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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Taylor Township
Baldridge, J.V., far., Sec. 35.

Banta, A.W., farmer; born in Johnson Co., Ind., Jan 19, 1838; lived there about twenty-nine years, and came to Benton Co. in March, 1867, and engaged in farming for some years; then came to Vinton; he and his mother and sister live together; he owns town property.

Barger, Alex., retired carpenter.

Barger, C.D., brick mason.

Barkdoll, George E., farmer; born in Maryland, Dec. 27, 1835; lived in that State eighteen years, and came to Illinois and lived there one year; came to Benton Station, Benton Co., and engaged in farming, and has also been engaged in the building business; he has lived in the county twenty-four years, and is one of the early pioneers; used to cart grain to Iowa City; owns 200 acres of land near Benton Station. Married Elizabeth A. Wenner, of Ohio, in 1862; they have six children-George, Eddie, Willis W., Mary I., Martha L., and Emma J.; lost one child-Frances O.

Barker, R.W., retired.

Barr, J.W., Capt., furniture dealer.

Bechtel, Elias, prop. restaurant.

Beebe, John, farmer, Sec. 29; born in Carlisle, Cumberland Co., England, March 31, 1819; when 12 years of age he emigrated to America; he lived in Westchester Co., N.Y., forty years, from 1830 to 1870; learned the trade of marble cutter, and worked at it and was engaged as foreman in the Quarrying Department of the Westchester Marble Works for eighteen years; he came to Iowa, and after traveling 3,000 miles to find a home, he selected where he now lives-one of the finest locations in the State; engaged in farming, and owns a farm of 160 acres here, and also owns a farm in Jackson Tp. Married Deborah A. Gallandet, of Westchester Co., N.Y., in June 1858; they had one son-John G., born in 1859; he died in March, 1861.

Beebe, Thomas, farmer, Sec. 29.

Bell, W.H., printer.

Bender, F.S., engineer.

Bennett, C.S., Ins. Agent and City Clerk.

Bennett, Jacob, laborer.

Bennett, J.H., stone mason.

Bennett, N.M., laborer.

Bergin, E.S., clerk.

Bribesheimer, G.A., brewer.

Biglow, A., expressman.

Bills, John A., firm of Bills & Mount, jewelers; born in Montpelier, Vt., Feb. 20, 1831; lived in that State about twenty years, then went to Lowell, Mass., and learned the jewelry business; was engaged in the Waltham Watch Factory, at Roxbury, and afterward at Waltham, Mass.; came to Vinton Sept. 10, 1856, and engaged in the jewelry business; was appointed Postmaster of Vinton May 7, 1861, and re-appointed April 20, 1869, and again Dec. 10, 1873; held office until April, 1875, fourteen years; he again engaged in the jewelry business. Married Sirena W. McLucas, of Waterboro, Me., Sept. 20, 1859; they have three children-Kirk L., Burt M., Rena M.

Bixby, L., miller.

Black, J.A., teamster.

Blackburn, S., Miss, Superintendent Schools, Benton Co.; was born in Zanesville, Ohio, and lived there until 14 years of age, when she came with her parents to Iowa, to Benton Co., where she has since resided; she prepared herself for teaching, and has a large experience as an educator, having been engaged in teaching for fifteen years. She was chosen to fill the office of Superintendent of Schools, and was elected in the Fall of 1875, and was re-elected in the Fall of 1877; she has filled the office with signal ability, and has a larger number of schools under her supervision than any county in the State.

Blessing, Anthony, farmer.

Blessing, W.H., laborer.

Bliss, M.E., laborer.

Bloodgood, J.W., carpenter.

Broadwell, L.D., farmer, Sec. 26.

Boggs, AL.C., firm of Al. & Will Boggs, dealers in groceries and provisions; born in Scioto Co., Ohio, Oct. 18, 1849; when was 5 years of age, he came with his parents to Iowa in 1854; they were early settlers; he and his brother have been engaged in business here for the past nine years; they also have branch stores at La Porte City, and at Reinbeck, Iowa. He married Miss Ella Reynolds of New York State; they have three sons-Annesley Wright, Francis Sylvester and Al. C. Boggs, Jr.

Boggs, A.W., farmer, Sec. 26.

Boggs, Will., grocer.

Bonesteal, A.C., traveling agt. and farmer.

Boughton, W.F., painter.

Bowen, E.H., Constable.

Bowen, W.H., stone mason.

Boyd, W.S., Dr., physician and surgeon; born in Westmoreland Co., Penn., June 20, 1814; lived in Pennsylvania 30 years, and received his education; studied medicine and graduated at Cleveland in 1849; he practiced his profession in Ohio until 1854, when he came to Vinton, and has practiced his profession here for twenty-three years, a longer time than any physician in Benton Co. Married Catherine Winegardner in Ohio, in March, 1853; she was from Pennsylvania; they have four children-John R., Rachel A., Willoughby W. and Cornelia S.; they have lost three children.

Boyles, C.E., restaurant.

Brady, J.E., carpenter.

Bramhall, John, farmer, Sec. 17.

Braubaker, Elias, engineer.

Brannan, M., retired farmer.

Brashear, Theodore, hotel prop. and U.B. minister.

Brenchard, Paul.

Brewer, A.F., expressman.

Brewer, D.A., retired farmer.

Brewer, D.V., farmer, Sec. 35.

Brewer, E.K., retired farmer.

Brewer, J.A., farmer.

Bribesheimer, Henry, brewer.

Bribesheimer, L.B., brewer.

Briston, W.H., Constable and Vet. Sur.

Brody, Jesse, farmer, Sec. 11; born in Richland Co., Ohio, Oct. 1828; four years, and lived in Ogle Co., Illinois six years; came to Iowa in 1840, and located in Linn Co.; is one of the early settlers; came to Benton Co. in 1845, and engaged in farming; plenty of Indians when he came; owns farm of sixty acres. Married Annie Poole, from Pennsylvania, in 1861; they have seven children- Jessie, Hettie, Nettie, Melissa, Benjamin, Amanda and Bertha, and have lost two children.

Brock, Edward, brick maker.

Brock, W.M., brick maker.

Brown, David, laborer.

Brown, J.A., Deputy Auditor.

Brown, Matthew, agent farm machinery and agrl. inplements; born in Ayrshire, Scotland, May 6, 1827; came to America when 17 years of age; he learned trade of carpenter and joiner; he lived in Connecticut and Massachusetts; moved to Indiana, and lived there six years; came to Benton Co. in 1856, in March; located in Harrison Tp., and engaged in building and farming; held office of Justice of the Peace some years; was Superintendent of Poor Farm, of this county for five years. Married Rachel McMillen, from Delaware Co., Pennsylvania, March 7, 1857.

Brown, W.H., meat market.

Brown, W.S., meat market.

Brubaker, Joseph S., druggist; born in Lancaster Co., Penn., March 19, 1836; lived in Pennsylvania eighteen years; came to Freeport, Illinois and was there six years; came to Cedar Rapids and lived there five years; then returned to Philadelphia, Penn. for two years; came to Vinton in 1863; was clerk for Mr. Van Horn and Mr. Loree; then engaged in drug business for himself, in 1869. Married Miss Harriet Hostetter, from Lancaster Co., Penn., in 1858; they have three sons-Stauffer, Frank and Charles.

Bunn, J.H., Prof., professor of vocal music; born in Hunterdon Co., New Jersey, Sept. 26, 1844; lived there until 12 years of age, when he removed to Aurora, Illinois, after preparing himself to teach; he was engaged in teaching, and was Principal of school four years; his choice, however, was for music, having great taste for it, and an excellent voice; he received a thorough musical education in both New York and Boston, and has devoted his time to his profession for the past ten years; he has been Professor of Vocal Music in Cornell College for the past six yers; and has been Principal of the Normal Musical Institute, and has been Principal of the Vinton Musical Association for the past six years; he is Chorus Director of the Cedar Rapids Conservatory of Music, Conductor of the Polymnian Society, of Marion, and also Conductor of the Dubuque Philharmonic Union.

Burgess, W.M., carpenter.

Bummer, Henry, farmer.

Burnham, G.W., attorney, firm of Traer & Burnham; born in Champaign Co., Ohio, Feb. 22, 1850; came to Iowa in 1856; returned to Ohio; received his education; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1872; practiced law there three years, and in 18875, came to Vinton; associated with Dr. J.C. Traer in the practice of his profession. He holds the office of City Solicitor. Married Miss Clara M. Young, daughter of James F. Young, of Vinton, one of the early settlers of this city, Aug. 27, 1873; they have two children-Lois G. and Thuel K.

Butler, A.L., far., Sec. 28.

Butler, J.W., dry goods merchant.
Transcribed by Kate Connerth.
Copyright © 1997.


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