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Big Grove Township
Catlin, James E., farmer. Sec. 34; P.O. Blairstown.

Carter, J.O., far., S. 23; P.O. Vinton.

Chapman, A., far., S. 34; P.O. Blairstown.

Chinn, John P., farmer and stock raiser; Sec. 11; P.O. Vinton; born in Harrison Co., Ky., June 23, 1824; came to this county June 19, 1850; has 248 acres of land, valued at $12,000. Belongs to the Presbyterian Church. Married Joanna Bergon in Kentucky; she was born in Kentucky April 19, 1824; mother of four children-Isaac L., Garrett C., John T. and Eddie D. Emigrated from Kentucky to Indiana; lived there twenty-six years; thence to Benton Co., where he has resided since; helped to organize the township; also was at the first election. Mr. Doan and Mr. Chinn are the oldest settlers living in the township.

Clark, E.H., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 25; P.O. Vinton; was born in Washington Co., N.Y., April 4, 1828; came to this county in 1863; has 272 acres of land, valued at $8,000. Belongs to the Wesleyan Methodist Church. Married Mary A. Paige; she was born in New Hampshire June 4, 1844; mother of one child-Sylvia A., born Sept. 6, 1870. Emigrated from new York to Benton Co.; worked on farm and mill for two years; then crossed the plains to California; lived there three years; was three months on the road; was four years and four months on the salt water; shipped on board the bark Eugenia in 1851 at new Bedford, Mass.; sailed around Cape Horn; thence to the Pacific Ocean. Mr. Clark makes dairy business a specialty; has twenty cows (makes butter); his cows in 1877 yielded him 4,868 pounds of butter, for which he received $937.60, averaging nearly $50 per head. Mr. C. is one of the live farmers of the township.

Clifton, John, far., S. 11; P.O. Vinton.

Clites, Philip, far., S. 9; P.O. Garrison.

Colicott, Wm., far., S. 10; P.O. Vinton.

Covert, J.V., far., S. 11; P.O. Vinton.

Culp, E., far., S. 3; P.O. Vinton.

Culp, Richard, far., Sec. 2; P.O. Vinton.

Dean, Amos N., farmer, Sec. 4; P.O. Vinton.

Dickson, E.S., far., S. 21; P.O. Vinton.

Dickson, J., far., S. 21; P.O. Vinton.

Dickson, W.D., far., S. 21; P.O. Vinton.

Doan, A.H., far., S. 33; P.O. Blairstown.

Doan, Elias, farmer and stock raiser, S. 12; P.O. Vinton; was born in Washington Co., Ind., June 5, 1814; came to this county June 24, 1850; has 217 acres of land, valued at $8,000; held the office of School Director, Township Trustee, etc. Married Catherine Coffman; she was born in Montgomery Co., Ohio, March 3, 1827; is the mother of five living children-Thos. C., Florence A., Francis M., Wm. W., George H. Emigrated direct to this county, where he has resided since; came through with teams, and camped out; was three weeks making the trip; came here when Taylor Tp. extended to the Iowa River; was here when it was divided up and helped to organize the town of Big Grove; was also at the first election; at the time he came to the county there were not more than ten votes polled in the township, in 1850; to do his trading he had to go to Cedar Rapids; would make a trip without striking a fence; had one son in the 28th Regt. Iowa Inf., Co. A; was in the battles of Vicksburg, Red River Expedition, Winchester and Cedar Creek; was wounded by a musket ball through the thigh; was struck in five places at about the same time. When Mr. D. came here he was poor with the rest of the emigrants, but by good management and economy has made a good home.

Doan, Thos. C., farmer, Sec. 24; P.O. Vinton; was born in Big Grove Tp., Benton Co., Iowa, Dec. 8, 1850; was the first white male child born in the township; has eighty acres of land, valued at $3,000. Politics, Republican; belongs to the M.E. Church. Married Sarah H. Campbell; she was born in Scott Co., Iowa, July 11, 1849. Mrs. D. married for her first husband Patrick Donahue, by whom she had five children-Estella, Havilah, Sarah A., Mary E. and Lester C. Mr. D. is the oldest living resident born in the township, having been born in it.

Donoly, P., far., S. 18; P.O. Garrison.
Transcribed by Kate Connerth.
Copyright © 1997.


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