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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Benton County, Iowa 1856 State Census Name Index

?  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

LAST NAME                FIRST NAME
Abare                    David V.
Abare                    John
Abare                    M.A.
Abare                    Mary M.
Abare                    Ruth A.
Abare                    William R.
Abbot                    Elizabeth
Abbot                    James
Abbot                    L. C.
Abbot                    Perry G.
Abbott                   Joseph A.
Abbott                   Julia
Abbott                   Julia
Abbott                   Thomas
Abbott                   Wendey
Achuff                   Edwin
Achuff                   James
Achuff                   Joseph L.
Achuff                   Sarah
Achuff                   Washington
Achuff                   William
Ackley                   Elizabeth
Ackley                   George
Adams                    A.
Adams                    Augustus
Adams                    Chester H.
Adams                    Elizabeth J.
Adams                    Ellen J.G.
Adams                    George
Adams                    Mary J.
Adams                    Mary L.
Adams                    Milton P.
Adams                    Robert E.
Adell                    Marcus

{ 2004 Note: per Jeanne Crews, the following name is Arihood and not Aeihaad }

Aeihaad                  Catharine
Aeihaad                  Charles
Aeihaad                  Elijah
Aeihaad                  Elizabeth
Aeihaad                  M.E.
Aeihaad                  Nancy
Aeihaad                  Nelson
Aeihaad                  Pheby
Aeihaad                  Rachael

Aickley                  David
Aickley                  Elizabeth
Ainger                   Benjamin
Ainger                   Elisabeth
Ainger                   Francis A.
Ake                      Catharine
Ake                      Daniel
Ake                      Daniel S.
Ake                      David F.
Ake                      Martin
Ake                      Martin T.
Ake                      Samuel
Ake                      Samuel J.
Alarding                 Emanuel
Alarding                 Harvey
Alarding                 Isaac
Alarding                 Lydia
Alarding                 Maltias
Alarding                 Nichilas
Alarding                 Sarah
Alarding                 Solomon
Albert                   Catharine
Albert                   John
Albert                   Peter
Albert                   Peter
Aldrich                  Clauos
Aldrich                  Hariett
Alexander                Delilah
Alexander                John
Alexander                Leander
Alexander                Nancy
Allen                    Abagail
Allen                    David
Allen                    Edward J.
Allen                    James
Allen                    James
Allen                    John
Allen                    John H.
Allen                    Saloma
Allen                    William
Allensworth              Edward F.
Allensworth              Frazette
Allensworth              Isaac N.
Allensworth              Isabell
Allensworth              Mary M.
Allensworth              Phillip S.
Allensworth              Sarah E.
Allensworth              Wm. F.
Alspach                  Elnora
Alspach                  James
Alspach                  Magdalena
Alspach                  Michael
Alspach                  Sylvester
Alspach                  Washington
Alter                    Lewis
Altin                    Dorothy A.
Altin                    Duratus ? O.
Altin                    Jerimiah W.
Altin                    Mary E.
Altin                    Oscar C.
Altin                    Rachell
Altin                    Russel
Alvord                   Abner
Alvord                   Archabald
Alvord                   Elizabeth
Alvord                   John H.
Alvord                   Mary
Alvord                   Menzo
Alvord                   Menzo
Alvord                   Rachal
Alvord                   Rebecca
Alvord                   William
Amburn                   Aaron
Amburn                   Allen
Amburn                   Amus
Amburn                   Charita
Amburn                   Franklin
Amburn                   Haroy
Amburn                   Jesse
Amburn                   Lewis
Amburn                   Louiza
Amburn                   Margaret J.
Amburn                   Mary
Amburn                   Olliver
Amburn                   Rufus W.
Amburn                   Wm.
Anderson                 Abartha
Anderson                 Agnes
Anderson                 Daniel
Anderson                 David
Anderson                 Elisabeth
Anderson                 George
Anderson                 James
Anderson                 John
Anderson                 Mahala
Anderson                 Marion
Anderson                 Mary
Anderson                 Matilda
Anderson                 Rebecca J.
Anderson                 Robert
Anderson                 Sais
Anderson                 Samuel
Anderson                 Samuel W.
Anderson                 Sarah
Anderson                 William
Anderson                 Wm.
Annermann?               James W.
Arbothnot                Carson
Arbothnot                Charles
Arbothnot                Esther
Arbothnot                Frances
Arbothnot                Frances
Arbothnot                James
Arbothnot                Jane
Arbothnot                Margaret
Arbothnot                Martha
Arbothnot                Samuel
Arbothnot                William
Arbuckle                 Cameron
Arbuckle                 Cyntha
Arbuckle                 John
Arbuckle                 Nancy
Arbuckle                 Rebecca
Arbuckle                 Wm.
Arbuckle                 Wm. J.
Arend                    Amelia
Arend                    Amelia
Arend                    Christian
Arend                    John
Arend                    John
Arend                    Rose
Arend                    Rose
Armstrong                Richard H.
Arner                    William
Arnold                   Mary
Arnold                   Phenes ?
Artist                   Andrew S.
Artist                   Daniel W.
Artist                   Elisabeth
Artist                   Elisabeth
Artist                   Eliza M.
Artist                   Isaac
Artist                   Jacob H.
Artist                   John H.
Artist                   Maria J.
Artist                   Milland ?F.
Artist                   Susannah
Ashbaugh                 Andrew
Ashbaugh                 Elisabeth M.
Ashbaugh                 James A.
Ashbaugh                 John
Ashbaugh                 Lewis B.
Ashbaugh                 Mary E.
Ashbaugh                 William
Athey                    James W.
Athey                    Sarah C.
Auston                   Ella O.
Auston                   Emeline C.
Auston                   Joab
Ayres                    Huldah
Ayres                    Lyman
Ayres                    Relief ?
Ayres                    Stephen

Transcribed by James P. Kullmer,, January, 2000
© Copyright 2000 by James P. Kullmer

If you note any corrections, changes, additions, or  find any links provided on this web site that are
not  functioning properly please notify  John Shuck, your Benton County Website Coordinator.

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