Iowa State Gazetteer - 1865
Chicago: Published by Baily & Hair, at the office of the City Directory, 162 Clark Street: 1865
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Appanoose County information, transcribed by Renee Rimmert. A complete copy of this book is available on-line at
Centreville*, the county seat, is located on Sec. 36, in township 69, N. of Range 18 W. It is an incorporated town of about 1,200 inhabitants. It has no railroad or river facilities for transportation at this time, though it is expected that the Nebraska City & Iowa State Line Railroad will soon be completed to this point. It is about thirty-five miles from Ottumwa, the nearest present shipping point. A large woolen factory is being build about one mile from the town by Messrs. Talbott & Gardner. Of churches, the Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, United Presbyterians, Cumberland Presbyterians and Christians, each have an organization. The Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists each have a respectable church edifice.
The town is organized into an independent school district, and is preparing to build a large graded school building, at an estimated cost of about eighteen thousand dollars. There is here a Lodge of I. O. O. F., No. 77, which meets every Saturday evening, a Masonic Lodge, which meets the Friday evening next preceding the full moon, and a Lodge of Good Templars, which meets every Monday evening. There is one weekly newspaper published by D. L. Strickler, called the Loyal Citizen, and one National Bank, having a capital stock of $50,000.
There are ten dry goods stores and six family groceries, and one stove and tin store. It may be considered one of the best business towns in Southern Iowa, with bright prospects in the future.
* ed. note: the original name of the town submitted for the postoffice was Senterville, this was thought to be a mis-spelling and was changed to Centreville and then to Centerville.
Moravia, is situated in Taylor township, in the northern portion of the county. It has one church and a Lodge of Good Templars. Also three general stores, one drug store, one carding machine, and one plow and corn planter manufactory. Population 200.
Unionville, is in the northwestern portion of the county, twelve miles from Centreville. It contains two churches, Baptist and Methodist, and Unionville Lodge, No. 119, A. F. & A. M., and Ben Butler Lodge, No. 58 I. O. G. T. Also two general stores, one drug store, and one flour and saw-mill. Population 250; township 400.
Caldwell, is in a township of the same name, eight miles from Centreville, on the Chariton river. It contains three churches, Baptist, Christian and Methodist; also one flour mill, three saw mills, and one general store. Population of township, 985.
Livingston, is in the centre of Franklin township, in the western part of the county, fourteen miles southwest of Centreville. It has a Baptist church, one drug store, one grocery, one flouring mill and one saw-mill. Population of village, 75; of the township 500.
Cincinnati, is in the southern portion of the county, in Pleasant township. It contains three churches, three general stores, one flour mill, and two saw-mills. Population, 80; of township, 800.
Iconium, in the northeastern portion of the county, contains two general stores and one grocery.
Numa, as small village, contains one store.
Wells Mills*, in the southeastern part of the county, on the Chariton River, contains one general store, one grocery and one flour mill. (*name later changed to Hilltown)
Orleans, is in the eastern part of the county, twelve miles from Centerville. It has one Christian Church, and a Lodge of Good Templars; also two general stores. Population, 100.
Beetrace, is situated six miles east of Centerville, in Washington township, on the road to Bloomfield. It contains two churches, Methodist and Baptist. The township is principally prairie.
There are also the villages and post offices of Dennis, Hibbsville, Jerome, Johnstown, Memphis and Welland.
Alexander, W. B. - grocer |
Beard, J. D. - clergyman |
Bennett, L. J. - jeweler |
Brannen, William - blacksmith |
Brown, P. A. - tanner |
Campbell, D. C. - cashier First National Bank |
Clarke, W. - general store |
Drake & Kirkham - general store |
Dye, Frederick - grocer |
Fenton, B. - general store |
Fenton, J. C. - general store |
Gardner, D. N. - woolen goods |
Glenn, R. N. - druggist |
Goss, Joseph - general store |
Hakes, Henry - druggist |
Hanis, A. - lawyer |
Hough, J. H. - general store |
McCreary, Thomas J. - saddles and harness |
Mills, J. - lawyer |
Moore, S. M. - county judge |
Morrett, Wm. Penn - photographer |
Morris, Robert S. - hardware |
Pratt, George - hotel |
Reahard, William - saddles and harness |
Rummel, J. - county clerk |
Stansberry, G. S. - county treasurer |
Stephenson, Robert - physician and dentist |
Stier, John - saddles and harness |
Strickler, D. L. - editor Loyal Citizen |
Talbot, John A. - saw and flour mill |
Tannehill, H. - lawyer |
Whitsell, S. - harness and saddles |
Wilson, T. O. - confectioner |
Wright, S. W. - druggist |
Business Classifieds
- First National Bank (capital $50,000) - Centerville
- Brannon, William - Centerville
- Ullrich, John - Centerville
- Baker, Henry H. - Cincinnati
- Mericel, James - Iconium
- Ansley, Aruna - Livingston
- Hisey, Alexander - Livingston
- Cline, John J. - Orleans
- Cooper, John - Unionville
Boot and Shoe Manufacturers and Dealers
- Allen, W. E. - Centerville
- Langwith, Henry - Cincinnati
- Davis, John C. - Livingston
- Sutton, George - Numa
- Tibbets, Andrew - Numa
Brick Manufacturers
- Bromhall, John - Livingston
Cabinetware Mnfrs. & Dealers
- Lane & Stanton (John S. L. and Thos. J. S.) - Centerville
- Orrison, Elwood - Centerville
- Pennington & Houston (Mathew V. P. & Joseph W. H.) - Centerville
- Boyles, John - Cincinnati
- Glasser, Joseph - Livingston
- Clemmons, J. W. - Unionville
- Fanley, David R. - Unionville
Carpenters and Builders
- Rice, David M. - Cincinnati
- Chapman, William R. - Livingston
- Davis, John M. - Livingston
- Sturgis, William - Livingston
- Huston, George - Numa
- Peterson, Cornelius - Numa
- Bruce, Gabriel C. - Unionville
Carriage and Wagon Makers
- Winner, Eden B. - Centerville
- Green, Andrew; Baptist - Beetrace
- Orr, Abner; M. E. - Beetrace
- Barrett, James S.; Christian - Caldwell
- Clark, Charles; M. E. - Caldwell
- Clark, John; Baptist - Caldwell
- Beard, John D. - Centerville
- Fisher, John - Centerville
- Welsh, John; Methodist - Centerville
- Beard, _____ - Cincinnati
- Clark, _____ - Cincinnati
- Jaquiss, George - Cincinnati
- Bolster, John W.; Baptist - Livingston
- Ball, D. R. - Numa
- Jordan, Samuel; Christian - Orleans
- Freeman, Thomas B.; Baptist - Unionville
- Orr, Abner; Methodist - Unionville
Coal Miners and Dealers
- McCoy, John - Caldwell
- Marshall, John - Caldwell
- Brown, Joseph - Cincinnati
- McMorrow, James - Cincinnati
Confectionery, Fruit & c.
- Wilson, T. O. - Centerville
- Keeley, Joseph - Caldwell
- Medis, Abraham - Livingson
- Shelton, Thomas - Orleans
- Stephenson & Son - Centerville
- Glenn, Robert N. - Centerville
- Hakes, Henry - Centerville
- Wright, Stephen W. - Centerville
- Wilkerson, Thomas - Livingston
- Howell, Madison V. - Orleans
- Smith, James P. - Orleans
- Jones, Thomas B. - Unionville
Flour Mills
- Ogle & Harper - Cincinnati
- McConnell, Joseph - Livingston
General Stores
- Bradley & Campbell (William B. and David C. C.) - Centerville
- Breazale, W. H. & Sons (William H., David and James A.) - Centerville
- Clark, William - Centerville
- Drake & Kirkham ( Frank M. D. & Frank M. K.) - Centerville
- Fenton, Bartholemew - Centerville
- Fenton, James C. - Centerville
- Hough, J. H. & Co. (James H. H. and Oscar W. Barden) - Centerville
- Howell, Charles H. - Centerville
- Wittenmeyer, William - Centerville
- Wooden, James R. - Centerville
- Jaquiss, Thomas - Cincinnati
- Jaquiss, William - Cincinnati
- Robinson, Wm. A. - Cincinnati
- Evans & Vestal - Iconium
- Kabrick & West - Iconium
- Laseny, Joseph - Livingston
- Harn, Thornton F. - Moravia
- Hunnel, Joseph - Moravia
- Phillips, Milo - Moravia
- Exline, David - Orleans
- Rogers, Thomas J. & Son - Orleans
- Barnes, Phillips & Co. (Hiram B., James H. P. and Kalitha Morrison) - Unionville
- Drake & Morrison (Ely A. D. and Andrew J. M.) - Unionville
Grain and Produce Dealers
- McConnel, Joseph - Livingston
- Alexander, William B. - Centerville
- Copland, John S. - Centerville
- Dye, Frederick - Centerville
- Rynex, William - Centerville
- Spooner, Benjamin - Centerville
- Whitsell, J. S. & L. (John S. & Lawerence) - Centerville
- Hibbs, James - Hibbsville
- McCauley & Son - Iconium
- Singley, Washington - Beetrace
- Waites, Timothy - Livingston
Hardware and Cutlery
- Morris, Robert S. - Centerville
- Centerville House, E. W. Reynolds, proprietor - Centerville
- Pratt House, Abner S. Ross, propr. - Centerville
- Goodenaagh, Gilbert C. - Cincinnati
- Loe, David S. - Cincinnati
- Inman, Aaron - Livingston
- Hawkeye House, Lewis Crist, propr. - Moravia
- Moravia House, George Stevens, propr. - Moravia
- Orleans Hotel, Thomas J. Rogers, propr. - Orleans
- At Home, R. B. D. Vermilya, propr. - Unionville
Insurance Agents
- Smith, James B. - Orleans
- Harris, Amos - Centerville
- Miller, Joshua - Centerville
- Moore, Samuel M. - Centerville
- Tannehill, Harvey - Centerville
- Smith, Ezekiel O. - Livingston
- Dunbar, John N. - Orleans
- Crow, William - Unionville
Live Stock Dealers
- Caster, Noah - Caldwell
- Clinkinbeard, Jackson C. - Caldwell
- Holbrook, S. - Cincinnati
- Chadwick, James - Livingston
- Wilkinson, Thomas - Livingston
- Findley, Americus H. - Orleans
- Cock, William - Unionville
- Swiny, William - Unionville
Livery Stables
- Glasser, Jasper - Livingston
Lumber Dealers
- Cytes, Andrew - Caldwell
- Hiffner, Augustus - Caldwell
- McConnel, Joseph - Livingston
- Singley, Washington - Beetrace
- Leighley, George W. - Orleans
- Loe, David M. - Cincinnati
- Bower, Ashbury J. - Livingston
- Bower, Jacob A. - Livingston
- Stansbury & Brother - Wells Mills* (*ed. note: Hilltown)
Milliners and Dealers in Millinery Goods
- Barber, John - Caldwell
- Lowrey, John - Caldwell
- Meehem, Mrs. J. A. - Centerville
- McDowell, Kate - Cincinnati
- Bower, Mrs. Rachael - Livingston
Music and Musical Instruments, Dealers in.
- Angle, Nicholas - Livingston
Music Teachers
- Richardson, S. J. - Caldwell
- Skipton, Matthew - Caldwell
- Angle, Derrick L. - Livingston
- Bates, Vincent - Moravia
- The Loyal Citizen, weekly, repub., D. L. Strickler, propr. - Centerville
Photographs, Ambrotypes, etc.
- Strickler, D. L. & Co. (David L. S. and William P. Morret) - Centerville
- Goodenough, Glibert - Livingston
- Foster, Hudson - Moravia
- Davis, Levi - Orleans
- Buckmaster, Solomon - Unionville
Physicians and Surgeons
- Leonard, William - Beetrace
- Worthington, Jeremiah - Caldwell
- Eells, Franklin - Centerville
- Ewing, S. D. - Centerville
- McCoy, Hugh - Centerville
- Shontz, Henry D. - Centerville
- Stansberry, Grant S. - Centerville
- Stephenson & Son (Robert & Robert, Jr.) - Centerville
- Sayers, William - Cincinnati
- Sturdevant, John - Cincinnati
- Wilkinson, Thomas - Livingston
- Huffman, Hague - Moravia
- Reeder, Philander - Moravia
- Sanford, Henry C. - Moravia
- Wolford, Henry - Moravia
- Howell, Madison V. - Orleans
- Smith, James P. - Orleans
- Sawyers, Sylvester - Unionville
Real Estate Agents and Dealers
- Smith, E. O. - Livingston
- Brannock, Phillips - Unionville
Saddle and Harness Mnfrs.
- Maring, T. B. - Caldwell
- Alexander, William B. - Centerville
- McCreary, Thomas J. - Centerville
- Reahart, William - Centerville
- Stier & Garrison - Centerville
- Whitsell, Lawrence - Centerville
- Buckmaster, Solomon & Eben - Unionville
Saddlery Hardware
- Stier & Garrison (John L. and John R. P. G.) - Centerville
- Wilson, Thomas O. - Centerville
Sash, Door and Blind Manufacturers
- Glasser, Joseph - Livingston
Saw Mills
- Allen, J. - Caldwell
- Cytes, Andrew - Caldwell
- Lowrey, John - Caldwell
- Talbot, J. A. - Centerville
- Jax & Murry - Cincinnati
- Patterson & Crowder - Cincinnati
- McConnell & Davis (Joseph McC. And Joseph C. D.) - Livingston
- Riggs, Joshua - Unionville
Tanners and Curriers
- Brown, Peter A. - Centerville
Wagon Makers
- Green, Jacob C. - Cincinnati
- Rearshner, Eli - Cincinnati
- Yonker, William - Iconium
- Mead, Enos - Livingston
- Jurd, Joseph - Orleans
Watches, Clocks & Jewelry
- Pennington & Bennett (John A. P. and Samuel J. B.) - Centerville
- Chapin, Issac. M. - Livingston
- Rieche, Edward - Moravia
Woolen Goods, Manufacturers of.
- Talbot & Gardner (John A. T. and David N. G.) - Centerville
- Stephens, George L. - Moravia