Appanoose County, Walnut Township BLM-GLO Military Warrant Index Transcribed by Renee RimmertCopyright © - IAGenWeb
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Media Source: =================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Accession # Patentee Warantee Issue Date Warrant Warrantee Service Information Action Land Office Acres Twp./Range Aliquots Section Cancelled Transcriber Notes Number =================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== MW-1027-274 Allen, Amos White, Wafer S. 1/6/1851 1423 Late a Private, Captain Waldo's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 159.95 069N - 018W W½NW¼ 2 No Missouri Mounted Volunteers 069N - 018W N½SW¼ 2 MW-1027-415 Allen, Amos Ells, Nathan 1/6/1851 7779 Private, Captain Waldo's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W E½SW¼ 12 No Missouri Mounted Volunteers 069N - 018W E½NW¼ 13 MW-0680-230 Anderson, A. John Butler, John 5/3/1853 21688 Private, Captain Huller's company, 6th Regiment, Black Hawk War Fairfield 80 070N - 018W E½SW¼ 31 No United States Infantry MW-0691-069 Bacus, William Bennett, Daniel 4/15/1853 69682 Private, Captain Reed's company, Massachusetts Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 018W SE¼SW¼ 34 No Bennett, Jane MW-0691-070 Bacus, William Collins, Andrew 4/15/1853 65719 Deceased Private, Captain Snyder's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 018W SW¼SW¼ 34 No Collins, Barbara 2nd Regiment, Pennyslvania Militia MW-0728-307 Bacus, William Brett, Martin 12/10/1853 67808 Captain Blake's company, Maine OR Massachusetts Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40.42 069N - 018W NE¼NE¼ 3 No MW-0728-378 Bacus, William Summerville or 12/10/1853 67559 Private, Captain Peter's company, Maryland Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 018W SW¼SE¼ 34 No Summerville or Sommerville, John Sommerville, Elizabeth MW-0691-072 Bartlett, James J. Abernathy, Miles 4/15/1853 53315 Private, Captain Journey's company, Illinois Volunteers War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W SE¼SE¼ 10 No MW-0831-003 Bartlett, James J. Garrison, Lemuel 10/2/1854 29425 Private, Captain Fordyce's company, Ohio Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 80 069N - 018W SE¼SW¼ 9 No 069N - 018W SW¼SE¼ 9 MW-1023-079 Bartlet, Joseph Chattin, Edward R. 11/15/1850 45032 Late a Private, Captain McKenzie's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W SW¼SW¼ 28 No 5th Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers 070N - 018W E½SE¼ 29 070N - 018W SW¼SE¼ 29 MW-1029-103 Bartlett, Joseph Mullinix, William M. 12/20/1850 43182 Private, Captain Keye's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W SE¼ 5 Battalion Mississippi Volunteers MW-1049-338 Bartlett, Nathan Rotrach, John 4/3/1851 37843 Private, Captain Ridgel's company, 4th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W W½NE¼ 9 No United States Artillery 069N - 018W E½NW¼ 9 MW-1081-273 Bartlett, Nathan Muller, Carl 8/1/1851 64309 Musician, Companies of Cadets, West Point Fairfield 160 069N - 018W SW¼ 4 No MW-0723-111 Bowen, Barzilla Swickard, David 11/9/1853 16677 Private, Captain Alexander's company, 1st Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 80 069N - 018W W½NE¼ 7 No Ohio Militia MW-0723-112 Bowen, Barzilla Burnette, John 11/9/1853 20653 Private, Company K, United States Dragoons Florida War Fairfield 160 069N - 018W E½SW¼ 7 No 069N - 018W E½NW¼ 18 MW-0728-306 Bowen, Barzilla Smith, Andrew 12/10/1853 23207 Private, Captain Ford's company, 2nd Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W NW¼SE¼ 7 No Maryland Militia MW-1101-380 Bowen, Barzilla McDaniel, Reuben 11/1/1852 46469 Late a Private, Captain Preston's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 159.58* 069N - 018W S½SW¼ 6 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Johns twp. Virginia Volunteers MW-0643-171 Bowling, Elizabeth Holton, William 12/10/1852 10057 Deceased Private, Captain Forrest's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 160 069N - 018W S½SE¼ 17 No Maryland Militia MW-0855-184 Branner, John McCorkle, Abner 1/1/1855 75893 Private, Captain McClurg's company, Virginia Militia War of 1812 Chariton 40 070N - 018W SW¼NW¼ 29 Yes MW-0873-481 Branner, John Flowers, John 6/1/1855 94664 Private, Captain Amos' company, Maryland Militia War of 1812 Chariton 40 070N - 018W SE¼NW¼ 29 Yes Flowers, Blanch MW-0601-400 Brewer, Elizabeth Brewer, Enos 3/10/1852 17061 Deceased Private, Captain Wells' company, 22nd Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 018W NW¼NE¼ 29 No Maryland Militia MW-0988-219 Buck, Jesse W. Lannon, Isaac 2/1/1850 27407 Late a Private, Captain Baker's company, 2nd Regiment, Fairfield 160* 070N - 018W N½NE¼ 36 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Chariton twp. Illinois Volunteers MW-0831-013 Childress, James G. McCarty, John 10/2/1854 21493 Deceased Private, Captain Fordyce's company, War of 1812 Dubuque 80 069N - 018W W½SE¼ 4 No McCarty, Elizabeth 2nd Regiment, Ohio Militia MW-1055-182 Childress, James G. Rodgers or 3/10/1851 68986 Private, Captain Moore's company, 2nd Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W E½SE¼ 4 No Rogers, William Illinois Volunteers 069N - 018W E½NE¼ 9 MW-0889-409 Clark, Bennet F. Wooton, Simon 5/20/1856 1261 Private, Captain John Morgan's company, War of 1812 Chariton 84.37 070N - 018W W½NW¼ 31 No Colonel Baldowes' Regiment, Virginia Militia MW-1118-269 Clark, Richard C. Frohlick, George 12/10/1855 76711 Late a Private, Captain Doubles' company, Chariton 160 070N - 018W E½SE¼ 28 No Ohio Volunteers 070N - 018W W½SW¼ 27 MW-1118-290 Clark, William P. King, John 12/10/1855 76997 Late a Private, Captain Hawkins' company, Chariton 164.84 070N - 018W SW¼ 30 No Ohio Volunteers MW-0813-071 Cole, Americus L. Boatright, Daniel 8/1/1854 88103 Deceased Private, Captain Wilson's company, War of 1812 Chariton 40 069N - 018W NE¼SE¼ 3 No Boatright, Lucy A. Virginia Militia MW-0889-044 Cole, Americus L. Mathews, Nehemiah 12/1/1855 76886 Private, Captain Logan's company, Ohio Militia War of 1812 Chariton 40 069N - 018W SE¼SE¼ 3 No MW-1101-151 Cole, James W. Elmore, Joseph 10/5/1852 75071 Late a Private, Company K, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W SW¼NW¼ 1 No United States Artillery 069N - 018W W½SW¼ 1 069N - 018W NE¼SE¼ 2 MW-0762-240 Connet, Ira C. Leith or Leath, James 3/10/1854 7637 Private, Captain Griggs' company, Virginia Militia War of 1812 Chariton 160 069N - 018W NW¼ 17 No MW-0649-014 Constable, Sarah E. Constable, George P. 1/1/1853 40244 Deceased Private, Captain Piper's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W NW¼SE¼ 2 No 1st Regiment, Maryland Artillery MW-1093-387 Craig, James C. Rimons, Peter 11/10/1851 42869 Musician, Captin Foster's company, Fairfield 165.5 069N - 018W NE¼ 4 No Regiment Georgia Infantry Volunteers MW-0645-493 Craig, James C. Bushman, David 5/10/1853 49087 Private, Captain Hume's company, Ohio Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W SE¼NW¼ 2 No MW-1093-356 Craig, Martha B. Mauzy, James R. W. 11/10/1851 50814 Private, Captain Magruder's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W SE¼ 33 No United States Artillery MW-1093-348 Craig, Mary R. Williams, Frederick A. 11/10/1851 54708 Deceased Private, Captain Kendall's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W NW¼ 32 No Williams, Caroline V. Georgia Battalion Mounted Volunteers MW-1093-350 Craig, William H. McKimmie, John 11/10/1851 42448 Late a Private, Captain Magruder's company, Fairfield 166.62 069N - 018W NW¼ 4 No 1st Regiment, United States Artillery MW-1101-397 Craig, William H. Darby, James 11/1/1852 73997 Deceased Private, Captain McComas' Company C, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W W½SW¼ 29 No Darby, Stephen 11th Regiment, United States Infantry 070N - 018W E½SE¼ 30 MW-1101-398 Craig, William H. Jarrell, George 11/1/1852 73466 Deceased Private, Captain McComas' Company C, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W SW¼ 32 No Jarrell, Elizabeth 11th Regiment, United States Infantry MW-1094-218 Cutbirth, Solomon Swinford, Levi 11/1/1851 39137 Corporal, Captain Anderson's company, 14th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W S½NE¼ 13 No United States Infantry 069N - 018W E½SE¼ 13 MW-0643-156 Degilver, Sarah Degilver, John 12/10/1852 430 Deceased Private, Captain Brown's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 018W NW¼SE¼ 29 No 6th Regiment, Maryland Militia MW-1061-473 Delay, Joseph Gaylor, Anthony 6/5/1851 15145 Private, Captain Ector's company, 13th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W NW¼ 15 No United States Infantry MW-0889-045 Dilare, Robert Willhoit, Joshua 12/1/1855 15744 Private, Captain Dudley's company, 10th Regiment, War of 1812 Chariton 80 070N - 018W N½SE¼ 19 No Kentucky Militia MW-0643-170 Donnelly, Wright Donnelly, Wright 12/10/1852 9347 Private, Captain Sebris' company, Kentucky Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 80 070N - 018W N½SE¼ 32 No MW-0668-006 Eckert, David E. Griffin, Thomas 7/2/1853 11119 Private, Captain Millen's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 83.1 069N - 018W E½NW¼ 5 No Maryland Miltia MW-0675-255 Eckert, David E. Brown, Wesley 5/7/1853 295 Private, Captain Bannion's company, Virginia Miltia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W SW¼NE¼ 8 No MW-0728-303 Eckert, David E. Armentrout, George 12/10/1853 38454 Private, Captain Hook's company, 58th Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 80 069N - 018W E½NE¼ 8 No Virginia Militia MW-0728-377 Eckert, David E. Jordan, Abraham 12/10/1853 20063 Deceased Private, Captain Chandler's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 160 069N - 018W E½NE¼ 7 No Jordan, Lydia United States Army 069N - 018W E½SE¼ 7 MW-0831-020 Eckert, David E. Chick, James 10/2/1854 73826 Private, Captain Ayres' company, Massachusetts Milita War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 018W SW¼SE¼ 26 No MW-0831-022 Eckert, David E. Clegg, Thomas 10/2/1854 2506 Private, Captain Bonnett's company, 4th Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 018W SE¼SW¼ 26 No Virginia Militia MW-1062-478 Elam, Drury D. Harshaw, Benjamin 5/1/1851 30940 Late a Private, Captain Hatton's company, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160.25* 069N - 018W SW¼SW¼ 7 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Johns twp. Tennessee Volunteers 069N - 018W NW¼NW¼ 18 MW-1090-341 Elam, Elijah Conant, William H. 12/1/1851 60663 Deceased Private, Captain Stone's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 159.56 069N - 018W NW¼ 7 No Conant, Ann M. Massachusetts Volunteers Conant, Caroline H. MW-0680-231 Elgin, Alexander Whiteside, Jonathan 5/3/1853 27980 Private, Captain Beatty's company, South Carolina Miltia War of 1812 Fairfield 80 069N - 018W N½SE¼ 6 No MW-0680-233 Elgin, Alexander Flood, William G. 5/3/1853 39161 Captain, Illinois Volunteers Black Hawk War Fairfield 41.41 070N - 018W SW¼SW¼ 31 No MW-0680-232 Elgin, George Ross, Charles F. 5/3/1853 2145 Private, Captain Bigger's company, Mounted Rangers War of 1812 Fairfield 167.32 069N - 018W W½NE¼ 6 No 069N - 018W E½NW¼ 6 MW-0680-234 Elgin, George Jones, Joshua 5/3/1853 29561 Deceased Private, Captain Piper's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 80 070N - 018W S½NE¼ 22 No Jones, Lavinia Pennsylvania Volunteers MW-0691-071 Elgin, George Riggs, Henry S. 4/15/1853 27656 Private, Captain Gillham's company, Illinois Black Hawk War Fairfield 43.24 069N - 018W NW¼NW¼ 6 No Mounted Volunteers MW-0605-094 Fevrans, George Fevrans, George 1/10/1852 3261 Private, Captain Rodger's company, 24th Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 160 069N - 018W SW¼SW¼ 10 No United States Infantry 069N - 018W E½SW¼ 10 069N - 018W SW¼SE¼ 10 MW-0723-452 Good, William Edward Loyd, John 11/9/1853 30229 Deceased Private, Captain Goggins' company, War of 1812 Fairfield 80 069N - 018W W½SE¼ 12 No Loyd, Mary 7th Regiment, Virginia Militia MW-0723-453 Good, William Edward Kuhns, Jacob 11/9/1853 62807 Private, Captain Knox's company, Maryland Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W NW¼NE¼ 13 No MW-0813-174 Greenway, Edward M. Evans, George 8/1/1854 81196 Private, Captain Adams' company, Maryland Militia War of 1812 Chariton 41.06 069N - 018W NW¼NW¼ 1 No MW-0813-178 Greenway, Edward M. Wofford, John 8/1/1854 22983 Private, Captain Nohite's company, 1st Regiment, War of 1812 Chariton 40 069N - 018W SW¼SW¼ 3 No South Carolina Militia MW-0819-262 Greenway, Edward M. Coltrider, Frederick 10/2/1854 81969 Private, Captain Murry's company, Maryland Militia War of 1812 Chariton 40 070N - 018W NW¼SW¼ 26 No MW-0819-263 Greenway, Edward M. Coltrider, Frederick 10/2/1854 78583 Private, Captain Kerhengle's company, Maryland Militia War of 1812 Chariton 40 070N - 018W NE¼NW¼ 26 No MW-0728-048 Haskins, Lorettus Simmonds, Enoch 12/10/1853 57755 Private, Captain Merriwether's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W SE¼NE¼ 17 No South Carolina Militia MW-0583-219 Henn, Bernhart McGage, James 3/1/1855 2076 Corporal, Captain Walt's company, Alabama Volunteers Cherokee War Chariton 40 069N - 018W NW¼SE¼ 15 No MW-0966-442 Henn, Bernhart Anderson, William H. 11/1/1851 6066 Private, Captain McCulloch's company, Fairfield 40.02 069N - 018W NE¼NW¼ 2 No Texas Mounted Volunteers MW-0708-005 Hollingsworth, Jeremiah Chadwick, James 5/5/1853 49911 Deceased Private, Captain Taintor's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W SE¼SE¼ 15 No Chadwick, Rachel Connecticut Militia MW-1053-231 Holloway, Nancy A. Holloway, John E. 5/20/1851 67048 Deceased Private, Captain McKanry's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W E½SE¼ 11 No 2nd Regiment, Missouri Mounted Volunteers 069N - 018W W½SW¼ 12 MW-1099-250 Holloway, Thomas T. Garvey, Patrick 7/10/1852 75361 Deceased Private, Captain Shepard's Company B, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W W½NW¼ 13 No Garvey, Ann 3rd Regiment, United States Infantry 069N - 018W E½NE¼ 14 MW-0643-180 Hudgins, Joice Hudgins, Caleb 12/10/1852 26858 Deceased Private, Captain Billup's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 80 070N - 018W S½NE¼ 32 No 61st Regiment, Virginia Militia MW-0813-434 Hudson, John Clark, William 8/1/1854 35487 Deceased Private, Captian Dyer's company, War of 1812 Chariton 39.42 069N - 018W NW¼SW¼ 6 No Clark, Heziah Virginia Militia MW-0728-308 Hutchison, Dillman Webb, Giles 12/10/1853 35474 Private, Captain Meaky's company, Virginia Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 80 069N - 018W S½SE¼ 6 No MW-1103-096 Lamson, Ward Thompson, William B. 1/10/1853 57212 Private, Captain Groves' company, Santa Fe Battalion, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W SW¼SE¼ 15 No Missouri Volunteers 069N - 018W SE¼SW¼ 15 069N - 018W W½SW¼ 15 MW-0583-210 Lamson, Ward Hamlin, Jesse 3/1/1855 741 Private, Captain Woodard's company, Maine Militia Arastook War Fairfield 40 069N - 018W SE¼NW¼ 8 No MW-0728-394 Lamson, Ward Matheus, Jonathan 12/10/1853 69545 Sergeant, Captain Eastman's company, Maine Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W SW¼NE¼ 12 No MW-0675-268 Lawrey, John Calhoon, James A. 5/7/1853 32638 Private, Captain Fiern's company, 1st Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 80 070N - 018W E½SE¼ 31 No Pennsylvania Militia MW-1049-345 Leonard, John Bell, Alexander 4/3/1851 35933 Late a Private, Captain Granger's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W W½SE¼ 11 No 1st Regiment, United States Infantry 069N - 018W E½SW¼ 11 MW-0723-386 Leonard, John Bonney, Isaac 11/9/1853 61908 Sergeant Major, Colonel Sweat's Regiment, Maine Miltia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W NE¼NE¼ 13 No MW-0723-387 Leonard, John Wilkins, David 11/9/1853 63807 Private, Captain Sprague's company, Maine Miltia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W SW¼NE¼ 1 No MW-1106-230 Levy, John C. Slater, James 7/2/1853 15749 Deceased Private, Captain Hamilton's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W S½NW¼ 33 No Slater, John G. 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteers 070N - 018W N½SW¼ 33 MW-1085-143 Long, Joseph Sheilds, Francis 9/1/1851 35489 Corporal, Captain Wilkins' company, 15th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W NE¼ 11 No United States Infantry MW-0691-074 Long, Joseph Stephens, Samuel D. 4/15/1853 33151 Deceased Private, Captain Martin's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 80 069N - 018W E½NW¼ 11 No Stephens, Elly 1st Regiment, Ohio Militia MW-0831-040 Long, Joseph Outlaw, Seth 10/2/1854 33277 Private, Captain Moore and Mearr's companies, War of 1812 Fairfield 80 069N - 018W W½NW¼ 11 No 1st Regiment, Tennessee Militia MW-1049-286 Long, Valentine Morris, John 4/3/1851 38456 Late a Private, Captain Curd's company, 16th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W NW¼ 12 No United States Infantry MW-0675-253 Lowrey, John McHenry, John 5/7/1853 34415 Private, Captain Jeffrey's company, Virginia Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 80 070N - 018W W½SE¼ 31 No MW-0675-262 Lowrey, John Taggert, James 5/7/1853 12137 Private, Captian McElroy's company, Ohio Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W NE¼SW¼ 6 No MW-0589-291 McCarroll, James McCarroll, James 10/1/1856 1178 Private, Captain Rogers' company, Tennessee Volunteers Cherokee War Chariton 160* 070N - 018W E½SW¼ 19 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Walnut twp. MW-0855-334 McCreary, John Concher, Charles 1/1/1855 2993 Private, Captain Morland's company, Colonel Fenton's War of 1812 Chariton 80 070N - 018W SW¼NE¼ 27 No Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers 070N - 018W NW¼SE¼ 27 MW-0904-456 McNeff, John D. Black, Thomas 6/16/1856 22171 Private, Captain Smith's company, Pennsylvania Militia War of 1812 Chariton 40 070N - 018W NW¼NW¼ 26 No MW-0819-261 McNeff, Thomas W. Grimsely, Fielding 10/2/1854 63315 Deceased Private, Captain Mathew's company, Black Hawk War Chariton 40 070N - 018W SE¼SW¼ 36 No Grimsley, Susannah Illinois Volunteers MW-0583-075 Myers, William Loury, Henry 3/1/1855 344 Private, Captain Columbus' company, Tennessee Volunteers Cherokee War Chariton 174.86 069N - 018W N½NW¼ 3 No 069N - 018W SW¼NW¼ 3 069N - 018W NW¼NE¼ 3 MW-0762-209 Myers, William Hitchcox, William 3/10/1854 45766 Private, Captain Wilkinson's company, Virginia Militia War of 1812 Chariton 80 069N - 018W S½NE¼ 3 No MW-0813-307 Myers, William Fisher, Martin 8/1/1854 88698 Private, Captain Wales' company, Maryland Militia War of 1812 Chariton 40 069N - 018W SE¼NW¼ 3 No Fisher, Priscila P. MW-0662-131 Orey, Francis Orey, Francis 4/15/1853 3291 Private, Captain Ford's company, Colonel Hamtramich's Indian War 1794 Fairfield 160 069N - 018W NW¼SE¼ 9 No Regiment, General Wayne's Army 069N - 018W E½SE¼ 9 069N - 018W NW¼SW¼ 10 MW-0500-122 Orsborne, William H. aka Garcia, Jose Anastasio 6/2/1862 99530 Private, Captain Padilla's company, Mexican War Chariton 160 070N - 018W NE¼ 30 No Osborne, William H. New Mexico Volunteers MW-0889-331 Osborn, William H. Sargent, Thomas 12/1/1855 26911 Private, Captain Lockhart's company, Ohio Militia War of 1812 Chariton 160 070N - 018W NE¼ 30 Yes MW-0723-171 Pollard, Allison Pollard, Allison 11/9/1853 1417 Private, Captain Ford's company, 13th Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 80 069N - 018W SW¼SE¼ 14 No Kentucky Militia 069N - 018W SE¼SW¼ 14 MW-0683-020 Posey, Benjamin L. Loner, David 4/15/1853 13410 Private, Captain Child's company, Florida War Fairfield 40 069N - 018W NW¼SE¼ 14 No South Carolina Volunteers MW-0675-325 Prime, Daniel N. Hubbard, Jonathan 5/7/1853 65525 Private, Captain Flint's company, Massachusetts Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W SW¼NE¼ 17 No MW-0723-046 Prime, Daniel N. Smith, James 11/9/1853 22161 Private, Captain Graham's company, Virginia Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 80 069N - 018W N½SE¼ 17 No MW-0723-080 Redenbaugh, Samuel Winter, John 11/9/1853 49864 Private, Captain Barnaby's company, 5th Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 018W SW¼NW¼ 27 No Indiana Militia MW-0723-382 Redenbaugh, Samuel Strout, William 11/9/1853 63811 Private, Captain Sprague's Ccmpany, Maine Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 070N - 018W NW¼NW¼ 27 No MW-0728-359 Redenbaugh, Samuel Nelson, Franklin 12/10/1853 8098 Sergeant, Captain Perlees' company, 2nd Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 160 070N - 018W NE¼ 28 No New York Volunteers MW-0728-369 Redenbaugh, Samuel Evans, William 12/10/1853 14605 Private, Captain Shelton's company, 5th Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 80 070N - 018W E½NW¼ 28 No Virginia Militia MW-1029-084 Robley, Edward H. Duff, Robert 12/20/1850 42453 Late a Private, Captain Hatton's company, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W NE¼ 27 No Tennessee Volunteers MW-1029-089 Robley, Edwin H. Pack, Thomas 12/20/1850 39460 Private, Captain Savage's company, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W SW¼ 23 No Tennessee Volunteers MW-1029-153 Robley, Henry Mahaffey, William C. 12/20/1850 43374 Private, Captain Child's company, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W NE¼ 33 No Kentucky Volunteers MW-1029-130 Robley, John W. Reha aka Ray, Osias 12/20/1850 16733 Late a Private, Captain Lowry's company, 2nd Regiment, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W SE¼ 27 No Tennessee Volunteers MW-1029-174 Robley, John W. Thomasson, Joseph A. 12/20/1850 33079 Private, Captain McAlister's company, 4th Regiment, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W E½NW¼ 27 No Tennessee (Volunteeers) 070N - 018W E½SW¼ 27 MW-0164-009 Scott, David B. Miller, Jacob 5/16/1862 44318 Private, Captains Darlington and Anderson's companies, War of 1812 Chariton 83.66 069N - 018W E½NE¼ 6 No Virginia Militia MW-0365-146 Scott, David B. Brogdon, John 8/15/1860 37114 Private, Captain Bennett's company, War of 1812 Chariton 82.98 069N - 018W W½NW¼ 5 No South Carolina Militia MW-0680-235 Scott, David B. Hays, George 5/3/1853 33993 Private, Captain Canada's company, 4th Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 80 070N - 018W S½SW¼ 33 No Kentucky Volunteers MW-0680-236 Scott, David B. Utter, Robert 5/3/1853 10520 Private, Captain Fay's company, Ohio Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 160 070N - 018W NE¼ 31 No MW-1108-377 Scott, David B. Bradshaw, Hiram 10/4/1853 16531 Private, Captian Lawler's company, 2nd Regiment, Fairfield 166.04 069N - 018W W½NW¼ 5 Yes Illinois Volunteers 069N - 018W E½NE¼ 6 MW-0762-256 Scott, John Fields, James 3/10/1854 48704 Private, Captain Sheppard's company, 6th Regiment, War of 1812 Chariton 40 069N - 018W NW¼NW¼ 9 No Maryland Militia MW-0762-257 Scott, John Brunner, John 3/10/1854 80305 Deceased Private, Captain Fowler's company, War of 1812 Chariton 39.26 069N - 018W SW¼NW¼ 6 No Brunner, Catharine District Of Columbia Militia MW-0889-013 Scott, John Saunders, Isaac T. 12/1/1855 78467 Deceased Private, Captain Shrum's company, War of 1812 Chariton 40 069N - 018W SW¼SW¼ 9 No Saunders, Elizabeth C. Virginia Militia MW-1087-282 Scott, John Hill, Richard H. 11/1/1851 24822 Late a Private, Captin Siddell's company, 2nd Regiment, Fairfield 166.56 069N - 018W NE¼ 5 No Mississippi Volunteers MW-1023-080 Scott, Jonathan Koger, William 11/15/1850 36914 Deceased Private, Captain Savage's company, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W SE¼NE¼ 34 No Koger, James Tennessee Volunteers 070N - 018W E½SE¼ 34 070N - 018W SW¼SW¼ 35 MW-0675-347 Scott, Ransom B. Guesford, Joel 4/7/1853 7410 Private, Captain Burke's company, Kentucky Volunteers War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W SW¼NE¼ 14 No MW-1023-323 Scott, Ransom B. Hughes, Edward 1/20/1851 18141 Private, Captain McReynolds Detachment, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W W½SW¼ 13 No United States Dragoons 069N - 018W E½SE¼ 14 MW-1054-037 Shaeffer, David Hansel, John Martin 3/10/1851 13469 Late a Private, Captain Tirckel's company, 4th Regiment, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W W½NW¼ 28 No Ohio Volunteers 070N - 018W E½NE¼ 29 MW-1055-124 Shaeffer, David Peterson, John 3/10/1851 67217 Deceased Private, Company H, 9th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W W½SW¼ 17 Yes Peterson, James United States Infantry 069N - 018W E½SE¼ 18 MW-1093-302 Shaeffer, David Holcombe, Jonathan C. 11/10/1851 41850 Late a Private afterward promoted to Lieutenant, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W W½SW¼ 17 No Captain Farris' company, Battalion Georgia Volunteers 069N - 018W E½SE¼ 18 MW-1029-177 Smith, Calvin L. Manney, Lawson 12/20/1850 49872 Sergeant, Captain Clark's company, 12th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W NW¼NE¼ 14 No United States Infantry 069N - 018W E½NW¼ 14 069N - 018W NE¼SW¼ 14 MW-0723-113 Sparks, Daniel P. Copeland, Benjamin 11/9/1853 12166 Private, Captain Colbert's company, Georgia Volunteers War of 1812 Fairfield 80 069N - 018W SW¼NW¼ 9 No 069N - 018W NW¼SW¼ 9 MW-1029-241 Sparks, William Spencer, Andrew 12/20/1850 37845 Private, Captain Ridgely's company, 4th Regiment, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W S½SW¼ 20 No United States Artillery 070N - 018W N½NW¼ 29 MW-0983-400 Standley, Dempsey Goodwin, John M. 12/4/1848 5829 Private, Captain Fry's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W W½NE¼ 34 No Illinois Volunteers 070N - 018W NW¼SE¼ 34 070N - 018W SE¼NW¼ 34 MW-1023-081 Standley, Dempsey Lindsey, William J. 11/15/1850 8901 Private, Captain Lillard's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W W½NW¼ 34 No Kentucky Volunteers 070N - 018W N½SW¼ 34 MW-1081-274 Standley, Dempsey Brown, Elmon S. 8/1/1851 56081 Deceased Private, Captain Harl's company, 4th Regiment, Fairfield 160.28 069N - 018W NE¼ 2 No Brown, Joshua Illinois Volunteers MW-1049-297 Stark, Greenup Zorn, Philip 4/3/1851 25593 Late a Private, Captain McAlpin's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W SE¼ 8 No Battalion Alabama Volunteers MW-1049-298 Stark, Greenup Thoroughman, John 4/3/1851 44782 Late a Private, Captain Dunlap's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W SW¼ 8 No Illinois Volunteers (Mounted) MW-1049-328 Stark, Greenup Egnew, James 4/3/1851 31585 Late a Private, Captain Wheat's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W S½SW¼ 5 No Tennessee Mounted Volunteers 069N - 018W W½NW¼ 8 MW-1049-329 Stark, Greenup Reno, Joseph 4/3/1851 27180 Late a Private, Captain Pope's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W W½SE¼ 18 No Louisiana Volunteers 069N - 018W E½SW¼ 18 MW-1029-450 Swallow, Mary E.R. Lewis, James H. 12/20/1850 19659 Deceased Private, Captain Shephard's company, Fairfield 160 070N - 018W SE¼SW¼ 28 No Lewis, Maria 2nd Regiment, Illinois Volunteers 070N - 018W NE¼NE¼ 32 Lewis, Mary Ann 070N - 018W N½NW¼ 33 Cox, Daniel MW-0641-080 Sweetman, Thomas App, John F. 12/1/1852 26307 Private, Captain Sadtler's company, Maryland Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 40 069N - 018W SE¼NE¼ 1 No MW-1027-329 Sweetman, Thomas Hume, Harrison 1/6/1851 20931 Private, Captain Earhart's company, 2nd Regiment, Fairfield 162.3* 070N - 018W E½SE¼ 36 *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Douglas twp. Ohio Volunteers MW-0643-169 Taylor, Charles Taylor, Charles 12/10/1852 9343 Private, Captain Moore's company, Illinois Black Hawk War Fairfield 40 069N - 018W NW¼NE¼ 10 No Mounted Volunteers 070N - 018W SW¼SE¼ 36 MW-1027-406 Taylor, Phineas Stephens, Lee N. 1/6/1851 67019 Deceased Reservist, Captain Anthony's company, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W W½NW¼ 14 No Stephens, Lelurd L. 12th Regiment, United States Infantry 069N - 018W S½NE¼ 15 MW-1093-105 Taylor, Phineas Merryman, Pulaski P. 11/10/1851 67422 Private, Captain Scott's company, 1st Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W S½NE¼ 10 No Virginia Volunteers 069N - 018W N½SE¼ 10 MW-1061-456 Taylor, P(h)ineas Miller, George 6/5/1851 56259 Private, Captain Williams' company, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W NW¼ 10 No Tennessee Volunteers MW-0884-500 Temple, Edward A. Burke, Jacob 7/2/1855 33290 Private and Sergeant, Captains Sterrit and Steven's War of 1812 Chariton 80 069N - 018W S½SE¼ 2 No companies, Maryland Militia MW-0813-382 Temple, Edward A. Snelling, James G. S. 8/1/1854 18003 Second Lieutenant, Captain McKnight's company, Mexican War Chariton 160 070N - 018W N½SW¼ 28 No United States Infantry 070N - 018W W½SE¼ 28 MW-0855-214 Temple, Edward A. Crotzer, John 1/1/1855 37194 Deceased Private, Captain Dunn's company, War of 1812 Chariton 80 070N - 018W S½SE¼ 19 No Crotzer, Elizabeth Pennsylvania Volunteers MW-0855-215 Temple, Edward A. Simms, William 1/1/1855 95589 Deceased Private, Captain Darne's company, War of 1812 Chariton 40 070N - 018W NW¼SW¼ 20 No Simms, Ann Virginia Militia MW-1088-107 Thompson, John Wafford, Hamilton 9/1/1851 4777 Private, Captain Boradman's company, 3rd Regiment, Fairfield 160.67* 069N - 018W W½SW¼ 18 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Johns twp. Indiana Volunteers MW-1101-456 Wailes, John P. Lanman, Josias 12/10/1852 26788 Late a Private, Captain Brown's company, Maryland and Fairfield 164.27* 070N - 018W W½SW¼ 19 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage Independence twp. District of Columbia Volunteers MW-0601-380 Wakefield, Semie Wakefield, Semie 3/10/1852 4555 Private, Captain Short's company, War of 1812 Fairfield 160 069N - 018W NW¼SW¼ 3 No Illinois Mounted Volunteers 069N - 018W E½SW¼ 3 069N - 018W SW¼SE¼ 3 MW-0691-087 Wear, William K. Lunbeck, Daniel 4/15/1853 20961 Private, Captain Fitch's company, Ohio Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 80 070N - 018W S½NW¼ 26 No MW-0831-089 Wear, William K. Morrow, Robert 10/2/1854 9224 Private, Captain Bonner's company, Ohio Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 160 070N - 018W SW¼NW¼ 35 No 070N - 018W NW¼SW¼ 35 070N - 018W E½SW¼ 35 MW-0831-090 Wear, William K. Leonard, Edward 10/2/1854 3160 Private, Captain Ballington's company, 24th Regiment, War of 1812 Fairfield 160 070N - 018W NW¼NW¼ 35 No United States Infantry 070N - 018W E½NW¼ 35 070N - 018W SW¼NE¼ 35 MW-0619-294 Wellons, Wilson Wellons, Wilson 7/10/1852 24449 Private, Captain Pierce's company, Virginia Militia War of 1812 Fairfield 80.24* 069N - 018W SW¼NW¼ 18 No *total acreage, remainder of acreage in Johns twp. MW-0691-059 Williams, Jesse Hutcheson, William 4/15/1853 40893 Private, Captain Person's And Parker's companies, War of 1812 and Fairfield 80 069N - 018W S½SW¼ 2 No South Carolina Militia Florida War MW-0583-160 Wood, John Riggs, Reuben 3/1/1855 356 Private, Captain McDow's company, Illinois Volunteers Indian War Fairfield 40 069N - 018W NE¼SW¼ 1 No MW-1049-341 Wood, John Lease, John H. 4/3/1851 36924 Late a Private, Captain Wharton's company, 6th Regiment, Fairfield 160 069N - 018W W½SE¼ 13 No United States Infantry 069N - 018W E½SW¼ 13 MW-0966-483 Wright, John Carrigan, Andrew J. 3/20/1852 6130 Late a Private, Captain Stockton's Company A, Fairfield 40 070N - 018W NE¼SW¼ 26 No 1st Regiment, Louisiana Volunteers MW-0883-007 Young, Henry McCorkle, Abner 6/6/1855 75893 Private, Captain McClung's company, Virginia Militia War of 1812 Chariton 40 070N - 018W SW¼NW¼ 29 No MW-0892-055 Young, Henry Flowers, John 12/20/1855 94664 Deceased Private, Captain Amos' company, Maryland Militia War of 1812 Chariton 40 070N - 018W SE¼NW¼ 29 No Flowers, Blanch
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