OFFICERS: Barbour, Charles I., Sergt. ae. 29, res. Shellsburg, nat. NY, e. Aug. 8, 1862 as Third Sergt. disd. for disab. July 13, 1863 St. Louis, MO. Bruce, Joseph, Corp., ae. 18, res. Benton Co., nat. OH, e. July 30, 1862, prmtd. Eighth Corp. Oct 1, 1864, Seventh Corp. Dec. 25, 1864, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Doan, Albin H., Corp., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. July 21, 1862, prmtd. Eighth Corp. June 20, 1864, Seventh Corp. Oct. 1, 1864, wd. Oct. 19, 1864 Cedar Creek, VA, prmtd. Sixth Corp. Dec. 25, 1864, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Ellyson, Ezra, Corp., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. July 21, 1862. as Seventh Corp, died of disease Mar. 29, 1863 Helena, AR. Felker, Ezra B., Corp., ae. 33, res. Vinton, nat. MD, e. Aug 6, 1861, prmtd. Fourth Corp. Jan. 1, 1864, Third Corp. Apr. 30, 1864, wd. Oct. 19, 1864 Cedar Creek, VA, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Francis, Abial W., Sergt., ae. 35, res. Urbana, nat. NY, e. Aug. 9, 1862 as Fifth Sergt. prmtd. Fourth Sergt. June 10, 1863, Second Sergt. July 14, 1863, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Francis, William W., Corp, ae. 22, res. Urbana, nat. MI, e. Aug. 4, 1862, prmtd. Sixth Corp. May 17, 1863, Third Corp. July 14, 1863, Second Corp. Apr. 30, 1864, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Gaston, William. C., Capt., ae. 34, res. Vinton, nat. OH, appt'd Capt. July 20, 1862, mustered Oct. 10, 1862, resd. Jan. 10, 1863 Helena, AR. Green, Albert G., Corp., ae. 28, res. Vinton, nat. Canada, e. Aug. 8, 1862 as Sixth Corp., died of disease June 30, 1863 Memphis, TN. Bur. Mississippi River National Cem., Memphis, TN, Sec. 1 grave 78. Hatfield, George B., Corp., ae. 25, res. Shellsburg, nat. OH, e. Aug. 11, 1862, as Third Corp., disd. Mar. 2, 1863 St. Louis, MO. Inman, Orville, Sergt., ae. 25, res. Benton County, nat. New York, e. Aug. 7, 1862, prmtd. Fifth Sergt. Sep. 1, 1863, m.o. July 31, 1865, Savannah, GA. Lathrop, William P., Surgeon., ae 31, res. Vinton, nat. IN, appt'd Sep. 16, 1862 as Ass't Surgeon, resd. Dec. 16, 1862. Legan, John, Lieut., ae. 39, res. Vinton, nat. KY, e. Aug. 1, 1862 as First Sergt., prmtd. Second Lieut. Mar. 10, 1863, kld. in action May 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MS. See Co. D, Eighth Inf. McGuire, William P., Musician, ae. 23, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Aug. 12, 1862 as Fifer, died of disease at Carrollton, LA, Aug. 28, 1863. McGuire, John W., Capt., ae. 33, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Apr. 8, 1862 as Second Sergt., prmtd. First Sergt., Second Lieut. May 17, 1863, First Lieut. June 10, 1863, Capt. Sept 23, 1864, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Murlin, William H., Lieut., ae. 36, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. as Aug. 8, 1862, prmtd. Sixth Corp. Feb. 3, 1863, First Sergt. July 14, 1863, prmtd. Second Lieut. July 18, 1865 not mustered, wd. Oct. 19, 1864 Cedar Creek, VA, prmtd. Second Lieut, July 18, 1865, not mustered, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Murphy, Enoch F., Corp., ae. 44, res. Vinton, nat. KY, e. Jul. 26, 1861 as Second Corp., died July 4, 1863 at Memphis, TN. Palmer, John E., Capt., ae. 41, res. Vinton, nat. OH, appt'd Second Lieut. July 26, 1862, mustered Oct 10, 1862, prmtd. First Lieut. Mar. 10, 1863, Capt. June 10, 1863, kld. in action Sept. 19, 1864 Winchester, VA. Parmeter, William L., Corp., ae. 30, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. Aug 8, 1861, prmtd. Third Corp. Mar. 26, 1863, wd. May 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MS, prmtd. Second Corp. July 14, 1863, First Corp. Apr. 30, 1864, m.o. July 8, 1865 Cumberland, MD. Rasor, William W., Sergt., ae. 26, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Aug. 9, 1862, prmtd. Seventh Corp. Apr. 24, 1863, Fifth Corp. July 14, 1863, Fourth Corp. Apr. 30, 1864, Fourth Sergt. Dec. 25, 1864, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Rose, Abraham, Lieut., ae. 35, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Aug. 8, 1862 as Fourth Sergt, prmtd. Second Sergt. Mar. 21, 1863, First Sergt. May 17, 1863, Second Lieut. June 10, 1863, not mustered, disd. July 14, 1863. Shutts, James. H., Capt., ae. 40, res. Vinton, nat. NY, appt'd First Lieut. July 20, 1862, mustered Oct 10, 1862, prmtd. Capt. Jan. 11, 1863, resd. June 9, 1863 Vicksburg, MS. Skiffington, Patrick H., Musician, ae. 23, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. July 26, 1862 as Drummer, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Smelser, Ephraim, Corp., ae. 42, res. Vinton, nat. Pa, e. Aug. 4, 1861 as Fourth Corp., m.o. May 16, 1865 Davenport, IA. St. Clair, Hugh Jr., ae. 24, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Jan 4, 1864, prmtd. Eighth Corp. Dec. 25, 1864, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Taggart, George Sergt. Major, ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. July 28, 1862, prmtd. Sergt. Major Sept 12, 1864, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Taggert, Samuel, Lieut., ae. 21, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. July 28, 1862 as Eighth Corp., wd. Mar. 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MS, prmtd. Fifth Sergt. July 14, 1863, Second Lieut. June 6, 1864, not mustered, prmtd. First Lieut. Sep. 23, 1864, wd. Oct. 19, 1864, Cedar Creek, VA, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Vancleef, Rhesa G., Sergt., ae. 20, res. Gomersal, nat. IN, e. Aug. 8, 1862, prmtd. Eighth Corp. Apr. 24, 1863, Sixth Corp. July 14, 1863, Fifth Corp. Apr. 30, 1864, Third Sergt. Oct 1, 1864, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Webb, Hubert O., Sergt., ae. 18, res. Shellsburg, nat. OH, e. July 29, 1861, prmtd. Eighth Corp. Apr. 24, 1863, Sixthe Corp. July 14, 1863, Fifth Corp. Apr. 30, 1864, Third Sergt. Oct. 1, 1864, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. White, Joseph, Sergt., ae. 27, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Aug. 5, 1861 as Fifth Corp., prmtd. Fifth Sergt. Jan 10, 1863, Third Sergt. July 14, 1863, kld. in action Sep. 19, 1864 Winchester, VA. Worth, Henry M., Corp., ae. 33, res. Benton Co., nat. NC, e. Aug. 5, 1862, wd. at Champion Hills, MS, prmtd. Sixth Corp Apr. 30, 1864, wd. Sep. 19, 1864 Winchester, VA, prmtd. Fifth Corp. Oct. 1, 1864, wd. Oct. 19, 1864 Cedar Creek, VA, prmtd. Fourth Corp. Dec. 25, 1864, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. PRIVATES: Anderson, John, ae. 18, res. Shellsburg, nat. IN, e. Aug. 10, 1862, died July 23, 1863 St. Louis, MO, Bur. National Cem., Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), MO, Sec. 2 grave 175. Barnett, John, ae. 20, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Aug. 16, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Barnett, James H., ae. 24, res. Benton Co., nat. IN, e. Jan 2, 1864, wd. Oct. 19, 1864 Cedar Creek, Va, disd. for wds., May 26, 1865, Davenport, IA. Beller, Elijah, ae. 34, res. Benton Co., nat. OH, e. Dec. 25, 1863, m.o. July 31, 1865, Savannah, GA. Beller, Branson H., ae. 24, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Aug. 9 1862, wd. May 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MS, captd. Oct. 25, 1863 Opelousas, LA, wd. Sept. 19, 1864 Winchester VA, wd. Oct 19, 1864 Cedar Creek, VA, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Berkheimer, Joseph, ae. 18, res. Benton Co. nat. VA, e. Dec. 29, 1863, died of disease May 15, 1864 New Orleans, LA. Bur. National Cem., New Orleans, LA. Booth, Wilson L., ae. 41, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Aug. 4, 1862, disd. for disab. May 31, 1863 Helena, AR. Bowen, David, ae. 23, res. Gomersal, nat. IL, e. Aug. 8, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Bowen, William H., ae. 19, res. Gomersal, nat. IL, e. Aug. 9, 1862, wd. May 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MS, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Boyden John H., ae. 25, res. Benton Co., nat. NY, e. Aug. 8, 1862, wd. May 1, 1863, Champion Hills, MS, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Brewster, Amos N., ae. 31, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Aug. 7, 1862, kld. in action May 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MS. Burkhead, George W., ae. 22, res. Burk, nat. IN, e. Aug. 12, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Butterfield, John, ae. 24, res. Benton Co., nat. NY, e. Aug. 7, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Campbell, John A., ae. 18, res. Benton Co., nat. IA, e. Dec. 23, 1863, captd. Sept. 19, 1864 Winchester VA, wd. Oct. 19, 1864 Cedar Creek, VA, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Coder, Philip M., ae. 21, res. Benton Co., nat. PA, e. Aug. 1, 1862, wd. and leg amputated May 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MS, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Culp, Cornelius, ae. 34, res. Vinton, nat. VA, e. July 26, 1862 m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Culp, Tomizin, ae. 19, res. Gomersal, nat. VA, e. Aug. 8, 1862, kld. in action Oct. 19, 1864 Cedar Creek, VA. Dickey, William H., ae. 28, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. Aug. 9, 1862, died of disease July 16, 1863, St. Louis, MO. Bur. National Cem., Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Sec. 5 grave 67. Dodge, Elijah S., ae. 44, res. Benton Co., nat. OH, e. Jan. 5, 1864, disd. for disab. Feb 1, 1865 Keokuk, IA. Downs William. G., ae. 22, res. Urbana, nat. IL, e. Aug. 6, 1862, died of disease June 29, 1863 Hospital, Vicksburg, MS Dure, John C., ae. 21, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Aug. 4, 1862, wd. May 1, 1863, Port Gibson, MS, disd. for disab. Dec. 6, 1863 Davenport, IA. Elder, Clark, ae. 21, res. Benton Co., nat. VA, e. Aug. 1, 1862, kld. in action Oct. 19, 1864 Cedar Creek, VA. Bur. National Cem., Winchester, VA, Lot 76. Ellis, Benjamin F., ae. 33, res. Vinton, nat. TN, e. Aug. 9, 1862, wd. May 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MS, died of wds. July 4, 1863 Memphis, TN. Ervin, Zora B., rejected by mustering officer. See Co. C, 47th Inf. Fetherhill, George M., ae. 18, res. Urbana, nat. KY, e. Aug. 4, 1862, captd. Oct. 25, 1863 Opelousas, LA, m.o. July 31, 1865, Savannah, GA. Finch, Elkanah D., ae. 24, res. Urbana, nat. NY, e. as resident of Fairview Aug. 12, 1861, disd. Mar. 20, 1862 Hospital Pacific, MO, re-e in Co. B, 9th Inf. as resident of Urbana Aug. 9, 1862, deserted Feb. 1, 1863 Helena, AR. Flickinger, Francis M., ae. 19, res. Gomersal, nat. PA, e. July 26, 1862, died of disease Feb. 27, 1863 Helena, AR. Ford, Charles J., ae 28, res. Benton Co., nat. PA, e. Sept. 17, 1863, wd. Oct. 19, 1864, Cedar Creek Va., m.o. July 31, 1865, Savannah, GA. Francis, James S., ae. 24, res. Urbana, nat. MI, e. Aug. 6, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865, Savannah, GA. Garton, William A., ae. 28, res. Urbana, nat. IL, e. Aug. 9, 1862, deserted Nov. 2, 1862. Gingery, William, ae. 20, res. Benton Co. nat. PA, e. Aug. 9, 1862, wd. Apr. 8, 1864 Sabine Cross Roads LA, m.o. July 31, 1865, Savannah, GA. Gingery, Daniel, ae. 26, res. Benton Co. Nat. PA, re-e. Nov. 1, 1862, disd. for dis. Feb. 13, 1864, Madisonville, LA, See Co. D. 8th Inf. Gingery, Samuel, ae. 31, res. Benton Co., nat. PA, e. Feb 26, 1864, Kld. in Action Oct. 19, 1864 Cedar Creek VA, Bur. National Cem. Winchester, VA, Lot 76. Harris, James B., ae. 20, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. July 27, 1862, wd. May 1, 1863 Port Gibson, MS, died Aug. 29, 1863 Benton Barracks (St. Louis), MO. Bur. National Cem. Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), MO, Sec. 7 grave 106. Heath, Merritt S., ae. 20, res. Shellsburg, nat. IN, e. Aug. 9, 1862, wd. Apr. 20, 1864 (place not given), wd. Oct. 19, 1864 Cedar Creek, VA, m.o. July 31, 1865, Savannah, GA. Hibbard, Edward, ae 19, res. Benton Co., nat. NY, e. Aug. 9, 1862, m.o. July 3, 1865, Savannah, GA. Hicks, William, ae, 31, res. Shellsburg, nat. PA, e. Aug. 7, 1862, disd. Feb. 14, 1863 Helena AR. Houts, Augustus C., ae. 30, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Aug. 12, 1862, captd. May 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MS, wd. and captd. Apr. 8, 1864 Sabine Cross Roads, LA, m.o. June 21, 1865 Annapolis, MD. Houts, Edwin C., ae. 26, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Aug. 2, 1862, disd. for disab. Aug. 19, 1863, Davenport, IA. Hull, Josephus, ae. 22, res. Shellsburg, nat. OH, e. Aug. 7, 1862, died May 16, 1863 Perkins Landing, LA. Jackson, William M., ae 18 res. Vinton nat. PA , e. Aug. 3, 1862, died of disease Dec. 30, 1862 Helena, AR. Jackson, Hiram, ae 32 res. Vinton nat. OH, e. July 26, 1862, died of disease Aug. 26, 1863 Keokuk, IA. Bur. Oakland Cem., Keokuk, IA. Jimmerson, James B., ae 36 res. Urbana nat. NY, e. Aug. 8, 1862, kld. in action May 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MS. Jones, James M., ae 27 res. Shellsburg nat. OH, e. Aug. 10, 1862 m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Jones, Henry, ae 18 res. Shellsburg nat. IL , e. Aug. 8, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Kilpatrick, John M., ae. 34, res. Urbana, nat. OH, e. Aug. 9, 1862 disd. for disab. Mar. 31, 1863 Helena AR. Kincer, John W., ae. 20, res. Urbana, nat. IN, e. Aug. 4, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Kirkpatrick, Leonidas, ae. 21, res. Benton Co., nat. OH, e. Dec. 29, 1863, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA Kisling, Joseph C., ae. 25, res. Urbana, nat. IN, e. Aug. 9, 1862, accidentally killed Jan. 6, 1863 Helena AR. Bur. Mississippi River National Cem., Memphis, TN, Sec. 3 grave 557. Lehene, James, ae. 31, res. Shellsburg, nat. OH, e. Aug 10, 1862 as First Corp., reduced to ranks at own request, disd. Dec. 28, 1863 St. Louis, MO. Lopp, Absalom ae 18 res. Benton Co. nat. IL e. Jan 5, 1864, kld. in action Apr. 8, 1864 Sabine Crossroads, LA. Lott, James H., ae 20 res. Urbana nat. NY, e. Aug. 4, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah GA. Loyd, Amos G., ae 29 res. Shellsburg nat. IN, e. Aug. 9, 1862, wd. & captd May 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MS, captd. Sep. 19, 1864 Winchester, VA, m.o. June 14, 1865 Annapolis, MD. Luther, George, ae 25 res. Benton Co. nat. OH, e. Aug. 12, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Mahin, John W., ae. 18, res. Benton Co., nat. IL, e. Jan 16, 1864, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA McBroom, Thomas, ae. 24, res. Shellsburg, nat. IL, e. Aug. 7, 1862, disd. for disab. Mar. 6, 1863 Helena, AR. Meeker, Lyman, ae. 26, res. Benton Co., nat. NY, e. July 21, 1862 m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Mickey, John , ae. 22, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. Aug. 3, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Miller, Isaac, ae. 18, res. Shellsburg, nat. IL, e. Aug. 7, 1862, died of disease Feb. 14, 1863 Jefferson Barracks, MO. Bur. National Cem. Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), MO, Sec. 38 grave 261. Mossman, Francis H., ae. 23, res. Urbana, nat. PA, e. Aug. 9, 1862, kld. in action May 16, 1863 Champion Hills, MO. Murphy, James M., ae. 19, res. Benton Co., nat. IA, e. Jan. 5, 1864, wd. Oct. 19, 1964 Cedar Creek, VA, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Myers, Martin, ae. 30, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. Aug. 9, 1862, died of disease May 6, 1863 Vicksburg, MS. Patrick, Joseph S., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Aug. 7, 1862, died of disease Nov. 18, 1862 Davenport, IA. Bur. National Cem., Rock Island, IL. Remington, William., ae. 37, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. July 28, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Rice, Fielding F., ae. 21, res. Benton Co., nat. TN, e. Jan. 5, 1864, wd. and leg amputated Oct. 19, 1864 Cedar Creek, VA, died of wds. Oct. 28, 1864 Martinsburg, VA. Bur. National Cem., Winchester, VA, Lot 76. Rucker, Cornelius, ae. 21, res. Benton Co., nat. PA, e. July 1, 1862 a.w.o.l. Mar. 19, 1864, on roll Aug. 31, 1864. No further record. Rupp, Christian D., ae. 31, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. Aug. 12, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865. Scott, George H., ae. 32, res. Shellsburg, nat. PA, e. Aug. 9, 1862, prmtd. First Corp. Mar. 26, 1863, reduced to ranks at own request Apr. 3, 1864, m.o. May 8, 1865 Davenport, IA. Segrist, Samuel, ae. 20, res. Shellsburg, nat. Switzerland, e. Aug. 17, 1862, trans. to Invalid Corps Sep. 26, 1863, m.o. June 28, 1865 Washington, D.C. Segrist, Fredrick, ae. 28, res. Shellsburg, nat. OH, e. Aug. 8, 1862, died of disease at Memphis, April 1, 1863. Stout, George W., ae. 20, res. Vinton, nat. IA, e. Aug. 8, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Sutton, Benjamin, ae. 37, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Aug. 4, 1862, kld. in action Sabine Cross Roads, LA , April 8, 1864. Terwilliger, Thomas, ae. 25, res. Shellsburg, nat. NY, e. Aug. 8, 1862, died on Hospital Boat " Nashville" May 20, 1863. Thompson, Isaac N., ae. 19, res. Shellsburg, nat. OH, e. Aug. 8, 1862, died of disease July 20, 1863 Jackson, MS. Bur. National Cem. Vicksburg, MS, Sec. I grave 1414. Thompson, William, ae. 43, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. July 29, 1862, disd. for disab. Dec. 2, 1862 New Iberia, LA. Waitman, Noah, ae. 24, res. Urbana, nat. OH, e. Aug. 6, 1862 m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. Webb, William, ae. 19, res. Benton Co., nat. OH, e. July 31, 1862, died June 20, 1863, St. Louis, MO. Whitcraft, George, ae. 40, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. July 31, 1862, died June 20, 1863 St. Louis, MO. Wightman, Dallas, ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. July 21, 1862 1862, m.o. June 27, 1865 Washington, D.C. Woodruff, Anthony W., ae. 35, res. Center Point, nat. OH, e. July 26, 1862, disd. for disab. March 31, 1863 Helena, AR. Woods, Nelson S., ae. 38, res. Urbana, nat. NY, e. Aug. 6, 1862, m.o. July 31, 1865 Savannah, GA. |
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