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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Taylor Township
Hahn, George, laborer.

Haight, T.G., harness maker.

Hail, W.A., laborer.

Hains, A., attorney.

Haines, G.W., farmer, Sec. 19.

Hains, J.C., clerk.

Hair, C.M., stock dealer.

Haist, J.A.

Hall, W.S., feed store.

Hallack, Charles, laborer.

Halpin, Edwin.

Hamilton, G.S.

Hamilton Hayes, farmer.

Hanford, R.R., farmer, Sec. 32.

Haren, Peter.

Harrington, C.O., Secretary and Treasurer Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Bank; born in Chenango Co., N.Y., Oct. 14, 1843; removed with his parents to Ohio at an early age, and when 8 years of age, they removed to Indiana, and in 1859 came to Iowa, to Iowa Co. Went in the army in 1861; enlisted in 4th I.V.C., Co. E.; the regiment joined Gen. Curtis' command, just after the battle of Pea Ridge, and was with him through Missouri and Arkansas; was also in the siege of Vicksburg and at Jackson; was wounded at Helena, Ark.; after leaving service, he entered the Iowa State Univeristy in 1865, and graduated in the class of 1870. He was elected Secretary and Treasurer of the Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., upon its organization, Aug. 4, 1873. Married Miss Anna L. Hughes from this city Aug. 24, 1876.

Hart, Daniel, proprietor Commerical Hotel; born in Tioga Co., N.Y., March 22, 1836; went to Pennsylvania, in infancy, and lived there twenty-five years; leaned the trade of carpenter and joiner; came to Vinton in 1864, and engaged in the building business until the present year, when he engaged in hotel business. Married Lorinda Burgess, from the State of New York; they have one daughter-Carrie, and have lost one son-Charles.

Hastings, Charles, laborer.

Hastings, G.M., laborer.

Hastings, John, laborer.

Hastings, M.B., laborer.

Hawkins, James M., loaning money; born in Fremont, Ohio, June 22, 1825; lived in Ohio twenty-six years; went to California, in 1851, and lived there fifteen years, engaged in mining; returned in 1866, and came to Vinton; in 1868, engaged in hardware business for eighteen months. Married Sarah Johnson, from Fremont, Ohio, in 1851; she died in 1868, leaving one daughter-Hattie, born in California. In August, 1871, he married Mrs. R. Culbertson, formerly Miss R. Sockman, from Zanesville, Ohio.

Hawthorne, J.D., jeweler.

Hays, N., proprietor of the Current Mills; born in Ross Co., Ohio, March 1, 1829; lived in Ohio until 22 years old; learned the trade of gunsmith; lived in Illinois three years, and came to Benton Co. Nov. 5, 1856, and engaged in farming six years; then came to Vinton and went to blacksmithing until 1869, when he and two other blacksmiths built this mill on a new principle, being induced to go into the project by Sheppard, of Oswego; through his misrepresentations it was a failure, and his partners were glad to sell out to Mr. Hays, who has continued operating the mill with steam. He has held the office of City Councilman ever since the city was organized until the year, being the Temperance candidate, his opponent was elected by only two votes. Married Susan Mahon, from Ross Co., Ohio, in 1847; she died April 22, 1869, and left six children-three sons and three daughters. Married Mary Wence, from Indiana, Jan. 22, 1872; they have two sons.

Heart, Daniel, hotel prop.

Henderson, S.M., street sprinkler.

Henry, James W., far., Sec. 11.

Hensing, Joseph, far., Sec. 26.

Hill, Joseph.

Hilton, H.H., teamster.

Hoke, George, clerk.

Holden, G.R., clerk.

Holmes, G.A.

Hoon, H.M., Prof., principal public schools; born in Butler Co., Penn., Oct. 19, 1833; attended school there and completed his education at Westminster College, Lawrence Co., Penn., and engaged in teaching; came to Iowa in 1857; engaged in teaching in graded schools in Davenport; was Principal of Third Ward School; was Principal of Preparatory Department of St. Paul College, at Palmyra, Mo., and Principal of Schools at Le Claire four years; came to Vinton in 1865, and organized the first graded school here; was Principal of East School four years. He was elected Superintendent of Schools in Benton Co., in 1865, and held the office four years. Married Miss Mary H. While, from Scott Co., Iowa, Dec. 25, 1859; they have five children-Nellie H., Charles W., Alfred W., Mary L. and H. Milo.

Hopkins, J.K., far., Sec.11.

Hopwood, A.L., druggist; born in Fayette Co., Penn., May 28, 1843; lived in Pennsylvania about fifteen years, and lived in Western Virginia over two years; come to Iowa Co., Iowa in 1861; came to Vinton in 1871; studied medicine with Dr. C.C. Griffin and took a course of lectures at Ann Arbor; he engaged in the drug business in 1872. he was appointed one of the Comisisioners from this State by Gov. Gear to the Paris Exposition, 1878.

Hopwood, J.M., clerk.

Horick, Daniel, laborer.

Horridge, George, hardware and house furnishing goods; born in Washington Co., Penn., May 26, 1833; lived there until 18 years of age, and came to Linn. Co.; lived near Mt. Vernon, and at Cedar Rapids and Iowa City; came to Vinton in the Spring of 1858, and engaged in business here in 1860; only two or three in business here now that were here when he came. Has held school offices for ten or twelve yers and also member of the City Council; holds the office of Vice-Presicent of the Farmers; Loan and Trust Co. Bank. Married Mrs. Elizabeth Rock, from Lancaster Co., Penn., in Oct. , 1863.

Houck, Joseph, dealer in farm machinery; born in Knox Co., Ohio, April 2, 1824; lived in Ohio twenty-eight years, and came to Iowa in 1854; was engaged in butchering and dealing in stock for twelve years, and has been engaged in agricultural implement business for the past ten years, longer than anyone in the same business here. Married Minerva Edminster, from the State of New York, in Nov., 1846; they have six children-Mary E., Minerva E., Henrietti A., Henry A., John, Carrie B.

Houtz, J.C., farmer.

Hoxie, Jacob, laborer.

Huebner, J.J., auctioneer.

Hunter, O., butter and eggs.

Huxtable, William, retired farmer.
Transcribed by Kate Connerth.
Copyright © 1997.


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