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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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The 1878 History of Benton County, Iowa
page 471

Official Canvass of Votes Cast at the General Election, 1876, in Benton County, Iowa

  Electors at Large Secretary of State Auditor of State Treasurer
of State
of State
Land Office
Judge of Supreme Court Supt of
Senator Clerk of Courts Recorder Supervisor
Full Term
Sup. To Fill
Townships Hays and Wheeler Tilden and Hendricks Young Stubenrauch Sherman Groneweg Bemis Jones Secor Ridenour McJunkin Cook Seevers Rothrock Hayes Graham Von Coelln Clark Worley Shane McKean Nichols Reeves Warner McAllister Smock Hayden Atkinson Vanskike Wentz Davis
Cedar 171 63 174 62 177 60 174 62 174 62 174 62 174 174 62 62 174 174 60 232 236 141 79 168 68 175 62 175 62 175 62
Bruce 126 20 127 20 127 20 127 20 127 20 127 20 127 127 20 20 127 127 20 155 147 109 24 135 28 155 20 127 20 123 22
Eden 88 41 88 42 88 42 88 42 88 42 88 42 88 88 42 42 88 88 42 136 130 72 43 63 68 88 42 88 42 88 42
Benton 92 46 92 46 92 46 92 46 92 46 92 46 92 92 46 46 92 92 46 140 138 94 4 82 56 92 44 92 46 92 46
Harrison 77 21 75 21 73 21 75 21 75 21 75 21 74 75 21 21 75 74 20 100 97 47 29 76 23 75 19 60 34 48 23
Fremont 63 63 63 63 65 61 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 64 63 62 63 63 63 126 126 51 22 63 63 63 63 62 63 63 62
Union 27 55 27 55 27 55 27 55 27 55 27 55 28 28 54 55 49 27 34 88 58 24 50 24 44 27 32 26 45 25 33
Canton 194 84 196 84 197 84 196 84 196 84 196 50 196 197 84 84 196 196 52 303 247 171 133 131 115 197 50 194 117 195 49
St. Clair 101 47 99 48 99 48 99 48 99 48 99 48 99 99 45 48 99 99 45 152 145 104 51 97 49 64 88 100 45 98 41
Florence 163 54 163 54 163 54 163 54 163 54 163 54 163 163 54 54 163 163 54 217 217 163   163 55 161 57 151 53 164 55
Polk 114 136 114 130 114 130 114 130 114 129 114 130 114 114 130 130 112 112 130 198 211 96 124 115 136 114 132 81 165 104 120
Jackson 157 39 158 38 161 37 158 38 158 38 158 38 159 159 38 38 159 157 16 233 192 100 120 137 16 159 34 156 37 157 36
LeRoy 194 129 193 129 195 128 193 129 193 129 193 129 192 194 130 129 196 191 119 352 316 171 187 188 125 185 131 161 167 181  
Taylor 651 168 643 167 660 156 643 167 643 167 653 167 655 655 167 167 652 651 166 815 815 544 167 593 249 665 164 630 172 639 167
Iowa 302 221 303 221 308 215 302 220 303 220 303 220 303 303 220 220 303 302 220 536 521 320 47 303 217 306 216 302 215 303 219
Homer 69 25 72 25 73 23 72 25 72 25 72 24 72 73 25 24 73 72 25 101 96 55 34 71 24 73 24 72 25 70 25
Big Grove 113 20 112 20 113 19 113 20 113 20 112 29 113 115 20 19 113 111 20 154 133 75 75 115 24 114 20 113 20 107 20
Eldorado 64 36 65 35 67 33 65 35 65 35 65 35 65 35 65 35 65 65 35 87 90 62 20 61 39 86 14 65 31 62 42
Monroe 78 49 78 49 82 44 77 49 77 49 78 49 78 78 49 49 73 78 47 127 127 58 61 70 55 77 49 77 47 74 48
Kane 57 39 57 39 59 37 57 39 57 39 57 39 57 56 39 39 57 58 39 104 96 57 10 53 41 63 34 57 39 62 34
Total 2901 1356 2899 1348 2941 1303 2899 1347 2910 1346 2916 1342 2913 2919 1338 1341 2929 2899 1253 4356 4138 2514 1280 2708 1495 2939 1295 2789 1445 2830 1146
For Cooper Electors there were cast the following votes: St. Clair, 14; LeRoy, 36; Iowa, 16; Union, 14; Kane, 10; Canton, 32; Eden, 6; Big Grove, 29; Benton, 2; Taylor, 33; Jackson, 38; Monroe, 3; Polk, 19; Harrison, 4; Cedar, 5; Bruce, 9; Total, 270

G. W. Rutherford, for Congress, had the following vote: St. Clair, 19; LeRoy, 45; Iowa, 17; Union, 35; Kane, 10, Canton, 66; Eden, 6; Big Grove, 31; Homer, 4; Benton, 2; Taylor, 36; Jackson, 61; Monroe, 2; Polk, 21; Harrison, 8; Cedar, 6; Bruce, 8; Total, 337

J. Baum, for Clerk, had the following vote: St. Clair, 16; LeRoy, 46; Iowa, 16; Union, 26; Kane, 11; Canton, 6; Eden 6; Big Grove, 23; Homer, 5; Benton, 2; Taylor, 14; Jackson, 76; Monroe, 5; Polk, 16; Harrison, 3; Cedar, 4; Total, 275. A. S. Belt, for Judge of the Circuit Court, had 200 votes in the County.

Transcribed, 2006, by Tierney Ratti.

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not  functioning properly please notify  John Shuck, your Benton County Website Coordinator.

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