Shellsburg, Jan. 27 – Henry La Tourette, 77, pioneer dealer in prairie chickens and veteran grain buyer of Shellsburg, now living with his daughter, Mrs. Charles McDaniel, 1057 Oakland Avenue, Cedar Rapids, recently became reminiscent and told of the passing of the prairie chicken and early grain days in Shellsburg. Mr. La Tourette came to Iowa in a covered wagon from Lafayette, Indiana, with his widowed mother, his sister and brother and a small company of relatives. They arrived here June 1, 1855 and settled near Shellsburg. Their home was on an elevation facing the south from which practically all that could be seen was miles and miles of prairie grass waving in the wind. The prairie chicken and black rattlesnake were their nearest neighbors. It was a common sight to see a flock of prairie chickens rise to fly across the country. As they flew others would join them until the flock numbered thousands: the flutter of their wings making a rumbling, swishing sound. The wild chicks thrived on wheat raised by the early settlers in the month of August thousands of half-grown chicks weighing from two to three pounds could be seen in the stubble searching for scattered grain shelled off in the cutting and binding. Hunters from other towns brought their dogs here and in a single day would kill enough chicks to fill a spring wagon – then their town neighbors had a treat. Most people blamed the passing of the prairie chicken to hunting and trapping, but that was not the only cause. The filling and cultivating of the lowlands and sloughs where the fall grass grew broke up the nesting places of these fowls. Then, prairie fires became more numerous as the population increased and these fires destroyed thousands of eggs; nests containing fifteen or sixteen eggs were often found not more than two rods apart. When the smoke had subsided piles of blackened and cooked eggs designated the spots where the mother hens had nested. Used Home Made Traps Manufactured traps were not in existence, so home made affairs two by four feet were built of lath, with a trap door on top to which was fastened an ear of corn and a weight. As the chicken stepped on the door it was lowered into the box, then the door swung back into place to await the next victim. Occasionally the trap became so crowded with the prisoners they would raise the box from the ground in their efforts to escape. Decoy fodder shocks were often set up on the prairie where traps were stationed and the top of a straw stack was an ideal place for trapping which began in real earnest about 1867, when there sprang up a market in eastern cities which enabled the shipper to pay from three to six dollars a dozen. The market held steady and three years later, Mr. La Tourette began shipping in carload lots. Most of the consignments were made to Philadelphia and New York. To prepare for shipment each frozen chicken was wrapped in paper; they were packed in barrels and headed up. The freight car would be filled to the roof with these barrels. A full sized chicken weighed five or six pounds; the male bird had a bunch of black feathers on each side of his head, at times these would stand out; the pouch on his neck would fill with air and he would strut around like a turkey gobbler with tail feathers spread and making a sound like distant thunder. In 1870 Mr. La Tourette built the first grain elevator in Shellsburg. It was on the B. C. R. and M. railroad which had just been laid through the town. He continued in this business thirty-two years, having made and lost a small fortune during that period. Wheat was the principal product here, followed by barley, oats and flaxseed. The virgin soil required a number of grain crops before corn could be successfully raised. Corn would grow but would not ear. During the flourishing business years 800 cars of grain were shipped annually, which is a strong contrast to the 1926 record with shows forty cars were shipped. William D. Worst, well known passenger conductor on the Rock Island, was a young man holding the position of brakeman on away freight, during the years of grain prosperity and recalls the almost daily orders to "set off cars at Shellsburg for Henry La Tourette." Older residents can remember when the crash came in 1885. Corn had become king, and there was a bumper crop. Mr. La Tourette bought 125,000 bushels at 35 cents a bushel. Dozens of temporary cribs were built south of the track to house the corn. Many were more than a block long. All fall and winter farmers hauled corn to the elevator. Sometimes a line two blocks long was waiting to drive on the scales, all was hustle and bustle. The buyer anticipated an advance in price and visioned substantial additions to his accounts in the Watson bank at Vinton and the Bever bank in Cedar Rapids. The winter blizzards had blown lots of snow into the corn. In February came two weeks of rain followed by warm weather, fogs and cloudy days, and the corn began to mold. They began shelling. Soon twenty-four loaded cars stood on the track. The railroad was powerless to supply an engine to move the cars; corn began to heat. Knowing delay meant disaster, Mr. La Tourette made personal appeal to the Burlington railroad officials who gave their consent for a North Western engine to use their track to Shellsburg. So a North Western engine moved a train of corn to Chicago. Then came word from the commission houses to hold future shipments as the corn was not paying freight charges which were $55 a car. A final check of sales on the twenty-four cars showed receipts lacking $165 of being enough to cover the freight bill. The rest of the usable corn was sent to a distillery at Peoria, and netted the owner 10 cents a bushel. So it was, that in a few weeks a fortune of $50,000 slipped away. When the frame cribs were removed the heavy mold caused the corn to stand intact; it was set on fire as a means of disposal and smoldered for six months. The crib lumber was sold for second hand material. Mr. La Tourette continued to operate on a small scale until 1902 when he sold to Sam Miller. Though practically self-educated, Mr. La Tourette is a fluent and entertaining conversationalist and is remembered as a leader in the social life of the community. He still spends a goodly share of his time in the old hometown. He has held membership in Shellsburg Masonic Lodge No. 81 A. F. and A. M. for fifty-two years and is the only survivor of a large class initiated in 1875. |
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