ADAIR, JOHN, laborer; P. O. Shellsburg.
ALDEN, J., far., S. 29; P. O. Shellsburg.
ALDEN, W., far., S. 29; P. O. Shellsburg.
BALDWIN, CHANCEY, farmer; P. O. Shellsburg.
BALLARD, WAYLAND, merchant, Shellsburg.
BARKLEY, E., far., S. 13; P. O. Shellsburg.
BARTON, E. H., far., S. 21; P. O. Shellsburg.
BARTON, O. B., farmer, Sec. 21; P.O. Shellsburg; born in Knox Co., Ill., May, 1845; came to this county in 1854; has ninety-two acres of land, valued at 2,500. Married Mary Addamson; she was born in 0hio June l8, 1847; mother of five children -- Martha P., born Aug. 24, 1868; Lydia A., March 16, 1870; Nancy C., March 30, 1872; Enos B., May 27, 1874; Mary E., Aug. 26, 1877. Enlisted in the 28th Iowa V. I., in 1862; went to Iowa City; stayed there three months; from there to Davenport; was there six months; from there to Helena, Ark., and went into Winter quarters; was on the expedition up White River; then went to Milliken's Bend; stopped there a short time; was taken sick; got a furlough and came home; returned to Davenport; was detached as second cook soon after was promoted to first cook from there went to Washington City; was transferred to the 20th V. R. C.; from there went to Point Lookout; then took 2,000 rebel prisoners to Elmira, N. Y.; after his return was detailed as Hospital Steward at Point Lookout, and remained until the close of the War.
BENFER, John, far.; P. O. Shellsburg.
BENSON, J. S., farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Fayette Co., Ohio, April 19, 1824; came to this County in 1852; has 120 acres of land, valued at $3,600. Married Martha Spurgeon; she was born in Clinton Co., Ohio, Jan. 21, 1826; mother of seven children -- Louisa, born April 10, 1852; Arrilda, Feb. 22, 1854; John, May 13, 1858; Viola, April 11, 1860; Louis, Dec. 5,1862; Caroline, Nov. 13,1864; Annie, Oct. 4, 1867; lost two children -- George, born July 29, 1850, died April 23, 1858; David, born Jan. 16, 1836, died Feb. 6, 1860. Came through with teams; camped out; all the money he had when he arrived was seventy-five cents.
BERGEN, P. G., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 8; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Henry Co., Ky., Aug. 4, 1826; came to this county in Aug., 1852; has 740 acres of land, valued at $37,000. Has been married twice; by his first wife has one son living -- Dr. A.C. Bergen, in the U. S. army, stationed at Ft. Buford, D. T. born Feb. 3, 1849. For his second wife married Mattie Flemming; she was born in Scott Co., Ind.. Aug. 29, 1832; mother of three living children -- Oscar C., born Aug. 20, 1862; Willie S., March 29, 1866; Alice, Sept 22, 1868. Emigrated to Johnson Co., Ind., when he was 5 years old; lived there twenty-one years; thence to Benton Co. Raises from 8,000 to 10,000 bushels of corn, about 500 bushels of wheat and about 1,500 bushels of oats yearly; has on hand 140 steers from 3 to 4 years old, and has turned off as high as $7,000 worth of cattle in one lot; the same year turned off two lots, one of which was 100 head. Mr. B. has the premium farm of the county, taking everything into consideration, timber, water and location; has a good home, and is among the wealthiest of the county.
BIGLEY, JESSE L., laborer; P. O. Shellsburg.
BIXBY, ALBERT, farmer; Sec. 9; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Dodge Co., Wis., March 2, 1849; came to this county in 1869; has eighty acres of land, valued at $3,000. Married Sarah A. Miskemins in 1870; born Sept. 5, 1839, in Coshocton Co., who is the mother of two children -- Blanche Isby, born Aug. 25, 1871; Anson P., born Jan. 20, 1873; lived in Dodge Co. until he was 20 years old, then came to this county where he has resided since. Mrs. B. emigrated to Texas with her parents in 1852; lived there a short time; from there came to this county; came by boat down to Red River to the Mississippi, from there by boat up the Mississippi up to Muscatine, Iowa; from there came through with train to Benton Tp. in this county.
BIXBY, ANSON P., far., S. 10; P. O. Shellsburg.
BIXBY, WALLACE, far., S. 10; P. O. Shellsburg.
BLACK, THOS. C., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 35; P. O. Shellsburg; was born in La Porte Co., Ind., Nov. 8, 1837; has 280 acres of land, valued at $8,400; came to this county in 1811. Married, for his first wife, Ellen Pratt; she was born in Illinois Dec. 4, 1845; she is the mother of two children -- Alice, born Nov. 20, 1867; Calista, born Aug. 2, 1869. For his second wife he married Ella Thomas; she was born in Indiana Dec. 5, 1848; she is the mother of one child-Annie, born Nov. 29, 1876; he left Indiana in 1861 and came direct to this county where he has resided since; came when the county was new, and from the wild prairie has made a good and comfortable home, and knows something about a pioneer's life; raises on an average yearly ninety acres corn, or about 4,000 bushels; feeds and turns off from one to two car loads of cattle yearly; turns off about 100 head of hogs.
BLACKBURN, ZACK, butcher, Shellsburg.
BLACKWELL, JOHN T., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 24; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Silver Co., Ky., Aug. 22, 1827; came to this county in 1869. Politics, Republican. Married Verlenda B. Benefee; she was born in Kentucky April 28, 1827; has an adopted daughter -- Mary Blackwell, born May 17, 1870. Emigrated from Kentucky when he was 6 years old (1833), then to Indiana; lived there thirty-six years, then came to this place, where he has resided since; has been in the stock business since, principally hogs; turns off from sixty to sixty-five hogs every year; one year he turned off thirty-eight head, averaging 314 pounds not quite nine months old. Mr. B. challenges any of big neighbors to do as well; probably they were the best lot of hogs of the age, that were ever marketed in the county; they were of the Poland-China blood; has turned off one hog that weighed 720 pounds. Mr. Blackwell has 172 acres of land, valued at $7,740.
BALES, IRVIN S., physician, Shellsburg.
BOOSE, NICHOLAS J., carpenter, Shellsburg.
BONE, RUSSELL, hardware, Shellsburg.
BOSWORTH, I.G., far., S. 27; P.O. Shellsburg.
BOWE, ROMANZO E., renter; P.O. Shellsburg.
BOWE, R. L., farmer, S. 25; P.O. Shellsburg; born in Trumbull Co., Ohio, May 24, 1840; came to this 1854; has 200 acres of land value at $7,000; also has three sections in Texas. Belongs to the M. E. Church. Alice Stoddard -- born in Fredonia, N.Y., April 14, 1841; was mother of three children -- Eva F., born July 1, 1861; Sarah Adel, April 12, 1863; Frank, June 24, 1867. For his second wife, married Meander McElroy in 1871; born in Ohio April 9,1840; have four children -- Alice, born Nov. 20, 1871; Henry L., May 31, 1874; Arthur, Feb., 18, 1876; Nina, March 21, 1878. Mr. Bowe is among the earliest settlers of the town.
BOWE, RUSSEL, hardware merchant, Shellsburg; born in Otsego Co., N. Y., April 12, 1814; came to this county in 1854; does a business of $10,000 a year. Politics, Republican; belongs to the M. E. Church; been a member about fifty years; is an ordained minister. Married Rachel Hollister Oct. 13, 1836; born in Otsego Co., N.Y., Feb. 6, 1809; mother of six living children -- Silas H., born Dec. 10, 1838; Russell L., born May 24, 1840; Daniel F., born Dec. 28, 1841; Romanzo E., born July 2, 1846; Cordelia H., born Jan. 28, 1849; Emory O., Aug. 3, 1851; Sarah C., born May 26, 1854; Daniel F., died Aug. 10, 1865. He emigrated from Genesee Co. when he was 8 years old; lived there sixteen years; from thence, to Trumbull Co.; eighteen years there, then came to this county; settled at Wild Cat Grove farm; then this town, where he engaged in the hardware business. When Mr. B. came to this town there was but one small store, kept by a man of the name of John Sells. David F. enlisted in the 28th I. V. I., Company D; was wounded in the neck; ball passed into his mouth, and came out at his coat collar; was at the battles of Port Gibson, Edward Station, Champion Hills, siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss., etc.
Brinkerhoff, Wm. H., teacher, Shellsburg.
Budd, Jos. L., Prof. Agricultural College, S. 28; P. O. Ames.
Bullimore, James, ret. far., Shellsburg.
BURDICK, LYMAN, ret. farmer, Secs. 9 and 10; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Berkshire Co., Mass., June 30, 1819; came to this county in 1858; has 160 acres of land, valued at $5,000. Held the office of Justice of the Peace. Married Elizabeth Hickox in 1845; born in Berkshire Co., Mass., June 25, 1830; mother of six children -- Elizabeth C., born July 29, 1846, died Nov. 9, 1863; George L., born Feb. 27, 1850; Eva A., born Nov. 29, 1854; Flora I., born Jan. 9, 1863; Lulu C., born Feb. 7, 1867; Edward A., born April 29, 1868. Emigrated to Lee Co., Ill.; lived there nearly three years; thence to this county; came through with teams; camped out at night; had his team stolen; tracked them in the morning by their trail, and succeeded in finding them about 11 o'clock, in the middle of a large prairie, in an old hovel, where there were several horses; Mr. B. thought it was the headquarters of a regular gang of horse thieves. The first store they put up had not enough pipe to go through the roof, and had to run the pipe out of the window. One time Mr. B. was away, and the prairie caught fire and burnt over, and when he returned did not know his own home.
CAMERON, JOHN, farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Shellsburg.
CARNEY, Wm., saloon, Shellsburg.
CASE, LEANDER (deceased); born in Washington Co., Penn., Sept. 2, 1861, died Jan. 24, 1875; had an estate of 120 acres of land, valued at $3,200. Married Zefina Johnson in 1843; born in Vermont Dec. 11, 1820; Mother of four children -- Amanda, born April 10, 1844; Nelson H., May 8, 1847; William A., Feb. 20, 1855; Emma N., July 24, 1862. Mr. Case was 10 years old when he went to Ohio; lived there about twenty-two years, then came to Van Buren Co., Iowa, in 1848, and next year came to this county; when they first came to Vinton, there was one building and one frame that was not finished, where they attended church; had planks laid down across the sleepers for seats; when they came here had but $4 in cash and one team and two cows.
CASE, NELSON B., farmer and stock raiser; Sec. 9; P.0. Shellsburg; born in Washington Co., Penn., April 24, 1825; came to this county in 1850; stayed a short time, and in 1854, came and stayed; has 120 acres of land, valued at $3,500. Held the office of Constable and Township Trustee. Married Melinda Miller; she was born in New York in 1829; mother of three children -- Medwin, Arabella May, Ernest D. Emigrated with his parents to Medina Co., Ohio; lived there twenty-nine years. Was married, and came to this county, where he has resided since. When he first came here, there were only two shanties in sight, and only one shanty in Shellsburg; and within four years from the time he came here, nearly all the Government land was taken up. Mr. C. was amongst the earliest settlers, and has seen the prairies from their wilds, developed into one of the finest prairie counties in the State.
CASE, W. H. far., S. 30 P. O. Shellsburg.
CASE, ZENOBIA, far., S. 9 P. O. Shellsburg.
CHURCH, SAMUEL, butcher, Shellsburg; was born in Hampden Co., Mass., Jan. 17, 1827; came to this county in 1865; has a farm of forty acres of land, valued at $1,200, in Sec. 27. Married Mary E. Hanover; she was born in Connecticut Aug. 7, 1831; mother of three children -- Mary, Minnie and Frank. Emigrated to the West about twenty-four years ago, where he has resided since. Mr. C. had a brother in the 7th Ill. V.C.
CLEMMONS, F. D., far., S. 20; P. O. Shellsburg.
CLEMMONS, ZACK L., butcher, Shellsburg.
COWELL, E. H., lumber dealer; Shellsburg; born in Crawford Co., Penn., Feb. 20, 1833; came to this county in 1855; has property of about $3,000. Married Eliza J. Maxson in 1856; born in Allen Co., Nov. 3, 1837; mother of three children -- David M., born May 25, 1860; Mary B., born Oct. 10, 1861; George E., born Dec. 13, 1864. Emigrated to Ohio in 1836, where he was about three years; lived there until the Spring of 1855, then came to Benton Co., where he has remained since. When he came here there were not more than six shanties; came through with Thomas Ford with teams; camped out most of the time; was on the road three weeks.
COWELL, JAMES L., furniture, Shellsburg.
CRANSTON, J. B., farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Shellsburg; was born in Guernsey Co., Ohio., Nov. 20, 1816; came to this county in 1868; has 231 acres of land, valued at $6,930. Member of the United Presbyterian Church. For his first wife, married Elizabeth Johnson; born in Ohio June 29, 1823, died Sept. 12, 1844; mother of two children -- David J., born June 10, 1843; Eliza J., born May 29, 1844. For his second wife, married Margaret Campbell in 1848; born in Guernsey Co., Ohio, July 28, 1824; mother of six children -- Wm. C., born April 19, 1849; James H., born Sept. 27, 1850; Celissa A., born July 17, 1852; John C., born April 13, 1854; Robert H., born April 25, 1859; Foster A., born June 13, 1862. Emigrated from Ohio to Scott Co., Iowa, in 1853; from there went to Clinton Co.; lived there fifteen years. from there came to this county, where they have resided since. Mr. C. has a fine farm, and a good and comfortable home. Had one son who enlisted in the 26th I. V. I., Co. H; was in the battles of Arkansas Post and Lookout Mountain, above the clouds; was wounded in the leg, and had it amputated.
CRANSTON, JAS. A., Jr., far., Sec. 31; P. O. Shellsburg.
CRAWFORD, WM. A., far., Sec. 34; P. O. Shellsburg.
CUE, ELI, far., Sec. 25; P. O. Palo.
CUE, NELSON, far., Sec. 9; P. O. Shellsburg.
DAVIS, JOHN C., painter, Shellsburg.
DECKRAW, F. W., blacksmith, P. O. Shellsburg; born in Prussia Dec. 24, 1836; came to this county in 1861. Politics, Democrat. Married Mary Strawhacker; she was born in Pennsylvania in 1843; mother of six living children -- Wm., born Sept. 5, 1864; Emma, born Feb. 20, 1865; Carrie, born Feb. 13, 1867; Margaret, born Dec. 1, 1869; Josephine, born Nov. 8, 1873; Mary, born Nov. 13, 1876. Emigrated from Prussia when he was a boy to Ohio; lived there ten years; from there went to Cayuga Co., N. Y.; stopped there four years; then went back into Lucas Co., Ohio; lived there two years; from there to Pike's Peak; stopped there a short time; from there to Camp Floyd, Utah; thence, in the Spring, to New Mexico; on the 4th of July, 1861, came to Vinton, and came to this town in September of the same year; carried the dispatch from Fort Garland to Santa Fe, of the fall of Fort Sumter.
DERILLBISS, CASPER, general man'fr, Shellsburg.
DEMUTH, JOSHUA, retired farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Frederick Co., Md., Feb. 28, 1821; came to this county in 1858; has 430 acres of land, valued at $12,900. Politics, Democrat. Held the offices of Township Trustee and School Director. Married Louisa Wigle in 1843; she was born in Guernsey Co., Ohio, in 1827; mother of four children -- Alice (now Mrs. Tarlton Corbett), born Aug. 27, 1850; Mary (now Mrs. J. T. Inman), born May 1, 1856; Wm. H., born May 27, 1861; Francis O., born July 14, 1869. Emigrated from Maryland to Wayne Co., Ohio, when he was 23 old; lived there fourteen years, came to Linn Co. in 1855; stayed three years, then came to this county; when he first got here, he had $11.50 in his pocket, with his wife and one child in Pennsylvania. Worked in a livery stable for a man of the name of T. K. Burgess, for $20 per month, in Cedar Rapids; afterward drove team for a man of the name of Rock, for $30 per month; then bought a team and went to hauling goods from Muscatine and Rock Island; followed that about a year, then came to this place, where he bought and has resided since. Came here poor, but is in good circumstances at present.
DEVINE, J. H., lab., P. O. Shellsburg.
DICE, N., far., S. 10; P. O. Shellsburg.
DICKINSON, A. J., physician and surgeon, Shellsburg; born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., April 11, 1840; came to this county in October, 1856. Married Mary T. Brooks in 1867; she was born in Broome Co., N. Y., Dec. 12, 1843; mother of four children -- Eulalie G., born Jan. 18, 1868; Mary E., born Aug. 14, 1871; Le Roy, born June 21, 1875, and Claude B., Feb. 10, 1878. Emigrated to this county in 1856; spent most of his time going to school in Iowa University and Western College, until the Spring of 1861; returned to New York and taught school until Aug., 1862; then enlisted in the 134th New York V. I., and served two years; was discharged for disability; afterward, went into Quartermaster's department; was in the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Lookout Mountain and Rock Face Mountain; afterward, returned to Vinton, Benton Co., and studied medicine; graduated at the University of Michigan, and has practiced for ten years, and is the leading physician of the town.
DOUGLAS, D., carpenter, Shellsburg.
DOUGLAS, E., carpenter, Shellsburg.
DWIGANS, B. R., Justice of the Peace and farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Shellsburg.
ELSON, J. M., insurance agt., Shellsburg.
ELSAN, J. E., attorney at law, Shellsburg; born in Coshocton Co., Ohio., July 30, 1836; came to this county in Oct., 1852. Held the office of Justice of the Peace and Mayor of Shellsburg. Married Mary E. Rathburn March 8, 1863; she was born in Champaign Co., Ohio; mother of two children -- Elbert, born Dec. 23, 1869, and Madge E., born Dec. .11, 1873. Emigrated to Linn Co. in 1852, and lived there until 1861. Then enlisted in the 9th Vol. Inf., Company C, as private, and served eighteen months; then was promoted to Sergeant, and afterward to Captain of the company. Was at the battle of Pea Ridge, and was wounded severely in the shoulder; also, the surrender of Vicksburg, Lookout Mountain, Resaca and Atlanta; was with Sherman on his march to the sea; was at the surrender of Johnston, and the grand review at Washington. After the war, engaged in mercantile business five years; since that, has practiced law.
ESGET, D. W., far., S. 14; P. O. Shellsburg.
EVANS, J., attorney at law, Shellsburg.
FAUCETT, ALVIN, mason, Shellsburg.
FELLER, D., far., S. 25; P. O. Shellsburg.
FILES, G. A., hotel, Shellsburg.
FORD, AUGUSTUS, lab.; P. O. Shellsburg.
FORD, C. M., lab.; P. O. Shellsburg.
FORD, E. H., Sec. 16; P. O. Shellsburg.
FORD, J. F., Sec. 16; P. O. Shellsburg.
FORD, J. H., Sec. 16; P. O. Shellsburg.
FORD, J. A., Sec. 16; P. O. Shellsburg.
FORD, THOS.K., nurseryman and farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Baltimore Co., Md., July 21, 1819; came to this county in 1855; has 270 acres of land, valued at $10,000. Member of the M. E. Church. Married Elizabeth Stephenson; born in Champaign Co. Oct. 3, in 1829; mother of nine children -- John H., born Aug. 15, 1849; James F., born Nov. 5, 1851; Enos H., born Oct. 20, 1852; Joseph, born March 4, 1856; Sarah A., born Nov. 22, 1859; Mary F., born June 18, 1861; Lettitia, born Dec. 21, 1864; Charles W., born June 21, 1867; Lillie May, born Nov. 5, 1870. Emigrated from Maryland in 1827, to Harrison Co., Ohio; lived there ten years, then went to Hardin Co.; lived there fifteen years, then came to this county.
FORD, W., lab., Shellsburg.
FOWLIE, J. W., far., S. 32; P. O. Shellsburg.
FOWLIE, W., far., S. 32; P. O. Shellsburg.
FRY, J. H., far., S. 6; P. O. Shellsburg.
FRY, W., far., Sec. 6; P. O. Shellsburg.
GILBERT, J., laborer, Shellsburg.
GINGERY, D., farmer; P. O. Shellsburg.
GINGRY, DAVID, farmer; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Bradford Co., Penn., Feb., 1830; came to this State in 1856. Politics, Democrat. Married Mary Botton; she was born in Canada: Sept. 25, 1838; mother of six children -- Fred., born Dec. 9, 1863; Augustus, born Nov. 9, 1865; William, born Oct. 17, 1867; D. Lilla, born Dec. 31, 1869; Charlie, born Oct. 25, 1871; Jessie, born June 18, 1877. Emigrated from Pennsylvania to Fulton Co., Ill.; lived there twelve years; from there went to Benton Co., thence back to Illinois, and remained until 1867; then went to California and Oregon; lived there about four years; thence back to this county and located on Sec. 13, in Eden Tp.; was at the first election in the township.
GINGRY, G., far., S. 15; P. O. Shellsburg.
GRANT, H., section hand, Shellsburg.
GRANT, M., section hand, Shellsburg.
GRANT, O., section boss, Shellsburg.
GRASS, Isaac, Constable, Shellsburg.
GRAY, Thomas, hardware, Shellsburg.
GREASER, George, blacksmith, Shellsburg.
GREASER, PHILLIP farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 4; P. O. Shellsburg born in Germany Nov. 29, 1822; came to this county in 1851; has 400 acres land, valued at $12,000. Republican; belongs to the United Brethren Church. For his first wife married Elizabeth Dilling; she was born in Pennsylvania April 20, 1822; mother of eight children; six living -- Catharine, born Jan. 23, 1849; Manah, born Oct. 14, 1851; Agnes, born Dec. 1, 1854; George, born Sept. 25, 1856; Emma J., born May 10, 1859, Levi H., born March 26, 1861. For his second wife, married Susan Chambers; born in Maryland July 4, 1827. Emigrated from Germany when he was 8 years old to Maryland; lived there six months, thence to Pennsylvania; lived there twenty-one years, then came to this county, where he has resided since; came with limited means and by industry and economy has accumulated a fine property.
GREEN, S. R., far.; P. O. Shellsburg.
GREENWOOD, A., far., S. 2; P. O. Shellsburg.
GREENWOOD, T., far.; P. O. Shellsburg.
HALFIELD, JACOB C., carpenter, Shellsburg.
HAMMAN, J. C., far., Sec. 3; P. O. Shellsburg.
HANCOCK, J. J., far., Sec. 34; P. O. Shellsburg.
HANOVER, HENRY, butcher, Shellsburg.
HARBERT, P. M., farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Ohio March 22, 1829; has 495 acres of land, valued at $20,000. Married Hannah E. Kirkpatrick; she was born in Hardin Co., Ohio, May 29, 1835; mother of three children -- Nancy R., born April 11, 1853; David K., born April 23, 1853; Albert N., born Dec. 6, 1868. Emigrated direct from Ohio to this county; came through with teams; came upon this prairie when there were no marks of civilization; took up 400 acres of land and brought it under the very best cultivation, and has made as fine a farm as there is in the county; when he came here he moved into a shanty 16 x 18, where he lived for several years; but now he has as fine a residence as a man need look at. Mr. H. is a stockholder in the Farmers' Exchange Bank and is one of the solid men of the county.
HARRISON, JONATHAN, farmer; P. O. Shellsburg;, born Polk Co., Iowa, April 27, 1850. Married Sarah Allen; she was born in Pennsylvania June 10, 1853; mother of two children -- Athol E., born Jan. 8,1866; Effie B., born March 8,1878. Born in this State and has made it his home; has traveled through Missouri, Texas, Arkansas and Colorado; his father and mother are living in Adair Iowa; were born in North Carolina; came from there to Ohio, thence to Indiana, and then to this State, where has resided since; his grandfather is still living at the age of 108 years; his father was in the 39th I. V. I., Co. B; also had one brother in the same regiment; he was taken sick and died at Corinth.
HATFIELD, G. B., far.; P.O. Shellsburg.
HATFIELD, W. W., far., S. 21; P.. O. Shellsburg.
HEATH, HENRY, farmer hedgegrower; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Quebec, Can., Oct. 10, 1845; came to this county in the Fall of 1866. Politics, Republican. Commenced in the hedge business seven years ago; raises on an average 100,000 plants yearly; raises on an average seven-five acres: Corn, 3,000 bushels; wheat, 300 bushels.; oats, 500 bushels; turns off fifty-six head of hogs yearly.
HEATH, J. M., far., S. 19; P. O. Shellsburg.
HEATH, JOHN E., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 19; P. O. Shellsburg. born in Decatur Co., Ind., Sept. 25, 1849; came to this County in 1854; has 200 acres of land, valued at $6,000. Politics, Greenbacker; belongs to the Parker Grove Baptist Church. Married Sarah Latourette in 1870; she was born in Indiana Jan. 8, 1852; is the mother of three children -- Annie, born June 6, 1872; Adell, born Nov. 16, 1874; Nora, born Dec. 22, 1876; emigrated from Indiana when he was 5 years old to this county, where he has resided since; has a fine farm and a good home; is a young man, and has a fine prospect to be one of the solid farmers of the county. Mrs. H. came to this county when she was 3 years old; her mother is living in this township; raises about 2,500 bushels of corn, 400 bushels of wheat, 300 bushels of oats yearly; turns off about $500 worth of hogs per year.
HEATH, M. S., farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Decatur Co., Ind., May 17, 1841; came to this county in the Fall of 1854; has eighty acres of land, valued at $2,400. Member of the Baptist Church. Married Sarah J. Crawford in 1867; she was born in Coshocton Co., Ohio, Dec. 31, 1844; is the mother of three living children -- Henry W., born Oct. 27, 1872; Annie F., born Nov. 5, 1874; John E.. born Aug. 9, 1877. Enlisted in the 28th Regt. Iowa V. I., Co. A; was in the battles of Sabine Cross Roads, siege of Vicksburg, Champion Hills, Cedar Creek, Winchester and Magnolia Hill; was wounded in the shoulder at Cedar Creek, and disabled for about six months; was sent to Mansfield Hospital, Philadelphia, from there to Davenport, Iowa; returned afterward to his regiment at Newbern, N. C.; stayed there a short time, and then went to Savannah, Ga.; was on the Red River expedition; marched nearly 300 miles; was also in the White River expedition.
HEATH, R., far., S. 3; P. O. Shellsburg.
HENDERSON, J. H., far., S. 11; P. O. Shellsburg.
HEMENWAY, V. C., station agt., Shellsburg.
HILL, JAMES, far., S. 27; P. O. Shellsburg.
HITE, FRED, farmer and shipper, Sec. 18; P. O. Shellsburg; was born in Lycoming Co., Penn.., Jan. 12, 1840; has 400 acres of land, valued at $12,000; came to this county May 10, 1866. Belongs to the M. E. Church. Married Louisa Sweely; she was born Lycoming Co., Penn., March 20, 184 is the mother of three living children -- Flora, John, Demster. Emigrated from Pennsylvania direct to Benton Co., Iowa; he follows the business of shipping stock; has shipped $100,000 worth in a single year; raises on an average sixty acres: Corn, about 3,000 bushels; wheat, 600 bushels; oats, 500 bushels; barley, 450 bushels; when he came here he was a poor man, and had but $260 in his pockets, and by industry and economy has made a good home.
HOLLENBACK, D. H., clergyman, Shellsburg.
HOWELL, D. M., far., S. 11; P. O. Shellsburg.
HOYT, D., far., S. 16; P. O. Shellsburg.
HUGLIS, Frank F., grain and stock dealer, Shellsburg.
JEHL, GODFRED, wagon maker, Shellsburg.
JENKINS, ENOCK E., blacksmith, Shellsburg.
JENKINS, PRESS A., auctioneer, Shellsburg.
JOHNSON, A., far., S. 26; P. O. Shellsburg.
JONES, FRANK, clerk, Shellsburg.
JONES, G. F., far., S. 1; P. O. Shellsburg.
JONES, GEORGE J., groceries, provisions and notions, Shellsburg; born in Coshocton Co., Ohio, Aug. 26, 1824; came to this county in 1855; has a property valued at $4,000. Married Julia Ward in 1850; she was born in Perry Co., Ohio, in 1833; mother of twelve children, six living -- Sarah C., Emma B., Joseph, George H. and Charlie. Emigrated to Benton Co. in 1855, where he has resided since; is one of the oldest business men in the town; in 1873, was burnt out, and lost about $1,500 above his insurance; in the year 1860, worked for B. J. Kenyon 107 days for 50 cents per day; on the 107th day got his foot under the traveler of a threshing machine, which crippled him for life; was left destitute and supported by the Good Templars' Lodge for about three weeks. Today Mr. J. is doing a good business, and has a good home, and is in comfortable circumstances.
JONES, W. E., far., S. 1; P.O. Shellsburg.
KELLOGG, ALONZO S., farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Shellsburg.
KELLOGG, O., mason, Shellsburg.
KENYON, MARY, MRS., Sec. 13; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Bucks Co., Penn., May 3, 1808; came to this county in 1840; has seventy-five acres of land, valued at $2,250; when she came here she went into a little shanty where Joseph Strawn resided, and kept house for him; has been for months without seeing the face of a white woman; has often had Indians come into her shanty and sit down at the table with them; her husband went to California in 1848, and died in 1850; when they first came here she was Mrs. Penrose (she is now living with her second husband); they were very poor; had but one cow; the first Winter had to grind buckwheat in a coffee mill to live on; was so hard up had to pawn his clothes to get provisions; had then to go to the Mississippi River for all his provisions; one night had eight Indians in the shanty; slept on the floor; through the night kept going out; thought there was some mischief up; but found the cause to be a jug of whisky, which they were attending to. William Penrose, son of Mrs. Kenyon, was the first male child born this side of Cedar Rapids; he enlisted in the 8th Iowa, and was killed at Shiloh.
KING, G., far., S. 29; P. O. Shellsburg.
KIRKPATRICK, S., far., S. 15; P. O. Shellsburg.
KITE, HENRY, carpenter, Shellsburg.
KUANBUEHL, J. T., carpenter, Shellsburg.
KNEE, DAVID, cabinet maker, Shellsburg.
KREADER, WILLIAM, merchant, Shellsburg; born in Northampton Co., Penn, Dec. 1, 1834; came to this county in March, 1861; does a business of $36,000 per year. Held the offices of Justice of the Peace and Mayor of Shellsburg. Belongs to the Baptist Church. Married Rachel F. Hilton in 1856; born in the State of Delaware; born in 1834, and mother of two living children -- Laura, born May 17, 1859, and Thomas, born March 13, 1862. (His father, Samuel Kreader, was born in Bucks Co., Penn., in 1769; had a family of twelve children, of whom ten are now living.) Clerked for James O. Shum & Co. about three years in Ohio; from there he went to New Jersey; clerked for T. & H. Gardner three years; from there he went to Phillipsburg; clerked three years, and then went to Easton, Penn., where he clerked two years; from there he went to Shellsburg, where he has resided since. Mr. K. has always taken the lead in business in the town.
LATAURRETT, H., grain dealer, Shellsburg.
LA TAURRETT, M., grain dealer, Shellsburg.
LEEBODY, A., far., S. 33; P. O. Shellsburg.
LEWIS, ANDREW, liveryman, Shellsburg.
LEWIS, W., agricultural dealer, Shellsburg.
LEWIS, W. A., clerk, Shellsburg.
LONG, H. B., far., S. 13; P. O. Shellsburg.
LONG, S., far., S. 13; P. O. Shellsburg.
LOSEY, C. P., wagon maker, Shellsburg.
LOSEY, W. P., wagon maker, Shellsburg.
McFARLAND, S., gardener, Shellsburg.
MCCORMICK, JOHN, farmer, S. 18; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Lycoming Co., Penn., July 12, 1839 ;came this county in 1868; has 160 acres of land, valued at $5,000. Politics, Republican. Married Angellette Smith in 1864; born in Bradford Co., Penn., June 28, 1843; mother of five children -- Oliver, born Dec. 16, 1864; Lizzi born Aug. 24, 1866; Hattie, born Jan. 1, 1868; Bertie and Bertha (twins) born May 19, 1877. Emigrated from Pennsylvania when he was 17 years old; came to Stephenson Co., Ill; lived there three years, thence to Livingston Co.; lived there eight years; came to this county where he has resided since; keeps on an average fifty head of hogs, sixteen head of cattle and six head of horses.
MCKEEN, J. M., stock dealer, Shellsburg.
MANING, A., school teacher, Shellsburg.
MARSHALL, D. P., shoemaker, Shellsburg; was born in Washington Co. Vt., Feb. 15, 1834; came to this county in 1860. Politics, Greenbacker. Held the office of Assessor, Township Trustee, Town Clerk and Councilman of Shellsburg. Married Abbie Rathburn; she was born in Champaign Co., Ohio, Nov. 23, 1844; mother of three children -- Harry L., born Oct. 23, 1863; Mary E., born Sept. 16, 1865; Emma E., born Dec. 18, 1867. Enlisted in the 8th I. V. I., Co. D; was in the army of Missouri under Gen. Fremont; was on the big march to Springfield, Mo.; was discharged March, 1863, on account of sickness. He came here when Shellsburg was not known.
MATHER, H., barber, Shellsburg.
MAXSON, J. H., patent right, Shellsburg.
MAXSON, SIMEON, farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Harrison, Va., Dec, 10, 1806; came to this county in 1854; has seventy-five acres of land, valued at $3,000. Is a member of the Baptist Church; is one of those who paid off an indebtedness on the church of $2,700. Married Sarah Myers; born in Virginia, Jan.14, 1813; mother of four children -- George W., born April 16, 1835; Eliza J., born Nov. 3, 1837; Rebecca, born Dec. 10, 1841; John H., born Oct. 17, 1852. Had two sons in the Union army, James and George W.; James was wounded in the battle of Champion Hills; he belonged to the 28th I. V. I.; George W., enlisted in the 77th Ill. V. I.; was in the battle of Chickamauga, was taken prisoner, and was at Andersonville thirteen months; also six months at Libby. Mr. M. emigrated to Ohio, and lived there twenty-two years, then came to this place, where he has gained the friendship of all.
MAXSON, W., farmer; P. O. Shellsburg.
MAKS, J. A., far., S. 27; P. O. Shellsburg.
MERCHANT, W., far., S. 29; P. O. Shellsburg.
MILLER, J. D., blacksmith, Shellsburg.
MILLER, JOHN H., Cashier of Farmers Exchange Bank, Shellsburg; was born in Schenectady Co., N. Y., March 4, 1831; came to this county in 1865. Married Harriet Pratt; she was born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., July 24, 1839; mother of three children -- Edgar J., born Jan. 19, 1864; Amy K., July 23, 1866 and, Carrie B., Nov. 17, 1868. Emigrated from New York in 1858 to Walworth Co., Wis.; lived there about six years, then came to Benton Co., where he engaged in the mercantile business until three years ago; since that time, has been in the banking business, and held the office of Cashier. The stockholders are John Parker (Pres.), John H. Miller (Cashier), J. L. Budd, P. M. Harbut, Wm. Krader, B. R. Dwiggins and Thomas C. Armstrong.
MILLER, PAUL, far., S. 2; P. O. Shellsburg; born Washington Co., Penn., Sept. 15, 1815; came to this county in 1855; has 210 acres of land, valued at $5,250. Belongs to the Presbyterian Church. Married Catherine Jones July 26, 1838; she was born in Coshocton Co., Ohio, May 26, 1817; mother of' nine living children -- James J., born May 21 1839; Martha J., March 6, 1842; Barbara A., Jan. 28, 1844; Lucinda M., Oct. 10, 1845; Anna M., May 7, 1847; John W., May 29, 1850; Paul M., June 4, 1854; Emma. M., July 24, 1857, and Alice E., May 29, 1860. Emigrated from Pennsylvania to Ohio, and lived there eighteen years; thence to this county in company with thirty persons; came through with teams, camped out and did their own cooking; he has resided here ever since. When he first came here, be moved into a shanty on Cedar River, about sixteen feet square; could look through the roof and count the stars; has a very fine orchard of 400 trees of the choicest fruit; for his bedstead used poles cut from the grove; used clapboards for slats.
MILLER P. M., far., S. 2; P. O. Shellsburg.
MISKIMEN, GEO. WM., far., Sec. 14; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Coshocton Co., Ohio, Dec. 26, 1826; came to this county in the Spring of 1850; has 110 acres of land, valued at $3,300. Married Sarah J. Moody in 1856; she was born in Carroll Co., Ohio, Feb. 24, 1863; has two children -- Amanda, born Dec. 19, 1857, and Mahala J., April 3, 1861; lost two children -- Edward, born Jan. 1, 1860, died Jan. 26, 1860; Lizzie, born March 26, 1863, died Oct. 20, 1864. Emigrated to this Tp. in 1850; came via Zanesville, Ohio, and took boat down the Ohio river to Cairo; thence up the Mississippi to Keokuk; from there footed it to this county. The first three years worked out by the month for $10 per month, and eight months for $12; then to improving his land. Shellsburg was not thought of at that time.
MISKIMEN, HARRY H., P. O. Shellsburg; born in Guernsey Co., Ohio, May 17, 1835; came to this county in Fall of 1852. Married Harriet D. White; she was born in Carroll Co., Ohio, Jan. 10, 1844; has seven children -- Wm. C., Orlando H., Thos. L., Carrie, Sarah, Albert and Harry. Enlisted in 8th Iowa V. I., Company D, and served three years; was in several engagements; was at Pittsburg Landing, and was wounded, taken prisoner and taken to Tuscaloosa; was in prison fifty-five days; was paroled and went back from there to St. Louis; held there until he was exchanged; was at Jackson, Miss., rear of Vicksburg at the siege of Vicksburg; was with Banks on his Red River Expedition; from there went to Memphis; also, was at the battle of Tupelo against Forrest; was one of the sixteen pioneer corps under A. J. Smith; discharged and mustered out at Davenport.
MISKIMEN, JOHN, laborer, Shellsburg.
MOODY, WILLIAM, laborer, Shellsburg.
MOORE, J., far., S. 21 P. O. Shellsburg.
MOULDS, SAMUEL, far.; P. O. Shellsburg.
NEAL, SIMEON W., farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Shellsburg.
NARBER, ELLAS, far. and stock raiser, Sec. 18; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Pennsylvania Sept. 8, 1844; came to this county in 1857; has 319 acres of land, valued at $10,000. Married Esther Phillips in 1868; she was born in Indiana, Nov. 26, 1850; mother of three children -- Clara, born Feb. 6, 1870; Laura, July 27, 1872, and Jan. 20, 1878. Emigrated from Pennsylvania to Indiana; stayed there a short time, and then came to Stephenson Co., Ill., and from there came to this county. Mr. Narber's principal business is stock; has a fine farm and good home.
NARBER, GEORGE, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 18; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Lycoming Co., Penn., Oct. 23, 1820; came to this county in 1857; has 1,630 acres of land, valued at $46,000. Married Nancy Gordner; she was born in Lycoming Co., Penn.; mother of six children -- Ellis, born Aug. 8, 1844; Bartley, Nov. 16, 1846; Luther, April 11, 1852; Emanuel, March 24, 1855; Irvine, Dec. 31, 1857; Homer, Aug. 20, 1860. Emigrated to Stephenson Co., Ill., in 1851; lived there six years, and then came to this county, where he has been engaged in and stock raising; raises on an average 9,000 bushels of corn yearly; turns off from forty to eighty head of cattle and from fifty to eighty head of hogs; raised one year 3,000 bushels of wheat, and sold it at $1.60, making $4,800; he is one of the largest landowners, probably, in the county, and amongst the wealthiest men. When he came here there were but few settlers between him and Blairstown.
NEAL, JOHN, farmer and stock raiser; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Harrison Co., Va., Sept. 3, 1826; came to this county in June, 1856; has 174 acres of land, valued at $8,000. Is a member of the Baptist Church. For his first wife married Mary A. Maxson; she died in Oct., 1863; by her he had one son -- Simeon W., born 1854. For his second wife, married Eliza Maxson; she was born in Allen Co., Ohio; mother of one child -- Chalmer, born Sept. 13, 1873. Emigrated from Virginia when he was but a child not 2 years old; came to Champaign, Ohio; lived there six years; from there to Allen Co., Ohio; lived there twenty-one years; thence to this county; when he came here there was no house south of him in this township. Mr. Neal came here with a team and $113, and by hard work and economy has made a good home.
NEVIN, WM., laborer; P. O. Shellsburg.
NEWTON, ISAAC, laborer; P. O. Shellsburg.
NIHART, E., far., S. 12; P. O. Shellsburg.
NIHART, N., far., S. 12; P. O. Shellsburg.
NOE, ISAAC P., carpenter, Shellsburg.
NORTH, L. F., retired farmer, P. O. Shellsburg; born in Geauga Co., Ohio, May 17, 1815; came to this county in 1841; has 200 acres of land, valued at $6,000. Belongs to the United Brethren Church. Held the office of County Commissioner five years; also was the first Postmaster in the township. Married Ruth Ann Bartholomew; born in Ashtabula Co, Ohio, Oct. 17, 1819; mother of six living children -- Mary L., born in this county January 8, 1843; Sylvia A., May 15, 1845; Luman B., Feb. 26, 1847; Benj. F., Oct. 8, 1849; Jason N., May 31, 1851; Columbus, Oct. 24 1856. Emigrated to Hancock Co., Ill., in 1838, in the Spring; lived there one year, then came to Linn Co., Iowa, the year that the county was located; lived there about two years, and then came to this county, and located on the place now owned by Andrew Luther. When Mr. North came to Linn Co., he made a claim on the east part of what is now Cedar Rapids, when there was but one building there, in which a man of the name of Osgood Shepherd lived, and only one log cabin in Marion, the present county seat; when he came to Linn Co., he was a poor man; came with a man of the name of James Wiley; borrowed $15 to get through; used what were called Jackson bedsteads; bored two holes in the wall and used one leg; made a cupboard out of a store box; split puncheons for floor; Mr. and Mrs. North ground seven bushels of buckwheat in a coffee-mill; used to grate corn on an old tin pan punched full of holes; they came in an early day, when they had to endure all the privations of a frontier life.
OLSSON, NELSON, physician, Shellsburg.
PANGBURN, LEVI W., far., S. 28; P.O. Shellsburg.
PACKARD, F. A., physician and surgeon, Shellsburg; born in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., July 9, 1851; came to this county Nov. 17, 1875; does a business in drugs of about six thousand dollars a year. Married Dyanthia Lake in 1876; she was born in Jackson Co., Iowa, in Nov., 1856; mother of one child -- Lawrence, born March 8, 1877. Studied medicine at Milton Falls, Vt., and graduated at Burlington University and State Agricultural, Society, Vt., in 1872, and has a good office practice.
PARKER, D. K., merchant, Shellsburg.
PARKER, H. E., carp., S. 14; P. O. Shellsburg.
PARKER, J. E., far., S. 16 P. O. Shellsburg.
PARKER, L. K., far., S. 16 P.O. Shellsburg.
PARKER, S. M., far., S. 16 P. O. Shellsburg.
PARKER, W. H., far., S. 16; P. O. Shellsburg.
PENROSE, JOSEPH farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 12; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Bucks Co, Penn., April 2, 1838; came to this county in 1839. Has ninety acres of land, valued at $3,000. Politics, Greenbacker. Held the office of Trustee, etc. Married Phoebe R. Jones; she was born in Coshocton Co., Ohio, Oct. 31, 1840; mother of six living children -- William, Deliah,, Adella,, Laura, Mary, Edwin, John. Emigrated to this county when he was 2 years old, and has lived here nearly forty years; when he was a boy, remembers that there were plenty of Indians; has been in Cedar Rapids when there were only two or three houses. Turns off about forty hogs, on an average, yearly; few cattle; raises, on an average, from 1,200 to 1,500 bushels of corn; 300 bushels wheat; 400 bushels of oats. Is one of the men that came in amongst the earliest settlers and has grown up with the country and seen all developments and knows what a pioneer life is.
PERRY, D., far., Sec. 16; P. O. Shellsburg.
PERRY, J. M., lab., Shellsburg.
PHILLIPS, B., retired far.; P. O. Shellsburg.
PHILLIPS, G. W., carpenter, Shellsburg.
PORTER, J. A., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 27; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Virginia April 17, 1817; came to this county in 1863; has 147 acres of land, valued at $5,000. Been a member of the Presbyterian Church forty-five years. Married first wife, Eliza N. Youel, born Oct. 19, 1818; mother of six living children -- William Y., born Sept. 15, 1839; Charlotte A., born Oct 21, 1847; R. Margaret, born March 29, 1850; James R., born June 24, 1845; Cynthia Ann, born Oct. 24, 1852; Charles L., born April 30,1860. For his second wife, married Mary Stevens, born in Scotland Oct. 15, 1818; has an adopted daughter -- Mary Hailstone, born Sept. 18, 1872. Mr. Porter went to Montgomery Co., Ind., and lived there thirty-three years; from there came direct to this county. His son William enlisted in the 10th Ind. V. I.; was wounded at Mill Spring; lost thumb and finger; also John and James were in the Union army. Mrs. Porter had two sons in the army; Thomas D. Crawford, in the 9th Kan. V. C., was killed in Missouri by the Marmaduke Guerrillas; had eleven balls shot into his body; John A. Crawford enlisted in the 35th I. V. I., and served two years; was wounded in the battle of Tupelo; shot through the bowels and died in two days. Mr. P. was a hospital nurse nearly two years; went out with the 35th I. V. I.
RAMMELSBERG, H., retired farmer, Shellsburg.
RATHBURN, J., shoemaker, Shellsburg.
RATHBUN, S. H. G., teamster, Shellsburg.
REYNOLDS, G. W., druggist, Shellsburg.
RICHEY, MILTON, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 20; P.O. Shellsburg; born in Tippecanoe Co., Ind., July 5, 1831; came to this county in 1854; has 185 acres of land, valued at $5,500. Married Angeline Bell in 1853; born in Clinton Co., Ind., Jan. 13, 1833; mother of four children -William, born March 14, 1855; Nellie M., born Aug. 11, 1859; Sherman, born in June, 1865; Siegel, born Jan. 1, 1869. Came through from Indiana with teams, and was eighteen days on the road; camped out and did their own cooking; had but one horse and run in debt for another; had but $15 in cash in his pocket; came here a poor man, but by industry and economy has made a good home.
RICHEY, W. A., far., S. 20; P. O. Shellsburg.
RICKER, R., M. E. clergyman, Shellsburg.
RIFE, J., far., S. 24; P. O. Shellsburg.
ROBBINS, J. F., far., S. 3; P. O. Shellsburg.
ROBBINS, W. C., far., S. 4; P. O. Shellsburg.
ROSBERG, FRED, carpenter, Shellsburg.
BOYCE, R., proprietor of the Benton Co. Nursery and successor of J. S. Budd & Co., Shellsburg; born in Sullivan Co., N. Y., Feb. 21, 1845; came to this county in 1868; belongs to the M. E. Church. Married Charlotte Devine in 1867; is the mother of three children, of whom one is living -- Edith, born Feb. 8, 1870; Carrie, born Jan. 7, 1872, died Sept. 7, 1872; Maud, born Dec. 8, 1874, died Aug. 26, 1875. Emigrated to Lee Co., Ill.; stopped a short time, and then came to this county, where he has followed the nursery business since; has done a business of about $4,000 a year; has one of the largest nurseries in Benton Co.
RUNYON, A., mer. and far., S. 10; P. O. Shellsburg.
RUNYON, E., far.; P. O. Shellsburg.
RUTAN, E. R., blacksmith, Shellsburg.
SHANNON, SAMUEL, far., Sec. 15; P. O. Shellsburg.
SELLECK JAMES, farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Cedar Rapids; born in Chenango Co., N. Y., June 30, 1827; has 276 acres of land, valued at$11, 000. Married Rorany Nichols in 1851; she was born Nov. 23, 1833; he emigrated to Winnebago Co., Ill., in 1851; came to this county in November, 1852, where he has resided since. Mr. S. was the first settler in the southeast corner of Canton Tp.; when he first came here he could ride fifteen miles west and south without seeing a shanty; he man when he came to this county, but by industry has accumulated a fine property; has a property valued at $20,000.
SHAW, FRANK Y., restaurant, Shellsburg.
SHEELY, JOS., far., S. 1; P. O. Shellsburg.
SHOMBER, F., harness maker, Shellsburg.
SHOMLER JULIUS M., farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Shellsburg. born in Saxony, Germany, Oct. 5, 1839; came to this country in 1856; came to this county in 1873; has 302 acres of land, valued at $9,000; belongs to the Presbyterian Church; married Nancy Kirkpatrick; she was born in Ohio Feb. 2, 1852; is the mother of four children -- Fredie, born Sept. 13, 1866; Charlie, born Dec. 22, 1870; Flora, born June 10, 1873; Allie, born Aug. 22, 1876. Came to this when he was 17 years old, and landed in New York; from there he Ozaukee Co., Wis.; lived there five years, thence to Chicago, Ill.; lived there three years; from there went to Ireland and England; stayed one year, then returned to Wisconsin, where his parents lived; from there went to Chicago; lived one year, thence to Linn. Co., Cedar Rapids; lived there between eight and nine years, then came to Benton Co., where he has resided since, and by industry has made a fine property.
SHOPSHIRE, R. W, far., S. 13; P.O. Shellsburg.
SLOGHT, M. W., Marshal, Shellsburg.
SODEN, CHARLES E., farmer, Sec. 30; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Ontario Co., N. Y., Jan.17, 1841; came to this county in 1867. Married Mary King; she was born in Michigan June 3, 1849; mother of three children -- Ellen N., born Nov. 27, 1870; Wells E., Aug. 18, 1872; Annie L., Jan. 22, 1875. Enlisted in the 5th N.Y. Eng. Corps; was in the service three years and two months; his business was building pontoon bridges and throwing up breastworks; was in the first battle of the Wilderness, also the Seven Days' fight and at Antietam; was at Petersburg; was one who helped undermine the Fort.
SODEN, GEORGE, retired farmer, P. O. Shellsburg; born in England April 1, 1822; came to this county in 1856; has eighty acres of land valued at $2,400. Politics, Republican; member of the Baptist Church. Married Martha Cline; born in Indiana February 29, 1840; mother of four living children -- Ella M., born May 8, 1859; Nettie, Aug. 29, 1863; Washington, Jan. 25, 1873; Freddie H., Sept. 30, 1876. He came from England when a child to Seneca Co., N. Y., where he was bound out until he was 21, and remained there five years afterward; then went to California by water; was two months making the trip; lived there about five years; it cost him $500 to make the trip; returned to New York State in 1856; stayed there a short time, and then came to this county. When Mrs. Soden came to this county, in 1851, she was 10 years old; there were then only three log houses in Vinton.
SODEN, HENRY, farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Ontario Co.: N. Y. Nov. 14, 1833; came to this county in 1857; has eighty acres of land, valued at $4,000. Politics, Republican. Married Mary E. Parker, born in Indiana; mother of four living children -- Josephine Ella, May, William R., Minnie. Emigrated from New York to Benton Co., where he has resided since; when he came to this prairie there were but a few shanties in sight; he has seen it develop to one of the finest farming counties in the State. When he came here he was a poor man, and worked out for $16 per month, saved his money, bought his farm, and has made a good home.
SONTAG, HENRY J., carp., P. O. Shellsburg.
SMITH, CHARLES E., sch. tchr., Shellsburg.
SMITH, O. J., editor, Shellsburg.
SPIKER, ISAAC E., carpenter, Shellsburg.
SPURGEON, DAN., far., S.23; P.O . Shellsburg.
SPURGEON, HARVEY, far., Sec. 33; Shellsburg.
SPURGEON, SAM'L A., far., S. 32; P.O. Shellsburg.
STERN, D. M., far., S. 15; P. O. Shellsburg.
STIVER, BALSOM, laborer, Shellsburg.
STIVER, D. W., harness maker, Shellsburg.
STORES, ROYAL, laborer, Shellsburg.
STRAWN, T. G., far., S. 13; P. O. Shellsburg.
STRAWHACKER, E., farmer.;. P. O. Shellsburg.
SUMMERS, CHARLES L., Postmaster and merchant, Shellsburg; born in Philadelphia, Penn., Sept. 8, 1829; came to this county in 1859; has property valued at $9,000; does a business of $25,000 a year. Held the office of Township Trustee, etc. Married Hannah White in 1863; born in Ohio Nov. 25, 1844; mother of three children -- Frank, born Sept. 17, 1864; Ella, born April 3, 1866; Annie, Sept. 9, 1871; emigrated from Pennsylvania in 1841 to Warren Co., Ill.; lived there one year; from there to Knox Co.; lived there two years, then to Fulton Co.; lived there six years, then to Peoria; lived there one year, thence to Knox Co.; lived there seven years, then to this county, where he followed farming a short time, and then went into the mercantile business, which he has followed since. Was in the 5th I. V. I. was in the battles of Iuka and Corinth.
SUMMERS, J. C., COL., Shellsburg; was born in New Jersey Dec. 3, 1832; came to this county in 1852. Politics, Greenbacker, and Chairman of the County Central Committee. First Mayor of Shellsburg. Married Mary E. Smith; she was born in McKean Co., Penn., Feb. 14, 1831, and emigrated from New Jersey to Philadelphia; remained there a short time, thence to New York; when he was 10 years old he came to Warren Co., Ill., thence to Benton Co., where he has resided since; Enlisted in the 28th Regt. I. V. I. as private; was promoted to Second Sergeant, and in five months was a commissioned Second Lieut., afterward promoted to First Lieut.; was in the battles of Port Gibson, Champion Hills, siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, on the Red River Expedition under Banks; the brigade he then belonged to was transferred to the Shenandoah Valley under Sheridan; was wounded at Winchester by a musket ball through his shoulder, breaking shoulder blade; got leave of absence for sixty days, then returned to his regiment; transferred from Shenandoah Valley to Savannah, Ga., to garrison the city; was mustered out of service at Savannah. Has held the office of Capt. of Co. G, I. N. G.; afterward promoted to Major and now is Commanding Colonel of the regiment.
THOMPSON, ARAD, merchant, Shellsburg.
THOMAS, G. C., far., S. 15; P.O. Shellsburg.
THOMPSON, J. F., laborer, Shellsburg.
THOMPSON, J. Q., clerk, Shellsburg.
THOMPSON, J. W., far., S. 11; P. O. Shellsburg.
THOMPSON, L. D., far.; P. O. Shellsburg.
THOMPSON, SAMUEL, farmer, stock raiser, Sec. 5; came to this county in 1853 on a visit, and came and settled in 1855; has 297 acres of land, valued at $9,000. Belongs to the M. E. Church. married Sarah Lewis; born in Ohio, Oct. 24, 1837; Mr. S. was born in Pennsylvania, Sept. 17, 1829; is the father of seven living children -- James W., born May 6, 1858; John L., born March 7, 1860; Oscar H., born Feb. 3, 1862; Francis, born Dec.. 9, 1866; Luella, born Dec. 3, 1869; Otto, born April 14, 1871; Nannie M., born Jan. 23, 1876. Emigrated direct from Pennsylvania to this county; came in here when the country was new and thinly settled; Was among the earliest settlers; Mr. Thompson was from the oil region; the old homestead was sold when they came West for $2,500; afterward, oil was struck on it, and it sold for $35,000.
TOMES, M. M., blacksmith, Shellsburg.
TRAMBOWER, B. F., of the firm of Parker & Trambower, dry goods and groceries, Shellsburg; was born in Bucks Co., Penn., Feb. 22, 1852; came to this county in 1868; commenced in business in 1876, and does a business of $20,000 per year, and have succeeded above their expectations; Mr. Parker's partner is now traveling in Europe; was a graduate of Keokuk Commercial Business College; Mr. T. commenced clerking when he came to this town a poor boy, but by applying himself to business, and by honesty, has made a good start in life.
TROWBRIDGE, JOHN, painter, Shellsburg.
TRUMBAUER, B. F., merchant, Shellsburg.
VANHORN, BEN. S., farmer, P. O. Shellsburg.
VANKIRK, RANDAL, drayman, Shellsburg.
VILES, J. G., laborer; P. O. Shellsburg.
VILES J. G., farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Decatur Co., Ind., Feb. 27, 1827; came to this county in 1853; has 175 acres of land, valued at $6,000. Married for his first wife Charlotte Taylor; she was born in 1828; mother of two children -- Malissa A. and Nancy E.,; for his second wife, he married Elizabeth A. Parker; she was born in Kentucky Aug 20, 1826; mother of one child -- James A., born Oct. 9, 1860; emigrated from Indiana to Benton Co., Iowa, where he resided since; when he first came to this county, he located on 240 acres of land, where there was nothing but the wild prairie, and has made as fine a farm as there is in this township; came here poor and had nothing but his own hands to make him a home; when he first came here, he could see but one shanty on all the prairie.
VORIS, SAMUEL, retired farmer; Sec. 32; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Mason Co., Ky., March 13, 1805; came to this county in 1865; has eighty acres of land, valued at $2,400. Member of the Presbyterian Church. Married Sarah A. Pogue in 1832; she was born in Mason CO., Ky., Nov. 15; is the mother of seven living children -- Mary J., born Oct. 7, 1833; Elizabeth M., Sept. 17, 1898; Harris A., March 29,1841; S. Abbie, Feb. 9, 1843; John C., Aug. 11, 1849; Bell, Sept. 14, 1853; Samuel H., Feb. 1, 1856; Emigrated from Kentucky to Brown Co., O., when he was 4 years old; lived there forty-four years; then came to Mercer Co., Ill.; lived there twelve years; thence to this county. Mrs. Voris died Nov. 13, 1876; his son, William M., enlisted the 17th Ill. Vol. Inf., Co. F; enlisted as private; was transferred to a colored regiment as Second Lieutenant was in the battles of Fredericktown Siege, Fort Donelson and Shiloh; he died at Meliken's Bend July 2,1863.
VORIS, S. H., far., S. 32 P. O. Shellsburg.
WALDEN, FREEMAN W., farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Shellsburg.
WARD, WILLIAM, shoemaker, Shellsburg.
WHITE, ENOCH, retired farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Carroll Co., Ohio, Sept. 7, 1821; has 120 acres of land, valued at $4,800; came to this county in the Fall of 1849; held the office of Constable; belongs to the M. E. Church. For his first wife be married Eva Rice, who is the mother of two children -- John, born Sept. 6, 1842; Lizzie, born Feb. 12, 1847. For his second wife, Adeline Shipman, born in New York State Jan. 9, 1828; she has had three children -- Hattie, born Oct. 19, 1856; Alice, Dec. 22, 1860; Lucy, March 29, 1863. Mrs. White married for her first husband Wm. Waller; she had three children by him -- William, Ella and Fannie. When Mr. White came to this county Cedar Rapids was a very small place. He had a son in the Union Army.
WHITE, JOHN A., laborer, Shellsburg.
WHITE, JOHN J., retired farmer, Sec. 11; P. O. Shellsburg; born in West Virginia Aug. 31, 1797; came to this county in 1849; has 270 acres of land, valued at $10,000. Married Sarah Deitz; she was born in Erie Co., Penn., Aug., 1800; is the mother of thirteen children, four deceased -- Enoch, William, Mary, Rachel, John, Isaac, Hannah, Harriet and Debias. Emigrated from Virginia when he was a boy; came to Pennsylvania; lived there sixteen years; from there went to Ohio; lived there thirty-one years, then came to this county; when he first came here there were only three families in Vinton; there was not a house in Shellsburg; came here before the organization of the county. Mr. W. is probably the oldest settler living in the county; when he came here he was a poor man, and by hard work has made a fine home and a good property.
White, Robert, clerk, Shellsburg.
WHITE, WM. J., farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Carroll Co., Ohio, April 20, 1824; came to this county in 1849; has 232 acres of land, valued at $7,000. Married Elizabeth McDole; she was born May 4, 1826; is the mother of one child -- Abraham, born Sept. 20, 1848. Mr. W. died March 28, 1849. For his second wife he married Sarah Ann Elson, born in Coshocton Co., Ohio, Dec. 2, 1831; is the mother of three children -- Willis B., born Jan. 1, 1855; Archibald, June 15, 1856; Lucy A., Aug. 16, 1860; emigrated from Ohio to Van Buren Co., Iowa, in the Spring of 1849; stayed there until the Fall and then came to this county; entered 200 acres of land and has made himself a good farm; was at an election when there were only three precincts in the county and only polled nine votes. Mr. White was amongst the earliest settlers of the county.
WILCOX, WARREN M., jeweler, Shellsburg.
WILSON, J. Q., laborer; P. O. Shellsburg.
WILSON, W. R., far., S. 34; P. O. Shellsburg.
WORRALL C. D., farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Shellsburg; was born in Linn Co., Iowa, June 1, 1848; has. ninety acres of land, valued at $3,000. Republican. Held the office of School Director. Married Margaret E. Youel;. she was born in Montgomery Co., Ind., Aug. 29, 1849; mother of three children -- William Y., born Aug. 9, 1871; Harry E., born March 30, 1874; James W., born July 21, 1875. His father emigrated to Cedar Rapids when there was only one store, they being among the earliest settlers of Linn. Co. The subject of this sketch was the first white male child who was born in Cedar Rapids; has lived in Linn and Benton Counties ever since.
WYANT, EMORY, clerk, Shellsburg.
YOUNG, JOHN L., Par., Sec. 2; P.0. Shellsburg YOUNG, JOHN, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 7; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., June 31, 1838; came to this county in 1856; has 640 acres land, valued at $92,460. Married Christiana Webb Aug. 9, 1858; mother of three children living -- Mary, born Dec. 21, 1859; Dempster, born Dec. 8, 1868; Minnie, born Nov. 14, 1870. Emigrated to La Porte Co., Ind., when he was 3 years old; lived there eighteen years, thence to this county' where he has resided since; Mr. Young's principal business is stock; keeps on hand 115 head of steers and turns off that number yearly; in 1877, turned off $5,000 worth of cattle; has on hand 200 head of hogs, his average number of hogs yearly; sold, in 1877, over $1,500 worth; Mr. Young has a fine residence and a beautiful farm of a section, and is one of the solid farmers of the county.
YOUNG, J. G., far., S. 2; P. O. Shellsburg.
YOUNG, THOMAS, farmer, stockraiser and shipper, Sec. 25; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Montgomery Co., N. Y., Sept. 30, 1822; came to this county in 1854; has 1,300 acres of land, valued at $45,000. Married Charlotte Hutchins in 1857; she was born in St. Lawrence Co., N.Y., May 3, 1840; mother. of eight children -- John, born April 8, 1859; Eleanor, born Oct. 12, 1860; Charlie, born Sept. 22, 1862; Frank, born July 17, 1863; Edward, Aug. 22, 1867; Orvil, born April 8, 1869; Katie, born Aug. 18,1871; Thomas, Jr., born Feb. 20, 1874. Emigrated from New York to Indiana, and lived there fourteen years; then came to this county; Mr. Young is the king stock man of the county; has on hand 254 head of cattle; sold in 1877, 300 head, which brought him the snug little sum of $12,000; keeps on average twenty-four head of horses; Mr. Young is amongst the wealthiest men in the county.
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