Waddington, Richard, teamster.
Wagner, C., merchant tailor.
Waite, E.G., minister.
Wakefield, Wm. L., far., Sec. 10.
Wakefield, M.A., Far., Sec. 14.
Wakefield, Ira C., farmer, Sec. 14.
Wallery, T.B., laborer.
Walton, J.H., retired.
Walton, P.R., farmer.
Ward, Thomas, farmer, Sec. 34.
Warner, Jacob, farmer, Sec. 29.
Warner, H.E., Clerk of District and Circuit Courts; born in Lake Co., Ohio, Jan. 10, 1839, went to Rock Co., Wis., at an early age. Was in the army; enlisted in the 22d Regt. Wis. Inf., Co. E; was wounded in the battle of Resaca, Ga.; was taken prisoner at Brentwood; taken to Richmond, and afterward exchanged. Held the office of Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in Rock Co., Wis., two years; was elected to his present office in 1874, and was re-elected in 1876. Married Miss Anna J. Riggs, from Beloit, Wis., in October 1870; they have three children-Majora, Arthur H.H., and baby.
Watkins, A.C., proprietor of Howard House; born in Genesee Co., N.Y., July 28, 1826; lived in that State about seventeen years, and removed to Ohio; went to California and was there four years, and returned to Ohio; removed to Illinois, and was in the hotel business at Plainfield, Will Co.; kept hotel at Cortland, Trumbull Co., five years; came to Vinton in March, 1869, and has been engaged in hotel business here the past nine years. Was in the army; enlisted in the 8th I.V.C., Co. K; was elected First Lieutenant of Co. K, and was obliged to resign on account of ill health. Married Marion E. Oviatt, from Summit Co., Ohio May 2, 1851; they have seven children-Edwin F., Ida May, Mona M., Broderick E., Almeron, Daisy and Burt; lost two-Frank and Lily.
Watson, A.K., speculator.
Watson, Henry, grocer.
Watson, P.W., of the firm of S.H. Watson & Sons, bankers; born in Harrison Co., Ohio, Dec. 17, 1852; came with his parents to Iowa at an early age, and has been engaged in banking business with his father for the past six years; is also engaged in the grocery and provision business, the firm of P.W. Watson & Co. Married Miss Blance V. Hewes, from New York State, May 14, 1873; they have on son-Samuel H. Watson, Jr.
Watson, Samuel H., of the firm of Samuel H. Watson & Sons, bankers, born in Ohio Co., W. Va., July 3, 1828; when 6 years of age, moved to Harrison Co., Ohio; came to Vinton, Iowa, Oct. 14, 1856, and engaged in the banking business with Judge Douglass; he retired from the business in 1861, and Mr. Watson continued it until 1866, when he organized a national bank and continued for four years; then the organization was dissolved; Mr. Watson continuing the business, his sons becoming interested with him. He has held town and school offices; has held the ofice of treasurer and one of the Trustees of the State College for the Blind about ten years. Married Miss Emeline Perrine, from Belmont Co., Ohio, Nov. 21, 1849; they have seven children- William P., Peter W., Clara, Clifford, Frank, Lillie and Estella.
Weaver, Amos, minister.
Webb, A.K., plasterer.
Webb, E.C., laborer.
Webb, G.W., stock buyer.
Webb, J.R., retired.
Webb, J.W.O., boot and shoe dealer.
Webb, M.D.L., retired; born in Woodford Co., Ky., April 2, 1824; when 15 years old, moved to Franklin, Ind.; lived there eleven years and came to Iowa; his father's family came by wagon, and he came by stage and arrived at Vinton Oct. 19, 1851; he was one of the earliest settlers-Mr. Tilford, Dr. Traer and James Wood, the only ones here now that were here then. He married Miss Mary J. Beckett April 5, 1853; she was born in Danville, Hendricks Co., Ind., and came with her parents to this county in 1847; they were the first couple married in Vinton; they commenced housekeeping and have only moved once since then. Mr. Webb has been engaged in the farming, stock and mercantile business and says that for several years after he came, that he, or Dr. Traer, Russell Jones or Dr. Stanberry, when they needed, could get all the money there was in the town in twenty minutes. Mr. and Mrs. Webb have two sons-Elliot C., born April 9, 1855; Wilbert W., born Oct. 4, 1857. Mrs Ruth Webb, mother of Mr. Webb, is 86 years of age and is living here; her husband died in 1852. Mrs. Melinda M. Beckett, Mother of Mrs. Webb was born in Bourbon Co., Ky., she came here in 1849, one of the earliest settlers; she is 78 years of age, and is very active, and has a wonderful clear memory of the incidents of her early life here; she has three children-James R. Webb, of Chicago, Mrs. Eliza Sanders, and Mrs. Webb; her husband died in 1851.
Webster, A.B., horse dealer.
Weddle, G.D., miller.
Weed, William, carpenter.
Wentz, Arthur A., farmer and raiser of fine stock; born in Chester Co., Penn., Oct. 8, 1846; he lived there twenty years, and came to Linn Co., Iowa, in 1866, and engaged in the book business; came to Vinton in 1867 and engaged in the abstract business for some years; he made the present abstract books; on account of his health he sold the abstract books to Mr. Knapp, and bought the farm where he now lives, just out of the city limits, and engaged in raising fine stock; he held office of Town Clerk for some years; holds office of Supervisor of this county; was appointed in June, 1876, and was elected to fill the same office in the Fall of same year. Married Miss Clara Blackman, from Marion, Linn Co., Iowa April 23, 1868; they have two children-George E. and John T.; they have lost three sons- Harry, Charley and Allen.
Westover, William, stock dealer.
Wetz, Jacob, pension agent.
Wetz, Wit., laborer
Whipple, Cyrenius T., farmer; born in Licking Co., Ohio, Oct. 11, 1827; lived in Ohio until 11 years of age, and moved with his parents to Logansport, Ind.; lived in Indiana fifteen years; in 1850, in company with three other young men, came by wagon to Iowa, to this county, and selected land here and entered it; there was only one log house here at that time; returned to Indiana and came here again in 1852; in 1854, he came with his parents to reside permanently; located on his land and built a house costing about $1,000, the best one around here then; engaged in farming; in 1860, he bought where he now lives and paid $50 an acre for it; he owns about 350 acres of land, most of it adjoining the city and very valuable. Married Nancy J. Cline March 6, 1856; she was born in Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind, and came here in October, 1850, and was one of the earliest settlers here; they have three sons and ond daughter-William P., Miles E., Selmon T., and Cora Jane; they lost one daughter-Callie.
White, Charles G., carpenter and builder; born in Rutland, Vt., Nov. 29, 1830; moved to New York State in infancy and when 5 years of age came with his parents to Davenport, Iowa, being forty days on the way; they were among the earliest settlers; there was not a house in Davenport except a ferry shanty; the government soldiers were on the island and most of the inhabitants were Indians; they were among the earliest settlers in the State; learned the trade of carpenter and joiner in Le Claire; came to Vinton in 1857 and engaged in building, and has built and has helped to build some of the best buildings here. Has held office of City Marshal and Collector in Le Claire, Iowa. Married Evelina Miller, from Allegheny City, Penn., Dec. 5, 1850; they have four children-Clarence L., William, Mary M. and Bessie; they have lost two sons.
White, C.L., carpenter.
White, David H., carpenter and builder; born in Albany Co., N.Y., Sept. 7, 1818; learned the trade of carpenter and joiner; was engaged in building there until 1865, when he came to Vinton and since them has been engaged in building here. Married Miss Catharine Walley, from Albany Co., N.Y., in September, 1837; they have ten children, six sons and four daughters, and lost two children. His son Jesse was in the army, 44th Regt. New York Vols., and was killed at the Battle of Gettysburg. Andrew was in the 91st Regt. New York Vol. Inf. , James E. was Captain in Co. G., 13th Regt. Iowa Inf., and is now Superintendent of the Railway Mail Service, Sixth Division, with headquarters in Chicago.
White, Gilman, carpenter.
White, S., clerk.
Whitehead, Alex, laborer.
Whitehead, J.S., teamster.
Whitlock, A.S., dairyman.
Whitlock, J.A., retired.
Whitney, M.G., teamster.
Whitson, C.W., laborer.
Wilford, Samuel, laborer.
Wilkerson, John, farmer, Sec.31.
Wilkinson, C.R., editor People's Journal; born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, Aug. 25, 1844; lived there twelve years, and came to Iowa in 1856; was in the army during the rebellion; went out as Adjutant 18th Ohio V.I., and served on staff duty; was in battles of Perryville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge and Nashville; came to Vinton in 1866; was local editor Vinton Eagle, and was connected with the Daily Observer at Cedar Rapids; became connected with the Journal in 1872, and is editor and manager. Married Miss Nette Cooledge, of N.Y. State, May 14, 1872; they have one daughter-Stella.
Williams, A.C., retired; born in Wayne Co., Ind., Sept. 18, 1832; he received his education through his own efforts, and prepared himself for teaching, and taught school some years; he was Superintendent Schools Cambridge City, Wayne Co., Ind., for some years, and also in Plymouth, Ind.; he was Professor Penmanship and Bookkeeping in White Water College, Wayne Co., Ind.; came to Benton Co. in 1856, and engaged in teaching school, and taught penmanship; went to Chicago and was in the commission business four years, then was engaged in selling goods on the road for ten years; having bought land here in 1865, he engaged in raising fine stock, principally hogs; he was the first to introduce Poland hogs in this section; on account of his health, he sold his farm, except eighty acres near town; he made the largest public sale of hogs ever held in Benton County, Feb. 20, 1878; in March, April and May, of 1877, he answered over one thousand letters. Married Miss Inez E. Dwelle, from Michigan, in Jan. 1873; they have one son-Lewis Clifford, born Sept. 13, 1877.
Williams, J.G.
Williams, J.I., farmer, Sec.4.
Williams, J.N.
Williams, N.L., grocer.
Williams, Stephen, minister.
Williams, W.E., retired
Williams, W.F., banker; born in Lancaster, Fairfield Co., Ohio, May 22, 1830; lived there nineteen years, and went to California by way of Panama, in 1849, and engaged in mercantile business in Marysville, and in the mountains; in 1856, he came to this county and entered 500 acres of land, and spent the Summer in making improvements, and in the Fall returned to the Pacific coast; he spent seventeen years in California; he returned to Vinton, Iowa, in April, 1867, and engaged in banking business with Traer & Co., afterward, engaged in banking and dealing in lands, extensively; he has done more building, and probably made more impovements here, than any man in Vinton, or in Benton Co. Married miss Frances E. Fielding, from Lancaster, Ohio, Jan. 26, 1860; they have four daughters-Mae Ella, Lizzie, Maud and Jennie.
Williamson, Daniel, farmer, Sec. 26.
Wills, O.F., Teamster.
Wilson, George, Tinner.
Wilson, Henry M., Capt., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 30; born in Scott Co., Ind., Dec. 18, 1841; lived there until 14 years of age; then came with his parents to Vinton, in April, 1855; they were among the early settlers. Enlisted as private in the 28th I.V.I., Co. D.; was elected Orderly Sergeant; was in the battles of Magnolia Hill, Champion Hill, siege of Vicksburg, Pleasant Hill, Winchester, Cedar Creek and a number of others, twenty-three in all; he was promoted, and comissioned Lieutenant, and then to Captain and commander of Co. D, 28th regiment. Was elected Sheriff of Benton Co., in 1868; re-elected in 1870, and again re-elected in 1872; served six years. Then engaged in farming and stock raising; owns farm of 150 acres. Married Miss C.J. Cline, from Johnson Co., Ind., in Sept., 1868; they have four children- Callie E., Evert May, Charles S. and Baby.
Wilson, J.E.
Wilson, Thomas
Withrow, David M., merchant tailor; born in Jefferson Co., Ohio, Feb.3, 1830; lived in Ohio about twenty-six years; learned the tailor's trade; came to Vinton in March, 1857, and has lived here twenty-one years; he was the first merchant tailor in Vinton, and the oldest one in Benton Co., having been in business longest. Married Miss Mary S. Watson, from Harrison Co., Ohio, March 16, 1853; they have five children-Virginia, Frank, Anna, Carl and Clifford; lost two sons-William and Joshua.
Wittie, G.D., Shoemaker
Wood, A.M.
Wood, James, Hon., was born March 28, 1822, at Barnesley, England, and was educated at the Grammar school located in his native town and founded by Queen Elizabeth, which he attended until he was 13 years of age, when he was apprenticed to the machinist trade, serving seven years, at Leeds, England. In May, 1842, he came to this country, locating first near Steubenville, Ohio, where he remained only a short time; he worked at his trade for some time at New Philadephia, Ohio, where he was married in October, 1843; he also worked at Wheeling, W. Va., and Pittsburgh, Penn., removing to Iowa in the Spring of 1850, and located at Fremont, now Vinton, where he has since resided, having been thoroughly identified with the growth and progress of the town and county; he opened the first blacksmith shop, which he carried on for about three years, when he engaged in real estate business, which he followed for some time. In 1854, he was appointed Postmaster of Vinton, which office he held for nine years; elected Justice of the Peace in 1862, and has since continuously held the office by re- election, perfoming its responsible yet unpleasant duties to the satisfaction of the general public. He commenced reading law when in New Philadelphia, which he kept up by himself as he had time or opportunity, and was admitted to the bar in 1865. He is the author of several books of reference for attorneys, which are regarded by competent judges as among the most valuable works of the kind ever published.
Wood, Robert, farmer, Sec. 24; born in Canada in 1811, and lived there forty-five years; came to the United States in 1856, and came to Iowa, to Benton Co., the same year; they came with their team, and were six weeks and five days on the way, and arrived in Aug., 1856; they were among the early settlers here, and have lived here twenty-two years, engaged in farming; used to haul grain to Cedar Rapids, and has sold wheat at 40 cents per bushel; owns the farm where he now lives. Married Miss Eliza Taultner, from Lower Canada, in the fall of 1842; they have nine children-Mrs. Mary A. Barton, Mrs. Hannah Nichols, Mrs. Dorcas Ten Eyck, Mrs. Lucy Ditch, Mrs. Hattie Rhoades, Mrs. Amanda Owens, Maggie, William, and Hiram; lost two sons-Wellington and James; Wellington was in Co. C, 47th I.V.I., and died at Helena, Ark., from disease, and his mother now draws a pension; William was in the same regiment, and is now in Washington Territory; Mr. Wood had beside two sons, four sons-in-law, Mr. Barton, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Ten Eyck and Mr. Ditch, all in the army.
Wood, W.H., laborer.
Wood, W.T., laborer.
Wood, William, dairyman.
Woodard, James, carpenter.
Woodburn, William, barber.
Woodrow, S., carpenter.
Worthen, Joseph H., firm of Tewksbury & Worthen, attorneys; born in Thetford, Orange Co. Vt., Sept. 12, 1848; entered Dartmouth College, and graduated there in the class of 1873; went to Nebraska City in 1874; was Superintendent of Schools there two years. Studied law, and was admitted to the bar there in April, 1876; practiced his profession in Sidney, Fremont Co., two years, and came to Vinton in Jan. 1878, and associated with Mr. Tewksbury.
Wright, Thomas, of Trair & Wright, fine stock raisers; born in England Aug. 5, 1833; came to Wisconsin and lived there eleven years, and came to Vinton, Iowa, in 1864; has been engaged in raising fine stock for the past five years; went to England and imported Yorkshire hogs, also raised Poland-China hogs and Short-Horned cattle. Married Miss Mary Ann Gray, from Yorkshire, Enlgand, Nov. 1, 1855; they have eight children- Matilda (she married Thomas L. Manwell April 4, 1878), Sarah, Annie, Minine, Mary, Ella, Leonard and Elsie; they have lost two sons.
Wcyoff, P.B., teamster.
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