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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Taylor Township
Dakter, Julius, clothier.

Daniels, G.W., laborer.

Daniels, S., stone mason.

Davis, Evan, blacksmith.

Davis, E.W., carpenter.

Davis, J.J.

Denman, Moses, tailor.

Dillen, G.A., teamster.

Divine, John, retired merchant.

Doan, S.W., photographer.

Donelan, Michael, stone mason.

Donelan, M., Jr., billiard saloon.

Donelan, P.J., farmer, Sec. 17.

Dorsey, George M., farmer, Sec.36.

Dorwin, T.M., carpenter.

Dorwin, J.M., printer.

Dowell, A.B., auctioneer.

Drake, Ira B., farmer, Sec. 3.

Dukes, F.P., retired farmer, born in Carroll Co., Mo., Sept. 22, 1819; removed with his parents to Mansfield, Richland Co., Ohio, in 1826; they were among the early settlers there; lived in Ohio twenty-two years, and in 1848 removed to Peoria County, Illiois; came to Benton Co. in May, 1856, and located near Vinton and engaged in farming and stock raising; there were only a few settlers there; used to cart grain to Iowa City; has sold wheat at 40 cents per bushel; sold forty head splendid hogs at $1.25 per 100 lbs; after farming twenty years, rented his farm of 200 acres and moved to Vinton; has held town and schoool offices. Married Miss Cornelia Kerr, from Richland Co., Ohio, Feb. 14, 1850; they have four children-Mary, Charles, Edwin and Ida, and have lost one son and one daughter.

Dulin, G.S., shoemaker.

Dulin, J.L., laborer.

Dulin, W.F., laborer.

Duncan, Andrew, harness maker.

Duncan, John, horse dealer.

Durand, George W., Eagle Flouring Mills; born in Litchfield Co., Conn., July 31, 1811; lived there twenty-three years, and learned the milling business; removed to Michigan and was engaged in cabinet business and farming; he came to Benton Co. by wagon, with ox team and horse, team being six weeks on the way, and arrived here in June, 1853; they were early settlers located at Cedar and engaged in farming; he has been engaged in milling business for past six years; has held office of Justice of the Peace, town and school offices. Married Laura A. Waterman, from Ohio, in 1836; they have two children- Mrs. Helen Kimball and Carrie; they have lost nine sons; he had two sons in the army-Robt. was in 13th Iowa V.I., and was killed in Atlanta; Alonza was in 9th Iowa V.C., and died at St. Louis.

Dutler, David.
Transcribed by Kate Connerth.
Copyright © 1997.


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