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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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flowerL - Pflower
Big Grove Township
La Rue, Aaron, farmer, Sec. 33; P.O. Garrison; born in Virginia Nov. 24, 1800; came to this county Aug. 3, 1856; has 500 acres of land, valued at $20,000. Married Acenith Harris; she was born in Knox Co., Ohio; Mother of eleven children-Sarah E., Harriet, Chambers C., Wm. H., Isaac N., Thomas P., Mary J., Jesse L., L.N.B., John J. and Edgar A. Emigrated from Virginia to Morrow Co., Ohio, in 1829, where he bought a farm, and cleared up to 160 acres with his own hands; when he commenced there, had $94 in his pocket. Traded his land in Ohio, giving one acre for five of prairie, making a good trade; has as fine a farm as there is in this county; came to this county overland with teams, and drove stock through; camped out on the roads; camped in their wagons until he built a shanty, which he covered with prarie grass, and lived there three or four months. Mr. La Rue has a fine flock of 325 sheep; also, has some fine stock of Short-Horned Durhams. Has a grove of over seven acres set out with his own hands, and has a greater variety of trees than can be found in the county; is one of the solid farmers of the Tp. L.N.B. La Rue, his son, has a fine farm of 160 acres, valued at $5,000; also, rents his father's farm, and raises, on average, 100 acres of corn, or 5,000 bushels; turns off fifty head of hogs. Is a single man, and starting out with the best prospects.

La Rue, C.C., farmer, Sec. 33; P.O. Blairstown.

La Rue, Lewis, far., S. 33; P.O. Blairstown.

Louderbaugh, Henry T., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 16; P.O. Garrison; was born in Franklin Co., Penn., Nov. 20, 1842; came to this county in 1863; has 240 acres of land valued at $9,000. Held the offices of Town Trustee and Secretary of the School Board. Belongs to the M.E. Church. Married Mary Parshall; she was born in Otsego Co., N.Y., Dec. 31, 1846; mother of two living children-John and James. Emigrated to Benton Co. direct from Pennsylvania where he has resided since; raises on average eighty acres 3,200 bushels of corn, 150 bushels of wheat, 600 bushels of oats; turns of fifty head of hogs and a car load of cattle. His property has been made by his own exertions and industry, and he is one of the enterprising farmers of the township. He enlisted in the 47th Regt. I.V.I. Co. C, stationed at Helena, Ark.; was detailed in the U.S. General Hospital.

Lieb, C., far., S. 28; P.O. Vinton.

Lurch, Jacob, blacksmith, Belle Plaine.

Lynstrum, Chas., far., S. 5; P.O. Garrison.

McDaniels, James, far., Sec. 4; P.O. Garrison.

McDaniels, W.R., Sec. 4; P.O. Garrison.

McEitt, James, far., Sec. 20; P.O. Garrison.

McLean, Richard, far., S. 26; P.O. Vinton.

McNeal, J.S., far., Sec. 17; P.O. Garrison; born in Ohio in 1842; came to this county in 1866; has 160 acres of land, valued at $5,000. Married Miss E.F. Bennett; she was born in Ohio; mother of two children. Mr. M. enlisted in the 1st Ohio Regt., Co. A. in the three months call; afterward enlisted in the 1st Ohio Light Artillery, Co. A; was at the siege of Vicksburg; was discharged, by losing voice from exposure, after the capture of Vicksburg; afterward enlisted in the 136th Ohio National Guards, and stationed at Washington until the close of the war; was mustered out at Columbus, Ohio, at Camp Chase.

Merchant, Jonah, far., S. 4; P.O. Garrison.

Noe, Arza B., far., Sec. 8; P.O. Garrison.

Noe, Ben W., far., S. 8; P.O. Garrison.

Orten, Fred, far., Sec. 15; P.O. Vinton.

Ottson, Geo., far., S. 32; P.O. Blairstown.

Paige, Samuel, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 29; P.O. Garrison; born in Merrimack Co., N.H., Dec. 14, 1832; came to this county in the Fall of 1857; has 240 acres of land, valued at $10,000. Married Mary M. Schoonover; she was born in New York April, 1835; mother of six children-Lucy Ann, Mary Alma, Oliver L., David E., Ira W., John. Emigrated from New Hampshire to Muscatine Co., Iowa, where he lived about three years; thence to Benton Co., where he has resided since; was among the earliest settlers in the township; when he came there it was in its wild state; there was only one shanty between here and Blairstown, that being a sod shanty built by a man name of Kanan. Has a fine grove of seven acres, planted by his own hands; raises on an average about sixty-five acres of corn yearly or 2,500 bushels; wheat, 200 bushels; oats, 600 bushels; turns off seventy head of hogs and about a car load of cattle. Mr. Paige has one of the finest Short-Horn bulls in the county, by which he is improving his stock, and is one of the thriving farmers of the county.
Transcribed by Kate Connerth.
Copyright © 1997.


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