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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Cedar Township
Abbott, L.C., farmer, Sec. 7; P.O. Mount Auburn.

Albee, G.W., farmer, Sec. 11; P.O. La Porte City; born in the State of New York in 1846; came to Benton Co. in 1869; has 100 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre. Married Mary A. Ketring, in 1863; she was born in Bedford Co., Penn., in 1847; they have three children-Aaron E., Drane J. and Madison E. Republican in politics. Enlisted in the 2d Wis. Cav. in 1863, skirmishing and raiding until mustered out in December, 1865; has taught school in Cedar Valley, Black Hawk and Benton Counties ten terms or more.

Amburn, H., S. 11; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Amburn, Lewis, S. 12; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Amburn, O., Sec. 12; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Amburn, W., S. 12; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Austin, J., far., S. 17; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Avery, W., far., S. 25; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Bagley, A., farmer, S. 8; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Betsinger, A., far., S. 1; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Bixby, C., far., S. 19; P.O. La Porte City.

Brody, Stephen, far., S. 36; P.O. Vinton.

Brown, F., far., S. 30; P.O. Vinton.

Brown, Robert, far., S. 30; P.O. Vinton.

Bryant, G.C., far., Sec. 7; P.O. La Porte City.

Buck, W.W., far., S. 5; P.O. La Porte City.

Call, George, far., Sec. 15; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Caughlin, W., far., S. 7; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Capes, George, far., S. 35; P.O. Vinton.

Chapel, R.H., far., S. 22; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Conn, H., far., S. 26; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Cotton, John, Sec. 8; P.O. La Porte City; owns 310 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born in Marion Co., Ind., in 1828; came to Iowa in 1853, and located on his present farm. Married Margaret Smelser in 1866; she was born in Ohio in 1837; have one child-Gertrude E.; Mr. Cotton has three children by a former marriage-Mary E., Eber and Ettie F.; lost one son-Francis, who enlisted in the 31st Iowa Infantry and died in Vicksburg.

Davis, William H., farmer, Sec. 24; P.O. Vinton.

Dearth, J., far., Sec. 17; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Delfs, Claus, far., Sec. 31; P.O. Vinton.

Delfs, John, far., Sec. 32; P.O. Vinton.

Dempster, J., far., Sec. 32; P.O. Vinton.

Dillon, J.P., far., S. 4; P.O. La Porte City.

Dillon, O., far., S. 20; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Dimmick, D.M., far., Sec. 9; P.O. La Porte City.

Ellsworth, J.E., far., Sec. 20; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Engledow, E., far., S. 9; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Engledow, W., far., S. 15; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Francis, I.R., cheese maker; Sec. 18; P.O. Mt. Vernon.

Farris, J.W., Sec. 17; P.O. Mt. Auburn; owns 240 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre; born in Boone Co., Ind., in 1829; came to Iowa in 1855, and located on his present farm. Married Rhoda C. Potts in 1861; she was born in Will Co., Ill., in 1837; have four children-James M., Cornelia, William and Bertha; lost two-Arthur and Leonard. Democrat.

Frank, J., far., S. 17; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Frank, John, far., Sec. 17; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Frank, P., far., S. 20; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Fulton, S.J.A., Sec. 17; P.O. Mt. Auburn; owns 140 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre; born in Crawford Co., Penn., in 1832; came to Iowa in 1866, and settled on his present farm. Married E.H. Beatty, in 1867; she was born in Mercer Co., Penn., in 1836; have five children-John, Francis, Edith, Mary and Sarah. Are members of the U.P. church.

Furry, M., far., S. 18; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Garrison, H.M.

Garrison, R.V.

Gillett, J.L., far., Sec. 30; P.O. Vinton.

Gillett, T., far., Sec. 25; P.O. Vinton.

Gingrich, E.H., Sec. 16; P.O. Mt. Auburn; owns eighty acres of land, valued at $40 per acre; born in Lancaster Co., Penn, in 1819; came to Iowa in 1866, and settled on his present farm in 1867. Married Harriet Fox in 1859; she was born in Lancaster Co., Penn., in 1834; have three children-Leander J., Ira M. and Jason L. Are members of the Reformed Church; Republican.

Gingrich, G., far., Sec. 4; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Good, John, far., S. 6; P.O. La Porte City.

Gottsche, Paul, far., Sec. 22; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Greenewalt, W., far., Sec. 27; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Grettenberg, G., far., Sec. 6; P.O. La Porte City.

Gum, A., far., Sec. 8; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Harbert, J.D., far., Sec. 13; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Hart, J.E., far., Sec. 9; P.O. La Porte City.

Holck, C., far.; P.O. La Porte City.

Holck, H.T., far.; P.O. La Porte City.

Jameson, James, farmer, Sec. 33; P.O.Vinton.

Jack, S., Sec. 36; P.O. Vinton; proprietor of Cedar Mills, and 25 acres of land, valued at $12,000; born in Butler Co., Penn., in 1832; came to Iowa in 1852, and located in Cedar Rapids, and in 1854, came to Vinton and engaged in manufacturing business, and in 1867 engaged in his present business. Married Caroline F. Webb in 1857; she was born in Johnson Co., Ind., in 1839; have five children-Adeline F., Ruth E., Arthur W., Anna M. and Minnie M.

Jones, C.G., far., S. 7; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Jones, D.A., far., S. 7; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Kahler, James.

Kahler, John.

Kennan, John C., Sec. 35; P.O. Vinton; owns 200 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; born in New Haven, Conn.; came to Iowa, in 1855, and settled in Benton Co. Married Ursula Van Horn, in 1862; she was born in Virginia in 1838; have three children-Sidney, J.A. and Nannie. Mr. K. enlisted in Co. D, 8th I.V.I., in 1861, and was discharged in 1864; held a commission as First Lieutenant and was afterward promoted to Captain of Co. F; was in all the battles that the regiment particpated in.

Kester, Lorenza, Sec. 26; P.O. Mt. Auburn; owns ninety acres of land, valued at $35 per acre; born in Erie Co., N.Y., in 1844; came to Iowa in 1861, and located in Cedar Tp.; settled on his present farm in 1876.

Kile, A., Sec. 6; P.O. Mt. Auburn; owns 500 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre; born in Lancaster Co., Penn., in 1826; came to Iowa in 1856, and settled on his present farm. Married Susan Gingrich in 1852; she was born in Lancaster Co., Penn., in 1827; have six children-Penena, Henry W., Kate C., Lizzie R., Abraham L., and Anna M. Mrs. K. is a member of the Reformed Church; Mr. Kile has been Town Trustee five years.

King, Stephen, farmer, Sec. 25; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Kline, Joseph, farmer, Sec. 31; P.O. Vinton.

Knapp, John, abstract of title, Sec. 1; P.O. Vinton; office in Court House, Vinton; born in Philadelphia, Penn., Sept. 9, 1829; he was born the 9th day of the 9th month of the 29th year of the 19th century; lived in Philadelphia until 14 years of age, then went South; lived in Tennessee and Mississippi; from there went into the Mexican War; enlisted in the 1st Mississippi Rifles, when 17 years old; served on year, then volunteered in the 2d Mississippi Rifles, and served during the war; was in the battles of Monterey and Buena Vista; was slightly wounded in the leg at the battle of Buena Vista; was discharged at Vicksburg july 29, 1849; came to Iowa in 1850, and to St. Paul, Minn., and volunteered in the Indian war. Returned to Philadelphia and married Miss Hannah Kimley, from Berks Co., Penn., Dec. 12, 1850; lived there until 1856, and came to Iowa; came to Vinton in the Spring of 1857, and engaged in farming; has been engagedin making abstracts of title, and owns a complete set of books; he did not have a dollar when he came, and now, besides his business here, he owns farm and property of 345 acrs in Cedar Tp., where he lives. Has held the office of Supervisor from 1865 until 1869; also, from 1871 to 1875, when he resigned; has held other town and school offices. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp are both members of the M.E. Church at Mt. Auburn; they have seven children-George R., Francis F., Hoard M., Everett W., Sherman E., Clarence I. and Gertrude; lost two daughters.

Kock, Peter A.

Koons, F.L.

Kral, John, saloon.

Kramhoft, C.

Lane, James, farmer, Sec. 10; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Lamb, H.J., Sec. 14; P.O. Mt. Auburn; owns 600 acres of land, valued at $25 per acre; born in Clark Co., Ind., in 1850. Married Della Newell, in 1877; she was born in Iowa. Mrs. Lamb is a member of the M.E. Church.

La Rue, J.L., physician and surgeon, Mt. Auburn.

Lewis, Thomas D., Postmaster and dealer in dry goods, boots, shoes, etc., etc., Mt. Aburn; born in Wayne Co., Ind., in 1829; came to Iowa in 1862, and located in Cedar Tp., Benton Co., and engaged in farming, and then engaged in the lumber business, and, in 1871, his present business; was appointed Postmaster in 1865. Married Mary Ann Hall in 1859; she was born in Henry Co., Ind., in 1840; they have six children-Charles R., Julia F., Anna, M. Pearl, Emory A. and Elizabeth B.; Frederick, died at the age of 8 years. Mrs. Lewis is a member of the Christian Church.

Lindsley, Frank D., Mt. Auburn; born in Knox Co., Ohio, in 1845; came to Iowa in 1871; engaged with railroad company as agent in 1882. Married Penena Kile, in June, 1873; have two children-Henry A. and John C.; are members of the M.E. Church. Mr. L. enlisted in Company A, 140th Ill. V.I., in 1864, and was discharged in 1864.

Lormor, John W., Sec. 22; P.O. Mt. Auburn; owns 280 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre; born in Tompkins Co., N.Y., in 1827; came to Iowa in 1860, and located in Cedar Tp. Married Sarah Boyer in 1856; she was born in Center Co., Penn., in 1834; have five children-Frank, Lizzie, Nora, Mary and George; wife is member of the M.E. Church. Republican.

Lupton, G.F., farmer, Sec. 13; P.O. Mt. Auburn.

Lupton, W.C., farmer, Sec. 24; P.O. Mt. Auburn.
Transcribed by Kate Connerth.
Copyright © 1997.


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