HON. M. M. WALDEN was born October
6, 1836, on Scioto Brush Creek, in Adams County, Ohio. His father,
Joseph M. Walden is deceased. His mother, Malinda (Prather) Walden,
is living in Corydon, Iowa. One brother, now deceased, J. F., was
a paymaster in the Union army. Mr. Walden was reared on a farm,
and when fifteen years of age could perform all kinds of farm work,
making a full hand with cradle or scythe in the harvest field. In
his early life he attended district school at a log school-house
two miles from home, where he obtained the rudiments of an education.
In 1852 he accompanied his father's family to Lee County, Iowa,
and resided on a farm near Primrose, attending the village school
in the winter. In 1854 he entered Denmark Academy, where he remained
one year. In 1855 he attended college at Mt. Pleasant two terms,
and then returned to Ohio and taught one term in Warren County,
near Morrowtown. The same year he entered the Ohio Wesleyan University,
at Delaware, graduating in the scientific course in June, 1857.
Having no funds except what he earned, he engaged to teach in Champaign
County, Ohio, and at the same time kept up with his classes in college.
In 1858 he taught a term in Miami County, and in 1859 graduated
in the full course of study and received the degree of Bachelor
of Arts. In 1862 his alma mater conferred on him the degree
of Master of Arts. In 1859 he came West as far as Illinois, and
taught one term, and then came to Iowa, and was employed as principal
of the public school in Centerville, the building being on the identical
spot where his residence now stands.
In 1860 he
went South with the idea of following his profession as a teacher,
although in the meantime he took up the study of law. Not finding
a healthy condition of affairs in the South he returned to Centerville
early in 1861, and enlisted in the first company raised for the
war in Appanoose County. May 16, 1861, he was commissioned Captain
of Company D, Sixth Iowa Infantry, and was mustered into service
at Burlington, Iowa, July 17. He was detached from his company at
Jefferson City, Missouri, the following October, and was sent home
to recruit men to fill the ranks depleted by sickness. He enlisted
troops at Centerville, Albia, Chariton, Osceola and other points
in Southern Iowa, and in December joined his regiment at Sedalia,
Missouri. In February, 1862, he was in command of the regiment for
a time at Tipton, in the absence of his Colonel. In March the Sixth
Iowa went up the Tennessee River with Grant's army to Shiloh, and
was on outpost duty on extreme right and front at bridge over Owl
Creek, when the battle began, April 6. He held his post with two
companies until the enemy was in the camps on his left, and his
rear. Receiving orders from General Sherman to retire, he made a
detour down the creek and through the swamps with his command, and
safely joined his regiment, and that day about noon, in the absence
of his superior officers, he was elected to command the regiment.
The same evening he, with the Sixth Iowa, was in rear of the heavy
siege guns, near the landing, and remained in line of battle all
The next day
his regiment, still in his command, was in the fight as a part of
General Garfield's brigade. He was obliged to resign the following
December, on account of a severe hemorrhage of the lungs. In the
early summer of 1863 he was enrolling officer for Appanoose County,
and later he raised another company for the service, and was mustered
in as Captain of Company H, Eighth Iowa Cavalry, at Davenport, September
30. In 1864 he was with Sherman on the Atlanta campaign, and took
part in many severe battles. He was captured July 30, 1864, in the
rear of Atlanta, where he had gone with his regiment, in General
McCook's division, to tear up the railway; was imprisoned first
at Macon, and thence taken to Charleston, and placed under fire
of the Federal arms. In October he escaped from the prison and reached
his regiment at Columbia, Tennessee, in time to take part in the
battle of Franklin. He was in the fight at Nashville, December 15
and 16, 1864, when he commanded a battalion of the Eighth Iowa Cavalry.
Early in 1865 he was assigned to duty as Provost Marshal on the
staff of General Croxton, commanding First Brigade of the First
Division Cavalry Corps, and was with him during the famous raid
in Alabama, just before the fall of Richmond, and helped destroy
the foundry and iron works at Tuscaloosa and Blue Mountain. His
command marched 650 miles in the month of April, swimming four large
rivers, and destroying an immense amount of property.
He was a gallant
and courageous soldier, never shirking where duty called, no matter
how great the danger. His bravery won for him the esteem and admiration
of his entire command, and elicited praise from all his superior
officers. For ten years following the war Mr. Walden was editor
and proprietor of the Centerville Citizen, a journal which
acquired wide influence under his control. He has taken an active
interest in the politics of his State and has held many important
and influential positions. From 1866 till 1868 he was a member of
the State Legislature; from 1868 till 1870 was State Senator; from
1870 till 1872 was Lieutenant-Governor of Iowa, and from 1871 till
1873 was a member of the Lower House of the United States Legislature.
He usually takes an active part in the political campaigns of his
State and nation. In 1876 he visited Ohio, speaking in behalf of
the Republican party, and in 1880 visited New York on the same mission.
photographer at Centerville, was born near Columbus, Indiana, January
14, 1852, a son of John P. and Mary Lydia (Kingsbury) Wales, his
father being a native of Kentucky, of German descent, and his mother
a native of Ireland. He was brought by his parents to Appanoose
County, Iowa, in 1853, they locating in Johns Township, where he
lived on a farm till nineteen years of age. He then began learning
the carpenter's trade at Centerville, but not caring for it he returned
to the home farm at the end of a year. After attending a select
school for several months, he began to learn photography, and building
a car, traveled through Iowa from place to place for two years.
In 1872 he came to Centerville, and was employed in the photograph
galleries of G. C. Goodenough and R. F. Lyman until 1874, when he
succeeded Mr. Lyman and established his present gallery at Centerville,
where, by his fine work and strict attention to his business, he
has built up a large and lucrative trade. In connection with his
gallery he opened a millinery establishment in 1875, which is managed
by his wife. He was married at Centerville, November 13, 1875, to
Miss Marietta Weaver, daughter of John W. and Elizabeth (Leonard)
Weaver, both natives of Ohio, and now residing in Terre Haute, that
State. Her father was of Irish and her mother of German ancestry.
One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Wales, named Lawrence D.,
who died August 13, 1885, aged almost six years. Mrs. Wales is a
member of the Christian church at Centerville. Mr. Wales is a member
of the Odd Fellows order, belonging to the lodge at Centerville.
BENJAMIN WELLS, farmer and
auctioneer, was born in Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana, October
20, 1840, a son of Henry and Rebecca (Hill) Wells. His parents came
to Iowa in 1848, and located near Ottumwa, and from there moved
to Appanoose County in 1851. The mother died in 1854, and the father
in 1874. Mr. Wells was reared a farmer, a vocation he has always
followed, and since 1874 has also engaged in auctioneering, having
his headquarters at Centerville. In 1862 he was one of the organizers
of the Cincinnati Home Guards, and was elected First Lieutenant,
and served until the close of the war, the people being constantly
on the alert for surprise from Confederate forces and guerrillas
on the Missouri borders. In 1859 he was married to Mary Beamer,
a daughter of Philip and Sarah (Morris) Beamer. They have four children:
Serrissa E., Rebecca A., William H. and Philip. Mr. and Mrs. Wells
are members of Methodist Episcopal church.
JOHN W. WHITE, the eldest son
of John White, one of the pioneer settlers of Washington Township,
was born in Vermillion County, near Terre Haute, November 7, 1844.
The father was married in Indiana, to Jane Pierman, who was born
in Kentucky, moving to Indiana with her parents when a child. In
the fall of 1848 John White, Sr., removed with his family to Appanoose
County, Iowa, locating in Douglas Township before the county was
organized, where he entered a large tract of land. He made the journey
to this county by team, bringing with him $100 in cash. He was very
successful in his farming operations, and at the time of his death,
which occurred in January, 1877, he was the owner of 3,200 acres
located in Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. He was also a liberal supporter
of his church. His widow is still living on the old homestead in
Appanoose County. John W., whose name heads this sketch, was about
four years of age when his parents came to Appanoose County, and
here he attended school, completing his education at the schools
of Centerville, after which he taught school for one term. He remained
on the home farm with his parents till his marriage, in 1868, to
Mary F. Hollingsworth, the eldest daughter of Jeremiah Hollingsworth,
a local preacher of the Methodist church. They have six children
living, four sons and two daughters. After his marriage Mr. White
settled on his present farm on section 3, Washington Township, where
he owns 600 acres of choice land, under a high state of cultivation.
Mr. White is classed among the successful and enterprising stock-raisers
of Washington Township, and has about ninety head of cattle on his
farm at present, having some of the finest specimens of short horn
cattle in the township, for which he has carried off the first prizes
a number of times in Appanoose and Davis counties, Iowa, and in
Scott County, Missouri. He has a good residence, two fine barns,
and other outbuildings in good condition, every place about his
farm betokening care and improvement.
JOHN WHITE, one of the pioneers
of Appanoose County, and an enterprising and successful farmer,
was born near Nashville, Tennessee, February 22, 1816. He was reared
on a farm, his education being obtained in the subscription schools
of his neighborhood. When a young man he went to Indiana with his
parents, Abraham and Permelia White, who settled in that State.
His father served as a soldier in the war of the Revolution. John
White was married January 25, 1837, to Jane Pearman, a daughter
of Siebert and Sarah Pearman, of Newport, Indiana, who were both
natives of Kentucky, the father born in the year 1793. To Mr. and
Mrs. White were born eleven children, four sons and seven daughters,
nine of whom lived to maturity: Mary F., wife of Henry Hollingsworth;
John W.; Delilah J., wife of A. J. Wood; James A.,; Alexander E.;
Leonard W.; Sarah E., wife of A. M. Burton; Rosa C.; Lillie J.,
married A. H. Stokey, and died July 26, 1882, two years after her
marriage, at the age of twenty-one years and six months. After his
marriage Mr. White settled on a farm in Indiana where he lived till
1849. He then came to Douglas Township, Appanoose County, where
he pre-empted a claim, which he bought when the land came in the
market. By his industry and good management he added to his lands
till he owned nearly 2,000 acres. He was an extensive stock trader,
and also dealt largely in real estate, and at his death, which occurred
January 10, 1877, he left a large estate. His widow, who still survives,
lives on the old homestead on section 1, Douglas Township, the home
farm containing 300 acres. Mr. White was a member of the Board of
Education. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of
Salem, of which building he was contractor and builder. Mrs. White
is a member of the same church.
of the firm J. W. Williams & Son, dealers in hardware, agricultural
implements, pianos and organs, Centerville, Iowa, is a native of
Pennsylvania, born at Freeport, Armstrong County, July 12, 1833.
He parents were Jacob and Eliza (Bowers) Williams, the former a
native of Maryland and the latter of Pennsylvania, both of German
descent. When seventeen years of age he began to learn the trade
of a silver-smith with his brother-in-law, who a year later died,
and he then abandoned that trade and began to learn that of a tinner.
When nineteen years of age he went to Pittsburg, and in the fall
of 1854 came West and spent the winter in St. Louis, Missouri. The
following spring he came to Iowa, and after spending a short time
at Keokuk, Oskaloosa and Ottumwa, he located in Centerville in July,
1855, and was employed by Washburn & Farley until September, 1856,
when he succeeded Mr. Farley, the firm thus becoming Williams &
Washburn, and in 1860 Mr. Williams bought the interest of Mr. Washburn
and thus became sole proprietor. To his original stock of tinware
he has added from time to time till he now has a large and increasing
patronage in all the various branches of his business. His son,
Hemmerle, has been associated with him since 1878. Mr. Williams
was married September 6, 1856, to Mary E. Bradley, of Pittsburg,
Pennsylvania. They have six children: Hemmerle, Ella V., Carl C.,
Albert E., Anna T. and Lenna. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are members
of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is a member of the Odd Fellows
order, lodge and encampment.
JAMES WILSON, proprietor of the
Wilson coal shaft at Centerville, is a native of Edinburgh, Scotland,
where he was born September 22, 1834, a son of James and Janet (Young)
Wilson. He was reared a miner, having worked in the mines of the
Marquis of Midlothian, from childhood until he reached the age of
nineteen years. He immigrated to America in the spring of 1854,
locating first at Frostburg, Maryland, where he worked in the coal
mines till the following fall. He then went to Missouri and worked
in the Gravoys coal mines until 1861, when he went to Monmouth,
Illinois, and engaged in coal mining at that place as an operator,
until 1881.
In 1881 he
came to Centerville, Appanoose County, Iowa, where he invested in
coal lands and began operating in coal, in which he is meeting with
good success. He was married at Monmouth, Illinois, in January,
1864, to Miss Elizabeth Welsh, daughter of Thomas and Agnes (Young)
Welsh, both being of Scotch ancestry. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have three
children: James M., attending the Monmouth College, at Monmouth,
Illinois; Janet Isabelle and Libbie attending the Centerville High
School. Politically Mr. Wilson is a Republican. He has served as
trustee of Center Township for three years, and in 1885 was elected
street commissioner of Centerville. While a resident of Illinois
he served twelve years as school director. He is a prominent member
of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to the lodge, chapter and commandery
at Centerville, and to the consistory at Chicago.
and builder, of Centerville, is a native of Virginia, born near
Manchester, Frederick County, January 9, 1821, a son of William
A. and Catherine (Hotzenpillar) Wilson, the former being a native
of Maryland, and the latter of Virginia. At the age of sixteen years
our subject began learning the cabinet-maker's trade at Winchester,
Virginia, which he followed in connection with the carpenter's trade
at that place and in various places in Ohio until 1856. He then
came to Iowa, and located in Centerville in 1857, where he followed
the cabinet-maker's trade until 1860, since which time he has been
engaged in contracting and building. He was married in Fairfield
County, Ohio, October 17, 1844, to Miss Mary Cupp, and of the seven
children born to this union only five are living: Mrs. Harriet Udel,
George W., Thomas A., Ivy May, a teacher in the Centerville grammar
school, and Mary Inez. A daughter, Louisa, died January 1, 1865,
aged seventeen years, and John Oscar died at the age of twenty-eight
years, March 18, 1880. Mr. Wilson has served several years on the
council of Centerville as alderman, and for six years held the office
of assessor of Center Township. In politics he affiliated with the
Democratic party. He is a Master, Royal Arch and Knight Templar
Mason, and a member of the lodge, chapter and commandery at Centerville.
He is held in high esteem by his lodge, which he has served ten
years as master, and for six years was high priest of his chapter.
During an installation in June, 1870, Mr. Wilson was presented with
a handsome silver watch, on the inside case of which was inscribed
the following: “Presented to T. O. Wilson by the members of Jackson
Lodge, No. 42, A. F. & A. M., June 24, 1870.”
THOMAS WILSON, one of the oldest
pioneers of Appanoose County, was born February 3, 1820, in Grant
County, Kentucky, where he was reared to agricultural pursuits.
He came to Iowa in 1843, living in Lee County until 1845, when he
came to Appanoose County, and settled two and a half miles southeast
of Centerville, in what is now Vermillion Township. After living
on his claim for one year he disposed of it, and entered a claim
of a quarter-section, four miles west of Centerville, which he improved
and continued living there until 1852. He then exchanged his claim
for land, a part of which is now the western part of Centerville,
known as Wilson 's addition. When Mr. Wilson first came to Appanoose
County no settlements had been made on the west side of Chariton
River, and Centerville was then nothing but prairie land and hazel
brush. He was on the first jury empaneled in this county, the first
judge being Hon. Mr. Olney. In 1850 he was elected sheriff, he being
the second sheriff in the county, and was also county assessor,
his jurisdiction extending to the Missouri River, no other county
being organized. The numbers assessed were seventy-five at that
time, but settlements soon began to increase. New comers were social
and neighborly, and each studied to benefit the other. His first
neighbors were Indians, no other settlers being near him for about
six months after coming here. His family then consisted of his wife
and step-son, John Lanham. His first cabin was built of split logs,
and on the third day of its occupancy it was blown down in an April
storm when he was obliged to camp out with his family till another
was built. To use his own word this was a poor man's country, wild
turkey and hogs, deer and other game being here in abundance.
Mr. Wilson
was married in Lee County, Iowa, July 16, 1843, to Mrs. Mary Ann
(Chiddress) Lanham. Of the five children born to this union four
are living: William Taylor and Perry C., of Centerville; Thomas
C., of Montana, and Mary Ann, wife of B. G. Fravel, of Centerville.
A son, Frank, died at Centerville, December 20, 1880, aged twenty-seven
years. Politically Mr. Wilson affiliates with the Democratic party.
Mr. Wilson was a son of Samuel and Isabel (Hawkins) Wilson, his
parents being natives of Kentucky. Both are now deceased, the father
dying in his native State, and the mother in Wayne County, Ohio.
Centerville, Iowa, was born near Gosport, Owen County, Indiana,
December 20, 1826, a son of Robert M. and Malinda (Wilhite) Wooden,
the former a native of Kentucky, of Irish descent, and the latter
a native of Virginia. When fourteen years of age he began to learn
the saddle and harness maker's trade, and when twenty years of age
began business for himself in his native village. In 1852 he abandoned
his trade and engaged in general merchandising. In the fall of 1856
he removed with his family to Centerville, where he has since carried
on general merchandising. December 13, 1846, he married America
R. Hartsuck, also a native of Gosport, Indiana. They have two children:
Albert E. and Charles R. Mr. Wooden is a member of the Masonic fraternity,
Jackson Lodge, No. 42. In politics he was a Democrat until 1860,
but since the war has affiliated with the Republican party.
of the firm of Worthington & Main, proprietors of livery and feed
stable, is a native of Morgan County, Ohio, born August 30, 1847,
the eldest son of Thomas and Anna (McCain) Worthington, who were
natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio respectively. The father immigrated
to Appanoose County, Iowa, with his family in 1856 and located in
Chariton Township, where he lived many years. He then moved to the
State of Nebraska, where he and his wife still reside. They have
a family of three children, two sons and one daughter. Mahlon R.,
our subject, passed his youth on a farm in Appanoose County, where
he attended the common schools. He was married in 1868 to Huldah
J. Caster, the eldest daughter living of Robert and Mary Caster,
who came from Indiana to Appanoose County, Iowa, in the fall of
1854. Mr. and Mrs. Worthington have four children: Mary M., Hattie
J., Willis I. and James R. Mr. Worthington continued to reside in
this county until 1872 when he went to Nebraska, in which State
he has a farm containing 240 acres of good land. He returned to
Appanoose County in the fall of 1884 and engaged in his present
business, in which he has met with excellent success, his partner,
Z. L. Main, being a good business manager. Thomas Worthington, father
of our subject, served in the Union army in the war of the Rebellion,
being a member of Company F, Thirty-sixth Iowa Infantry, and was
honorably discharged in September, 1865.
 Henry Wright
general insurance agent, was born in Williamsport, Warren County,
Indiana, February 26, 1840, a son of John B. and Eliza (Perjue)
Wright, the father a native of Ohio, of Scotch and Irish ancestry,
and the mother born in Indiana, of Irish origin. Our subject remained
at his birthplace till twenty years of age, receiving his education
at the common-school and at the Boyer Academy of Williamsport. At
the age of eighteen years he began learning the printer's trade,
which he followed at Williamsport and Danville, Illinois, till 1860.
He then came to Centerville, Iowa, intending to go from there to
the mines at Pike's Peak, but in May, 1861, he, at the first call
for troops, enlisted in Company D, Sixth Iowa Infantry, as a private,
but was not mustered into the service till the 17 th of July. His
regiment served in Missouri till March, 1862, when it was ordered
to Shiloh, where it took part in that battle. It participated in
the siege of Corinth, in the campaign in Northern Mississippi under
General Grant, in General Sherman 's division and corps, the Vicksburg
campaign, the second capture of Jackson, Mississippi, Missionary
Ridge, the relief of General Burnsides at Knoxville, Tennessee.
It also participated in the Atlanta campaign, including the battles
of Resaca, Dallas, Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Jonesborough
and Lovejoy's Station. The regiment was with General Sherman on
his march to the sea, the campaign through Carolina, in the battle
of Bentonville, at the capture of Raleigh, North Carolina, and in
the march through Richmond, Virginia, to Washington, where it participated
in the grand review in May, 1865. Mr. Wright took part in all the
engagements with his regiment, and January 1, 1865, he was commissioned
Second Lieutenant of his company by Governor Stone. |
He was mustered
out with his regiment at Louisville, Kentucky, July 22, 1865, and
after his discharge from the army returned to Centerville, and the
following October he was elected sheriff of Appanoose County, which
office he held by re-election till January, 1874, having served
in all eight years. He then served as deputy sheriff two years under
John M. Elgin, and in January, 1876, he engaged in the general insurance,
real estate and abstract business at Centerville. In 1885 he discontinued
the real estate and abstract business and is now devoting his entire
attention to his insurance business. November 15, 1866, he was married
at Centerville to Catherine A. Gray, of Davis County, Iowa. They
have four children living: John Albert, Henry Clay, Fanny and Mary
D., of whom the three eldest are attending school at Centerville.
Charles Cyrus died in October, 1872, aged five years, and Jesse
Berch, at the age of fourteen months.
December 7,
1878, Mr. Wright entered the Iowa National Guard as First Sergeant
of Company E, Fifth Regiment, and was promoted to Second Lieutenant
of Company E, Second Regiment, March 14, 1880, and to Captain, April
15, 1881. He was promoted to Colonel of the Second Regiment, July
26, 1881, and since September 3, 1885, has held the rank of Brigadier
General, commanding the First Brigade, Iowa National Guard. In January,
1886, he was invited to take command of the camp at the Military
Inter-State Prize Drill and Tournament, at Savannah, Georgia. Politically
Mr. Wright is a Republican. He is a member of the Odd Fellows order,
and is past noble grand of Centerville Lodge, No. 76. He is also
past post commander of John L. Bashore Post, No. 122, G. A. R.
JAMES R. WRIGHT, a resident
of Bellair Township, is one of the pioneers of Appanoose County.
He was born in Smith County, Tennessee, July 29, 1828. His father,
Crispin Wright, died before his birth, and his mother, Mary (Recordson)
Wright, died in Kentucky, in 1845. He was the youngest of two sons.
His brother, Edward R., came with him to Iowa in 1847, and made
his home on section 10, Bellair Township, where he died in 1875,
leaving a widow and six children. From early life Mr. Wright has
been obliged to rely on himself and thus has acquired independence
of action and has learned lessons that have made him the prosperous
man we now find him to be. The first land he ever owned is still
his home and is located on section 3, Bellair Township. His farm
contains 120 acres of land under cultivation, and his residences
and farm buildings are comfortable and convenient. He is one of
the county's most reliable and enterprising citizens and is worthy
of the confidence and esteem he enjoys. August 2, 1861, Mr. Wright
enlisted in the defense of his country and was assigned to Company
B, Sixth Kansas Cavalry, most of his service being on the frontiers
of Arkansas, Missouri and Texas, guarding property and hunting bushwhackers
and guerrillas. He served creditably over three years and was honorably
discharged November 24, 1864, and returned to his home in Bellair
Township. Mr. Wright was married November 29, 1849, to Miss Melissa
Glass, a native of Monroe County, Michigan, born July 29, 1835,
daughter of John and Eliza Glass. Her father died in 1841 and her
mother, now Mrs. Riggs, lives in LaSalle County, Illinois. Mr. and
Mrs. Wright have had thirteen children, viz.—Mrs. Eliza Fuller,
of Walnut Township; Mrs. Emma Richardson, of California; Edward
and Mrs. Jane Banta, of Bellair Township; Asher, died aged twenty-one
years; William, in California; David, Olive and Carl, at home; Crispen,
Owen, Walter and James, died in infancy. Mr. Wright in politics
is an ardent Republican. He and his wife are members of the Baptist
WALLACE H. YOUNG, of the firm
of Bashore & Young, general blacksmiths and wagon-makers, was born
in Gossport, Indiana, February 23, 1831. When he was four years
of age his parents went to South Hanover, Indiana, where he lived
till 1845, and there attended the Hanover College into the Sophomore
year. In 1845 he came with his parents to Iowa, they locating in
Keokuk, where he began to learn the carpenter's trade, at which
he worked till 1851. He then went East and worked at his trade in
New York City and at Newburg, New York, until 1858, when he returned
to Keokuk, Iowa. In 1859 he came to Centerville, Appanoose County,
and for over a year took charge of the store of his brother-in-law,
William Wittemyer, when he became associated with him in the mercantile
business at St. Johns, Putnam County, Missouri. Mr. Wittemyer retired
from the firm in 1861 being succeeded by Joseph Barrows, who remained
with Mr. Young till 1863, when he conducted the business alone till
1867. From 1862 till 1867 Mr. Young served at times in the Union
service, being employed in various positions on the staff of Generals
Sullivan and Brayman, and Colonel Young. He was present at the battles
of Parker's Cross Roads, Franklin, Nashville, Ebenezer Church and
Selma. In the fall of 1868 he removed from St. Johns to Newton,
Missouri, where he engaged in farming till 1873. He was then engaged
to superintend a mine in Oronogo, Jasper County, Missouri, where
he remained till 1879, when he returned to Centerville, Iowa, and
engaged in the mercantile business. In 1882 he discontinued his
mercantile trade and formed a partnership with J. W. Bashore, with
whom he has since been associated in his present business. Mr. Young
was married in March, 1857, to Sallie A. Wittemyer, at Keokuk, Iowa.
Five children have been born to his union: Stella, Birdie (wife
of Loyal Pallida, of Wayne County, Missouri), Fred, Jessie and Roy.
Mr. Young is a Master and Royal Arch Mason, and also belongs to
the orders of the Sons of Temperance and Good Templars.