Benton      84
                           Watkins           Benton      84

 page 105.
                                  R. L. POLK & CO.S'
                                Iowa State Gazetteer
                                   BUSINESS DIRECTORY

     In the following section of work, the cities, villages and postoffices of Iowa
   are arranged in alphabetical order, and a description is given of each place with
   an alphabetical list of persons doing business therein. In all the larger places
   the names have been procured by personal canvass, but in the smaller they have been
   furnished by postmasters. Great care has been taken to secure correctness as well
   as completeness.

 page 137.

   ATKINS. A village on the C., M. & St. P. Ry, in Fremont township, Benton County, 75
   miles east of Des Moines, 18 southeast of Vinton, the county seat, and 12 east of
   Van Horn, the nearest banking point. Settled in 1882, it contains Presbyterian and
   Evangelical churches, and ships grain and live stock. Population, 50. Tel., W. U. Exp.,
   U. S. Mail, daily. J. M. Horn, postmaster.

   Beatty John, constable.
   Davis A K, grain and stock.
   Horn J M, General Store.
   Johnson Bros, grain, stock, lumber and coal.
   Johnson J J, justice of the peace.
   McKinnon H, blacksmith.
   Miller Adam, hotel.
   Miller Jacob, shoemaker.
   Rinderknecht & Young, general store.
   Robinson C A, railroad agent.
   Wagner Philip, carpenter.
   Young John P, express agent.

 page 159.

   BELLE PLAINE. An enterprising town on the I. div. C. & N. W. Ry, in the southwestern
   part of Benton county, 30 miles southwest of Vinton, the county seat, and 109 north-
   east of Des Moines. It contains Methodist Episcopal, Baptist, Congregational and 2
   Evangelical churches, 2 graded public schools, an opera house capable of seating 500,
   a large skating rink, 2 banks, and a weekly newspaper, The Independent. It was first
   established in 1863, and was incorporated the following year. The principal manufac-
   turing interests are a flouring mill, a canning factory, and a large foundry and
   machine shop. The shipments comprise grain, live stock, canned goods and general farm
   produce. Population, 2,500. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Mail, daily. W. A. Hunter, postmaster.

   Ambrose Rev M H (Congregational).
   Bailey Robert M, propr city flouring mills.
   Baker J & W N (Joseph & Willis N), genl store.
   Bank of Belle Plaine, Cyrus Maholm pres, Columbus C Furnas cashier.
   Bardwell Samuel L, notary public and loan agent.
   Bell Arthur F, Attorney-at-Law, Notary, Loan and Insurance Agent.
   Belle Plaine Canning Co, Andrew J Hartman Pres, Lewis T Sweet Treas, Hartwig Wessel Sec
      and Manager. (See adv, below.)
   Belle Plaine Cornet Band, Will Smith leader.
   Belle Plaine Union, C M Failing propr.
   Benda Michael, cigar mnfr.
   Benton Fred F, horse dealer.
   Bistircky Mary, saloon.
   Blossom House, Wm P Perring propr.
   Blue & Furnace (John D Blue, Dr John M Furnas), general store.
   Brewer George C, Dentist.
   Briggs Myron D, Physician and Surgeon, One door West First National Bank.
   Brown Sanford, carpenter.
   Bullock E A, Hardware and Farm Impts.
   Burley B B, Propr Burley House.
   Burley House, B B Burley Propr.
   Burnes Robert, propr Iowa Valley Creamery.
   Callum Wm S, shoemaker.

page 160, Belle Plaine con't.

   Catron, Rucker & Greenlee (James Catron, John Rucker, Edwin Greenlee), draymen.
   Coldwell John M, livery and constable.
   Collister Henry, wagonmaker.
   Collister Miss Libbie, dressmaker.
   Cook Stephen M, physician.
   Cox James B, physician.
   Crusero James R, city marshal.
   Day G A, mngr W U Tel Co.
   Dayton John J, railroad agent.
   Deiven Eugene R, barber.
   Donlon James, shoemaker.
   Doughty & Kirkpatrick (Charles Doughty, Brown L Kirkpatrick), carpenters.
   Dunn John F, Propr Sherman house.
   Durston Joseph, live stock.
   Duval John, sewing machines.
   Eberts Albert, saloon.
   Elliott John A, Meat Market.
   Ewens Mathias, blacksmith.
   Failing Charles M, propr Belle Plaine Union.
   First National Bank (Capital $50,000; Surplus, $22,000),
        S S Sweet Pres, L T Sweet Cash. (See adv, p 159.)
   Furnas Columbus, cash Bank of Belle Plaine.
   Gilmore Henry, hog breeder.
   Grange Store Co, H H Williams agent.
   Hale Andrew, justice of peace.
   Hall Belinda D, milliner.
   Hardy & Kennedy (Hiram D Hardy, Daniel A Kennedy), meat market.
   Hart & Co (Samuel and S B Hart, P W Thompson), flour mill.
   Hartman A J, pres Belle Plaine Canning Co. (See adv. p 159.)
   Hartman A J & Co (Andrew J Hartman, P W Johnson), grain dealers.
   Hartson Mrs L A, milliner.
   Henry James P, lumber.
   Herring Wm P, propr Blossom house.
   Hollis & Hartman (Thomas Hollis, Andrew J Hartman), Groceries, Crockery and Glassware.
   Hondek Bros (Vencil and Anthony L), dry goods.
   Hosmer Charles P, hardware.
   Hughes Elias E, tel opr.
   Hunter Wm A, Druggest.
   Husted Helen, Dressmaker.
   Huston George, insurance and real estate.
   Independent The, John P Wallace Proprietor.
   Jelinek Charles, harnessmaker.
   Junge Michael F, farm impts.
   Kabel James, wagonmaker.
   Kallsen Christian, saloon.
   Kelly J & Co (James and Daniel), flouring mill.
   Kennedy D A, assessor.
   Kesl Vencel, general store.
   Krabbanhoeft Mrs M, milliner.
   Kubella Frank, saloon.
   Lawrence T jr & Co (Thomas Lawrence jr, R E Edsall, W H Chardavoyne), dry goods.
   Leavell S A , constable.
   Leavens Mrs Clara, hair goods.
   Leavens Frank A, wagonmaker.
   Lewis Albert G, marble works.
   Lewis W S, prin of schools.
   Louis Richard, barber.
   McClune Frank L, express agt.
   McClune F L & Co (Frank L & Mrs J P), hardware.
   McMorris James, physician.
   McQuin & Brown (Byron McQuin, Thomas H Brown), skating rink.
   Macek Vaclav, saloon.
   Macy Oliver W, photographer.
   Macy & Miles (Ira M Macy, Joseph A Miles), photographers.
   Magee Isaac N, tailer.
   Mahanna H C, train master C & N W Ry.
   Maholm Cyrus, pres Bank of Belle Plaine.
   Marean Aaron J, blacksmith.
   Marshall Thomas, barber.
   Mell Rev E F (1st Evangelical).
   Miles Wm H, jeweler.
   Miller, Leopold & Co (- Leopold, Isaac Miller), clothing.
   Milner Rev R W (Methodist).
   Montgomery Bros, live stock, 4 miles s.
   Mosnat Jacob J, lawyer.
   Murch A J, physician.
   Murray Wm, live stock.
   Nichols & Van Meter (Edward Nichols, James G Van Meter), druggists.
   Nicholson Robert, grocer.
   Ortscheid Andrew, saloon.
   Palmer & Son (Albert and Eugene A), Iron Founders and Pump Mnfrs.
   Patterson David, nursery.
   Phoenix Hall, Hartman & Burns proprs.
   Prentiss Mendon L, House, Sign and Carriage painter.
   Read D W, loan and collections.
   Ream G G, asst postmaster.
   Reymann Frank, saloon.
   Robinson Mrs P, grocer.
   Ronell & Ronell (Clayton and Porter), furniture.
   Scheible Frederick C, Bakery and Restaurant.
   Schellein John, Saloon and Billiard Hall.
   Schoneng Hans, saloon.
   Scrimgeour & Sweet (George C Scrimgeour, Charles A Sweet), lawyers.
   Schuchart Christian, harnessmaker.
   Seldon Nels P, Merchant Tailor.

 page 161, Belle Plaine con't.

   Sheets Bros (Robert and Frank), watchmkrs.
   Sherman House, John F Dunn Propr.
   Shults & Allee (Simon L Shults, George Allee), grocers.
   Smith R F, brick yard.
   Snyder Charles, furniture.
   Snyder Ferdinand E, funiture.
   Strachan George, pres Grange Store Co.
   Sweet L T, cashier First National Bank.
   Sweet Sidney S, insurance.
   Thompson J W, marshal.
   Thompson Wells W, druggist.
   Travers & Salton (Jessie Travers, John M Salton), livery.
   Turnbull Bramwell A, shoemaker.
   Vogt Hans, saloon.
   Vosburgh Abraham, confectioner.
   Wallace John P, propr The Independent.
   Wentz Christopher, grocer.
   Wertheim Solly, clothing.
   Wessel Hartwig, sec Belle Plaine Canning Co.
   Wilson Andrew, drayman.
   Winterstein Bros, sorghum mnfrs,
   Worley Joshua, physician.
   Worley & Gregg (Joshua Worley, Robert B Gregg), drugs and books.
   Yount Mrs Elizabeth, milliner.
   Zalesky Frank E, meat market.

 page 170.

   BLAIRSTOWN.  A thriving little town on the I. div. C. & N. W. Ry, in Leroy township,
   Benton county, 21 miles south of Vinton, the county seat, and 119 northeast of Des
   Moines. It contains Methodist, Presbyterian, Evangelical, Bavarian and Catholic
   churchs, a graded school, an academy, a National bank, a flouring mill, a creamery,
   and a weekly newspaper, the Iowa Loyalist (Rep). Ships grain, live stock and produce.
   Population, 800. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Mail, daily. A. J. Tangeman, postmaster.

   Adams Rev W R, (Presbyterian).
   Allan Amaziah F, pres Benton Co Bank, and real estate.
   Anderson David, carpenter.
   Anderson Miss Tine, hair goods.
   Applegate Miss Emma, milliner.
   Athey James W, live stock.
   Barnes Thomas F, loan agt and poultry breeder.
   Barney Mark D, general store.
   Bassett & Snyder (Henry L Bassett, Ferdenand E Snyder), undertakers.
   Benton County Bank (capital, $50,000, surplus, $7,000), Amaziah F Allen pres.
   Blairstown Academy, John McCarthy propr.
   Book & Salisbury (John Book, Hiram Salisbury), general store.
   Budde Frederick, saloon.
   Buchler John, shoemaker.
   Byfield Charles S, Propr Lively House and Livery.
   Campbell Wm D, railroad and tel agt.
   Carter Bros, fruit growers.
   Cummings George W T, carpenter.
   Cummings Joseph, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Choice Stock of Imported Horses.
   Conn Robert, hardware.
   Diven & Fox (George H Diven, Charles H Fox), organs and sewing machines.
   Donahue James D, saloon.
   Early George & Co (George and Patrick H Early), lumber.
   Early Patrick H, ticket and freight agent, C & N W Ry.
   Ehred Wm H, insurance and city assessor.
   Ellyson Webster, dairy.
   Frantz N W, live stock.
   Frantz Wayne, propr Roller Skating rink.
   French Miss A, music teacher.
   Frenzel Henry, baker.
   Gee Herbert S, wagonmaker.
   Geisking Harry, market gardener.
   Gerdsen Rev H (Moravian).
   Goss & Hartung (George W Goss, Daniel C Hartung), flouring mill.
   Greer John F constable.
   Greer Wm A, Horseshoer, Blacksmith and Horses.
   Harrington Nancy, dressmaker.
   Hawkins & Johnson (John C Hawkins, James W Johnson), genral store.
   Helm J H, State agent Iowa Legion of Honor.
   Henry & Anderson (Miss Carry Henry, Miss Lucia Anderson), milliners.
   Hoebel Philip, hardware.
   Huey Joseph S, principal of school.
   Iowa Loyalist, George W Jenkins Propr. (See adv, opp.)
   Jenkins G W, Propr Iowa Loylist. (See adv, opp.)
   Jones N Jasper, Physician and Surgeon.
   King Miss Alice, music teacher.
   King House, Samuel T King Propr.
   King John D, lawyer, justice and city recorder.
   King Owen A, cigars and Am Exp Co agent.
   King Samuel T, Propr King House.
   Kleinschmidt Frank, harnessmaker.
   Lang Albert, meat market.
   La Rue Isaac, broom maker.
   Lehr John W, cash Benton Co Bank.
   Lively House, Charles S Byfield Propr.
   Lynch Patrick H, lawyer and mayor.
   McCarty Prof John, prin Blairstown Academy.
   Maher Rev Father (Catholic).
   Merriman Charles B, city marshal.
   Morey George, carpet weaver.
   Morin J R & Co (James R Morin, Charles H Morris), creamery.
   Morris Wm, jeweler.
   Nelson Jackson A, shoemaker.
   Palmer Rev J G (Methodist).
   Pierce Griffith R, apiarist.
   Pierce & Merriman (Griffith R Pierce, Charles B Merriman), druggists.
   Porter Miss Dora, music teacher.

 page 171, Blairstown con't.

   Ratzel & Snyder (Charles Ratzel, Ferdinand E Snyder), Furniture.
   Richardson Romaine, druggist.
   Ritter Francis, confectioner and barber.
   Sanderson Lee, painter.
   Sheets Wm, blacksmith.
   Sheneberger Levi, mason.
   Shinn Aaron, constable.
   Shreeves John R, loans.
   Snider & Hartung (John M Snider, Daniel C Hartung), blacksmiths.
   Snow W S, vinegar mnfr.
   Spicer Samuel S, physician.
   Stauffacher Rev J E (Evangelical).
   Stauffer James M, Contractor, Builder and Apiarist.
   Strausen W C, tel operator.
   Stegers E E, auctioneer.
   Tangeman Andrew J, General Store.
   Thomas Mrs, carpet weaver.
   Union Hall, John Book propr.
   Vail & Smith (Charles I Vail, George H Smith), Attorneys-at-Law and Notaries Public.
   Voss Henry, drayman.
   Vottler Martin, shoemaker.
   Wagner Wm B & Son (Wm B and J K), Physicians.
   Watkinson Henry, drayman.
   Wehr Solomon, coal.
   Wernwag John F, grain elevator.
   Wood Perry J, carpenter.

page 191.

   BURK. A country postoffice on Bear creek, in Harrison township, Benton county, 9 miles
   north of Vinton, on the B., C. R. & N. Ry, the county seat, nearest railroad station
   and banking point, from whence it receives a tri-weekly mail by stage. L. W. Bryson,

 page 482.

   FLORENCE. Benton county. See Norway.

 page 505.

   GARRISON. An incorporated town on Hinkle creek, and on the P. div. of the B., C. R.
   & N. Ry, in Jackson township, Benton county, 7 miles west of Vinton, the county seat.
   Settled in 1873, it contains Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal churches, flour
   mills, a bank, and ships live stock and grain. Population, 325. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am.
   Mail, daily. G. K. Covert, postmaster.

   Barkdoll P, lumber.
   Barnhart S C, grocer.
   Baum John, justice of peace.
   Baum & Menzer, general store.
   Capwell Mrs H M, druggist.
   Covert & Voorheis, Hardware and Grocers.
   Dickey Rev J S (Presbyterian).
   Fentel H C, saloon.
   Fentel J C, saloon.
   Freers & Robinson, flour mill and grain.
   Graves E A, harnessmaker.
   Graves Mrs E A, milliner.
   Grayson John, restaurant.
   Gulick S L, meat market.
   Harp W, wagonmaker.
   Holloway J A, hotel.
   Joice & Metcalf, grain.
   Knipple J, wagonmaker.
   Merchant A, blacksmith.
   Metcalf L H, railroad, express and tel agt.
   Raymond John, blacksmith.
   Richards R R & Son, grain.
   Reeve J B, banker.
   Schoonover J O, furniture.
   Urice W J, livery and feed stable.
   Urice & Son, general store.
   Wenner O, wagonmaker.
   Wilcox T H, physician.

 page 614.

   KEYSTONE. A village on the C. M. & St. P. Ry, in Kane township, Benton county, 135
   miles east of Des Moines, 20 southwest of Vinton, the county seat, and 5 west of Van
   Horn, the nearest banking point. Settled in 1881, it contains a Catholic church, and
   ships live stock, grain and produce. Population, 160. Tel., W. U. Exp., U.S. Mail,
   daily. Joachim Schuett, postmaster.

   Bahmaun H L, saloon.
   Baker H J, saloon.
   Bernshorff Wm, carpenter.
   Fisher N, shoemaker.
   Fitzgerald M, harnessmaker.
   Gold J A, railroad, tel and exp agt.
   Grealish F A H, grain and farm impts.
   Habernich J G, physician.
   Hondeck Bros, general store.
   Kloppenburg George, livery.
   Krohnke H & P, seeds, farm impts and lumber.
   Krohnke John N, flour mill.
   Mathilssen August, wagonmaker.
   Moller Fred, tailor.
   Ohde H, saloon.
   Peters C H, saloon.
   Rossburg Christ, grocer.
   Schuett Joachim, General Store.
   Schuett Joachim & Bros, live stock.
   Taege & Ilten, hardware.
   Thiessen Henry, meat market.
   Titus J H, blacksmith.
   Waldeck C W, drugs.

 page 647.

   LIKENS.  A small place in Polk township, Benton county, 75 miles from Des Moines, 12
   northeast of Vinton, the county seat and nearest railroad station, and 10 northwest of
   Centre Point, the nearest banking point. Settled in 1879. Stage tri-weekly to Urbanna
   and Centre Point; fares, 25 and 75 cents respectively. Population, 75.
   J. Likens, postmaster.

 page 662.

   LUZERNE. A village on the I. div. C. & N. W. Ry, in Le Roy township, Benton county, 100
   miles northeast of Des Moines, 24 south of Vinton, the county seat, and 5 east of Belle
   Plaine, the nearest banking point. It contains a German Lutheran church, a flour mill,
   and ships grain and live stock. Population, 300, Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Mail, daily.
   Mrs. M. Ditzler, postmaster.

   Beehansee C, saloon.
   Boisen Wm, carpenter.
   Book C, general store.
   Cubbage A, hotel.
   Ditzler Mrs M, General Store.
   Dodd M T, general store.
   Douglas Mrs M W, milliner.
   Hanson G, wagonmaker.
   Jones John, general store.
   Lamoree S & Son, Flour Mill.
   Meyers Herman, meat market.
   Peters Henry, shoemaker.
   Rossburg Wm, wagonmaker.
   Sauertieg Charles, shoemaker.
   Tchultz Fred, tailor.
   Togler John, blacksmith.
   Yocum Bros, grain.

 page 739.

   MOUNT AUBURN. A village on the B., C. R. & N. Ry, in Cedar township, Benton county,
   130 miles east of Des Moines, and 7 1/2 northwest of Vinton, the county seat and nearest
   banking point. Settled in 1855, it contains Christian and Methodist churches, a public
   school, and ships grain and live stock. Population, 150. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Mail,
   daily. Thomas D. Lewis, postmaster.

   Call M E, painter.
   Chapel -, grain.
   Gillott Thomas, justice of peace.
   Hall M S, carpenter.
   Hopman Joseph, wagonmaker.
   Lamb & Shields, General Store.
   Leashore E H, railroad and express agt.
   Lewis Thomas D, General Store.
   Lupton P, grocer.
   McGogey E R, grain and coal.
   Norwood M M, meat market.
   Oran Dr S A, druggist.
   Rawson E A, grocer.
   Reise Jacob, blacksmith.
   St Clair Bros, lumber and coal.
   Wallace James, carpenter.
   Watters Ben, blacksmith.

 page 763.

   NEWHALL. A village on the C., M. & St. P. Ry, in Eldorado township, Benton county, 120
   miles from Des Moines, 14 southeast of Vinton, the county seat, and 7 east of Van Horn,
   the nearest banking point. Settled in 1882, it contains a Presbyterian church, and ships
   grain and live stock. Population, 150. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. Mail, daily. H. Jungclaus,

   Granchann & Morrow, coal and lumber.
   Jungclaw H, Justice of Peace.
   Kleckner -, physician.
   Kreader & Wyant, general store.
   Lovmer J C, general store.
   Naeve M, general store.
   Pieper H, hotel propr.
   Russell N B, constable,
   Schneider F, saloon.
   Stien H, blacksmith.
   Tanner N A, general store.

 page 778.

   NORWAY.  Formerly known as Florence, a town on the C., B. & O. line of the C. & N. W.
   Ry, in Florence township, Benton county, 112 miles east of Des Moines.

 page 779, Norway con't.

   25 southeast of Vinton, the county seat, and 15 west of Cedar Rapids. It contains several
   churches, a graded school, a bank, etc., and ships grain and live stock. Population, 400.
   Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Mail, daily. B. M. McQuin, postmaster.

   Atkinson T, cash Benton County Savings bank.
   Bahle Henry, blacksmith.
   Bailey, Rush & Co, flour mill.
   Broderick M A, saloon.
   Brown T H, general store.
   Campbell W D, railroad agent.
   Christianson C P, Grain Dealer.
   Farrar J D, hardware.
   Firstenberg A, saloon.
   Flint J L, grocer.
   Harkness J H, general store.
   Hibben G W, furniture.
   Jackson August, hardware.
   McGregor W B, wagonmaker.
   McQuinn Bryon M, Justice, Real Estate and Insurance,
   Miller Henry & Son, boots and shoes.
   Mitchell John, meat market and hotel.
   Patten J M, blacksmith.
   Pierce Wm, blacksmith.
   Reeves & Collins, druggists.
   Schulte John, saloon.
   Smith B F, barber.
   Smith J A, physician.
   Spring & Son, druggists.
   Wagner P, carpenter.
   Wagner R J, milliner.

 page 868.

   ROBIN.  A discontinued postoffice in Benton county, 20 miles southeast of Vinton, the
   county seat, and 6 1/2 northeast of Norway, its shipping point.

 page 896.

   SHELLSBURG. An incorporated village on the B., C. R. & N. Ry, in Benton county, 10
   miles southeast of Vinton, the seat of justice and the nearest banking point, 14 north-
   west of Cedar Rapids, and 112 northwest of Burlington. It contains Methodist Episcopal,
   Presbyterian and Baptist churches, a graded public school, public halls, and several
   stores. Ships grain and live stock. Population, 600. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Mail, daily.
   J. M. Elson, postmaster.

   Bascom Frank, watchmaker.
   Bigley Jesse L, shoemaker.
   Boggs & Conner (Albert C and Wm C Boggs, Wm E Conner), grocers and telephone office.
   Boles Irvin S, physician.
   Boos Nicholas, furniture.
   Bowe Silas A, flour and feed.
   Bratton Samuel B, marshal.
   Burdick Lyman, justice of peace.
   Carney Wm C, saloon.
   Church & Clemmons (Samuel Church, Zachary T Clemmons), grocers.
   Clemmons George W, Barber.
   Courtwright Mrs Elizabeth, milliner.
   Day Rev F E (Methodist).
   Deckeran Frederick W, wagonmaker.
   De Vilviss Casper, flour and feed.
   Durham John, drayman.
   Edwards Rev A C (Baptist).
   Elson James M, Stationer.
   Files George A, propr Files house.
   Franklin Benjamin, saloon.
   Gray Thomas, hardware and stoves.
   Griffin E H, principal school.
   Gustin Elisha G, fruit trees.
   Hanover H, meat market.
   Hite Fred, live stock.
   Jones Frank, restaurant.
   Jones George J, general store.
   Kreader Wm, mayor.
   Kreader Wm M, general store.
   Lasey & Son, undertakers and wagonmkrs.
   La Tourette Bros (Henry and Montgomery), lumber, grain and hay.

 page 899, Shellsburg con't.

   Losey Wm P, furniture.
   McClintock & Co (George R McClintock, Nels Olsen), meat market.
   McKeen Jedediab, livery.
   Noe Isaac P, builder.
   Norton Lawrence J, railroad, tel and exp agent.
   Osterkamp Henry, flouring mill.
   Porter James R, hardware and farm impts.
   Royce & Budd (Roderick Royce, Albert J Budd), Benton Co Nursery.
   Reynolds George W, drugs.
   Riser Joseph C, meat market.
   Runyon Alex, propr the Shellsburgh Record.
   Rutan Enos K, horse shoer and blksmith.
   Shannon Samuel, saw mill and brick and tile mnfr.
   Shomler Florence, harnessmaker.
   Smith Mrs Ruth A, milliner.
   Stookey Charles F, lawyer.
   Strawhecker & Iehl (Henry Strawhecker, Godfrey Iehl), blacksmiths.
   Streight Jacob C, justice of peace.
   Summers Charles L, Books and Stationery.
   Tanner Rev A M (Presbyterian).
   Toms George W, drugs.
   Townsend James M, physician.
   Trumbower Benjamin, general store.
   Ward Wm, boot and shoemaker.
   Wolf A H & Bro (Abraham H and Samuel J H), dry goods.
   Yerick George H, wagonmaker.

 page 961.

   URBANNA. Also known as Marysville, is a village in Polk township, Benton county, 120
   miles east of Des Moines, 10 northeast of Vinton, the county seat, 6 northwest of
   Centre Point, on the B., C. R. & N. Ry, the nearest railroad station and banking point,
   from whence it receives a daily mail by stage. It has 2 churches and a public school,
   and ships grain and produce. Population, 500. Telephone to Vinton. J. D. Burrell,

   Bunker D O. blacksmith.
   Burke John, constable.
   Burrell J D, General Store.
   Culver T M, physician.
   Dye H N, druggist.
   Hames & Son, hardware.
   McCulley James, physician.
   Miller J F, blacksmith.
   Moore J L, grocer.
   Moore J M, constable.
   Reiner Phillip, hotel.
   Rice Mrs A, general store.
   Rouse J C, druggist.
   Sayer D A, juctice of peace.
   White U B, physician.

 page 963.

   VAN HORN. An incorporated town, on the C., M. & St. P. Ry, in Union township, Benton
   county, 108 miles east of Des Moines and 13 south of Vinton, the county seat. Settled
   in 1881, it contains Evangelical, Methodist Episcopal and Baptist churches, public
   schools and ships grain produce and live stock. A weekly newspaper, the Comet, is
   published. Stages tri-weekly to Vinton, carrying a mail; fare, 75 cents. Population,
   600. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. Mail, daily. H. B. Burns, postmaster.

   Aldrich & McDaniels, clothing and shoes.
   Allen A F, pres Benton County bank.
   Allen A & Co, creamery and live stock.
   Baird A D, builder.
   Benton County Bank, A F Allen pres.
   Birkbey A H, telegraph agent.
   Burns & Kelly, General Store.
   Champion Wm, restaurant.
   Comiskey A, propr Northern hotel.
   Connell & Smyth, saloon.
   Coppac Rev J L (Baptist).
   Covert H V, blacksmith.
   Covey C H, builder.
   Curtiss Bros, dry goods and groceries.
   Daly Wm, restaurant.
   Davis A K, grain.
   Davis F, furniture.
   Freloar & Franzenberg, meat market.
   Griffen A D, druggist.
   Hastung Henry, blacksmith.
   Hopwood A L & Co, Druggist.
   Jackson E F, railroad agent.
   Kanealy J, live stock.

 page 964, Van Horn con't.

   Lathum J F, livery.
   Losey & Abbott, dry goods and groceries.
   Mennell Robert, propr Union hotel.
   Nolan J W, saloon.
   Northern Hotel, A Corniskey propr.
   Parson A A, furniture.
   Pflamm Rev J P (Evangelist).
   Porter G S, express agent.
   Railroad Hotel, Rowen F S & J W proprs.
   Reiter J E, boots and shoes.
   Rowen F S & J W, proprs Railroad hotel.
   Shroder Bros, hardware.
   Spafford Mrs H A, milliner.
   Springer Henry, saloon.
   Stockslayer J, justice of peace.
   Stream & Welch, farm impts and coal.
   Tayler F F, agent grain exchange.
   Thompson F M & Co, Lumber.
   Union Hotel, Robert Mennell propr.
   Vail & Smith, lawyers.
   Wagner J K, physician.
   Wainer John, saloon.
   Wakefield M V, constable.
   Wakefield W L, grocer.
   Wean S, justice of peace.
   Wean S & Son, grain and coal.
   White M W, physician.
   Witte G L, shoemaker.
   Young L F, barber.

 page 968

   VINTON. The judicial seat of Benton county is an incorporated city of the second class,
   located at the P. div. of the B., C. & N. Ry, and the main line of the same road. It
   lies on the Red Cedar river and is a prosperous place having among its prominent fea-
   tures, 2 graded public schools, an academy, a Hygienic institute, Methodist, Baptist,
   Presbyterian, Evangelical, Christian and Catholic churches, the Iowa state college for
   the blind, a creamery and the usual number of special and general stores, blacksmith
   shops, etc., for a place of its size. The press is represented by the Eagle (semi-
   weekly, Rep.), the Benton County Herald (weekly, Dem.), the Freie Presse (weekly,
   German), and the Observer (weekly, Rep.). First settled in 1846 and incorporated as a
   village in 1869. The bonded indebtedness of the city is only $5,000, while the assessed
   valuation of real and personal property exceeds $700,000. Grain, live stock and chick-
   ens comprise the shipments. It is distant 167 miles northeast of Des Moines, 121 north-
   west of Burlington, and 23 northwest of Cedar Rapids. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Population,
   3,500. Mail, daily. E. M. Evans, postmaster.

   Anderson George E, confectioner.
   Armstrong Walter S, carpenter.
   Avery Rev E H (Presbyterian).
   Bacon George D, meat market.
   Baker Frank M, blacksmith.
   Barger Christian D, brick mason.
   Barger Mrs Mary E, milliner.
   Barr John W, undertaker.
   Bedell Edward, restaurant.
   Bennett Clark S, cash W F Williams' bank and insurance agent.
   Bennett Clark S, city clerk.
   Benton County Herald (Dem, weekly), Pyne Bros Proprs.
   Berry Frank M, agent Am Exp Co.
   Billingsley Ray, Attorney, Real Estate, Loans, Collections and Notary Public.
      (see adv, opp.)
   Bills John A, jewelry.
   Binns Mrs Mary F, dressmaker and hairdresser.
   Blackburn Salina, county supt schools.
   Bliss A & Co (Almon Bliss, Wm A Mathews), Proprs and Mnfrs of Summit Washing Machine.
      (see adv, opp.)
   Boggs & Conner (Al C boggs, Wm E Conner), grocers.
   Bonne Nelson J, propr City hotel.
   Bordewick John, propr Deutsche Zeitung.
   Boyd Miss Nellie, music teacher.
   Brashear Theodore, propr Vinton house.
   Breuchard Paul, vinegar mnfr.
   Bristol Wm H, constable.
   Brown Matthew, farm impts.
   Brown Wm H, meat market and live stock.
   Brown & Young (Warren L Brown, Robert N Young), groceries, boots and shoes.
   Brubaker Joseph S, druggist.
   Brush Rev Wm (Methodist).
   Butler J W & Co (James W, John F and Frank A Butler), clothing and shoes.
   Cannon Wm J, carpenter,
   Central House, E C George Propr.

 page 969, Vinton con't.

page 970, Vinton con't.

   Cesner Freeman, propr city bus line.
   Chadbourn Alexander S, grain dealer.
   City Hotel, N J Boone propr.
   Colcord Edward H, real estate and commn.
   Connell Wm C, lawyer.
   Conner George J, blacksmith.
   Cooper & Beresford (Orville L Cooper, Alexander M Beresford), Lawyers.
      (See adv, p 969.)
   Covert Miss Docia J, dressmaker.
   Crist Winslow, barber shop.
   Cummings Wesley G, Carriage Painter.
   Cyprus Commandery Band (17 pieces).
   Denie Theodore, pop mnfr.
   Deutsche Zeitung, John Bordewick editor and propr.
   Dobell Elsworth L, cigar maker.
   Donelan Michael jr, billiard hall.
   Dowell Asa B, Real Estate and Collection Agt and Auctioneer. (See opp.)
   Duncan Andrew, harnessmaker.
   Durand & Kimball (George W Durand, C Burrit Kimball), flour mill.
   Eddy Bros (Henry H and George W), dry goods.
   Eddy Bros jr (Henry H, Horace G), grocers.
   Edinger Mrs Julia, general artist.
   Ellis C & Son (Cornelius and Wm C), lumber.
   English Rev Elisha (Baptist).
   Evans & Gale (Edward M Evans, George F Gale), insurance and real estate.
   Farmers' Loan & Trust Company, George Horridge pres, George Knox vice-pres,
      Clinton O'Harrington sec, genl banking.
   Fellows Adalbert R, physician.
   Fellows Elihu G, photographer.
   Fisher Joseph M, carpenter.
   Flat Wm K, physician.
   Forrester Asa B, cooper.
   Freeman George W, saw filer.
   French James H, vet surg and propr Hack line.
   Furry John L, bakery.
   Gale Wm H, repair shop.
   George Egbert C, Propr Central House and Livery, cor Main and Jefferson.
   Gilchrist & Haines (George N Gilchrist, Alfred Haines), lawyers.
   Gilmore John, hog breeder.
   Golden Mrs Hannah C, physician.
   Goodwin Charles S, ice dealer.
   Goodwin Wm, wagonmaker.
   Gordon George H, carpenter.
   Griffin Clark C, physician.
   Hall Wm H M, live stock.
   Hall Wm S, flour and feed.
   Haskell W G, railroad agent.
   Hays Nathan, feed and meal mill.
   Hayward Bros (James W and Charles S). boots and shoes.
   Hews Mrs Mary C, milliner.
   Hoke George & Co, Dud E Stedman mngr, grocers.
   Holmes & Webb (George A Holmes, George W Webb), masons.
   Honeywell Wm E, barber.
   Hoon H M, supt public schools.
   Hopwood Alonzo L, druggist.
   Horridge George & Co (George Horridge, George T Rock, Augustus H Rock), hardware.
   Hygienic Institute, Upton E Traer Genl mngr.
   Iowa College for the Blind, Milton H Westbrook pres, Samuel H Watson, treas,
      James F Brown sec, Thomas F McCune prin.
   Jervis Wm & Co (Wm Jervis). dry goods and carpets.
   Johnson Daniel P, barber.
   Johnson James P, insurance agt.
   Johnston Mrs Greene, carpet weaver.
   Johnston Rev J M (Evangelical).
   Jones Bushrod W, live stock.
   Keagle Levi S, dentist and mayor.
   Keith John W, produce.
   Keith Samuel E, furniture.
   Kinney Rev E A (Catholic).
   Kirk Richard, dry goods.
   Kirkpatrick Wm F, justice and coroner.
   Knapp George R, county auditor.
   Locke Benjamin, bridge builder.
   Locke J B, bridge builder.
   Loree Wm M, shoes and grocer.
   Lyman, Mrs Burnam G, milliner.
   McAllister Wm A, grain.
   McDaniel John A, breeder of fine horses and cattle.
   McDonald David A, grocer.
   McKinstry Robert, shoemaker.
   McLain Rev D W (United Presbyterian),
   Macy Oliver, photographer.
   Marietta Bros (Harvey J and David), livery.
   Marine S A & Co (Stephen A Marine, John W Seward), Proprs Vinton Observer.
   Marquis Charles R, restaurant.
   Martin George H, carpenter.
   Melvin Wm T, gunsmith.
   Meredith Marion, physician.
   Miller Henry, shoemaker.
   Miller L S & Sons (Levi S, John A and Charles W), grocers.
   Mills & Peters (Daniel W Mills, Sylvanus Peters), livery.
   Mitchell Irwin, sheriff.
   Mitchell I & Co (Irwin Mitchell, Isaac M Garn, Lewis Mitchell),
      butter, eggs and poultry.

 page 971, Vinton con't.

   Mitchell, James R, city marshal.
   Moyer Mrs Gertrude, milliner.
   Murphy Wm F, carpenter.
   Palmer Henry N, drugs and books.
   Palmerter June, sorghum mill.
   Payne Walter, billiard hall.
   Peocock Edward F, dentist.
   Phelps Wm T, advertising agent.
   Pitts W Harvey, live stock.
   Ralyea Frank R, Propr Ralyea House.
   Ralyea House, Frank R Ralyea Propr.
   Pyne Bros (Edward A and Joseph S), Proprs Benton County Herald.
   Rallston James, apiarist.
   Ray Frank G, farm impts and coal.
   Redington George W, boarding.
   Reed Wm H, grain, flour and feed.
   Reynolds Wright B, farm impts.
   Rich & Murphy (Joseph W Rich, Bernard Murphy), Proprs Vinton Eagle.
   Robinson & Campbell (Stinson Robinson, James O Campbell), blacksmiths.
   Rose Abraham, grocer.
   Rowans John, house mover.
   Schuplin John B, harnessmaker.
   Sebern Samuel S, brdr Clydesdale horses.
   Secrest John R, music mdse and pocket cutlery.
   Seward Mrs John W, dressmaker.
   Shaffer & Wallace (John Shaffer, Henry H Wallace), carpenters.
   Sheets Levert F, livery.
   Sheets Mrs L T, livery.
   Shockley Phillip, painter.
   Shortess Fremont E, jeweler and news.
   Shotwell Irs D, shoemaker.
   Singleton Mrs Cynthia E, physician.
   Smock James W, recorder.
   Smock, Mrs John H, dressmaker.
   Speers George W, druggist.
   Spencer Mrs Mary C, boarding.
   Sprenger Henry, confectioner.
   Spurr J F, constable.
   Starks Lyman M, cabinetmaker.
   Stedman E Dudley, county treasurer.
   Stick & Scoville (Daniel Stick, George W Scoville), grocers.
   Stickney Bros (Sherman and John), lumber.
   Stookey David J, live stock.
   Stookey David, milk depot.
   Stooksberry Miss Jennie, dressmaker.
   Stout George W, stonemason.
   Strauss Bros (David and Edward), clothing.
   Terrill Mrs Mary L, boarding.
   Thompson Arad, county clerk.
   Tilford Collegiate Academy, Thomas F Tobin, principal and propr.
   Tinkham Jacob L, grocer.
   Titus Calvin, blacksmith.
   Tobin Thomas F, propr Tilford collegiate academy.
   Tonney Frederick D, Hardware, Wagon Wood, Stock and Hardwood Lumber.
   Traer Upton E, gen man Hygienic Institute.
   Traer & Voris (James C Traer, David E Voris), Lawyers.
   Palmer Walter S, druggist.
   Verharen Henry, harnessmaker.
   Vialon Frank J, wagonmaker.
   Viles Jotham S, carpenter.
   Vinton Creamery, Vinton Creamery Co Proprs; Arthur M Rowe Manager.
   Vinton Creamery Co, Alexander S Chadbourn Pres, Clinton O Harrington Sec and Treas.
   Vinton Eagle (Semi-Weekly), Rich & Murphy Proprs.
   Vinton Harness Mnfg Co (Marion Meredith, John M Colwell)
   Vinton House, Theodore Brashear propr.
   Vinton Mill Co (Washington H Young, Wm M Loree, George Horridge), flour mill.
   Vinton Observer (Weekly), S A Marine & Co Proprs.
   Vinton Tow Co, Daniel Stick pres, Wm C Ellis sec, Clinton O Harrington treas.

page 972, Vinton con't.

   Wagner Christian, merchant tailor.
   Warner & Whipple (Horace E Warner, Wm P Whipple), Attorneys and Notaries.
   Wass Holmes M, glove factory.
   Watson C & F (Clifford and Frank), ins.
   Watson Samuel H, flour mill, 4 miles n w.
   Watson S H Canning Co (Samuel H, Wm P, Peter W, Clifford and Frank),
      Henry B Kelly mngr.
   Watson S H & Sons (Samuel H, Wm P, Peter W, Clifford and Frank), bankers.
   Webb George, live stock.
   Webster Abram B, horse breeder.
   Webster Mrs Abram B, dressmaker.
   Welch Mrs Edgar V, telephone operator.
   Wentz A A, cattle breeder.
   Westover Wm, live stock.
   White David H, contractor.
   White S & Co, (Solomon White), Clothing.
   Whitney Jay P, physician.
   Wilcox Harman, books and stationery.
   Willford Samuel, feed and sale stable.
   Williams Newton L, groceries and shoes.
   Williams Willis F, banker.
   Wilson Wm, blacksmith.
   Withrow David M, tailor.
   Wood James, justice of peace.
   Yerkes Mrs Mary C, dressmaker.
   Young James F, Furniture and Undertaker, s e from Court House. (See adv, p 969.)

 page 988.

   WATKINS. A village on Prairie creek, and on the C. & N. W. Ry, in St. Clair township,
   Benton county, 105 miles east of Des Moines, 20 south of Vinton, the county seat, and
   4 west of Norway, the nearest banking point. Settled in 1874, it contains a Presbyterian
   church and ships live stock and grain. Population, 175. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Mail,
   daily. O. Geissler, postmaster.

   Abraham G, lumber and grain.
   Axelsen Adolph, saloon.
   Burkhardt A, druggist.
   Cox J R, physician.
   Finner C G, justice of peace.
   Geissler Otto, General Store and Harnessmaker.
   Goeske F, poultry and eggs.
   Hall J M, railroad agt.
   Hayden C B, live stock.
   Holtz Fred, blacksmith.
   Houser John, butter and eggs.
   Matter Rudolph, boots and shoes.
   Porst Lewis, tailer.
   Rausch Fred, meat market.
   Rolfs & Wolf, general store.
   Sims S S, carpenter.
   Swick H C, carpenter.
   Turner C G, express agent.
   Wolf Hugo, physician.

Transcribed by Sue Soden.
Copyright © 2007 by Sue Soden.
All rights reserved.

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