The USGenWeb Project
Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

1901 Standard Atlas of Benton County, Iowa
Geo. A. Ogle & Co., Engravers. 134 Van Buren St. Chicago

Township Plat Maps      Patrons Directory      Portrait Department


     Explanation.--- The date following a name indicates the length of time the
  party has been a resident of the county. The abbreviations are as follows: S.
  for Section; T. for Township; P. O. for Post-Office address. When no Section
  Number or Township is given it will be understood that the party resides within
  the limits of the village or city named, and, in such cases, the post-office
  address is the same as the place of residence, unless otherwise stated.

   Alden, Joseph Jr., Farmer, S. 29, T. Canton, P. O. Shellsburg, 1878.
   Alden, Joseph Sr., Farmer. S. 29, T. Canton, P. O. Shellsburg, 1866.
   Allen, J. F., Editor "The Times," Vinton.
   Anderson, J. H., Farmer, S. 8, T. Bruce, P. O. LaPorte.
   Anderson, W. H. Real Estate, Abstracts and Loans, Vinton, 1854.
   Andre, J. F. Farmer, S. 10, T. Eden, P. O. Vinton, 1897.
   Austin, R. B., Proprietor "Elm Grove Stock Farm," Breeder of Galloway
       Cattle, Norman and Trotting Horses and Poland China Hogs, S. 13, T.
       Jackson, P. O. Vinton.
   Backes, Peter, Farmer and Stockraiser, S. 31, T. Union, P. O. Keystone, 1873.
   Bailey, R. M., Real Estate Broker, Belle Plaine.
   Baker, F. M., Blacksmith, Vinton.
   Ballou, A. D. Editor "Union," Belle Plaine.
   Barlon, O. B., Farmer, S. 21, T. Canton, P. O. Shellsburg, 1854.
   Baum, John, General Merchandise, Garrison.
   Beal Frank, Farmer, Belle Plaine, 1871.
   Beal, H. D. Farmer and Assessor, S. 21, T. Bruce, P. O. LaPorte, 1870.
   Beatty, James, Farmer, S. 12, T. Fremont, P. O. Atkins.
   Benson, J. A. Auctioneer and Proprietor "Oak Grove Stock and Poultry
       Farm," S. 27, T. Benton, P. O. Shellsburg, 1860.
   Benton County Bank (A. F. Allen, Pres.; John R. Shreeves, V. P.; O. W.
       Allen, A. C.) General Banking. Blairstown.
   Benton, County of.
   Bergen, O. C., Farmer and Breeder of Fine Stock, S. 8, T. Canton, P. O.
       Shellsberg, 1862.
   Beresford, H. L., Proprietor "Berryholme Stock Farm" and Breeder of Thor-
       oughbred Shorthorn Cattle, S. 26, T. Jackson. P. O. Garrison, 1863.
   Bickle, W. H., Traveling Salesman, Vinton.
   Bille, John, Editor "Mt. Auburn News," and dealer in Drugs, Paints, Books,
       Wall Paper, Etc., Mt. Auburn, 1893.
   Berkhimer, I., Farmer, S. 27, T. Iowa, P. O. Belle Plaine, 1854.
   Boisen, Wm., Real Estate, Furniture, Undertaker, Pianos, Organs, Sewing
       Machines, Etc.,Van Horne, 1875.
   Breuer, H. J., Editor "Van Horne Enterprise," Van Horne, 1900.
   Brubaker, Jos. S., Drugs, Paints, Oils, Stationary, Wall Paper, Etc., Vinton,
   Bryant, A. J., Physician and Surgeon, Blairstown.
   Burrell, J. D., Banker and Dealer in Farm Implements, Urbana, 1869.
   Burns, J. A., Farmer and Breeder of Thoroughbred Sheep and Poland China
      Hogs, S. 33, T. Benton, P. O. Shellsburg, 1878.
   Buxton, E. A., Veterinary Surgeon and Proprietor of Feed Stable, Vinton,

   Callaghan, Thos., Assessor and Clerk, S. 16, T. Union, P. O. Van Horne,
   Callaghan, Patrick, Farmer, S. 16, T. Union, P. O. Van Horne, 1865.
   Cameron & Aungst, Livery and Feed Stables, Vinton.
   Citizens' National Bank (Chas. A. Blossom, Pres.; E. F. Mosnat, V. P.; S. P.
       Van Dyke, Cashier), General Banking, Belle Plaine.
   Colcord, E. H., Proprietor Second Hand Store, Vinton.
   Cram & Seely, Livery and Feed Stable, Vinton.
   Criswell, M. L., Livery and Feed Stable, Belle Plaine.
   Culp, W. T., Farmer, S. 30, T. Jackson, P. O. Garrison.

   Delfs, Carl, Farmer and Breeder of Fine Stock, S. 31, T. Cedar, P. O. LaPorte,  
   Dilling, John A., Retired Farmer, S. 11, T. Eden, P. O. Vinton, 1855.
   Dodd, H. H., Farmer and Breeder of Fine Stock, S. 29, T. LeRoy, P. O. Lu-
       zerne, 1861.
   Dorsey, C. S., Proprietor "Walnut Grove Stock Farm" and Agent for the
       Automate Cream Separater, S. 25, T. Cedar, P. O. Vinton, 1861.
   Dowell. A. B., Auctioneer, Vinton.
   Duncalf, Jos. A. Farmer and Proprietor of the Katie Creamery, S. 33, T.
       Union, P. O. Blairstown, 1871.

   Ellingson, Elling, Farmer, S. 5, T. Florence, P. O. Norway, 1877.
   Ellis Lumber Co., Lumber, Sash, Doors, Etc., Vinton.
   Eggleston, L. C., Farmer, S. 18, T. Eden, P. O. Vinton.
   Erhard, J. C., Proprietor Star Creamery, S. 12, T. Homer, P. O. Garrison,

   Farmers' National Bank (Geo. Horridge, Pres.; W. C. Ellis, V. P.; C. O. Har-
       rington, Cashier; C. D. McElroy, A. C.), General Banking, Vinton.
   Fellows, A. R., Physician and Surgeon, Vinton, 1870.
   Fellows, J. L., Retired, vinton, 1875.
   Fenton, Geo., Agent Rush & Gerts Pianos, Vinton, 1897.
   First National Bank (S. S. Sweet, Pres.; L. T. Sweet, Cashier), General
       Banking, Belle Plaine.
   First National Bank (R. A. Perkins, Pres.; E. Simpson, V. P.; F. E. Wett-
       stein, Cashier; G. E. Stubbins, A. C.), General Banking, LaPorte.
   Fry, I. G., Farmer and Stockraiser, S. 6, T. Canton, P. O. Vinton, 1865.
   Fry, John, Farmer and Stockraiser, S. 6, T. Canton, P. O. Vinton, 1873.
   Fry, W. E., Farmer, S. 31, T. Benton, P. O. Vinton, 1860.
   Fry, J. H., Farmer and Stockraiser, S. 25, T. Taylor, P. O. Vinton, 1856.

   Gaasch, Matt, Attorney, Vinton, 1864.
   Gardner, E. H., Meat Market, Garrison.
   Goodwin, C., Farmer, S. 17, T. Cedar, P. O. Mt. Auburn, 1877.
   Gordon, J. W., Farmer, S. 18, T. Jackson, P. O. Garrison.
   Gilchrist, Whipple & Montgomery, Attorneys, Vinton.
   Gingrich, C. B., Farmer and Secretary and General Manager LaPorte Coop-
       erative Creamery Co., S. 4, T. Cedar, P. O. LaPorte, 1868.
   Graeber, S. S., Contractor, Vinton.
   Graves, E. H., Postmaster, Notary Public and Dealer in Stationary, Garrison.
   Griffin, C. C., Physician and Surgeon, Vinton.
   Grovert, Henry Jr., Farmer, S. 24, T. Eden, P. O. Shellsburg, 1873.
   Grimm, J. E., Traveling Salesman, Garrison.

   Halgren, N. P., Proprietor of "Evergreen Stock Farm" and Breeder of Short-
       horn Cattle and Chester White Hogs, S. 2, T. Eden, P. O. Vinton, 1895.
   Hagen, Fred, Farmer and Stockraiser, S. 25, T. Union, P. O. Van Horne, 1867.
   Hannen, D., Farmer, S. 25, T. Iowa, P. O. Belle Plaine, 1870.
   Harbert, P. M. & Sons (P. M. Harbert, Pres.; D. K. Harbert, Cashier; A. N.
      Harbert, A. C.). General Banking, Shellsburg, 1853.
   Hartung, Chas. H., Cashier Farmers' Saving Banks, Notary, Insurance and
       Real Estate, Van Horne, 1883.
   Harwood, Jas., Dealer in Live Stock, Garrison.
   Harewood, Jas., Banker, Dysart.
   Hawks, S. G., Banker, Dysart.
   Hayward, C., Farmer, S. 22, T. Big Grove, P. O. Garrison.
   Hayward Bro's. Shoe Co., Vinton.
   Henderson Chas., Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries, Vinton.
   Henkle, H. C., Farmer, S. 20, T. Jackson, P. O. Garrison.
   Hennings & Reed, Publishers "The Belle Plaine Democrat," Belle Plaine.
   Herring, Will P., Proprietor "The Herring Cottage," Belle Plaine.
   Holler, John, Blacksmith, Van Horne, 1885.
   Hull, J. K., Attorney, Real Estate and Loans, Vinton, 1898.
   Humphrey, Geo., Farmer, S. 35, T. Big Grove, P. O. Van Horne, 1878.

   Irwin, A. W., Farmer, S. 24 T. Monroe, P. O. Garrison, 1876

   Jack, Miss Erminie, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, Vinton.
   Jones, J. W., Farmer and Breeder of Aberdeen Angus Cattle and O. I. C.
       Hogs, S. 15, T. Cedar, P. O. Mt. Auburn, 1892.
   Johnson, D. D., Cashier Bank of Garrison, Garrison.
   Johnson, W. F., Farmer, S. 8, T. Jackson, P. O. Garrison.

   Kahler, Jas., Farmer and Stockfeeder, S. 19, T. Cedar, P. O. LaPorte, 1869.
   Kearns, H. W., Farmer, S. 6, T. Taylor, P. O. Vinton, 1855.
   Kelly & Co., Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc., Van Horne.
   Kelly, D. E., Farmer, S. 17, T. Bruce, P. O. LaPorte.
   Kern, Christopher, Retired Farmer, S. 29, T. LeRoy, P. O. Luzerne, 1868.
   Kiberle, O., Livery and Feed Stable, Newhall, 1879.
   Kinney, A. W., Livery and Feed Stable, Vinton, 1878.
   Kirkland & White, Attorneys, Vinton.
   Knapp, Geo. R., Loans and Abstracts, Vinton, 1856.
   Knutz & McCaleb, Livery and Feed Stable, Vinton.
   Kroehnke, J. P., Real Estate and Insurance, Van Horne, 1882.
   Krombach, William, Hardware, Furniture, Paints, Wall Paper and Stationary.
       Also Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director, Keystone, 1888.
   Kuhn, Henry, Farmer and Breeder of Shorthorn Cattle and Chester White
       Hogs, S. 1, T. Eden, P. O. Vinton.

   Lamb Lumber Co., L., Lumber, Etc., Vinton.
   Lamb, H. J., Banker, Mt. Auburn, 1871.
   Lichty, A. A., Bridge Builder, Norway, 1883.
   Lichty, S. S., Manager Benton County Telephone Co., Vinton, 1899.
   Lormor, Frank, Farmer, S. 15, T. Cedar, P. O. Mt. Auburn, 1859.
   Loizeaux, Leon S. Feeder and Shipper, S. 11, T. Jackson,P. O. Vinton, 1854.
   Luckey, J. E., Physician and Surgeon, Vinton.

   Marietta & Bickel, Fire Insurance, Vinton.
   Macy, O. W., Photographer, Vinton, 1881.
   McCulley, F. W., Farmer and Breeder of Fine Stock, S. 15, T. Benton, P. O.
       Urbana, 1865.
   McGuire, J. T., Cashier Watkins Savings Bank, Watkins, 1893.
   Mc In??ney, Rev. M. F., Priest, Vinton.
   McNie, M. F., Farmer and Breeder of Thoroughbred Galloway Cattle and Po-
       land China Hogs, S. 27, T. Harrison, P. O. Vinton, 1856.
   Mears, Sherman T., Attorney, La Porte.
   Meyer, Christian, Farmer and Stockraiser, S. 32, T. Union, P. O. Luzerne,
   Miller, O. W., Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, Blairstown.
   Miller, J. A., Farmer and Breeder of Thoroughbred Shorthorn Cattle, S. 13,
       T. Eldorado, P. O. Newhall, 1869.
   Miller, S. F., Lumer, Grain and Coal, Shellsburg, 1889.
   Milner, T. H., Attorney, Belle Plaine.
   Montgomery, J. Q., Blacksmith and Wagon and Carriage Manufacturer, Vin-
       ton, 1874.
   Morrow, E. H., Lumber, Lime, Cement, Coal, Etc., Newhall, 1881.

   Moulton, G. C., Farmer & Breeder of Shorthorn Cattle, S. 8 (3?), T. Cedar, P.
       O. Mt. Auburn, 1853.
   Murphy, B., Editor "Vinton Eagle," Vinton.

   Naven, E. Duke, "The Progress Review," LaPorte.
   Nichols & Nichols, Attorneys, Vinton.
   Noeller, F. F., Farmer and Stockraiser, S. 25, T. Cedar, P. O. Vinton.
   Nolan, James (Nolan & Jacobi), Livery and Dealer in Flour, Feed and Wood,
       Belle Plaine.
   Norland, L. J., Postmaster and Dealer in Farm Implements, Norway, 1863.

   Owens, Joseph, Pres. Atkins Savings Bank and Farmer, S. 1, T. Fremont, P.
       O. Atkins, 1869.

   Paulsen & Taschner, Hardware, Wind Mills, Wagons, Buggies, Threshing
       Machinery, Etc., Newhall.
   Peoples's Savings Bank (John Young, Pres.; J. S. Brubaker, V. P.; John Lo-
       renz, Cashier), General Banking, Vinton.
   Pemberton, T. C., Farmer and Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs, S. ?, T. Jack-
       son, P. O. vinton.
   Pickart, J. H., Cashier, Benton County Savings Bank, Norway.

   Radeke, H. A., Farmer and Dairyman, S. 24, T. Iowa, P. O. Luzerne, 1866.
   Radeke, O. L., Farmer and Dairyman, S. 10, T. LeRoy, P. O. Blairstown,
   Radeke, Wm., Farmer and Dairyman, S. 24, Iowa, P. O. Luzerne, 1866.
   Ralyea, L., Proprietor Ralyea House, Vinton.
   Reiss, Jacob Sr., Proprietor "Spring Creek Farm," and Importer and
       Breeder of O. I. C. Hogs, S. 10, T. Cedar, P. O. Mt. Auburn, 1869.
   Remer, T. H., Postmaster, Insurance and Farmer, Urbana, 1865.
   Ricker & Bratnober Lumber Co., Lumber and Building Material, Vinton.
   Rife, A. K., County Superintendent of Schools, Vinton, 1865.
   Robertson, Jay, Livery and Feed Stable, Norway, 1863.
   Robinson, S., Blacksmithing, Steam Fitting, Wagon and Carriage Material,
       Hardwood Lumber, Pipe, Pumps, Ect., Vinton, 1877.
   Rose, W. G., Farmer and Stockraiser, S. 33, T. Florence, P. O. Norway, 1865.
   Rosenberg, D. S., County Recorder, Vinton, 1865.
   Rowe Bro's. (E. O. Rowe and A. M. Rowe), Proprietors of Vinton Cream-
       ery, vinton.

   Schloeman, J. F., Farmer and Breeder of Throughbred Cattle and Poland
       China Hogs, S. 31, T. Florence, P. O. Norway, 1879.
   Schuett, William, Real Estate, Keystone, 1869.
   Scringeour, W. C., Attorney, Belle Plaine.
   Sheafer, J. W., Editor and Publisher, Blairstown.
   Sells, Cato, Attorney, Vinton, 1859.
   Shafer, E. E., Farmer and Grower of P? Sock, Seed Potatoes, S. 23, T.
       Monroe, P. O. Garrison, 1863.
   Sloan, J. T., Farmer, S. 18, T. Bruce, P. O. LaPorte.
   Smith, Robert F., Farmer, Brick Manufacturer and Breeder of Black Galla-
       way Cattle, Belle Plaine, 1865.
   Snyder, C. W. E., Attorney, Belle Plaine.
   Stanley, J. S., Manager Canning Factory, Garrison.
   State Bank of Vinton, Paul Correll, Pres.; C. C. Griffin, V. P., and W. S.
       Goodhue, Cashier; General Banking, Vinton.
   Stookey, Chas. F., Attorney and Real Estate Dealer, Shellsburg, 1881.
   Strube, John, Farmer and Stockraiser, S. 21, T. Cedar, P. O. Mt. Auburn,
       1867. [Struve]
   Studt, H. O., Farmer, S. 11, T. Iowa, P. O. Luzerne, 1874.
   Sutton Bro's., Architects and Builders, Vinton.

   Taige, A. F., Grain, Lumber, Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Etc., Lu-
       zerne, 1858.
   Tedford, G. M., Dealer in Lumber, Garrison.
   Thorp & Pitts, Groceries, Vinton.
   Thompson, J. M., Farm Implements, Garrison.
   Traer, J. P., Cashier Vinton Savings Bank, Vinton, 1867.
   Tobin, M. J., Attorney, Vinton.
   Tyler, O. P., Farmer, S. 34, T. Big Grove, P. O. Van Horne, 1894.

   Urbach Bro's. & Lewis, Clothing, ?, Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Etc.,

   Van Deusen, E. D., Farmer and Fire, Life and Accident Insurance and Books,
       Van Horne, 1866.
   Van Nice, I. W., Attorney, Vinton, 1871.
   Van Dike, I. A., Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, Belle Plaine.

   Washburn, C. H., Belle Plaine.
   Watterman, Chas. W., Blacksmith and Woodworker and Agent for champion
       Binders and Mowers, Blairstown, 1886.
   Watson, Samuel H., Physician and Surgeon, Blairstown.
   Weil, T. H., Farmer and Breeder of Red ?ed Cattle,Percheron Draft
       Horses and Duroc Jersey Hogs, S. 2, T. LeRoy, P. O. Blairstown, 1868.
   Wheeler, C. R., Editor "Urbana News," Urbana, 1896.
   Wicke, J. A., Manager Kane Eclipse Creamery, Van Horne,1898.
   Wilson, M., Farmer, S. 4, T. Homer, P. O. Garrison.
   Wilcox, Dr. C. S., Dentist, Vinton, 1897.
   Whiteis, S. W., Farm Machinery, Buggies, Wagons, Sewing Machines, Gro-
       ceries, Etc., Urbana, 1869.
   Whipple & Gerberich (J. E. Whipple and C. E. Gerberich), Editors "Vinton
       Review," Vinton.
   Whipple, S. T., Farmer, S. 18, T. Taylor, P. O. Vinton, 1861.
   Whipple, M. E., Farmer, S. 18, T. Taylor, P. O. Vinton, 1858.
   Whittle, A. T., Farmer and Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs, S. 35, T. Taylor, P.
       O. Vinton, 1883.
   Williams, Dr. J. A., Physician and Surgeon, Belle Plaine.
   Williams, S. D., Farmer, S. 3, T. Taylor, P. O. Vinton, 1869.
   Wirth & Co., Drugs, Paints, Oils, Wall Paper, Stationary, Etc., Van Horne,
   Wirth, Guide, Notary Public, Insurance, Real Estate, Loans and Agent for
       Northern Iowa and Minnesota Land, Van Horne, 1897.
   Wirth, Dr. C., Physician and Surgeon, Van Horne.
   Wolf, Thomas, General Merchandise, Watkins, 1876.
   Worley, Dr. J., Physician and Surgeon, Belle Plaine.

   Yakish, M. F., Notary Public and Insurance, Van Horne, 1888.
   Yocum, N. N., Lumber, Coal, Lime, Paints, Etc., Blairstown.
   Youel, W. C., Farmer and Breeder of Shorthown Cattle, S. 20, T. Canton, P. O.

   Zalesky, F. E., Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Bologna, Etc., Belle Plaine.
Transcribed by Sue Soden and proofread by Martha Long.

Anderson, W. H. 56K
Beal, H. D. & Family 142K
Beresford, H. L. & Wife 101K
Breuer, H. J. 56K
Brubaker, Joseph S. 58K
Burns, J. A. 33K
Burrell, J. D. 52K
Buxton, E. A., D.V.S. 51K
Correll, Paul 55K
Delfs, Carl 57K
Dorsey, C. S. & Wife 64K
Duncalf, J. A. 34K
Ellingson, Elling 45K
Erhard, J. C. 49K
Fellows, J. L. 28K
Fry, J. H. 55K
Gingrich, C. B. 50K
Goodwin, Mr. & Mrs. C. 56K
Halgren, N. P. 39K
Harbert, P. M. 55K
Harrington, C. O. 49K
Henkle, H. C. 47K
Irwin, A. W. & Wife 129K
Jones, J. W. 51K
Kahler, James 41K
Kearns, H. W. 45K
Kern, Christopher 71K
Knapp, Geo. R. 54K
Kroehnke, Mr. & Mrs. J. P. 89K
Lamb, H. J. 57K
Lewis, Charles 53K
Lichty, S. S. 56K
Loizeaux, J. J. 61K
Loizeaux, Leon S. 49K
McCully, E. W. 54K
McGuire, J. T. 57K
McNie, Malcolm F. 31K
Meyer, Christian 69K
Miller, J. A. 52K
Montgomery, J. Q. 50K
Moulton, G. C. 60K
Noeller, F. F. & Family 128K
Paulsen, John B. Jr. 57K
Pemberton, T. C. 50K
Radeke, H. A. 51K
Radeke, O. L. 67K
Radeke, Wm. 50K
Reiss, Jacob Sr. 42K
Remer, T. H. 54K
Rife, A. K. 38K
Rose, W. G. 56K
Rosenberg, D. S. 51K
Rowe, A. M. 30K
Shafer, Elmer 69K
Snyder, C. W. E. 50K
Stanley, J. S. 52K
Struve, John 43K
Studt, H. G. 57K
Sutton, E. E. 54K
Sutton, Marion S. 38K
Taschner, Julius 43K
Urbach, J. L. 49K
Van Deusen, F. D. 66K
Van Nice, Isaac W. 58K
Waterman, Chas. W. 47K
Weil, T. H. 55K
Wheeler, C. R. 63K
Whipple, Milo 56K
Whipple, W. P. 55K
Whittle, A. T. 55K
Wicke, J. A. 36K
Wicke, Mrs. J. A. 47K
Williams, J. A., M.D. 40K
Wolf, Thomas 39K
Zalesky, F. E. 51K

Prepared by Sue Soden for  The IAGenWeb Project
Submitted on 22 Jan 2008.
Copyright © 2008 by Sue Soden.

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