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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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flowerR - Wflower
Big Grove Township
Ramstead, Charles, farmer, Sec. 6; P.O. Garrison.

Ravenscroft, J.T., far., S. 3; P.O. Vinton.

Reynolds, Wm. T., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 20; P.O. Garrison; born in Louisiana May 24, 1834; has 480 acres of land, valued at $6,000. Married Martha E. Robinson; she was born in Indiana in March, 1842; is the mother of three children-Charles F., Wm. T., Jr., and Mary E. his father was born in Bourbon Co., Ky.; his father went to Louisiana shortly after the purchase from France, where the subject of this sketch was born; from Louisiana he came to La Porte Co. Ind., thence to Michigan, where he lived about twenty years; thence to Benton Co., Iowa, where he has resided since; he raises on an average (yearly) 160 acres of corn, or 6,000 bushels; wheat, 800 bushels; oats, 600 bushels; turns off eighty head of hogs yearly; keeps fifty head of cattle. Mr. Reynolds came here with limited means, and has risen to be amongst the wealthiest farmers in the township.

Richards, J.C., far., S. 17; P.O. Garrison.

Richards, R.R., far., S. 17; P.O. Garrison.

Rolfs, J.L., far., S. 31; P.O. Blairstown.

Roszell, J.S., far., S. 36; P.O. Blairstown.

Rupp, Henry, far., S. 25; P.O. Vinton.

Semler, John, farmer; S. 19; P.O. Garrison.

Shrader, F., far., S. 36; P.O. Blairstown.

Shaw, J.C., farmer, Sec. 22; P.O. Garrison; born in Ohio Nov. 11, 1837; came to this county in 1855; has 120 acres of land, valued at $3,600. Enlisted in the 13th Ohio Regt. Vol. Inf., Co. H; was in the service nearly five years;; was mustered into the service at Camp Denison, Ohio; was in the battles of Carneyfax Ferry, Fayetteville, thence to Louisville, Ky., from thence to Bowling Green, thence to Nashville, Tenn.; was at the battle of Shiloh, Chattanooga, thence back to louisville, Ky.; battle of Perryville, Stone River, Mumfordsville, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Dalton, Cassville, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta Ferry, Lovejoy Station; was with Thomas after Hood in several skirmishes, Pulaski, Franklin, Spring Hill, Nashville, and at Devil's Gapl was in seventeen regular engagements; was mustered out at Santown, Tex.; was once taken prisoner at the battle of Stone River, but succeeded in escaping.

Shultz, H.M., far., S. 26; P.O. Vinton.

Snyder, A., far., S. 7; P.O. Garrison.

Snyder, M., far., S. 5; P.O. Garrison.

Stadle, L., Far., Sec. 18; P.O. Garrison.

Stadle, R., far., Sec. 18; P.O. Garrison.

Stredluer, J., far., Sec. 29; P.O. Garrison.

Sturtz, John, far., Sec. 9; P.O. Garrison.

Thompson, J.M., far., Sec. 9; P.O. Garrison.

Todd, Thos., far., S. 5; P.O. Garrison.

Van Buskirk, J., far., Sec. 5; P.O. Garrison.

Vannice, A.V., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 2: P.O. Vinton; born in Shelby Co., Ky., Aug. 8, 1821; came to this county in 1853; has 585 acres land, valued at $17,550. Married Rachel Kerlin; she was born in Henry co., Ky., Jan. 14, 1827; mother of eight living children-Mary, Henry C., George A., Katie C., Edmund H., Leah R., James A., Isaac W. Emigrated from Kentucky to Indiana in 1822, where he resided until 1853, when he came to Benton Co., where he has resided since; was here at the organization of the town; at the first election also; helped to organize the first school district; was Secretary of the Board and levied the first tax and collected the same; the first school house was built in District No.1; Mr. V. donated the land, and also for the Presbyterian cemetery and Presbyterian Church and parsonage; gave eight acres of land in all; all it cost the township and District was the making-out of the deeds. Mr. V. was raised an Old School Presbyterian; his belief at the present is Calvanistic Baptist. When he came here there were only two houses or shanties between him and Vinton, or a house between him and Shellsburg; came here when the prairies were wild, and has seem them developed into one of the finest farming counties in the Stae; has a fine farm and good home, and is one of the enterprising farmers of the county.

Varney, N.H., far., S. 29; P.O. Garrison.

Ward, F. M., far., Sec. 16; P.O. Garrison.

Ward, Samuel, farmer, Sec. 16; P.O. Garrison; born in Licking Co., Ohio, May 16, 1831; came to this county in 1866; has 320 acres of land, valued at $10,000. Married Mary Hayes; she was born in Licking Co., Ohio; she is mother of six children-Frances M., Martha R., William E., Albert C., Elizabeth and John. Emigrated from Pennsylvania to Ogle Co., Ill.; lived there fifteen years; thence to Benton Co., Iowa, where he has resided since; raises on an average, eighty acres corn, 4,000 bushels; wheat, 300 bushels; oats, 500 bushels; turns of 60 head of hogs, and two car loads of cattle. Mr. W. has a fine farm of one-half of a section, situated in a fine county and is one of the solid farmers of the county.

Wean, G.E., far., S. 13; P.O. Vinton.

Wean, S., far., Sec. 13; P.O. Vinton.

Weba, Geo., far., Sec. 1; P.O. Vinton.

Wright, G.H., far., S. 24; P.O. Vinton.

Wright, Henry, farmer, Sec. 24; P.O. Vinton; was born in England June 9, 1821; came to this country in 1842, and to this county in 1872; has 364 acres land, valued at $10,900. Republican; held the office of Township Trustee two years. Married Elizabeth Thomas; she was born in Wales Sept. 14, 1831; mother of three living children- George H., born July 5, 1851; John W., Dec. 22, 1855; Angeline, Nov. 30, 1857. Emigrated from England to Posey Co., Ind.; lived there two years; thence to Iowa Co., Wis.; lived there twenty six years; thence to Benton Co., where he has resided since; raises on average, 90 to 100 acres corn 4,000 bushels; wheat, 1,500 bushels; oats, 400 bushels; flax, 166 bushels; barley, 400 bushels; turns off about 60 head of hogs yearly. Mr. W. has a good home, plenty of fruit of the choicest varieties, such as strawberries, rasperries, grapes, etc.; is one of the sound farmers of the township. Mr. W. has just returned from his native country, perfectly willing to make America his home.

Wright, J.M., far., S. 24; P.O. Vinton.

Wyman, T.F., far., S. 14; P.O. Vinton.
Transcribed by Kate Connerth.
Copyright © 1997.


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