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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Flags Benton County, Iowa in Civil War Flags



Palmer, Henry N., Lieut., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. OH,e. Sept. 27,
1861, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864 wd. July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA,
prmtd. Third Sergt. Nov. 1, 1864, Second Sergt. Jan. 1, 1865, Second
Lieut. June 7, 1865, m.o. July 21,1865 Louisville, KY.

Putnam, Charles E., Capt., ae. 22, res. Benton County, nat. NH,
Fifth Corp. Sept. 27, 1861, prmtd. Second Lieut. Oct. 31,
1861, prmtd. First Lieut. Apr. 19, 1862, prmtd. Capt. Mar. 13, 1863,
resigned Oct. 22, 1864.

Ridge, John, Lieut., ae. 26, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. as First Corp.
Sep. 27, 1861, prmtd. Fifth Sergt. Apr. 10, 1862, Fourth
Sergt. Apr. 30, 1862, Second Sergt. June 15, 1862, First Sergt. July
5, 1862, Second Lieut. Mar. 13, 1863, prmtd. First Lieut. Apr.
29, 1863, wd. July 20, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, died of wds. Oct. 4,
1864 Louisville, KY.

Ross, George F., Lieut., ae. 24, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. asFirst
Sergt. Sept 27, 1861, prmtd. Second Lieut., Apr. 19,1862, wd.
Oct. 4, 1862 at Corinth, MS, prmtd. First Lieut, Mar. 13, 1863,
resd. Apr. 28, 1863 for disab.

Shane, John, Capt., ae. 38, res. Vinton, nat. OH, appointed Capt.
Oct. 28, 1861, prmtd. Major Oct. 30, 1861, wd. Apr. 6, 1862,
Shiloh, TN, prmtd. Lt. Col. Apr. 17, 1862, prmtd. Col. Mar. 13,
1863, m.o. Nov. 9, 1864.

Shutt, James H., Lieut., ae. 38, res. Vinton, nat. NY, appointed
First Lieut. Oct. 28, 1861, resigned Apr. 19, 1861.

Sherman, Buren R., Capt.,  ae. 24, res. Vinton, b. NY, e. Sep. 27,
1861 as Second Sergt., prmtd, Sergt. Major Dec. 23, 1861,
Second Lieut. Feb. 9, 1862, wd. Apr. 6, 1862 Shiloh, TN, prmtd.
Captain, Apr. 17, 1862, resigned Apr. 17, 1863.

Starkweather, John, Lieut., ae. 21, res. Vinton, nat. NY,e. as
Fourth Sergt. Sep. 27, 1861, prmtd. Fifth Sergt. Apr. 30, 1862, re-
e. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. First Sergt. Aug. 1, 1864 wd. Aug. 9, 1864
near Atlanta, GA, prmtd. Second Lieut. Oct. 6, 1864, First
Lieut. Jan. 1, 1865, m.o. July 15,1865 Louisville, KY.

Walker, William A., Major, ae. 24, res. Vinton, com. Second  Lieut.
Oct. 28, 1861, prmtd. Capt. Oct. 31, 1861, prmtd. Major Mar13,
1863, kld. in action July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, buried National
Cemetery, Marietta, GA, Section F, grave A A.

Shields, John C., Drum Major, ae. 20, res. Vinton, b. PA, e. Sep.
27, 1861, prmtd. Drummer, Mar. 20, 1863, Drum Major, May 1,
1863, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, wd July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, m.o.
July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.


Amburn, William, Corp., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Sep.
27,1861, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. Fourth Corp. Jan. 22,1864 wd.
July 21, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, prmtd. First Corp. Nov. 1, 1864,
Fifth Sergt. Jan. 1, 1865, m.o. Jul 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Barker, Ruel, Corp., ae. 22, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep. 27,1861,
re-e. Dec. 1, 1863, prmtd. Third Corp. Jan. 1, 1865, m.o. July
21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Catlin, Lewis L, Sergt. ae. 30, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Sep.
27,1861, re-e. Dec. 15, 1863, prmtd. Fifth Sergt. Nov. 1,1864,
Fourth Sergt. Jan. 1, 1865, wd Mar. 1, 1865 near Falling Creek NC,
m.o. Jul 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Clingeon, Robert L., Corp., ae. 27, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep.
27, 1861 as Fourth corp,, prmtd. Third Corp. Apr. 30,1862,
Second Corp. Jan. 5, 1863, Sixth Corp., m.o. Nov. 1, 1864
Louisville, KY.

Coppoc, Joseph L., Capt., ae. 21, res. Benton County, nat. OH,
e.Sep. 27, 1861 as Third Corp., prmtd. Second Corp. Apr. 30, 1862,
disd. June 5, 1863 and prmtd. as Capt. Co. D, Louisiana Colored
Infantry Jun 5, 1863.

Dart, George W., Corp., ae. 21, res. Vinton, nat. NY e. Sep.
27,1861, re-e. Dec. 15, 1863, prmtd. Fourth Corp., Jan. 1, 1865, m.o.
Jul 21, 1865, Louisville KY.

Durand, Robert B., Sergt., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. MI, e. Sept
27,1861, wd. Apr. 6, 1862 at Shiloh, TN, prmtd. Fifth Corp. Sep.
21, 1863, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. First Sergt. Jan. 22, 1864,
kld. in action July 21, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, buried National
Cemetery Marietta, GA, Sec. E, grave 353.

Forsyth, Edward P., Sergt., ae. 42, res. Vinton, nat. KY, e. Sep.
27,1861, prmtd.  Second Sergt., re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, wd. near
Atlanta, GA, died of wds. Nov. 1, 1864, Chattanooga, TN, buried
National Cemetery, Chattanooga, TN, Sec. G, grave 148.

Hanna, John D., Quartermaster, ae. 20, res. Vinton, nat. OH,  e.
Sep. 27, 1861, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. Quartermaster, June 1,
1865, m.o. Jul 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Henry, John, Corp., ae. 18, res. Benton County, nat. OH, e. Sep. 27,
1861, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. Second Corp. Jan. 22,1864,
m.i.a. July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, prmtd. First Corp. Jan. 1,
1865, returned Apr. 18, 1865, m.o. May 27, 1865 Davenport, IA.

Hallock, Hiram, Sergt., ae. 34, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep.
27,1861, prmtd. First Corp., Jan. 15, 1862, Fourth Sergt. Jul
5,1862, Second sergt, Aug. 12, 1862, First Sergt. June 5, 1862, re-
e. Jan. 1, 1864, kld. in action July 22, 1864 Atlanta, GA.

Joyce, Jacob, Corp., ae. 42, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. Sep. 27, 1861,
re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. Third Corp. Jul 21, 1864 wd. Aug.
9, 1864, prmtd. Second Corp. Jan. 1, 1865, m.o. July 21,1865,
Louisville, KY.

Kennedy, Andrew R., Corp., ae. 24, res. Benton County, nat. NY, e.
Sep. 27, 1861 as Second Corp. prmdtd First Corp. Apr. 30,1862,
Fourth Sergt. June 15, 1862, Second Sergt. July 5, 1862, disd for
disab. July 29, 1862.

Keyes, Newel C., Quartermaster, ae. 21, res. Vinton. nat. OH, e. as
Seventh Corp. Sep. 27, 1861, wd. Apr. 6, 1862 at Shiloh, TN,
prmtd. Sixth Corp., Apr. 30, 1862, Quartermaster Sergt. May 1, 1862,
re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. Quartermaster Nov. 11, 1864, m.o.
July 21, 1865, Louisville, KY.

LaRue, Chambers C., Sergt., ae. 25, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep.
27,1861, prmtd. Third Sergt. May 1, 1863, re-e. Jan. 1,1864 wd.
July 21, 1864 at Atlanta, GA, transferred to Veterans Reserve Corps,
m.o. Sep. 18, 1865 Davenport, IA.

LaRue, William H., Corp., ae. 24, res. Vinton, nat. OH e. Sept
27,1861 as Sixth Corp., prmtd. Fifth Corp. Apr. 30, 1862,m.o. Nov.
1, 1864.

Lyman, Frederick, Sergt., ae. 38, res. Vinton, nat. VT, e. Sep. 27,
1861 as Fifth Sergt., prmtd. Third Sergt. Apr. 10, 1862,
Second Sergt. Apr. 30, 1862, Sergt. Major June 15, 1862, wd. Oct. 4,
1862 at Corinth, MS, disd. for promotion as First Lieut. of
Eighth Louisiana Colored Troops June 5, 1863.

Lynch, Jeremiah, Corp. ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. Ireland, e. Sep.
27,1861, wd. June 16, 1863 at Vicksburg, re-e. Jan. 1,1864,
prmtd. Sixth Corp. June 1, 1865, m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

McCasland, Alexander, Sergt., ae. 31, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Sep.
27, 1861 prmtd. Fifth Corp. Oct. 16, 1862 Fourth Corp. June
5,1863, Third Sergt. July 6, 1863, m.o. Nov. 1, 1864.

Martin, Samuel C., Sergt., ae. 23, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep.
27,1861, action Shiloh, TN Apr. 6, 1862, bur. Shiloh
National Cemetery Pittsburg Landing, TN, Sec. R.G., grave 8.

Martin, Charles M., Sergt., ae. 29, res. Eden, nat. OH, e. Sep.
27,1861 wd Apr. 6, 1862 near Shiloh, TN, prmtd. First Corp. July
5, 1862, Fourth Sergt. Aug. 12, 1863 died of chronic illness June 7,

Merchant, David D., Corp., ae. 26, res. Gomersal, nat. OH, e.
Sep.27, 1861, wd. Apr. 6, 1862 at Shiloh, TN, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864,
prmtd. Third Corp. Jan. 22, 1864, action near Atlanta, GA
July 21, 1864.

Murdock, Philip, Sergt, ae. 31, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep.
27,1861 as Third Sergt. re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, m.o. July 21,1865
Louisville, KY.  See Co. K, First Infantry.

Ritchey, Jonathan, Corp., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep. 27,
1861, re-e. Dec. 15, 1863, wd. July 22, 1864 near Atlanta,GA,
prmtd. Fifth Corp. Jan. 1, 1865, m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Skinner, Amasa, Sergt., ae. 29, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Sep.
27,1861, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. Second Sergt. Nov. 1,1864, wd.
July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, prmtd. First Sergt. June 1, 1865,
m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Small, Orza, Sergt., ae. 22, res. Vinton, nat. VT, e. Sep. 28, 1861
prmtd. Seventh Corp. Oct. 16, 1862, Fifth Corp. June 5, 1863,
Fourth Corp. Sep. 21, 1863, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. Third Sergt.
Jan. 22, 1864, kld. in action July 22, 1864, Atlanta, GA,
buried National Cemetery Marietta, GA, Sec. E, grave 352.

Smock, Thomas C., Corp., ae. 20, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Sep. 27,
1861,wd. Oct. 4, 1862 at Corinth, MS, disd. for disab. Nov.
9,1862, re-e. Feb. 12, 1864, captd July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA,
prmtd. Seventh Corp. Jun 18, 1865, m.o. July 21, 1865
Louisville, KY.

Wallace, James R., Corp., ae. 24, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep.
27,1861, prmtd. eighth Corp. Apr. 30, 1862, Third Corp. June 5,
1863, wd. July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, m.o. Nov. 1, 1864.

Whipple, Wesley, Sergt., ae. 36, res. Vinton, nat. VT, e. Sep. 27,
1861, prmtd. Fourth Sergt. Feb. 7, 1862, Second Sergt. Apr. 10,
1862, First Sergt. Apr. 30, 1862, died of typhoid at Corinth MS July
3, 1862.

White, James E., Capt., ae. 19, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. May
20,1861, transferred from Co. I, Third Inf., prmtd. Fourth Sergt.
Apr. 10, 1862, Third Sergt. 1862, First Sergt. May 1, 1863, Second
Lieut. Apr. 29, 1863, wd. July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, prmtd.
First Lieut. Oct. 4, 1864, Capt. Jan. 1, 1865.

Williams, Samuel, Wagoner, ae. 24, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Sep. 27,
1861, prmtd. Wagoner, died of disease June 5, 1862 at
Corinth, MS.

Wilson, James, Sergt., ae. 23, res. Vinton, nat. Ireland,e. Sep. 28,
1861, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864 prmtd. Second Sergt. Jan. 22, 1864,
Fourth Sergt. Nov. 1, 1864, Third Sergt. Jan. 1, 1865, Second
Sergt., Jan. 22, 1865, m.o. July 21, 1865.

Worthen, Rufus, Corp., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. VT, e. Sep. 28,
1861, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864 prmtd. First Corp. Jan 2, 1864, captd.
near Atlanta GA July 22, 1864. No further record.


Auld, George W., ae. 26, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. Sep. 27, 1861, re-
e. Jan 1, 1864, m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Amburn, Jesse F., ae. 29, res. Benton County, nat. IN, e. Dec.
22,1863, captd. July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, died Feb. 15,1865
Florence, SC.

Barnum, Washington D., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. CT, e. Oct. 6, 1861
died of fever, Sep. 9, 1863 at Vicksburg, MS, buried National
Cem Vicksburg, MS, Sec. G, grave 174.

Beckley, Edward, ae. 31, res. Vinton, e. Sep. 27, 1861 disd. for
disab. Oct. 22, 1862.

Beumont, Edmond C., ae. 25, res. Second Cong. Dist. nat. NY, e. Nov.
3, 1864, m.o. July 21, 1865, Louisville, KY.

Black, George W., ae. 20, res. Marysville, nat. NY, e. Oct. 4, 1861,
wd. Apr. 6, 1862 near Shiloh, TN, transferred to First
Mississippi Marine Brigade, Apr. 15, 1863.  No further record.

Bowen, James H., ae. 24, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Sep. 27, 1861,
disd. for disab. Oct. 22, 1862.

Brollear, Job, ae. 31, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep. 27, 1861, died
of illness May 23, 1862.

Brown, Alfred H., ae. 21, res. Vinton, nat. OH e. Sep. 27, 1861,re-
e. Jan. 1, 1864 wd. Jul 28, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, disd for
disab. Mar. 31, 1865 Davenport, IA.

Brown, Henry J., ae. 22, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Sep. 27, 1861, re-
e. Jan. 1, 1864, m.o. Jul 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Brown, Thomas, ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. Eng., e. Aug. 20, 1862,
captd Feb. 1, 1865, m.o., June 6, 1865, Clinton, IA.

Branch, Phineas, ae. 37, res. Vinton, nat. VT, e. Aug. 21, 1862,
missing July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, m.o. June 2, 1865
Washington, D.C.

Briggle, Jeremiah, ae. 18, res. Benton Co., nat. OH e. Jan 28, 1864,
m.o. Jul 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Buck, Walter W., ae. 24, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep. 28, 1861, re-
e. Jan 1, 1864, wd. Jul 21, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, disd. July
6, 1865 Davenport, IA.

Bysong, Samuel, ae. 27, res. Vinton, nat. CAN e. Sep. 27,1861, re-e.
Jan. 1, 1864, m.o., July 21, 1865, Louisville, KY.

Cassell, Thomas K., ae. 29, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Dec. 19, 1863,
disd. June 18, 1865, Madison, IN.

Clark, Alvin, ae. 41, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Sep. 27, 1861, disd.
for disab. Aug. 2, 1862 Davenport, IA.

Collen, William H., ae. 20, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Mar. 30,1864,
m.o., Jul 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Correll, Daniel P., ae. 20, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. Aug. 21, 1862,
m.o. May 29, 1865, Louisville, KY.

Cue, John P., ae. 37, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Dec. 19, 1863, m.o.
Jul 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Davis, John, ae. 27, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Aug. 21, 1862, wd. at
Jonesboro GA, m.o. Jun 2, 1865 Washington D.C.

Day, Thomas G., ae. 25, res. Vinton, nat. CT e. Sep. 28, 1861, re-e.
Jan. 1, 1864, kld. in action Atlanta, GA, Aug. 25, 1864,
buried National Cemetery, Marietta, GA, Sec. J, grave 44.

Dean, Frederick, ae. 27, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep. 27, 1861,
died of illness May 17, 1862, on the steamer City of Memphis, 
buried National Cemetery Quincy, IL.

Dean, Stowell. G., ae. 23, res. Vinton, nat. OH,  e. Sep. 27, 1861,
died of illness May 12, 1862 at Camp Denison, OH, buried
Spring Grove National Cemetery, Dennison, OH, Lot C, grave 119

Dearth, Jeremiah, ae. 28, res. Vinton, e. Sep. 27, 1861, wd. Apr.
6,1862 at Shiloh, TN, disd. for disab. June 30, 1862.

Detwiler, Zenas, ae. 18, res. Benton County, nat. IL, enl. Mar. 22,
1864, m.o. Jul 21, 1865, Louisville, KY.

Engledow, Samuel S., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Sep. 27, 1861,
disd. for disab. Mar. 7, 1862.

Fawcett, William H., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep. 27, 1861
captd. July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, m.o. July 21, 1865
Louisville, KY.

Ferrell, Edward, ae. 28, res. Vinton, nat. Ireland, e. Sep. 27,
1861, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Greer, James V., ae. 18, res. Benton County, nat. OH, e. Jan. 29,
1864, kld. in action at Atlanta July 22, 1864, buried National
Cemetery, Atlanta, GA, Sec. E, grave 355.

Hanford, Rush R., ae. 28, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Aug. 21,
1862,m.o. June 2, 1865, Washington, D.C.

Hanna, William S., ae. 20, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep. 27,
1861,wd. Apr. 6, 1862 at Shiloh, TN, wd. also at Corinth, MS,
vet. Jan. 1, 1864, m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Hayhurst, Elias, ae. 37, res. Benton County, nat. OH, e. Feb. 29,
1864, kld. in action Aug. 11, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, buried
National Cemetery Marietta, GA, Sec. J, grave 46.

Hoover, Benton, ae. 20, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Sep. 27, 1861, kld.
in action July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, buried in National
Cemetery Marietta, GA, Sec. E, grave 356.

Howett, Joseph, ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. England, e. Sep. 27,
1861,wd. Oct. 4, 1862 at Corinth, MS, re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, m.o. July
21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Hull, Henry, ae. 22, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. Sep. 27, 1861, re-e.
Feb. 19, 1865, m.o. July 21, 1865, Louisville, KY.

Hull, Jerome, ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. MI, e. Sep. 27, 1861, wd.
July 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Hull, Joseph, e. Sep. 27, 1861, wd. and missing Oct. 4, 1862
Corinth, MS, died Oct. 6, 1862 Corinth, MS.

Hussong, James M., ae. 30, res. Vinton, nat. IL, e. Aug. 21, 1862,
re-e. Feb. 20, 1864, died of disease July 23, 1864 at
Evansville, IN.

Jackson, Julius, ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. Sep. 27, 1861, wd.
Oct. 4, 1862 Corinth, MS, re-e. Feb. 28, 1864, kld. in action
July 21, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, buried National Cemetery, Marietta,
GA, Sec. G, grave 354.

Jenkins, George W., ae. 21, Res. Vinton, nat. IL, e. Aug. 21, 1862,
m.o. June 2, 1865 Washington, D.C.

Keyes, Almond C., ae. 27, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Jan. 2, 1864 wd.
July 2, 1864,  disd. for wds. May 18, 1865.

Lord, Lewis, se 28, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Dec. 17, 1863, captd.
near Atlanta, GA July 22, 1864, died Sep. 6, 1864 Andersonville
prison, buried Andersonville National Cemetery, grave 7959.

Lowell, Marion, ae. 26, res. Benton County, nat. MI, e. Jan.
29,1864, died of smallpox Mar. 18, 1865 at Beaufort, NC.

McElroy, Hayes H., ae. 21, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. Sep. 27, 1861,
disd. for disab. April 22, 1863 Evansville, IN.

Marine, Stephen A. ae. 19, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Aug. 21, 1863,
wd. July 21, 1864, disd. for disab. Apr. 5, 1864.

Marine, William. H.H., ae. 21, res. Vinton, nat. IN, e. Sep. 27,
1861, re-e. Dec. 15, 1863, kld. in action Yazoo City, MS. buried
National Cemetery Vicksburg MS, Sec. Q, grave 393.

Merchant, William, ae. 24, res. Vinton, nat. OH e. Aug. 21, 1862,
captd. Jul 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, died of disease Aug. 25,
1864, Andersonville, GA, buried Andersonville National Cemetery,
grave 6815.

Pray, Robert J., ae. 31, res. Vinton, nat. PA, e. Sep. 27, 1861,
prmtd. Fifth Corp Dec. 16, 1861, Fourth Corp. Apr. 30, 1862,
Second Sergt June 5, 1863,  wd near Atlanta. July 22, 1864, m.o.
Louisville, KY Nov. 1, 1864.

Reed, Elias, (no data) wd. Jul 22, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, died June
18, 1863, buried National Cemetery Vicksburg, MS, Sec. P,
grave 128.

Rickets, William H., ae. 26, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep. 27, 1861,
re-e. Jan. 1, 1864 Jan. 1, 1864, m.o. July 21, 1865
Louisville, KY.

Ridge, Alfred, ae. 31, res. Vinton, b. OH, e. Sep. 27, 1861, disd.
Oct. 22, 1862.

Ringlow, George, ae. 18, res. Benton County, nat. OH, e. Jan. 29,
1864, m.o.July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Roberts, Joseph, ae. 31, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep. 27, 1861, re-
e. Jan. 1, 1864  kld. in action July 21, 1863 near Atlanta, GA.

Robertson, David, ae. 26, e. Jan. 2, 1864  nat. (not given), died
Aug. 26, 1864 while prisoner at Andersonville, GA, buried
Andersonville National Cemetery, GA, grave 6572.

Robertson, James W., ae. 22, Res. Benton County, nat. PA, e. Feb.
29,1864, m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Rodabeck, William S., ae. 26, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep. 27,1861,
re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Royce, Samuel J., ae. 36, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Sep. 27, 1861,wd.
Oct. 3, 1862 at Corinth, MS, died Oct. 6, 1862 Corinth, MS.

Schoonover, Joseph O., ae. 21, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep. 27,1861
wd. Apr. 6, 1862 at Shiloh, TN, disd. Aug. 23, 1862.

Sells, George A., ae. 19, res. Vinton, nat. IA, e. Dec. 17, 1863,
wd. July22, 1864, disd. May 1, 1865 for prmtn. in Fourth United
Colored Troops 

Shutts, Lewis E., ae. 16, res. Gomersal, nat. TN, e. Dec. 25, 1863,
wd.Aug. 13, 1864 near Atlanta, GA, disd. for disab. June 4,

Sims, Dwight, ae. 23, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Sep. 27, 1861, re- vet. Jan. 1, 1864  m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Small, Plummer, ae. 26, res. Vinton, nat. VT, e. Aug. 21, 1862,died
of typhoid fever June 17, 1863, Lagrange, TN.

Smock, Daniel D., ae. 22, res. Benton County, nat. IN  e. Sep.
27,1861, re-e. Jan 1, 1864 prmtd. First Lieut. Co. F, Sixtieth U.S.
Colored Troops. m.o. Oct 15, 1865. See Co. A & D Reorg., First Inf.

Smock, Simon, ae. 28, res. Gomersal, nat. IN e. Dec. 16, 1863, died
of consumption Aug. 12, 1864 at Marietta, GA, buried National
Cemetery, Marietta, GA.

Toombs, Daniel, ae. 20, res. Vinton, nat. NY, e. Sep. 27, 1861, re- vet. Jan. 1, 1864, m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Traer, Isaac A., ae. 18, res. Benton Co., nat. OH, e. Feb. 11, 1864,
m.o. July 21, 1865, Louisville, KY.

Traer, Jonathan B., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Sep. 27, 1861,
kld. in action of Corinth Oct. 3, 1862 Corinth, MS.

Turner, William, ae. 23, res. Vinton, nat. OH, e. Dec. 16, 1863,
m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Utley, Matthew, ae. 37, res. Vinton, e. Jan. 15, 1864, m.o. July
21,1865 Louisville, KY.

Volgamore, Jesse M., ae. 18, res. Vinton, nat. OH e. Sep. 27, 1861,
re-e. Jan. 1, 1864, m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Walker, Stephanus, ae. 24, res. Vinton, b. IN, e. Dec. 16, 1863,
captd. at Clifton, SC. No further record.

Williams, Walter C., ae. 21, res. Vinton, nat. VT, e. Sep. 27, 1861,
died of typhoid fever Jan. 11, 1862 Jefferson City, MO.

Wilson, Harvey M., ae. 18, res. Benton County, nat. IN, e. Apr. 22,
1864, m.o. July 21, 1865 Louisville, KY.

Wilson, Henry, ae. 22, res. Vinton, nat. Ireland, e. Aug. 21, 1862,
wd. July 22, 1864, m.o. June 2, 1865 Washington, D.C.

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From the Iowa Adjutant General's Roster.
Submitted by Pat Sheldon.
Copyright © 2000 by Pat Sheldon.
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