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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa
1917 Farmers' Directory of Taylor Township
Atlas of Benton County, Iowa
The Anderson Pub'l. Co., 1917

Name Wife Childen Post Office  R. [rent] or O. [own]
Acres; Sec. # 
 Yrs  Land Owner Comments
Aungst, Frank Florence A. Vinton, R. 2. O. 42 ac., sec. 6 43    
Austin, Clyde E. Elsie Lillian, Robert Vinton, R. 4. O. 15 ac., sec. 21 20    
Ball, J. R. Alice Kenneth Vinton, R. 4. R. 160 ac., sec. 33;
R. 80 ac., sec. 28
30 J. H. Ball  
Barkdoll, W. W. Della Leah, Ruth, Ward Vinton, R. 4. O. 160 ac., sec. 30 46    
Beard, F. S. Stella   Vinton, R. 1. O. 5 ac., sec. 20 3   Stock Dealer.
Bednar, Frank Antonia Frank, Matilda, Lenora, Richard Vinton, R. 3. O. 140 ac., sec. 32, N.;
O. 20 ac., sec. 33, N
Benson, J. A. Eliza James, Lucile Vinton. O. 13 ac., sec. 8;
R. 100 ac., sec. 8
39 S. M. Beeson  
Beresford, A. C. Nettie   Vinton, R. 2. O. 60 ac., sec. 17 and 20 52    
Berry, J. L. Jennie Lloyd, Fern Vinton, R. 6. R. 199 ac., sec. 11;
O. 40 ac., sec. 12
44 J. H. Burkhart  
Bolenbaugh, Ray Mable Marguerite, Donald Vinton, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 34 30 Andrew Miller  
Booth, Isaac Verna Harriet Jeanette Vinton, R. 4. O. 80 ac., sec. 29;
O. 40 ac., sec. 28
22   Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs and Plymouth Rock Chickens. "Sunny Slope Farm."
Bostrom, R. M. Anna Myrtle, Carl, Leland Vinton, R. 5. R. 96 ac., sec. 25;
R. 240 ac., sec. 36
30 J. H. Fry  
Brehm, Adam Caroline Adolph, Eda, Anna, Esther, Mildred Vinton, R. 3. O. 109 ac., sec. 29-30-31, N 40    
Brown, L. Eldora Pauline Vinton, R. 4. O. 80 ac., sec. 32 38    
Bunten, C. A. Ruth Paul, Frank, Mildred, John Vinton, R. 3. R. 152.36 ac., sec. 31, N.;
R. 126 ac., sec. 6, W.;
O. 120 ac., sec. 32, N
25 Mrs. D. A. Long
C. P. Long Estate.
Burkhart, Jacob Hattie   Vinton, R. 6. O. 30 ac., sec. 8, E., and in Polk Twp., O. 36 ac., sec. 8 48 J. H. and J. Burkhart  
Burkhart, James H. Berry Howard Vinton, R. 6. O. 180 ac., sec. 11;
O. 20 ac., sec. 10;
O. 80 ac., sec. 8, E., and in
Polk Twp., O. 10 ac., sec. 17; O. 160 ac., sec. 8
Burkhart, Joe Merle Donald Vinton, R. 6. R. 160 ac., sec. 18, E 32 Wilson Clark  
Carlson, G. A. Bessie   Vinton, R. 2. O. 85 ac., sec. 18, W.;
O. 100 ac., sec. 19, W
Catlin, H. L. Callie Catherine, Elsie Vinton, R. 4. R. 160 ac., sec. 35 32 J. H. Will  
Chapin, S. Mary Thomas, Mary Vinton, R. 4. R. 80 ac., sec. 32, and in Eden Twp., R. 40 ac., sec. 5 28 S. Chapin  
Chase, C. R. Mary Leah, Lillian Vinton, R. 4. R. 85 ac., sec. 28;
O. 109 ac., sec. 27 and 28
Clark, W. Clara Hazel Vinton, R. 3. O. 40 ac., sec. 10;
O. 160 ac., sec. 18, E
Coleman, F. J. Roxie Harold, Irene. George Vinton, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 18;
R. 40 ac., sec. 7
9 M. E. Whipple  
Conger, Wesley Etta Lucile, Agnes Vinton, R. 5. R. 80 ac., sec. 26;
R. 120 ac., sec. 35
33 Jane Holst  
Corbett, Mrs. Ben   Glen H., John L. Vinton, R. 3. O. 286.74 ac., sec. 3;
O. 20 ac., sec. 10, and in Harrison Twp., O. 40 ac., sec. 2; O. 10 ac., sec. 22
Crisman, Frank Mary   Vinton. O. 122 ac., sec. 15 26   Dairyman.
Daugherty, Wm. Helen Ralph, Guy, William Vinton, R. 6. O. 80 ac., sec. 2 55    
Dickson, J. J. Nellie Joseph H., Alta M. Vinton, R. 1. R. 80 ac., sec. 32;
R. 80 ac., sec. 33
Downing, L. E. Tillie Harry, Beulah, Winibelle, James, Robert Vinton, R. 6. R. 40 ac., sec. 10 27 W. Van Dyke. Dairyman
Dulin, Frank Edith Lorene Vinton, R. 5. R. 219 ac., sec. 22 and 23 13 Bertha Rammelsburg  
Edmonds, Sam A. Florence Frank, Carl, Esther, Grant, Pearl, Florence Vinton, R. 1. R. 90 ac., sec. 20;
R. 190 ac., sec. 7
46 C. Whipple  
Ferguson, Jackson Hattie Dewey, Guy, Clark, Cecil Vinton, R. 6. O. 40 ac., sec. 11 40    
Flickinger, William Sarah   Garrison, R. 1. O. 44.65 ac., sec. 5;
O. 22.60 ac., sec. 4;
O. 60 ac., sec. 11
Floyd, C. E. Bertha Maymie, Louis, Arthur Vinton, R. 6. R. 40 ac., sec. 12;
R. 60 ac., sec. 7 and 18, E;
O. 30 ac., sec. 13
Floyd, J. D. Ruby Lawrence R., Evelyn A., Cora Belle Vinton, R. 6. O. 40 ac., sec. 7 34    
Floyd, M. A. Anna M. Bertha A. Vinton, R. 6. O. 103 ac., sec. 7, E.;
O. 113 ac., sec. 18, E.;
O. 48 ac., sec. 8. E.;
O. 40 ac., sec. 12, and in Polk Twp., O. 20 ac., sec. 5
Fuehrer, August Minnie Freda, Lena, Carl, Herman Vinton, R. 1. R. 147 ac., sec. 31 10    
Gardner, J. L. Addie Elsa L., Leva M., Gifford Vinton, R. 3. O. 61.69 ac., sec. 32, N., and 5 1    
Geater, J . W. Minnie V. Earl Vinton, R. 3. O. 40 ac., sec. 32, N., and in Harrison Twp., O. 128 ac., sec. 29-30 47   Breeder of Poland China Hogs.
Gilchrist, Clark Vera   Vinton, R. 4. R. 185 ac., sec. 30 and 19 25 Albert Gilchrist Breeder of Jersey Red Hogs and Durham Cattle.
Gilchrist, W. A. Ella James E. Vinton, R. 1. O. 113 ac., sec. 19 48    
Goarcke, Charles Addie M. Claretta Vinton, R. 1. R. 280 ac., sec. 20 24 Iowa Canning Co.  
Green, C. D. Hattie Myrtle, Harry, Helen, Clifford Vinton, R. 4. O. 80 ac., sec. 30;
O. 80 ac., sec. 29
Gustavson, Carl Edla Carl Vinton, R. 6. O. 160 ac., sec. 7, E 4    
Haines, W. H. Lottie Forest, Halley Vinton, R. 2. O. 40 ac., sec. 18;
O. 25 ac., sec. 24
Hanford, R. R.     Vinton, R. 4. O. 80 ac., sec. 32 52    
Harrison, Marion Alma Ray, Delbert, Lucile, Mildred Vinton, R. 6. R. 160 ac., sec. 17, E.;
O. 33 ac., sec. 18, E.;
O. 45 ac., sec. 7, E
35 J. B. Jones  
Harrison, Ray Amanda Karl, Zelma, Leo, Nina, Elzo, Lloyd Vinton, R. 6. O. 40 ac., sec. 12;
O. 40 ac., sec. 11;
O. 40 ac., sec. 13;
O. 40 ac., sec. 14
Harrison, W. S. Stella Lillian Vinton, R. 6. O. 80 ac., sec. 7, E 40    
Haymaker, C. W. Anna Amy Vinton, R. 6. O. 40 ac., sec. 7. E. 38    
Heath, M. R. Anna John W., Elsie J., Almon S. Vinton, R. 4. R. 160 ac., sec. 29 36 Peter and Gertrude Warner Breeder of Poland China Hogs.
Henkle, Grant Lizzie Harry Vinton, R. 2. R. 72.59 ac., sec. 18, and in Jackson Twp., O. 5.50 ac., sec. 17 50 J. B. Rogers  
Hensing, Mrs. J. A.   Fred, Arthur Vinton. O. 220 ac., sec. 26 40    
Hensing, Mrs. Maude   Eugene, Charles, Frank, George, Henry, Elisabeth Vinton, R. 4. O. 200 ac., sec. 27;
O. 17.50 ac., sec. 26;
O. 40 ac., sec. 22;
O. 20 ac., sec. 23
40   Breeder of Poland China Hogs.
Hilton, Ed Blanche   Vinton, R. 4. R. 160 ac., sec. 29 22 Iowa Canning Company  
Holden, Jesse Alma Mildred, Grace, Marjorie Vinton, R. 4. R. 140 ac., sec. 34 8 H. S. Bowers  
Holland, John Hester M. William T Vinton, R. 5. 80 ac., sec. 22; 80 ac., sec. 27; 40 ac., sec. 23.     Benton County Home Overseer.
Hunt, Ormund Rose Flora Vinton, R. 1. O. 40 ac., sec. 19, and in Eden Twp., O. 160 ac., sec. 30 48    
Jack, John Lenora   Vinton, R. 3. R. 120 ac., sec. 33, N.;
R. 80 ac., sec. 34, N
38 Alex Keller  
Jewell, Wm. V. Emma   Vinton, R. 6. O. 60 ac., sec. 18, E 50    
Johnson, A. D. Myra Mildred, Boyl, Garth, Gail Vinton, R. 6. R. 80 ac., sec. 8, E.;
R. 37.50 ac., sec. 17. E
32 Wm. Reisser  
Kearns, H. W. Maggie Henry, Blanche, Florence Vinton, R. 2. O. 77.56 ac., sec. 6, and in Jackson Twp., O. 147 ac., sec. 1 61    
Kearns, P. N. Willia   Vinton, R. 2. O. 22.50 ac., sec. 17, and in Jackson Twp., O. 80 ac., sec. 12 55    
Keating, R. J. Florence Robert, John. Helen Vinton, R. 2. R. 113 ac., sec. 17;
R. 40 ac., sec. 18
4 P. J. Donelon  
Kieffer, Fred Eva Glen, Faye, Eileen Vinton, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 29 8    
King, Ben A. Jennie Marie, Lillian, Harold, Morris, Pauline, Sarah, Herbert, Raymond. Hester Vinton, R. 6. O. 40 ac., sec. 11;
O. 40 ac., sec. 12
King, G. E. Martha J. Ray, Marie, Ethel, Esto. Darlene Vinton, R. 5. O. 95 ac., sec. 23;
O. 40 ac., sec. 26
34   Breeder of Percheron Horses and Hereford Cattle.
Knaack, Hermann Gladys Sherlene, Loma, Lucile Vinton, R. 6. R. 120 ac., sec. 12 26 Lulu M. Berry  
Knaapp, Chas.   Steven E., Susan R. Vinton, R. 3. O. 40 ac., sec. 3;
O. 40 ac., sec. 10
Leverich, W. D. Mary   Vinton, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 19-30 42    
Linderman, J. A. Emma Ralph Vinton, R. 6. O. 114.63 ac., sec. 6, E.;
O. 40 ac., sec. 12, and in Polk Twp., O. 35 ac., sec. 6
McGinty, Henry Alice   Vinton, R. 5. R. 55 ac., sec. 26 37 Richard Bostrom  
Middlekauff, S. B. Jennie Dorothy, John, Lucile, Josephine Vinton, R. 5. O. 80 ac., sec. 27;
O. 40 ac., sec. 26
Miller, Geo. Viola Lola Vinton, R. 4. O. 240 ac., sec. 31 35    
Meyers, J. H. Anna Leland, Wilbur, Joseph Vinton, R. 2. O. 175 ac., sec. 7 38   "Pleasant Hill Stock Farm."
Nellist, Walter Hannah Margaret, Gertrude, Walter, Elizabeth Vinton, R. 3. R. 80 ac., sec. 4;
R. 10 ac., sec. 3
1 Lizzie Gilchrist  
Neve, Albert Hattie Charlie, Leland, Harold Vinton, R. 4. O. 160 ac., sec. 34;
O. 80 ac., sec. 27
Nichols, F. C. Effie Carrie, Fern, Clark, Ruth, Russell Vinton, R. 6. O. 80 ac., sec. 10;
O. 75 ac., sec. 15
Noble, A. L. Ida Marcella Emery Vinton, R. 3. O. 120 ac., sec. 33, N.;
O. 100 ac., sec. 5;
O. 189 ac., sec. 17
Noble, Chas. G. Cora L. Thornton E. Vinton, R. 3. O. 243 ac., sec. 4 and 5 48    
Noble, Jos. A. Emma Bessie M. Vinton, R. 3. O. 140 ac., sec. 33, N.;
O. 116 ac., sec. 5
Noble, W. I. Ella Leon, Nellie, Nannie Vinton, R. 3. O. 65 ac., sec. 4;
O. 120 ac., sec. 32 and 33;
O. 21.69 ac., sec. 5
Noeller, Hugo Mary Elmon, Lawrence, Esther, Hugo Vinton, R. 6. R. 640 ac., sec. 18, 19 and 20, E 35 W. C. Ellis  
Norris, M. L. Anna Clarence, Ralph Vinton, R. 3. R. 320 ac., sec. 9 and 8 21 Mamie Emerson  
Norris, Roy. Rebecca Bernice Vinton, R. 5. R. 80 ac., sec. 36, and in Eden Twp., R. 80 ac., sec. 1 15 Virginia Gay  
Overbeck, R. H. Margaret Ralph H. Vinton, R. 6. R. 40 ac., sec. 11: R. 20 ac., sec. 10;
R. 15 ac., sec. 11
23 Henry Overbeck Estate
C. and U. Overbeck
Parmater, C. A. Adella Clifford E., Otto R. Vinton. O. 85 ac., sec. 7 and 8 51    
Peterson, Harris     Vinton, R. 3. R. 80 ac., sec. 32. N.;
R. 62 ac., sec. 31, N
28 E. H. Peterson Estate  
Pettit, W. A.     Vinton, R. 6. O. 40 ac., sec. 10 60    
Porter, Emmett Rita Leland, Ellen Vinton, R. 5. R. 60 ac., sec. 25 24 S. E. Railsback  
Primmer, C. G. Myrta M. Glen R., Ralph M., Chauncy L., Mary M., Myra A., John A. Vinton, R. 6. O. 80 ac., sec. 12;
O. 120 ac., sec. 13
Prochaska, L. G.
Prochaska, Robert
Elsie Marion Vinton, R. 1. R. 140.42 ac., sec. 31, S 15 W. E. Thompson  
Ravenscroft, Robert     Vinton, R. 4. R. 192 ac., sec. 30 21 J. H. Ravenscroft
Rollinson, Arthur   Guy, Loren, Blanche Vinton, R. 6. R. 80 ac., sec. 8, E 32 J. D. Spencer  
Rollinson, Frank Florence   Vinton, R. 6. R. 49 ac., sec. 7, E 40 Grace Theisser  
Rogers, J. B. Rosa Warren R., Hazel M., Della M. Vinton, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 18, and in Jackson Twp., O. 160 ac., sec. 18; O. 80 ac., sec. 17 25    
Rosenberg, J. M. Ruby Ralph, Bert, Leah Vinton. O. 28 ac., sec. 8 33   Mason Contractor.
"Pond Lily Farm."
Rundall, M. A. Gertrude Ralph, Roy, Clara, Helen Vinton, R. 4. 370 ac., sec. 28 6 Iowa Canning Company  
Sanders, D. Almira   Vinton, R. 5. O. 40 ac., sec. 26 62    
Schwab, H. J.     Vinton, R. 4. R. 200 sec. 33;
O. 200 ac., sec. 33
35 Henry J. Schwab  
Sellers, John W. Edith John W., Harry W., Rose E. Vinton, R. 5. O. 40 ac., sec. 25 31    
Skoog, Henry Hilda Herbert Vinton, R. 4. R. 180 ac., sec. 34 11 George Barr  
Slaybaugh, H. Goldie   Vinton, R. 5. O. 85 ac., sec. 25, and in Benton Twp., O. 28 ac., sec. 30 14    
Smock, L. E. Leila C. Ray, Anna Vinton, R. 5. O. 60 ac., sec. 22 53    
Smith, E. H. Nellie G. Arlene Vinton. R. 2. O. 71.81 ac., sec. 18 29    
Spaulding, Albert     Vinton, R. 4. O. 35 ac., sec. 28 49    
Stauffer, Wm. Jennie Effie, Mattie Vinton, R. 4. O. 30 ac., sec. 20 11    
Stickney, Geo. Carrie E. Clarence W., Helen L. Vinton, R. 4. O. 320 ac., sec. 32.;
R. 80 ac., sec. 31
42 D. H. and G. E. Stickney  
Swain, Henry Ida Clarence Vinton, R. 3. R. 240 ac., sec. 34, N 40 Elmer Collincott  
Troxel, Dallas Martha   Vinton, R. 6. R. 160 ac., sec. 12;
R. 160 ac., sec. 11
40 Thomas Starff  
Vander Weydes, C. Catherina   Vinton, R. 6. O. 40 ac., sec. 12 12    
Van Dyke, W. Ella Harley, Helen Vinton, R. 6. O. 40 ac., sec. 10 45    
Wallace, Frank Mary L. Marion E., Ray G., Clarence E. Vinton, R. 2. R. 189 ac., sec. 17;
O. 200 ac., sec. 9 and 10
40 Ellen Butler
Ida Noble
Wallace, Murray Tacie Richard Vinton, R. 3. R. 160 ac., sec. 10;
R. 40 ac., sec. 9
16 Frank Wallace.  
Weichman, C. H. Emma Lenna, Elsie, Audria Vinton, R. 4. R. 160 ac., sec. 35 25 Frank Weichman  
Whipple, Mrs. S. T.   Bessie, Eugene, Martha, Clara, Serenus, Nellie Vinton, R. 2. O. 55 ac., sec. 18 50    
Whipple, Wm. Lola Jeanette, Lucile Vinton, R. 5. R. 120 ac., sec. 35 26 Oren C. Spaulding  
Williams, Stephen D. Linnie   Vinton, R. 3. O. 80 ac., sec. 3 47    
Williams, Wm. I. Edna Laura, Emery Vinton, R. 3. O. 80 ac., sec. 4 44    
Williamson, J. H. Carrie Merribelle, Elvin Vinton, R. 5. O. 42 ac., sec. 23 38    
Wilson, Earl F. Jessie L. Leslie Vinton, R. 6. O. 40 ac., sec. 18, E.;
O. 40 ac., sec. 17, E
Wilson, E. M.     Vinton, R. 4. R. 80 ac., sec. 29 43    
Wilson, Matthew   Elizabeth, Alice, Ambrose, Chancheler Vinton, R. 5. O. 55 ac., sec. 23;
O. 136.60 ac., sec. 24, and in Benton Twp., O. 83 ac., sec. 24
Wyman, C. S. Sarah Charles Vinton, R. 2. O. 10 ac., sec. 6 30   Cement Contractor.
Yerkes, E. Pearl   Vinton, R. 5. O. 14 ac., sec. 25 and 26;
O. 60 ac., sec. 23
Yerkes, J. H. Lucinda   Vinton, R. 5. O. 20 ac., sec. 25 56    
Yerkes, S. E.   Lorene, Andrea Vinton, R. 5. R. 140 ac., sec. 23 23 S. A. Yerkes  
Yerkes, W. H. Delia Leslie, Lorena. Alta, John, Esther Vinton, R. 5 O. 40 ac., sec. 24, and in Benton Twp., O. 72 ac., sec. 24. 51    

Taylor Township Farmers' Directory Transcribed by Sue Soden.
Copyright © 2002 by Sue Soden.

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