The USGenWeb Project
Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

The 1878 History of Benton County, Iowa
pages 393-395
Eighth Infantry

This regiment was recruited late in the Summer of 1861, immediately after the battle of Bull Run. The regiment was composed of troops enlisted in Clinton, Scott, Washington, Benton, Linn, Marion, Keokuk, Iowa, Mahaska, Monroe and Louisa Counties, and was organized at Davenport, in September. Frederick Steele of the regular army, was appointed Colonel; James L. Geddes, a brave Scotchman of Benton County, was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, and John C. Ferguson, Major.

Very soon after its organization and equipment, the regiment went to St. Louis; and in about two weeks, it moved to Syracuse, where it was attached to the forces under Gen. Fremont, about to move against Price, in Southwestern Missouri. This march was peculiarly severe upon raw troops, and the command suffered severely from forced marches over bad roads. Almost every camping ground became the burial place of soldiers who died from exhaustion. The Eighth Iowa lost heavily. It returned to Sedalia near the middle of November. From this time the regiment went into quarters, where it remained without particular incident until it was ordered to join Gen. Grant’s forces in Tennessee.

Early in February, 1862, Col. Steele was promoted to be Brigadier General of Volunteers, and Lieut. Col. Geddes became Colonel of the Regiment; Maj. Ferguson was promoted to the Lieutenant Colonelcy, and Captain Joseph Andrews, of Company F, became Major.

On the 12th of March, 1862, the regiment embarked at St. Louis for Pittsburg Landing. Arrived five days afterward, having had three men killed and five wounded while steaming up the Tennessee. At Shiloh, April 6th, the regiment fought heroically. Late in the evening, Col. Geddes surrendered his command to the enemy. He had fought ten consecutive hours, presenting an unbroken front to the enemy, and at last the regiment passed in an organized body into captivity. That part not captured went into the "Union Brigade," and especially distinguished itself at Corinth.

Early in 1863, the regiment was reorganized at St. Louis, and left the first week in April to join the grand army under Grant in the magnificent campaign against Vicksburg. A part of Tuttle’s Division, the regiment took part in the battle of Jackson, and then marched to Vicksburg, where it took part in the assault of the 23rd, in the siege for thirty days, when it moved to the Big Black with the army of observation. Was with Sherman in his movements against Jackson, and took a prominent part in the pursuit of the rebels to Brandon, in which movement Col. Geddes commanded a brigade. Returning to Vicksburg, the regiment had a period of rest. Here, Lieut. Col. Ferguson died of disease. In October, Col. Geddes and the regiment moved to Brownsville, under McPherson.

Early in November, moved to Memphis; thence to LaGrange and Pocahontas, where he remained until ordered to Vicksburg, to join in the Meridian raid. Very shortly after its return to Vicksburg, a large portion of the command having re-enlisted, the regiment went home on veteran furlough, at the expiration of which, it went to Memphis, where it remained as provost guard during the rest of 1864 and the first two months of 1865. On the 21st of August, 1864, Forrest attacked Memphis and was repulsed, Gens. Washburn and Hurlbut saved from capture and the city from sack by Col. Geddes and his brave command. The regiment lost 40 men in this affair. The regiment was very popular in Memphis.

Early in March, 1865, the regiment was ordered to New Orleans; thence to Dauphin Island, whence it soon joined in the last general campaign of the war, that against Mobile. The Eighth distinguished itself in the assault on Spanish Fort, where it captured several hundred prisoners. This was one of the most brilliant movements of the war.


Dunklee, Martin, age 20, resident Vinton, native Scotland, enlisted Dec. 12, 1863, died of smallpox Mar. 24, 1864 Helena, AR.

Merritt, Amos, age 19, resident Benton Co., native OH, enlisted Sept. 15, 1861, wounded Apr. 6, 1862 Shiloh, TN, promoted May 2, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, promoted Fourth Sergeant Oct. 1, 1864, Third Sergeant Jan. 1, 1865, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Moody, John, age 20, resident Benton Co., native OH, enlisted Sept. 15, 1861, wounded Apr. 6, 1862 Shiloh, TN, mustered out Sep. 28, 1864 Davenport, IA.

Moody, Robt. D., enlisted Sept. 15, 1861, killed at battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862.

Myers, Edward H., enlisted Sept. 15, 1861, discharged Jan. 30, 1862, disability.

Penrose, Wm., enlisted Sept. 15, 1861, killed April 6, 1862, at battle of Shiloh.

Reece, John, age 23, resident Benton Co., native OH, enlisted Aug. 15, 1861, captured Apr. 6, 1862 Shiloh, TN, re-e Jan. 11, 1864, Sick in General Hospital, Mobile AL Aug. 21, 1865, died Sept. 4, 1865, buried National Cemetery Mobile, AL, Sec. 1, Grave 142.

Reese, William, age 21, resident Shellsburg, native OH, enlisted Nov. 27, 1863, died of illness June 26, 1864 Memphis, TN.

Rice, John, enlisted Sept. 15, 1861, captured at Shiloh, re-enlisted as veteran Jan. 1, 1864.

White, Tobias D., age 24, resident Shellsburg, native OH, enlisted Sept. 15, 1861, discharged for disability (no date) St. Louis, MO.

Williams, James G., age 26, resident Shellsburg, native OH, enlisted Sept. 15, 1861 dropped, returned to Fifth Infantry & discharged Nov. 16, 1861 Otterville, MO.


Alden, Henry L., age 26, resident Benton Co., native NY, enlisted Nov. 12, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866, transfer from Co. K, 40th IA Infantry

Ames, Moses A., Sergeant, enlisted Aug 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, died.

Bigley, Jesse L., Corporal, age 20, resident Vinton, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, promoted Fifth Corporal, Feb. 25, 1862, wounded at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6, 1862 and Corinth, MS, Oct. 4, 1862, promoted First Corporal, Apr. 10, 1863, Fourth Sergeant July 1, 1863, Third Sergeant (no date), re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864 promoted Second Sergeant Oct. 1, 1864, First Sergeant Jan. 1, 1865, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Blakely, Leonard M., age 22, resident Vinton, native NY, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, wounded in left arm at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6, 1862, killed in action at Corinth, MS, Oct. 3, 1862.

Brown, C. W., age 21, resident Vinton, native PA, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, discharged for disabilities, Jan. 24, 1862 St. Louis, MO.

Brown, John K., Musician, age 23, resident Vinton, native PA, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 as Drummer, promoted Fife Major Oct. 24, 1861 re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, captured Sep. 21, 1864 Memphis, TN, discharged Jan. 25, 1865 for promotion as Second Lieutenant 49th Regiment U.S. Colored Troops.

Brown, John, Sergeant, age 32, resident Vinton, native Scotland enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, promoted Second Sergeant Feb. 10, 1862, discharged for disability June 9, 1863.

Chambers, McHenry, Corporal, age 22, resident Vinton, native MD, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, promoted Sixth Corporal, Apr. 1866, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Churchill, Henry, age 21, resident Shellsburg, native VT, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6, 1862, discharged for disability Feb. 16, 1863.

Dalloway, William S., age 23, resident Shellsburg, native NY, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6. 1862, discharged for disability Feb. 7, 1863.

Daniels, Jonathan, Wagoner, age 45, resident Burk, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, discharged Feb. 1, 1862 Sedalia, MO.

Davis, George C., age 31, resident Vinton, native VT, enlisted Feb. 4, 1863. re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, discharged Aug. 8, 1865 to accept promotion in 69th U.S. Colored Infantry, See Co. I, 16th Infantry.

Dempsey, William, age 22, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, died of lung fever Nov. 7, 1861 at Sedalia, MO.

Drinkwater, William, age 42, resident Harrison Twp., native England, enlisted Feb. 10. 1864, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Dudgeon, Thomas, age 19, resident Vinton, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 died of illness Jan. 7, 1862 at Sedalia, MO.

Forsythe, John D., Private, age 24, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN Apr. 6, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, promoted Fourth Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865, Third Corporal, July 1, 1865, Second Corporal, Nov. 1, 1865, Fifth Sergeant Apr. 1, 1866, mustered out Apr. 6, 1866 Selma, AL.

Forsythe, Robert M., Private, age 42, resident Vinton, native KY, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 as Second Sergeant, discharged for disability Feb. 1, 1862 Sedalia, MO.

Gardner, James, Corporal, age 28, resident Vinton, native PA, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, wounded Apr. 6, 1861 Shiloh, TN, promoted Fourth Corporal, Jan. 1, 1862, died June 1, 1862 in hospital at Keokuk, IA., buried Oakland Cemetery at Keokuk, IA.

Gardner, John H., age 18, resident Benton Co., native IL , enlisted Apr. 25, 1864, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Geaten, George, Corporal,, age 22, resident Vinton, native England, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured Apr. 6, 1862 at Shiloh, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, promoted Sixth Corporal, Oct. 1, 1864, Fifth Corporal, July 1, 1865, Fourth Corporal, Nov. 1, 1865 First Corporal, Apr. 1, 1866, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 at Selma, AL.

Geddes, Andrew, Colonel, age 20, resident Vinton, native Canada appointed Captain Oct. 1, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, promoted Lieutenant Colonel July 1, 1865, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 at Selma, AL.

Geddes, James Loraine, Colonel, age 34, resident Vinton, native Scotland, appointed Captain Sep. 16, 1861 Co. D, promoted Lieutenant Colonel Feb. 7, 1862, wounded and captured Apr. 6, 1862 Shiloh, TN, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864 promoted Brevet Brigadier Gen. June 5, 1865, resigned June 30, 1865.

Gill, Alfred E., age 18, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh Apr. 6, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, mustered out Apr. 29, 1866 Selma, AL.

Gingery, Daniel, age 25, resident Vinton, native PA, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 discharged as disability June 13, 1862 Shiloh, TN. re-enlisted Co. A, 28th Infantry Nov. 1, 1862, discharged for disability Feb. 13, 1864 Madisonville, LA.

Harper, Alexander H., age 21, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Jan. 22, 1864 died of illness July 24, 1865 Montgomery, AL, buried National Cemetery Marietta, GA, Sec. L, grave 443.

Harper, Alexander, Captain, age 31, resident Vinton, native PA, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 as Fourth Sergeant, promoted Second Lieutenant Dec. 15, 1861, First Lieutenant Apr. 19, 1863, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, promoted Captain Nov. 15, 1865, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Harper, Daniel M., age 19, resident Benton Co., native IN, enlisted Feb. 27, 1864, died of illness at Vinton, IA, Jan. 5, 1865.

Heath, Joseph T., Corporal, age 21, resident Shellsburg, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, promoted Seventh Corporal, Nov. 1, 1865, Fourth Corporal, Apr. 1, 1866, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Hendrix, L. T., enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, wounded at Corinth, vet. Jan. 1, 1864.

Hines, Lewis, age 18, resident Benton Co., native OH, enlisted Feb. 1, 1864, discharged Apr. 9, 1866 under provisions of Act of Congress approved July 5, 1884.

Hines, William E., Corporal, age 18, resident Vinton, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, promoted Eight Corporal July 1, 1865, Sixth Corporal Nov. 1, 1865, Third Corporal Apr. 1, 1866, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Holt, George A., age 20, resident Vinton, native MI, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, died of lung fever Nov. 13, 1861 Fairfield, MO.

Horton, Carey T., age 32, resident Vinton, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, mustered out Sep. 28, 1864 Davenport, IA.

Inman, Charles E., age 22, resident Shellsburg, native NY enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, wounded Oct. 4, 1862 Corinth, MS, transferred to Invalid Corps Dec. 22, 1863. No further record.

Johnson, James, age 18, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, discharged as disability Mar. 16, 1862 St. Louis, MO.

Jones, Samuel B., Corporal,, age 28, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 as First Corporal,, wounded and Captain Apr. 6, 1862 Shiloh, TN, discharged for wounds, Feb. 13, 1863, Transfer from Co. H, 32d Infantry.

Kimball, George C., age 19, resident Vinton, native VT, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh Apr. 6, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, died at Memphis, TN, Oct. 29, 1864, buried National Cemetery Sec. 2, grave 453.

Kirkpatrick, Robert H., Corporal, age 21, resident Vinton, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 as Third Corporal,, wounded and Captain at Shiloh, TN Apr. 6, 1862, transferred to Invalid Corps Mar. 15, 1864. No further record.

Knapp, Charles, Corporal, age 22, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 as Sixth Corporal, captured Apr. 6, 1862 Shiloh, TN, promoted Fifth Corporal July 1, 1863, Fourth Corporal Jan. 11, 1864, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, promoted First Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865, Fifth Sergeant July 1, 1865, Fourth Sergeant Nov. 1, 1865, Third Sergeant Apr. 6, 1866, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Legan, John J., Sergeant, age 38, resident Vinton, native KY, enlisted Aug. 14,1861, discharged for disability Feb. 25, 1865 Sedalia, MO, re-e Aug. 1, 1862 as First Sergeant Co. A, 28th Infantry, promoted Second Lieutenant Mar. 10, 1863, killed in action May 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MS.

Marsh, Douglas W., Sergeant, age 23, resident Vinton, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 as Third Sergeant, promoted First Sergeant Feb. 24, 1862, captured at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6, 1862, discharged for disability Feb. 13, 1863.

Marshal, Daniel P., Corporal,, age 27, resident Shellsburg, native VT, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 as Seventh Corporal, discharged for disability March 13, 1862, St. Louis, MO.

McCoy, William, age 30, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, discharged from hospital Cincinnati OH. No further record.

McGuire, John W., Lieutenant, age 31, resident Vinton, native IN, appointed Second Lieutenant Sept. 23, 1861, resigned Dec. 9, 1861 Sedalia, MO.

Meeker, Thaddeus, age 28, resident Vinton, native NY, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, discharged Mar. 13, 1862, disability at St. Louis, MO.

Metcalf, Samuel, age 18, resident Benton Co., native OH, enlisted Jan. 24, 1865, mustered out Jan. 23, 1866 Selma, AL.

Miller, John Y., age 19, resident Vinton, native WI, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 5, 1862, transferred to Invalid Corps Dec. 16, 1863. No further record.

Miskimen, Harvey H., age 26, resident Shellsburg, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6, 1862, discharged Sept. 28, 1864 Davenport.

Montgomery, Henry C., Private, age 19, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh Apr. 6, 1862, promoted First Corporal July 1, 1863 re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, promoted Fifth Sergeant Oct. 1, 1864, Fourth Sergeant Jan. 1, 1865, Third Sergeant July 1, 1865, discharged to Oct. 9, 1865 under provisions of Act of Congress approved July 5, 1884.

Montgomery, John, Private, age 24, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 as Fifth Sergeant, captured at Shiloh, Apr. 6, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, promoted Fourth Sergeant, promoted Third Sergeant Oct. 1, 1864, Second Sergeant Jan. 1, 1865, discharged Jan. 4, 1866 under provisions of Act of Congress approved July 5, 1884.

Moody, Absolom, age 21, resident Shellsburg, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 captured Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6, 1862, died of illness Dec. 1, 1863 Pocahontas, TN, buried Union National Cemetery, Corinth, MS, Sec. B, Grave 405.

Moody, William, age 25, resident Shellsburg, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN Apr. 6, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864 mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Moorhead, William Thompson, age 23, resident Shellsburg, native PA, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, discharged Mar. 12, 1866 under provisions of Act of Congress approved July 5, 1884.

Morrison, John, age 20, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Mossman, Aquila B., age 18, resident Benton co., native IL, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, mustered out Jan. 23, 1866 Selma, AL.

Mossman, Thomas J., age 19, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, discharged April 20, 1862 St. Louis, MO.

Ostrander, W. H., Sergeant, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, transferred to 88th U. S. colored troops for promotion.

Parsell, John P., age 18, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6, 1862, transferred to Invalid Corps Mar. 15, 1864. No further record.

Pemberton, James, age 23, resident Benton Co., native KY, enlisted Feb. 10, 1864 died of eryisipelas Feb. 13, 1865 Memphis, TN, buried Mississippi River National Cemetery Memphis, TN, Sec. 1, grave 141.

Pratt, Abram, age 40, resident Benton Co., native PA, enlisted Jan. 5, 1864, murdered at Tuskegee, AL, Oct. 3, 1865, buried National Cemetery, Marietta, GA, Sec. L, grave 108.

Revel, Joseph R., age 18, resident Benton Co., native IN, enlisted Feb. 27, 1864 discharged Mar. 25, 1866 Selma, AL.

Richard, Samuel M., Corporal, age 32, resident Shellsburg, native PA, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN Apr. 6, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864 promoted Eighth Corporal, Nov. 1, 1865, discharged Mar. 10, 1866.

Skea, Joseph P., Musician, age 19, resident Shellsburg, native England, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 as Fifer, promoted Drum Major Apr. 29, 1863, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, captured Aug. 21, 1864 Memphis, TN, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Smith, Samuel, Corporal,, age 32, resident Vinton, native IN, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, killed in action Apr. 6, 1862, Shiloh, TN.

Steel, John, age 19, resident Vinton, native NY, enlisted Nov. 23, 1863, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, discharged for disability Apr. 5, 1866.

Thomas, Albert, Private, age 18, resident Vinton, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864 promoted Third Corporal Jan. 1, 1865, Second Corporal July 1, 1865, First Corporal Nov. 1865, discharged Mar. 11, 1866 under provisions of Act of Congress approved July 5, 1884.

Tinkham, Jacob L., Lieutenant age 27, resident Vinton, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, captured at Shiloh, promoted Third Sergeant Jan. 1, 1863, First Sergeant Feb. 13, 1863, Second Lieutenant Apr. 19, 1863, wounded Aug. 21, 1864 Memphis, TN, promoted First Lieutenant Nov. 15, 1865, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Warriner James G., Corporal, age 19, resident Benton Co., enlisted Feb. 19, 1864, promoted Eighth Corporal Apr. 1, 1866, mustered out Apr. 20, 1866 Selma, AL.

Wood, William, age 18, resident Vinton, native OH, enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, discharged for disability Jan. 15, 1862 Sedalia, MO.


Marsh, Joseph L., resident Vinton, enlisted Mar. 30, 1863, discharged May 13, 1863, Post McClellan, Davenport, IA, enlisted but not assigned.


Kennan, John C., Captain, age 28, resident Shellsburg, native CT, as First Lieutenant Co. D Sept. 23, 1861, captured Apr. 6, 1862 at battle of Shiloh, promoted Captain, Co. F Apr. 18, 1862, re-enlisted Jan. 11, 1864, discharged Nov. 1, 1864 Memphis, TN.


Chamberlain, N. J., enlisted Sept. 3, 1861, captured at Shiloh, vet. Jan. 1, 1864.

Greenlee, Thomas Francis, age 23, resident Belle Plaine, native OH, enlisted Sept. 3, 1861, captured at Shiloh, TN, Apr. 6, 1862 promoted Sixth Corporal, Aug. 11, 1863, Fifth Corporal Dec. 1, 1863, Fourth Sergeant Sept. 1, 1864, mustered out Sept. 28, 1864 Davenport, IA.

Hanna, John T., Sergeant, enlisted Sept. 3, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, discharged for promotion March 17, 1864.

Hopkins, J. W., Sergeant, enlisted Sept. 3, 1861, captured at Shiloh, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, killed accidentally March 22, 1864.

Jones, William F., age 18, resident Benton Co., native OH, enlisted Oct. 22, 1864, mustered out Feb. 8, 1866 Davenport, IA.

Smith, Samuel S., age 28, resident Marengo [sic] (Leroy Twp.), native OH, enlisted Sep. 3, 1861, discharged Oct. 22, 1862.

Wiley, Christopher, age 22, resident Benton Co., native OH, enlisted Oct. 24, 1864, discharged Oct. 24, 1862 Montgomery, AL.

Transcribed, 2006, by Tierney Ratti.

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