Mcallister, W.A., grain dealer.
McCartney, John, retired lawyer.
McCaslin, James W., Superintendent Evergreen Cemetery; born in Scott Co., Ind., Feb. 16, 1831; lived ther about twenty-five years; came to Iowa in fall of 1856; has been engaged in farming, cooper business and dealing in stock; he has held town, school and road offices. Married Miss Elizabeth Tull, from Scott Co., Indiana, Feb. 21, 1852.
McConnell, W.R., laborer.
McCulley, H.A.
McDaniels, J.A., fine stock dealer.
McDaniels, J.A., Jr., clerk.
McDuff, Wm., wagon maker.
McElroy, H.H., hardware.
McElewain, A., teacher.
McElewain, T.C., teacher.
McHeffer, George, farmer, Sec. 1.
McKinstry, R., fine stock dealer.
McLean, S.C.
McWhorter, E.T., stock dealer.
McWhorter, J.T., stock dealer.
Manning, J.M., laborer.
Maples, D.D.
Marrietta, D.S., farmer.
Marietta, Harry, livery.
Marietta, J.E., insurance agent.
Marietta, J.W.
Marine, S.A.
Marine, W.T., farmer.
Marquis, C.R., clerk.
Mathews, J.H., carpenter.
Mathews, J.P., agricultural agent.
Martin, William, carpenter.
Mayes, John B., farmer, Sec. 31; born in Logan Co., Ohio, Oct. 14, 1858; came to Iowa with his parents when 8 years of age and lived in Blackhawk Co.; came to Vinton Co. in 1873 and is engaged in farming.
Means, W.W., City Marshal, Vinton; born in Portage Co., Ohio, June 14, 1832; moved to Indiana and leaned the trade of carpenter and joiner; came to Iowa by wagon, being five weeks on the way; arrived here in July, 1855, and went to work at his trade. Was in the army; enlisted in 28th Reg. Iowa Inf., Co. D; was in batles of Sabine Cross Roads, Yellow Bayou, and returned with the regiment. Holds office of City Marshal and is serving his tenth term. Married miss T.E. Slattery, from the State of New York, in May, 1852; they have six children-Harriet E., Alice M., Fanny C., Missouri R., William T. and Edward C; lost one son.
Mease, J.P., carpenter.
Mehan, A., stone mason.
Mehan, Edmond.
Mekins, Henry, laborer.
Melwin, W.T., gunsmith.
Meredith, Marion, Dr., physician and surgeon; born in Decatur Co; Ind., May 21, 1831; received his education and studied medicine and graduated at the Medical College of Ohio in 1866; he was Surgeon of the 68th Ind.V.I. during the war; came to Vinton in 1866, and has practiced his profession here since; has held the office of President of the Iowa Union Medical Society, and is physician for the State College of the Blind. Married Miss Sarah F. Lathrop, from Decatur Co., Ind., May 21, 1856; they have one adopted daughter.
Mickey, John, stone mason.
Mickey, L.W., gardener.
Mickey, Samuel, stone mason.
Mickey, William, stone mason.
Miller, C.W., grocer.
Miller, E.L., minister.
Miller, E.S., shoemaker.
Miller, Henry, shoemaker.
Miller, J.A., grocer.
Miller, Hoover, laborer.
Miller, John, shoemaker.
Miller, J.R.
Miller, John C., retired farmer; born in Huntingdon Co., Penn, March 6, 1806; lived in Pennsylvania twenty-five years. Married Miss Margaret McKinstry, of Pennsylvania, in 1827; they moved to Ohio in 1831, and lived there nine years; in 1840, they came by wagon there, nine in family, to Iowa, and arrived in Davenport Oct. 4 and only had 75 cents in money; they were among the early settlers; only a very few buildings of any kind were there; he engaged in farming; they used to have to go to Dubuque to mill, and the snow was so deep at times they could no go, and lived only on potatoes and meat six weeks, without flour or bread; it was a hard struggle, but by industry, economy and good management he secured a competency. his wife died, leaving six children; in 1873, he married Mrs. G. White; she was one of the earliest settlers in this State; he sold his farm and came to Vinton in 1875.
Miller, Levi S., of the firm Tinkham & Miller, grocers; was born in Highland Co., Ohio, Jan 7, 1829; lived in Ohio twenty-six years; learned the trade of merchant tailor; came to Marysville, Benton Co.; was clerk in store; came to Vinton in 1858; started in the tailoring business; was also in the insurance business; engaged in the grocery business with J.L. Tinkham in July, 1866; they have been in business twelve yers. Has held the office of Town Clerk six years, and City Assessor four years; also Township Assessor; holds the office of Mayor of Vinton; was elected March, 1878, Married Miss Sarah Jane Hughey, from Ohio; they have five children-Sarah A., Charles W., John A., Laura B. and James E.; lost one daughter-Mary E.
Miller, W.T., far., Sec. 29.
Mills, D.W., laborer.
Mitchell, James R., Superintendent Benton County Poor Farm, Sec. 22; born in Scott Co., Ky., July 4, 1837; when 7 years old moved to Indiana; lived there ten years, and came by wagon to Benton Co., and arrived here sept. 24, 1854; located in Vinton. Was in the army; enlisted in Co. D, 28th Iowa V.I.; was in the battles of Port Gibson, Champion Hills, siege of Vicksburg, New Orleans, up the Red River with Gen. Banks, in the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, then in Virginia under Sheridan, in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar creek; was slightly wounded in the head at the battle of Cedar creek; was in the service three years. He was appointed by the Board of Supervisors Superintendent of the Poor Farm of this county in the Fall of 1877. Married miss Laura Knapp, from Indiana, in 1857; she died Sept. 25, 1875; they had three children; lost them all. Married Miss Jane Culver, from this State, Nov. 14, 1876.
Mitchell, Irwin, butter and eggs.
Moon, A.B., carpenter.
Moore, Hubbard, carpenter and builder, firm of Bloodgood & Moore; born in Essex Co., Vt., Nov. 19, 1819; lived in Vermont eighteen years, and then went to Wisconsin in 1838, and lived there eleven years; learned the trade of carpenter and joiner; went to California in 1849; lived there two years; came to Bremer Co., Iowa in 1864, and came to Vinton in 1868, and engaged in the building business. Married Emma G. Peck, from Massachusetts, in 1858; she died in 1861. Married Kate Peck, from Massachusetts, in 1863; has two children-Louisa A. and Stephen W.; lost two children in infancy.
Morton, Andrew, dairyman.
Morrow, J.A., grain merchant.
Morton, D.R., laborer.
Morton, M.D., laborer.
Moss, C.E., farmer, Sec. 23.
Moss, Joseph, farmer, Sec. 23.
Mount, C.V., jeweler.
Moyer, John Z., proprietor of the City Market; born in Northampton Co., Penn., Feb. 28, 1838; lived there sixteen years; lived in New Jersey twelve yers, and returned to Pennsylvania for some years, and came to Vinton, Iowa; engaged in the market business Jan. 1, 1877. married miss Gertrude Correll, from Pennsylvania, in 1865; they have three sons-Edward, Clarence and Joseph; lost two sons-Henry and Charles.
Moyer, S.G., Deputy Clerk.
Murphy, W.F., carpenter.
Myers, A.J., laborer.
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