Albert, Henry, Sec. 2; P.O. Brandon.
Albert, H.D., Sec. 1; P.O. Burk.
Bruce, George, Vinton.
Bryson, L.W., Sec. 11; P.O. Burk.
Bunten, J.B.F., far., S. 34; P.O. Vinton.
Bunten, J.W.
Bunten, S.H., far., P.O. Vinton.
Bunten, S.G., Sec. 11; P.O. Burk; owns 515 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre; born in Montgomery Co., Ky., in 1817; came to Iowa in 1865, and settled on his present farm. Married Penelope Burk in 1841; she was born in Kentucky in 1820; have eight children - Elizabeth C, Mary J., Ammazette, Sarah, Rachel A., James W., John B., Oliver P.M. Mr. B. had one son who enlisted in Co. K, 22d Ind. V.I., in 1861, and died in New Albany in 1865. Are members of the Christian Church; Republican.
Burk, A.T.; P.O. Burk.
Burnett, G.W.; P.O. Vinton.
Butrick, A.H.; P.O. Vinton.
Butrick, W.H.; P.O. Vinton.
Callicott, Jesse; P.O. Vinton.
Collicott, Jesse, farmer, Sec. 31; P.O. Vinton; born in Indiana in 1835; came to Benton Co., in 1852; has 100 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Married Miss Sarah Collicott in 1860; she was born in Indiana in 1836; they have four children - Ruth A., Sarah M., Francis M and Delila M. Republican in politics.
Covington, Isaac, far., S. 10; P.O. Vinton.
Cook, Stephen; P.O. Vinton.
Dempsey, John; P.O. Vinton.
Donley, T.; P.O. Vinton.
Epperson, P.W.; P.O. Vinton.
Fashold, Henry; P.O. Vinton.
Floid, D.C.; P.O. Vinton.
Forbes, James; P.O. Vinton.
Foresyth, M.W.; P.O. Vinton.
Fouts, I.M.; P.O. Brandon.
Harper, A.; P.O. Vinton.
Harper, J.W., Jr., Vinton.
Hart, P.C.; P.O. Burk.
Hart, W.L.; P.O. Burk.
Hunt, N.G.; P.O. Burk.
Johnson, Albert, farmer, Sec. 36; P.O. Vinton.
Johnson, M., far., S. 35; P.O. Vinton.
Johnson, S.L., far., S. 26; P.O. Vinton.
Jones, S.B., far., S. 23; P.O. Vinton.
Jones, T.D., farmer; P.O. Burk.
King, John, Sec. 23; Vinton.
Kizer, W.M., Sec. 9; P.O. Vinton.
Kizer, W.M., Sec. 9; P.O. Vinton.
Knapp, W.H., Sec. 27; P.O. Vinton.
Kownse, H.T.; P.O. Vinton.
Long, E.B., farmer; P.O. Vinton.
Long, J.J., Sec. 24; P.O. Vinton; owns 400 acres of land, valued at $20 per acre; born in Decatur Co., Ind., in 1828; came to Iowa in 1856 and settled in Harrison Twp. Married Susan Snell in 1854; she was born in Indiana in 1831; have ten children - John M., Wm. H, Joel J., Anna D., Marion W., Jas. A., Addie, Ida, Mary E., and Elmer F. Are members of the Church of God; Greenback.
McElhaney, S.A., farmer, Sec. 26; P.O. Vinton.
McMillan, John F., Sec. 26; P.O. Vinton; owns 199 acres of land valued at $30 per acre; born in New Castle Co., Delaware, in 1822; came to Iowa in 1857, and located in Harrison Tp. Married Nancy Miller in 1846; she was born in Belmont Co., Ohio, in 1823; have five children - Agnes C., Robert, Charles W., Edward and Miller A. Are members of the Christian Church; Republican.
McNie, M.F., far.; P.O. Vinton.
McQuire, E., far.; P.O. Vinton.
Marsh, J.C., far.; P.O. vinton.
May, James, far.; P.O. Vinton.
Mead, D.W., far.; P.O. Burk.
Mills, J.A., far.; P.O. Vinton.
Pawley, B.W., far.; P.O. Vinton.
Pawley, J.C., far.; P.O. Vinton.
Pawley, J.L., far.; P.O. Vinton.
Pitts, C.J., far.; P.O. Vinton.
Primmer, W.C., far., S.1; P.O. Burk.
Randall, John, far.; P.O. Brandon.
Redington, G.W., far.; P.O. Vinton.
Redington, J., far.; P.O. Vinton.
Redington, John, Sr., far.; P.O. Burk.
Revel, J.I., far.; P.O. Vinton.
Revel, Wm., farmer, Sec. 22; P.O. Vinton; owns 440 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born in Southampton Co., Va., in 1819; came to Iowa in 1849, and settled on his present farm. Married Amy A. Davis in 1843; she was born in Decatur Co., Ind., in 1826; have eleven children - Joseph L., John F., Harriette H., Sarah Jane, Philander, William C., Cynthia, David, Ann, Lottie and Elizabeth. Mrs. R. is a member of the Christian Church. Mr. R. is a Republican.
Rice, Freeman, far.; P.O. Vinton.
Rorster, John, P.O. Burk.
Roszell, Hiram, far.; P.O. Vinton.
Simmons, A., far.; P.O. Vinton.
Singleton, Stephen, far.; P.O. Vinton.
Starff, Joe, far.; P.O. Vinton.
Tharp, M.V., far; P.O. Vinton.
Thatcher, F.W., far.; P.O. Burk.
Thompson, R.H., far., P.O. Burk.
Thompson, W.B., far., Sec. 1; P.O. Burk.
Town, Wellington, far.; P.O. Brandon.
VanSkike, N., far., Sec.1; P.O. Burk; owns 400 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre; born in Warren Co., Ohio, in 1825; came to Iowa in 1851, and settled on his present farm in 1859. Married Sarah E. Thompson in 1864; she was born in Indiana in 1847; they have two children - Akbar and Wm. Republican.
Wallace, M.M., far., Sec. 34; P.O. Vinton.
Wallace, D.M., Sec. 34; P.O. Vinton; owns 300 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born in Morrow Co., in Ohio, 1832; came to Iowa in 1851, and located in Harrison Tp. Married Martha J. Berry in 1860; she was born in Booone Co., Ind., in 1839; they have five children - Marion, Frank, Sherman, Willis, Anna. Are members of the M.E. Church. Republican.
Wallace, W.A., Sec. 35; P.O. Vinton; owns 180 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born in Richland Co., Ohio, in 1840; came to Iowa in 1851, and settled in Harrison Tp. Married Juanna Williams in 1863; she was born in Randolph Co., Ind., in 1840; they have six children - Edgar F., Stephen W., George, Effie M., Minnie and Nina (twins). Are members of M.E. Church. Republican.
Wallace, William, retired farmer, Sec. 35; P.O. Vinton; was born in Genessee Co., N.Y., Aug. 18, 1805; when 13 years of age, moved to Richland Co., Ohio, in March, 1818, they being among the earliest settlers there; he learned the blacksmith trade. He held the office of Postmaster of Barceloni; appointed under Jackson's Administration; he held it under Van Buren and Harrison's Administrations; also held the office of Town Treasurer. He married Elizabeth Pitt, from Westmoreland Co., Penn., Oct. 21, 1830; they came with their own conveyance to Benton Co., and were six weeks on the way; arrived in July, 1851, and located near where he now lives, and entered 600 acres of land; they were among the early settlers, only a very few being here then; used to go to Dubuque for groceries. In 1864, he was commissioned by Gov. Stone to go South and take the vote of the 27th Iowa V.I., and of all soldiers in the hospitals in Memphis; he has held office of County Supervisor for four years, and Justice of the Peace four years; also town and school offices; he has disposed of most of his land, and only owns about seventy acres. They have five children - David M., Wm. A., Electa A., Marinda J. and Elizabeth; lost four children.
Willett, Wm. C., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 36; P.O. Vinton; born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, in 1824; removed to Fairfield Co., Ohio in 1827; thence to Delaware Co., Ohio, in 1833; thence to Benton Co. in 1854; has 270 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Married Miss Elizabeth Sherman, a descendant from Gen. Stark, of the American Revolution, in 1849; she was born in Salina, N.Y., 1828, and died in 1852, leaving two children - Mary Helen and Francis M. Then he married Miss Margaret Blackledge in 1854; she was born in Carroll Co., Ohio, in 1825; they have three children - Corydon E., Sherman and Missoura I. Republican in politics. Mr. and Mrs. Willey and their children are members of the M.E. Church, and Mr. W. has held all the school offices except Treasurer; Township Assessor five years, Trustee, President of the Agricultural Society, and member of the I.O.O.F. at Marysville.
Whipple, L.B., far.; P.O. Vinton.
Whitson, Harry, far.; P.O. Vinton.
Wood, Nicholas, far.; P.O. Vinton.
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