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Audubon County


History > 1891 Exira

Bus. Directory


Floral Divider Bar


EXIRA MARBLE WORKS:--This noteworthy industry was established at Exira July 15, 1891, by A. A. Richardson and T. W. Cole, two enterprising and ambitious business men who, as workmen, have no superiors and few equals. Having been connected with this line of business for twelve and five years, respectively, and worked in the best shops in Omaha and other cities, they are thoroughly familiar with and competent to execute the finest work. Already their business has assumed immense proportions, compelling them to work almost night and day. They have erected handsome monuments for the very wealthiest people of the county and where they were compelled to compete with the largest marble works in the country. In every instance their work has given perfect satisfaction. Public spirited, liberal and accomodating their future prosperity is assured. [Pg. 11]


HARDWARE:--This substantial and popular firm has been identified with the business interests of Exira since August 26, 1890, at which time they purchased A. C. Smith's stock of hardware, which invoiced about $3,800. It is almost impossible to appreciate the magnitude and growth of this firm's business. Their stock today will invoice $6,000, and their trade for the six months ending Nov. 14, 1891, was more than three times the amount done the first six months they were in business here. During the past 60 days they have sold 225 stoves. Truly they handle nothing but the most popular goods, such as Riverside and Acorn heaters, cooks and ranges, the celebrated "Keen Kutter" brand of cutlery, Baker & Glidden barb wire. Their stock of shelf and show case goods is complete. This much can be truthfully said of Messrs. Dawson & Roark, and is one of the reasons of their success in Exira: "Liberal and honest in all business transactions, gentlemen whose word is as good as their written contract, ready at all time to give their customers the advantage of any doubt, in fact gentlement worthy the confidence and esteem of every citizen in the community in which they reside." [Pg. 11-12]


AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS:--In this firm Exira has a business house that would do credit to a town twice her size. In 1877 F. J. Shraugher [sic? Shrauger?] established an embryo implement house on a small scale. The house grew with the town and in 1877 was doing a thriving business. At that time D. E. Shrauger & Co. succeeded F. J. Shrauger. Under the able management of D. E. Shrauger the business has developed to immense proportions and is one of the largest implement houses in western Iowa, carrying about $20,000 worth of the best makes of machinery and implements. Truly, Mr. Shrauger is a thorough business man, accommodating and liberal in every transaction, public spirited and enterprising in every undertaking that tends to advance the interest of his town and county. The fact that his business has increased more than one-half in the past three years is a recommendation stronger than any words we could possibly use. He caries everything in the implement line, including McCormick binders and mowers, Perkins wind mill, Red Jacket and Myers wood and iron pumps, Schuttler and Harrison wagons, and the best buggies and carts made. Mr. Shrauger invites an inspection of his goods and solicits your patronage. We cherfully recommend him to the public. [Pg. 12]


JEWELRY:--Every citizen of Exira expresses a feeling of admiration upon visiting this modern jewelry establishment. Mr. Merifield first embarked in business here in December 1890, occupying show case and desk room in Hash's clothing store. Aggressive and enterprising he was not long destined to remain in so close quarters, and on October 1, 1881, removed to his present location. Though not large his stock at that time was complete, and by fair, liberal and courteous treatment of all, the volume of his business and his stock has been doubled. His stock consists of ladies' and gents' fine gold watches, charms, pins and chains, silverware, spectacles, etc. His wall ornaments consists of aluminum banjos, mandolines and pannels, and are very fine and beautiful. Holiday line of goods is complete and attractive and invite careful inspection. Especially beautiful are his cut glass jewel cases. In the musical line as in the jewelry, his stock is complete and prices very reasonable. For Mr. Merifield's enterprise, devotion to business and interests of his town he deserves the united patronage of Exira people. [Pg. 12, 13]


GROCERIES:--Although new in busiess at Exira, this firm by their fair and impartial treatment of all who visit their establishment has won the esteem and confidence of the entire community. Both gentlemen are thoroughly acquainted with the business they are engaged in, are first-class buyers and take special pleasure in their endeavor to please and accomodate [sic accommodate] all. Liberal to a fault, aggressive and public spirited, they are a valuable acquisition to the business and social interests of the town. Their business, though large from the very start, has steadily increased. In electing choice groceries it would be useless for anyone to look farther after visiting this model grocery store. Here you can find everything usually kept in a first-class grocery establishemnt, inclusing "Pilsbury's Best" and "Favorite" brands of flour, glass and queensware, woodenware, cigars and tobacco. Past patronage duly appreciated and a continuance of the same earnestly desired. Speak both German and English. [Pg. 13]


BOOTS AND SHOES:--This experienced boot and shoe dealer came to Exira about thirty months ago from Burlington, Ia. Mr. Leebrick is one of the most thorough boot and shoe dealers in western Iowa, having had an experience of 22 years. He is well posted, a man of means and in buying gets every advantage possible for the retailer to receive, and being accommodating and liberal he gives his patrons the benefit of his ability to buy. He carres [sic carries] a large stock of the very best boots and shoes put on the market, sells for cash, and all who patronize him receive benefits. Mr. Leebrick is a conscientious, pleasant and enterprising citizen, who deserves a liberal patronage at the hands of this community. [Pg. 13]


GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE:--This popular house has been a fixture in Exira since Sept. 1st, 1890. The senior member of this firm, Mr. W. F. Stotts, is known to almost every resident of Audubon county, having been a resident here, until recently, since 1865. Mr. Jas. F. McAninch, the manager, is almost if not quite as well known. He came to Exira in 1874, and during his entire residence here has never failed to receive a large patronage in whatever business engaged. This is easily accounted for, as he enjoys the reputation of being one of the most thorough businessmen in the West, consequently he is a good buyer and takes pleasure in giving his customers the advantage of his knowledge and ability to buy cheap. This combined with his excellent taste in selecting goods, liberality and accommodating ways, insures any house Mr. McAninch is connected with a large trade. He is one of the foremost men in every enterprise calculated to advance the interests of a town. At the Stotts Co.'s establishment you can find everything usually kept in a first-class grocery house, including all the best brands of goods in staple and fancy groceries. Fine glass and queensware a specialty. When you contemplate purchasing Holiday goods call at this popular house and inspect the finest stock of goods in this line on display in Exira. Your patronage is appreciated and a continuance of the same is cordially invited. [Pg. 13-14]


STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES.--We take especial pleasure in making favorable mention of the subject of this sketch. Mr. Beard has been a resident of this county for the past thirteen years, and engaged in his present business one year. During all his residence here he has commanded the respect and confidence of all who knew him, has made many friends and few, if any enemies. Liberal to a fault, public-spirited and aggressive he is considered one of Exira's leading business men. He carries a large stock of staple and fancy groceries. Everything in the line of Holiday Goods from the simplest and cheapest toy to handsome and costly presents--an inspection of his stock invited and your patronage solicited. [Pg. 14]


BLACKSMITHING.--In 1880 the subject of this sketch embarked in business for himself in West Exira. Too much praise cannot be given Mr. Holden as a workman and citizen. Close attention to business, fair and liberal dealing with all, combined with a genial, wholesouled disposition, has won for Mr. Holden an ever increasing business and many warm friends. His workmanship and prices are invariably satisfactory, and he richly merits his success. We cheerfully recommend Mr. Holden as a refined and honest gentlemen and a first-class workman. [Pg. 14]


DRUGGIST.--The subject of this sketch is a native of Audubon county and has witnessed the many changes that have taken place in the history of his county as it developed from a "Wild West" to the present prosperous and progressive country. Mr. Houston started in his present business when quite young, as a drug clerk, and he made no mistake in choosing his calling. He is especially adapted to the drug business and has unexcelled taste in selecting fancy articles and show case goods. He is a pleasant gentleman of genuine worth, public-spirited and progressive. Mr. Houston's drug store is a marvel of neatness, his stock of drugs, toilet articles, druggists' sundries, wall paper, etc., complete, and his charges always reasonable. We take pleasure in recommending Charles to all who as yet have not made his acquaintance [Pg. 14-15].


LIVERYMEN.--This firm is a new one to Exira, having bought of Fulton Bros. Sept. 22, 1891. Hanson Bros. are young men full of life and energy who are bound to win in any undertaking. They are specially fitted for the business they have recently engaged in, and appreciate the wants of the public, as is demonstrated by valuable improvements made, among other things the addition of three new turnouts. Always accommodating, and reasonable in their charges, they cannot help but succeed. They are deserving the liberal patronage of the community. [Pg. 15]


BLACKSMITHING.--Messrs. Woodward & Son came to Audubon county in the spring of 1876, when Exira was very small and the county comparatively new. They came with the intention of making this their permanent home; with a determination to succeed in every undertaking. Competition in their branch of the business was, even in that early day, very sharp, and to succeed was not the good fortune of several who had ventured to engage in this particular line of business. Ambitious, honest, aggressive, and accommodating, they soon won the ocnfidence and esteem of all whom they came in contact with, and during the fifteen years they have been in business that confidence and esteem has never diminished. These gentlemen have ever had confidence in Exira's future, have built comfortable homes, and their shop is one of the best in western Iowa. They are liberal and enterprising to the extreme, always giving freely to every enterprise beneficial to their town or county. No piece of work is turned out of this shop that is not first-class in every particular, and the charges are always reasonable. Messrs. Woodward & Son are highly deserving of their success. C. D. Woodward, senior member and Will Woodward, junior member of the firm, have served the city as councilman and recorder almost continually for the past nine or ten years, and there is no disposition upon the part of the people of Exira to retire them. [Pg. 15-6]

J. W. LAIR & Co.

HARNESSMAKERS.--This enterprising firm succeeded Dawson & Roark Nov. 18, and are here to stay. Mr. Lair has been a resident of the county since his early boyhood, enjoys a large acquaintance and his friends are many. A young man of ambitious proclivities, liberal and pleasant in every business transaction and a first-class workman, assures this firm success. No. 1 Star Oak leather is used in the manufacture of their harness, every set of which is guaranteed first-class in every respect, and prices always reasonable. They handle the celebrated Blair Separable horse collar, the best blankets, lab robes and saddles. We take pleasure in endorsing this firm as honorable and worthy business men. [Pg. 16]


GROCERIES.--This is the oldest exclusive grocery establishment in town, of which Henry Conklin is senior and George Conklin junior member. Both gentlemen are thoroughly posted in the grocery trade and spare no pains in selecting their stock, which is always fresh and saleable. No firm could possibly take greater pleasure in pleasing and accommodating customers than Messrs. Conklin & Son. No town can claim more worthy, liberal and enterprising business men than the subjects of this sketch, and they who patronize them find bargains seldom found in grocery stores, and always receive courteous treatment. We take special pleasure in recommending all to patronize them. [Pg. 16]


PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.--Dr. Riley graduated at the Iowa City Medical College in 1880, and immediately commenced the practice of medicine at Exira. Naturally studious and ambitious he has become one of the leading practitioners of western Iowa, is public spirited and takes great interest in advancing the educational facilities of his town. [Pg. 16]


DRESSMAKING.--Mrs. Burton has been a resident of Exira for nine years and engaged in the dressmaking business four years. She has a thorough knowledge of this branch of business, possessing excellent taste and keeps well informed on the latest styles, and her work never fails to give the best of satisfaction. Mrs. Burton merits success. [Pg. 17]


HOTEL.--Mr. Jensen has just completed a hotel at an outlay of nearly $5,000, and his manner of conducting the same makes it a credit to the town and deserving of liberal patronage. No better recommend could be given than this, the expression of several traveling men: "The best hotel between Des Moines and Council Bluffs--not a single exception."


DRAYMAN.--Never in Exira's history has it had a more accommodating and enterprising public benefactor to this branch of business. Mr. Baber is out early and late and takes special pleasure in dispatching work and pleasing his customers. He dservers liberal patronage. [Pg. 17]


BARBER.--It has seldom been our pleasure to visit a shop where so universal satisfaction is expressed. Mr. Heath and his assistant, Mr. Howard, are, indeed, masters of the profession, pleasant and obliging, and Exira people can justly feel proud of their tonsorial establishment. [Pg. 17]


GRANSBERY BROS.--Too much praise cannot be given Messrs. Gransbery Bros. for their enterprise, and as public benefactors. The milling industry is one of great importance in Audubon county, and Exira is fortunate in having the finest mills in the west. Wm. Gransbery engaged in this industry in 1877. In 1881 the mill was rebuilt and changed from water to steam power, and rollers put in. In January last the mill building was completely overhauled and the newest and latest improved machinery put in at an outlay to the proprietors of nearly $10,000, making it one of the very best mill plants in this section of the country. Mr. D. B. Zentmayer is employed as miller, and we are pleased to say, in speaking of this gentleman, that we know him to be one of the most thorough millers in the country. With years of experience under the most noted millers and in the best mills in the United States, he has gained a knowledge of the business that places him in the front rank. The popular brands of flour made at the Exira Roller Mills are known and extensively used all over the West. The mill is crowded to its fullest capacity all the time, and often it is impossible to supply home consumption.

Exira is proud of her mills; her citizens appreciate Messrs. Gransbery Bros'. efforts to make their mills a credit to themselves and to Audubon county. They are aggressive, liberal and ambitious young men who understand their business, and who prefer to lead rather than follow. They are gentlemen worthy of success, pleasant and courteous to deal with and as honest as the day is long." [Pg. 17-18]


MEAT MARKET.--It is gratifying to us to be called upon to speak in words of praise of the above named gentlemen. We could not speak otherwise. Mr. Delahoyde has been a resident of Audubon county for thirty years, save a few years absence in the west. He operated the first meat market in Exira, some eighteen years ago. On the 10th of Dec. 1891, he again assumed charge of the Exira market and proposes to conduct a first-class shop, killing nothing but the very best beeves and always selling at the lowest living prices. He is liberal to the extreme, public-spirited and ever ready to contribute his portion toward every enterprise calculated to advance the interests of the town. He has confidence in Exira's future and will build himself a comfortable home. Mr. Delahoyde has no superiors as a business man, is ever courteous and pleasant, and extends a cordial invitation to all to call and patronize himn, assuring them the best of treatment, the best meats and lowest prices. [Pg. 18]


PERRY NURSERY:--This gentleman has been a resident of Audubon county for thirty-five years and enjoys a large acquaintance. He has represented this popular nursery company for over a year and his sales in this county have been large and, without a single exception, have given universal satisfaction. Messrs. Edmondson Bros., the proprietores, are gentlemen in every respect, and every customer they have are willing to endorse them and their stock. Place your orders with Mr. Crane and we can safely guarantee satisfaction in stock and prices and courteous treatment. See their advertisement. [Pg. 18]


DENTIST:--Mr. Bishop is, without doubt, skilled in his profession, pleasant in his treatment of patients and liberal in his charges. In addition to this he is ever willing to advance the interests of his town and county. Give Mr. Bishop a call when needing anything in his line and he will give you as good if not better satisfaction than you would get away from home. [Pg. 18]


LUMBER, COAL, LIME ETC:--This popular company is now well established in the town and confidence of the people. They merit this for various reasons. Mr. M. G. Mitchell, who has charge of the yards at Exira, has done much to build up their large and increasing business. He is a gentleman worthy the confidence and esteem of everyone, is pleasant, accommodating and liberal beyond the average business man, and, while ever working for the interests of his company he is also working to improve the town and country surrounding. But few men enjoy the confidence of the entire community as does Mr. Mitchell, and the company he represents deserves a liberal patronage. [Pg. 18-19]


FISHER BROS. & BECK.--This industry is a great benefactor to the farmers and under the able management of this firm if is destined to grow and result in much good to the town and country. It is one of the best creameries in Western Iowa, and every patron endorses Messrs. Fisher Bros. & Beck for their honorable and liberal business ways. [Pg. 19]


MILLINERY.--This estimable lady owns the representative millinery establishment of Exira, having been in business here about three years. She uses excellent taste both in selecting goods and in her trimming, is pleasant and courteous to customers, and is deserving of a large patronage. [Pg. 19]


PHOTOGRAPHER:--Mr. Willcutt is certainly a master of photography. His work is always finished in the finest style and his charges as reasonable as any photographer who does first-class work. All who leave Exira for work of this kind make a mistake and almost invariably pay higher prices for a lower grade of work. Prof. Willcutt takes pride in the future welfare of his town. As Mayor of Exira and principal of our schools he has done much to give the town a good name abroad and place the schools way above the average for towns of this size. He belongs to the A. O. U. W. Masonic and K. of P. orders. [Pg. 19]


GENERAL STORE.--This firm unquestionably ranks as the leading firm in Exira who handle dry goods, clothing, groceries, boots and shoes. Unlike many firms, they are not selfish and greedy, but respond promptly and liberally to every solicitation for aid to advance the improvement and upbuilding of their town. They are courteous in their treatment of customers; carry the best and largest stock and sell the cheapest. They merit a large patronage, and a large increase in their business this year over last speaks volumes itself. That they appreciate past liberal patronage no one questions. It will be to your advantage to call and inspect stock and get prices of Messrs. E. D. Cotton & Co. [Pg. 19]


LIVERYMEN:--This firm recently engaged in the livery business at West Exira, and by their close application to business and efforts to pleae and accommodate all have succeeded in building up a large patronage. They have made valuable improvements, their turnouts are the best, their charges reasonable, they have the good will of all, and are deserving of success. [Pg. 20]


RESTAURANT AND BAKERY.--Mr. Henry conducts the City Bakery and does a general restaurant business. He appreciates the wants of his many customers, carries a fine line of cigars, tobacco, candy, temperance drinks, and serves oysters and ice cream to the "Queen's taste." [Pg. 20]


DRESSMAKING.--These ladies have been in business here for the past two years, and their pleasant, entertaining ways in dealing with their customers have endeared them to all who appreciate good work and reasonable prices. They have a thorough knowledge of the dressmaking trade, are painstaking and guarantee their work. The Misses Wolf deserve a liberal patronage. [Pg. 20]


STOCK DEALERS:--The members of this firm have been residents of Audubon county for eighteen years, enjoy a large acquaintance and have the confidence of the people. They are always liberal in their dealings with the farmers, are "rustlers" in every sense of the word and take pride in paying top prices. Such men as John I. and Frank M. Hensley deserve success. [Pg. 20]


GRAIN, COAL AND LIVE STOCK DEALERS:--This well known firm has been engaged in business for four years, and have done their part by farmers and stock raisers. Mr. Samuel Brown has charge of this firm's business at this point, and by his frank and liberal way of doing business has won the confidence and respect of all with whom he has had dealings. Mr. Brown is foremost in every enterprise beneficial to the town and community. [Pg. 20]


GRAIN DEALERS.--This company is one of the most substantial in the west, and without a single exception are the most liberal in their dealings with the farmers. Wherever the Davenport Syrup Refinery Co. are engaged in business the farmers in that community can safely rest assured that they will receive every cent the market will afford--no "combination" is entered into for the purpose of defrauding the honest tillers of the soil. Mr. H. Andresen, auditor of the company, is a shrewd business man who is possessed of a warm heart and kind disposition, is public-spirited and liberal to a fault. No less can be said of Mr. C. D. Bell, manager of the company's business at Exira. He has been stationed here since August, 1888, and during this time has made many friends and no enemies. He takes great interest in his company's business and is ever foremost in advocating public enterprises which will prove beneficial to his town and county. Mr. Bell handles coal, and we cheerfully recommend all to patronize him. [Pg. 20]

Contributed January, 2023 by Cheryl Siebrass.

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